Parade of Homes | Spring 2024

Home Efficiency cont.

The New Homes Program provides a rebate for the cost of working with an energy advisor of up to $15,000 based on the energy performance of the home. In addition, for home- buyers who are required to have mortgage insurance — people who put less than 20 per cent down on their new home purchase — a home that’s Certified Energy Efficient by the New Homes Program automatically entitles the buyer to a 25 per cent mortgage insurance premium refund worth thousands of dollars. The refund is issued at the time of appli- cation, within the first two years of the mortgage closing date, right when folks are facing myriad other costs such as moving, land transfer taxes, landscaping, furniture and so on.

“The idea behind harmonization is that all jurisdictions will be using the same framework instead of indi- vidual cities or provinces having their own set of rules,” explains Allison Lund, energy efficiency specialist for Efficiency Manitoba. “Energy efficiency is a key feature in the new codes. The ‘step code’ is a five-step staircase to high performance, net-zero-ready new construction. What we’re going to see in the next little while is builders incorporating new processes to either measure or prove that their homes are energy efficient so that they can be prepared when higher tiers are adopted.” Some of the standards that building inspectors will soon require are energy modelling and air tight- ness testing to verify that a certain level of energy efficiency has been achieved through the design and construction process. Some home- builders in Manitoba have already incorporated these processes with help from Efficiency Manitoba’s New Homes Program. “The performance path in the New Homes Program connects you, the decision-maker, with an experienced energy advisor who will provide recommendations, answer any questions that you have and even perform either a cost-benefit analysis or optimization analysis at your request when the home is being designed,” Lund says. “It allows you to measure the impact of trade-offs or upgrades, either from a cost-of-material perspective or a payback perspective in terms of how much energy that upgrade might save you over the life of the home or the time that you live there.”

A cold-climate source air heat pump is installed at 113 Morier Ave., Certified Energy Efficient by Efficiency Manitoba’s New Homes Program. This home, built by Dueck Builders, achieved an air tightness result of 0.87 ACH and is a stunning 48.4 per cent more energy efficient than comparable new homes.



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