Education | December 2021





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Embrace your new future in 2022!

BY CHARLENE ADAM F or years, many as- sumed that higher learning was solely for youth. Specialized life-long careers demanded a certain type of scholastic path. And once on that path, there was no turning back. But this attitude has been changing. Human rights icon, Mahatma Gandhi, embraced the merits of life-long learning, when he said, “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you will live forever.” For some, no enticement to the path of higher learning is neces- sary. Sheer love of education is enough. Consider recent York University Master of Arts graduate, Varatha Shanmuganathan. According to a report that aired on CTV, 87-year- old Shanmuganathan has always considered life-long learning completely natural. She attributes her love of learning to a combina- tion of encouragement by parents and inspiration to higher ideals by Gandhi, the Dalai Lama and Nelson Mandela. No doubt, drive and determination by Shanmuga- nathan also played a key role. And this isn’t her final salvo, either. She plans to author a book. If Shanmuganathan didn’t get you thinking that it’s time to fol- low your destiny, consider that she isn’t the oldest human on re- cord to earn a degree in one’s later years. The oldest is Brian Lowe. He joined the ranks of a rather distin-

updating education or starting upon a new path of learning. Whether beginning at square one with a new career or just tweaking a few skills along the way, educational institutions are excited to help Manitobans be- come their best selves. Know- ing how excited many of you are about potential life changes is one of the reasons why we are thrilled to bring you this publication. It is meant to remind you of the many schools and courses avail- able all over the province of Mani- toba. Hopefully, this supplement

will encourage you, or someone you know, to start 2022 afresh. Whether you wish to follow your life-long dream as a ballet dancer, learn a language, seek a new posi- tion as a lab technician or pursue a career in computers, there are professionals who are eager to as- sist you. And if you think it’s too late, just remember individuals such as Shanmuganathan and Lowe. If they can pursue their educational dreams, you can, too!

Live as if you were to die tomorrow.

Learn as if you will live forever.” — Mahatma Gandhi, Human rights activist,

The ultimate symbol of peace and compassion

from life. Many of us better un- derstand what we want to pursue for our future lifestyles and overall career goals. This often includes

guished lot when he earned his Master of Arts degree from Cam- bridge at the age of 102. While many of us plan to en- joy our golden years golfing rath- er than studying, this does not mean there isn’t room to upgrade our education. Because not ev- ery scholastic endeavor needs to lead to a master’s degree, sheer improvement of something as simple as computer skills is a ben- efit to most of us. In fact, keeping computer savvy is just a necessity for many people. Just consider how many of us who once shunned video calls – believing them to be the forte of the computer elite – have now mastered the medium. The past 18 months have forced us to log on, screen share – and yes – use a filter. Social media has metamorpho- sized from youth-centric enter- tainment platforms with emojis and memes, to fully accepted modes of government and busi- ness communication. While the pandemic has been incredibly difficult, a hopeful trend has emerged. Canadians seem to have a keener sense of self-awareness of what they want


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Statue of Mahatma Gandhi on the south side of Canadian Museum for Human Rights in Winnipeg.






UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF THE NORTH A new way of learning UCN’s InTeRN program helping northern women find careers in IT field

BY JIM TIMLICK A new program being offered by University College of the North (UCN) in The Pas promises to transform not only the way people in northern Manitoba learn but also how they live. The Information Technology Readiness North program, or In- TeRN, is a pilot project designed to address gaps and barriers that pre- vent northern women from finding jobs in the Information Technol- ogy (IT) field. InTeRN was officially launched in September with an ini- tial class of eight students and the first session is scheduled to wrap up next June. Tara Manych, an Innovations Con- sultant with UCN, says the aim of the program is to provide future employ- ment opportunities that until now did not exist for women in the north. “There are basically no visible northern or Indigenous women in- volved in tech in Northern Mani- toba. There is definitely a gap and we felt strongly that we could bridge that gap with this type of learning,” she says. Students in the InTeRN program will be taught a variety of different IT skills including cabling, how to dismantle and reassemble comput- ers, and how to build websites. Suc- cessful graduates of the program will receive their networking essentials credentials through the Cisco Net- working Academy. Manych says InTeRN was designed to provide students with hands-on learning opportunities. In addition to in-class learning, students have access to a fully-stocked computer lab where they can check out all of the equipment they are receiving in- struction on. UCN has also partnered with the Computers for Schools Manitoba program to provide an employment component as part of InTeRN. Stu- dents spend a portion of their week testing, cleaning and refurbishing computer equipment that will then be redeployed by the non-profit agency to schools across the prov- ince. Students receive a salary for the work they do on behalf of Comput- ers for Schools. William McBride, Technology Instructor and consultant with In- TeRN, says this hands-on approach will give students a huge advantage upon graduation.

