Small Business | 2019



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THE WINNIPEG CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Small Business Summit The Fort Garry Hotel 222 Broadway Tuesday, Oct. 22, 7:30 to 10:30 a.m. Hosted by Colin Fast, director of policy at the Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce, will sit down with featured guest Mayor Brian Bowman. Other guests will include Coun. Brian Mayes and Coun. Sherri Rollins. Peter Fehr and Amanda Buhse, co-chairs of the Winnipeg Chamber’s Small Business Advisory Council, will interact with attendees and represent the voice of the small business community. The event is free but space is limited. To register, visit www.winnipeg- or call 204-944-8484. Before Business Mixer The Fort Garry Hotel 222 Broadway Wednesday, Oct. 30, 9 to 11 a.m. Co-hosted with the Aboriginal Chamber of Commerce, this networking opportunity features delicious appetizers along with the chance to learn about other Chamber members’ products and services. These mini-trade shows are free to attend, and businesses can also purchase booths to display their services. For more information, visit www.winnipeg- or call 204-944-8484.


organization who agree to provide support. The goal of gathering this individualized emergency response information is to keep employees with disabilities safe at all times. The Accessibility Standard for Employment is a win-win for both employers and their workers. Research shows that hiring Manitobans with disabilities supports high employee performance and builds customer loyalty. Moreover, accessibility helps address a future labour shortage by allowing employees to remain on the job longer by adapting to their changing needs. For John Graham, director of government relations for the Retail Council of Canada, this standard represents a positive shift towards more inclusive and diverse work environments. “Retailers understand that people with disabilities represent an important source of skilled workers for their businesses and support a standard that helps ensure those with

By Jennifer McFee for the Free Press

W orkplaces will soon be safer and more inclusive for all employees, with a focus on removing barriers and enhancing equity for Manitobans with disabilities. On May 1, 2019, the provincial government enacted the Accessibility Standard for Employment under The Accessibility for Manitobans Act. This regulation outlines how Manitoban employers need to provide “reasonable accommodations” guided by the Manitoba Human Rights Code — often at little or no cost. In some circumstances, employers might need to modify physical spaces and/or adjust their policies. This new standard will be phased in incrementally, coming into effect one year after enactment for government, two years for the public sector and three years for the private sector. But when it comes to safety, all employers should prioritize their employees’ well-being during an emergency situation or evacuation. By May 1, 2020, employers must ensure they make disability-related workplace accommodations by identifying who needs assistance during an emergency and what type of assistance is required. In addition, they need to seek permission to share this information with other people in the

October Luncheon The Fort Garry Hotel 222 Broadway Wednesday, Oct. 30, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

disabilities have fair access to work opportunities,” he said. One in four Manitobans is living with a disability, but it’s not always visible to others. October is Disability Employment Awareness Month, so it’s an ideal time for Manitoba’s small businesses to consider how accessibility can improve their bottom line. More information and resources are available at, including free guides, policy templates, checklists and training materials. ❚ Accessibility Works Some disabilities look like this.

Keynote speaker Carol-Anne Hilton, CEO and founder of The Indigenomics Institute, will talk address the crowd. Attendees can learn about how The Indigenomics Institute is unleashing a national Indigenous economic agenda to bolster the growth of the Indigenous economy. To register, visit www.winnipeg- or call 204-944-8484.

Most disabilities look like this.

Among working-aged Canadians ages 25 to 64, the most common disabilities are pain-related.

Open for everyone. It’s good business to employ Manitobans with disabilities. Visit:

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