Holidays in Winnipeg | 2024


Here’s what you should know to come prepared and ready to see Santa. PLAN YOUR PARADE EXPERIENCE • The parade starts at 5:00pm at Portage Avenue and Main Street and ends at Memorial Boulevard and St. Mary Avenue at approximately 6:30pm. • Check the website for details on the block parties and choose which one you want to attend. Arrive at 4:00pm to participate. • There are portable toilets available; check the map on the website for the ones closest to where you plan to be. ACCESSIBILITY • Areas in front of barricades and at the bottom of bleachers are reserved for handicap and wheelchair seat- ing. This also includes people with limited mobility like pregnant women, elderly and injured. STAY COMFORTABLE • Bring a thermos of hot chocolate to keep you warm and snacks to keep you happy. • Dress warmly and bring a blanket to wrap around you. • Bring a lawn chair, or a pillow/cushion to sit on if you plan to sit on the curb – the concrete is cold! Remember to be kind to those around you and make room for any- one who has special requirements. GETTING THERE AND BACK HOME • Walk, bike, bus or carpool if you can. Over 40,000 peo- ple will be coming downtown and there is limited parking. • If you are driving, plan to leave home with plenty of time. So many streets are closed to prepare for the pa- rade, it will take longer than usual to get there and find a parking spot. It may also be a bit of a walk to where you end up sitting. • On your way home, be patient. Remember that every- one else also wants to get home as soon as possible. ABOVE ALL, HAVE FUN! • Happy smiles and laughs from children of all ages fuel Santa’s sleigh and are the reason the Manitoba Hydro Santa Parade is 111 years old this year. • Show everyone your smile on Facebook and Instagram. Use #wpgsantaparade to make sure Santa sees them too!

5:00 PM







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