“They’re going to be very, very skilled when they graduate. They’ll be job-ready and in a good position to move forward with their careers,” he explains. Something that makes InTeRN unique from other similar IT train- ing programs is the fact that it’s been designed to reflect the culture of the communities served by UCN. School officials refer to this cultural compo- nent as a sweetgrass model and it’s based on the sacred plant that plays an important role in many Indige- nous cultures. As part of this model, oral storytelling is braided together with IT skills, and employability and mentorship to provide a deeper level of understanding. Approximately 70 per cent of UCN’s more than 2,000 students are Indigenous. to be very, very skilled when they graduate. They’ll be job-ready and in a good position to move forward with their careers.” They’re going

Student Brenda Bignell refurbishes a computer as part of the Information Technology Readiness North (InTeRN) pilot project at University College of the North in The Pas.

— William McBride, Technology Instructor and consultant with InTeRN

erty barriers people face here in the north from their own homes in their own communities and to be role models for their own kids.” UCN received funding for InTeRN through the Future Skills Centre (FSC), a pan-Canadian organization dedicated to helping Canadians gain the skills they need to thrive in a changing labour market (fsc-ccf. ca). The school’s hope is that fund- ing will be extended so that it will be able to offer additional training to current students next year and eventually open up the program to all learners. While it is still early days for the program, Manych says school offi- cials have been extremely pleased with the feedback they have re- ceived from students. “It’s been a really welcome addi- tion to UCN. Students feel this is something groundbreaking here. They see the potential of it. It’s not just a course with a certificate that they leave with. It’s going to be the means to a better outcome for our community.”

“You can teach someone a skill, quiz them on it and a week later they won’t remember what they were taught. But if you can give them hands-on experience with the learning, build employability skills and weave it into how it relates to their daily culture that’s a different kind of knowing and it’s perma- nent,” Manych says. One of the most exciting aspects of InTeRN for Manych and others involved in the program is that it will provide students with an op- portunity to find paid, meaningful employment in their own commu- nities rather than having to move elsewhere. “That’s the really exciting part of all this,” she says. “This program has the potential to overcome the pov-

Student Danielle McMaster (left) discusses random access memory with instructor Matthew McGregor.

Alyssa Provost and her classmates will receive their networking essentials credentials through the Cisco Networking Academy as part of the InTeRN program.


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Mentorship and hands-on learning lead to student success

A t the University of Winnipeg, students receive unique op- portunities to participate in hands-on research and aca- demics. These valuable experiences complement the faculty-student con- nections for which UWinnipeg is known. With small class sizes, caring professors, and a community-centred downtown campus, UWinnipeg offers students a warm, welcoming atmosphere that fos- ters academic and career success. Dylan Robinson harnessed every opportu- nity to grow new skills and connect with his community while studying at UWinnipeg. He was in the Pathways to Graduate Studies pro- gram, was a member of the UWinnipeg chap- ter of the Canadian Indigenous Science and Engineering Society, and participated in many Aboriginal Student Services Centre events. Working in Dr. Tabitha Wood’s chemistry lab grew his confidence and provided vital sup- port as he worked toward his dream of medi- cal school. “She believed in me and encouraged me to pursue further chemistry courses to help me prepare for the MCAT (Medical College Ad- mission Test),” he said. “I am thankful I had the opportunity to gain confidence working in the lab in collaboration with such a strong mentor.” This project highlights just how actively engaged our students are in undertaking work in the community that has impact and contributes to the skills needed for careers.”

Faculty of Education students and staff recently travelled north of Winnipeg to Misipawistik and Tataskweyak Cree nations to share ToyBox Manitoba resources and learn about Indigenous and northern culture.

— Dr. Jino Distasio, Vice-President of Research and Innovation, University of Winnipeg

Stephanie Connell also points to the power of mentorship. She met Dr. Ed Cloutis in an In- tro to Earth Science class. “He was telling the class about his involve- ment in planetary missions and was talking about the NASA Curiosity rover,” she said. “I couldn’t believe there was a professor at UWinnipeg involved with anything to do with NASA.” After emailing back and forth with Dr. Clout- is, he offered her a job in his Centre for Terres- trial and Planetary Exploration (C-TAPE) lab even though she was a first-year student with no lab experience. “I always encourage other students to ap- proach professors as they might be looking for students,” she said. “If you make relationships with professors and get to know them and show interest in their research, you’ll have an easier time finding a research job.” Sophia Hershfield also says connections with her professors grew her confidence. From Dr. Jenny Heijun Wills who inspired her to pursue English, to many others who provided guidance and mentorship. “They really taught me to trust my intel- lectual instincts and push myself to try new things and reach new limits of what I could do and really explore ideas and concepts that were interesting to me,” she said. Faculty of Education students Mikaila Col- lins and Meagan Nenka recently travelled with Dr. Sheri-Lynn Skwarchuk and Dr. Yvonne Vizina, and nursery school director Karlin

Faculty of Education students Mikaila Collins (right) and Meagan Nenka had the opportunity to learn about educational practices in Northern Manitoba on a recent trip to Misipawistik and Tataskweyak Cree nations.

