Parade of Homes | Fall 2017

TAYLOR FARM Upstream Living with Appealing Proximity

Tucked in along the gently winding Assiniboine River just outside Winni- peg, is Taylor Farm – the newest of the Qualico communities. Home buyers and builders alike are breaking ground on this historic property in Headingley, with its majestic open spaces and tall na- tive grasses. Founded on a natural landscape with a carefully preserved basswood forest, the community also features an expansive system of trails and wetlands, and much coveted proximity to the Assiniboine River. Jason Jaquet of Avanti Custom Homes says, “It’s really exciting to be pioneering a new area like this.” He credits Qualico Commu- nities for once again setting the bar for what new home buyers ex- pect in a desirable, well-planned community. In addition to the tranquil surround- ings, wider lots are part of the archi- tectural guidelines that define Taylor Farm. One advantage of this greater width is the opportunity to build spacious bungalows. Jaquet says, “There’s been a demand for years so we’re glad that Qualico Communi- ties has done this.” Avanti is showcasing a 1,762-square- foot, three-bedroom bungalow with enough room to separate the mas- ter bedroom into its own wing. “The master bedroom will have a func- tional and elegant en suite, but it’s the overall flow of the home that’s really exceptional due to the large windows, distinctive entryway and vaulted ceilings throughout.”

Avanti’s show home features a con- temporary modern look with a com- bination of acrylic stucco, stone fea- tures, distinctive trims, placement of exterior lights, and exceptionally large tri-pane, low-e windows. Courtney Sims of Sterling Homes shares Jaquet’s enthusiasm for wider lots, showcased by Sterling’s 1,839-square-foot show home. “It’s usually difficult to accommodate a bungalow of this size within Winni- peg,” she says. “The buyer would typically have to pay a premium for the lot – if one was even available.” Taylor Farm’s Sterling show home also incorporates a host of innova- tive solar energy options. Hearth Homes has used the addi- tional space for some exciting new lifestyle features that allow home- owners to enjoy different aspects of up-country living. Hearth’s Liam Milne highlights the three-car ga- rage, which provides ample storage for a homeowner’s vehicles plus rec- reational ‘toys’ like boats, quads and snowmobiles. “This is a big attrac- tion for homeowners building out- side of the city,” says Milne. Hearth’s 2017 Parade of Homes show home also has a grand en- trance and higher ceilings, an ex- pansive front porch, plus unique fin- ishes including cultured stone. “The raised bungalow plan allows for a large size basement that, due to the higher ceilings, doesn’t have to feel like a basement,” Milne explains. Tara Reid of Qualico Communities emphasizes that larger lots allow

homeowners to reimagine their life- style. “Now they can think about a firepit or pool area in the backyard, or what unique things they want to do with their landscaping.” Taylor Farm’s architectural guide- lines not only uphold high standards of exterior design and materials, Reid says they also ensure that each home site connects with, and con- tributes to the natural beauty of the surrounding landscape. Reid is confident that Taylor Farm will be a good fit for a wide range of buyers, including growing fami- lies, empty-nesters, and due to the short commute and proximity to the James Richardson International airport, busy executives and profes- sionals. “One thing all buyers here have in common is the desire to be rooted in a community that gives them easy access to the city, yet has more emphasis on relaxed, country living,” says Reid. Lower taxes, no impact fees, and close proximity to many nearby ser- vices in Headingley and Winnipeg make the development an outstand- ing prospect for builders and home- owners. Taylor Farm has a focus on upstream living . Reid explains, “For us, this is the perfect way to capture this com- munity’s position on the Assiniboine River, the streams and wetlands that will flow throughout, as well as the design and quality of the homes that will be constructed here.”

24 Parade of Homes FALL 2017

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