Savour Manitoba | Winter 2024

W ith holiday season festivities prominent on the horizon, bringing culinary plea- sure to everyone’s palettes is top-of- mind, whether preparing morning brunch for family or having friends over for evening tapas or for dinner with all the fixings. So how can a glu- ten-free vegan host ensure that the party food is in- credible for everyone to enjoy, whether they’re vegan and gluten-intolerant or not? Vegans avoid all animal products — such as meat, dairy, eggs and honey — and eat only plant-based foods. And if you’ve been diagnosed with celiac disease or as glu- ten-intolerant, then it’s no to anything with gluten, a per- vasive ingredient in prepared foods. Fortunately, options have opened up exponentially and it has become much easier to find or make vegan and gluten-free party foods, from dips, spreads, breads, soups and other starters to snacks, hors d’oeuvres, main courses and desserts. The best part is you don’t have to be vegan or gluten-free to enjoy it. Nobody should feel excluded from tasting the festive spirit, so offering a variety of options on the dinner ta- ble and the coffee table can produce a memorable and pleasant experience. Ensuring a successful festive gath- ering also means considering all ages, starting with the little ones. Children care about food too — not only what it tastes like but how it looks, smells and feels. A simple but effective way to get kids filling their plates is to include vibrant fruits and vege- tables. When cut into fun cookie-cutter shapes, cucumbers, zucchini, melon, apples, radishes and carrots instantly have more appeal. (And, let’s be honest, adults appreciate them too.) A make-your-own-snack station — where kids can build their own mini-sandwiches, burritos or fruit ke- bobs — is a fun way to give kids some independence and choice over their food.

If you want to bring in a no-fail crowd-pleaser, the ultimate comfort food (that works at Christmas time too): mac and cheese, vegan style of course.


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