Mann, 10 hours north of Winnipeg to the Misipawistik and Tataskweyak Cree nations to share ToyBox Manitoba resources and learn about Indigenous and northern culture. “This journey to Misipawistik and Tataskw- eyak has been life changing,” Nenka said. “The gratitude of the community and the generosity of the gifts we were presented re- flected that this visit was not just for ToyBox or for the five of us as guests. We felt that our mu- tual presence and enthusiasm to learn forged lasting connections,” Skwarchuk added. After a tour of Assiniboine Park Zoo and the conservatory, UWinnipeg psychology and bi- ology student Kerianne Chant jumped at the chance to take part in research assessing the personalities of polar bears. Her work will help experts proactively manage animal problems and minimize human-wildlife conflicts. “This project highlights just how actively en- gaged our students are in undertaking work in the community that has impact and contrib- utes to the skills needed for careers,” said Dr. Jino Distasio, Vice-President of Research and Innovation. Learn more about how the University of Win- nipeg delivers education with impact at uwin-

Space exploration was Stephanie Connell’s first love and her earliest dream. With the University of Winnipeg’s help, she achieved her lifelong goal of working for NASA.

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A homemade solution USB in-house programming makes language learning fun, easy

BY JIM TIMLICK S pecially developed learning ma- terials tailored to the needs of the local population are part of what make Université de Saint- Boniface’s Continuing Education Divi- sion unique compared to other similar programs. In the case of the USB’s Continuing Ed French language classes, this means the com- munication skills students learn have been designed to address everyday situations, such as asking for directions or discussing their plans for the weekend. “Sometimes, you can have a program that has very appropriate and perfect French from France, but if you use it in Manitoba or Que- bec, people are going to say, ‘What are you talking about?’ We want to make sure that the French you are learning is going to be under- stood here in Canada as well as abroad,” says to communicate their message. That’s really the foundation of our language training.” — Aileen Clark, Director of Continuing Education, Université de Saint-Boniface We want to get people using the language

Université de Saint-Boniface offers a number of different language classes that have been designed to provide learners with the building blocks needed to help them communicate in everyday situations.

permanent residents. Clark says the people who sign up for the university’s language programs include those looking to sharpen their skill set for work, par- ents wanting to support children attending a French immersion school, and retirees who enjoy travelling. The winter session for USB’s Continuing Ed courses is slated to begin in January. Students can register online at tionplus. Individuals unsure of what level of a program to enroll in can request a placement interview after registering. With the exception of the four-day Franséjour program for inter- mediate and advanced learners, all language instruction will be offered through distance learning technology for the upcoming ses- sion.

conjugating verbs for three hours. We want to get people using the language to communi- cate their message. That’s really the founda- tion of our language training,” she explains. In addition to French, USB’s Continuing Education department also offers Spanish language instruction. This program is avail- able to all students 16 years of age or older, from beginners to advanced learners. Clark says the program has been hugely popular since its introduction, but its numbers have dropped slightly because of travel restrictions that were introduced during the pandemic. Something else that makes USB’s Continu- ing Ed course materials unique is that they have been adapted to meet the needs of a wide variety of specific groups. For example, it offers specialized programming for public servants, healthcare providers, teachers and

Aileen Clark, Director of Continuing Educa- tion for Western Canada’s only French-speak- ing university. USB offers a total of 11 levels of French lan- guage training in its Conversational French program. USB also offers a variety of other French language training programs including, A Taste of French introductory course, French for Immigrants, French for the workplace and French Immersion for Teachers (FIT). Eve- ning courses provide three hours of instruc- tion a week for a total of 11 weeks at a cost of $320, which includes all course materials. While each program offers something slightly different, Clark says they have all been designed to provide learners with the build- ing blocks needed to help them communicate in authentic situations. “We certainly don’t want to have people

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Micro-credentials help industry, students take control of their training needs

T he global pandemic has pro- foundly affected economies around the world and pressed industry to quickly train its workforces in new modes of operation and service delivery. These demands, in turn, have opened up new opportunities for colleges, like the Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology (MITT), to respond to these labour market needs through micro-credentials. In simple terms, micro-credentials are col- lege-accredited, short-duration training op- portunities focused on developing a specific skill; at MITT, they’re delivered by its Lifelong Learning team as well as its Cyber Security Centre of Excellence. Their competitive advan- tages extend to employers (micro-credentials provide rapid and responsive skill develop- ment) as well as to existing employees and new job seekers in search of lifelong learning (micro-credentials are flexible in delivery, and “stackable,” meaning some can serve as build- ing blocks or credits toward other current or future MITT training programs). “The pandemic definitely created an acute need for digital and e-commerce skill sup- ports,” says Ray Karasevich, MITT’s president and CEO. “Micro-credentials support workers whose jobs were impacted by the pandemic, as well as helping others who want to improve their skill sets to move from one sector to an- other.” Karasevich says shorter-term, market-driven training like micro-credentials is not limited to tech, and it is highly desired across the board. Drawing on its 30-plus years of close collabo- ration with industry on other post-secondary training, MITT established a micro-credential framework based on need and tasked a group of industry representatives to apply stringent quality assurance standards to each proposed training. “We are fortunate to have the invaluable in- put of our Industry Advisory Council, a group representing a good cross-section of industry partners who have been instrumental in iden- tifying industry trends and potential training opportunities,” says Karasevich. The council — which includes represen- tation from a variety of industries such as tourism, construction, film, new media, manufacturing, export, supply chain and en- vironmental sector councils — subjects every micro-credential offered through MITT to rig- orous review, ensuring they meet the college’s standards for education and training, as well as the current and future needs of employers. And all micro-credential training is compe- tency-based, so employers can be confident students are qualified in the skills they set out to attain. Marnie Groeneveld, director of MITT’s Centre for Career Development and Lifelong Learning, oversees MITT’s micro-credential program and says this quality assurance pro- cess is ongoing and bound to a set of national guidelines for micro-credentials development. She also says the college’s history of indus- try collaboration has already led to dozens of


Three Indigenous Student Transition Program participants from the first cohort; (from left) Stephanie Spence, Kamryn Johnson and Sabrina Ricker. Road map for Indigenous success

“I was in their shoes at one time. I remember how daunting it was to navigate this big school coming from a small school. I know how scary it is to come here with no supports,” she says. “You want the education but there are so many barriers to overcome. You have to push through. You may have to relocate and leave your support system behind.” Gregory has graduated from BU twice: Once with a bachelor of First Nations and Aboriginal counselling and a second time with a master’s degree in education specializing in guidance and counselling.

BY GEOFF KIRBYSON A fter a successful first year, there are even higher hopes this au- tumn for a new initiative de- signed to help Indigenous stu- dents make a smooth transition to life at Brandon University. The Al and Bee Wagner Indigenous Student Transition Program helped more than a dozen students navigate their first year of post-sec- ondary education last year. It was first rolled out to students in health studies, science and business, and numbers are expected to in- crease to 20 now that it’s open to all faculties, with further growth in the future. The program helps with students’ transi- tions in four key aspects of their lives — aca- demic, social, personal and cultural. The overarching goal is to increase the grad- uation rate of Indigenous students, which is considerably lower than that of non-Indige- nous students, says program co-ordinator De- idre Gregory. There’s also some tangible motivation for the students. As part of a laptop incentive pro- gram, if they complete their first year of stud- ies, the computer that was purchased for them in the fall will become their own. Students who are accepted will take part in an extended weeklong orientation in August, learning how to navigate both the campus and Manitoba’s second-largest city. The road map will focus on life essentials, such as housing, shopping, childcare needs, finding a doctor and using online platforms, while covering student essentials, including how to study ef- fectively, how to conduct research and how to write a paper. Gregory says the orientation will help stu- dents build a sense of belonging and inclusion. “I’m here for whatever they need through the first year. I’ll walk with them through so- lutions to whatever their issues might be. I’ll help them connect with their professors, and I’ll arrange tutors for them. It’s about making sure they can fully access all the options avail- able at Brandon University,” she says. Their orientation also includes an intro- duction to the support networks at Brandon University, such as the deans and teams at the Indigenous People’s Centre and Student Services. Other resources for students include peer mentors, a knowledge keeper and elder support. Perhaps the biggest challenge facing many Indigenous students is relocating from their home community to an urban centre, she says. Gregory understands those challenges, as she’s Indigenous herself. A member of the Ba- con Ridge/Ebb and Flow First Nation about 45 minutes southeast of Dauphin, she moved to Brandon in 1994.


Industry-driven and focused on specific skill development, micro-credentials are college-accredited, short-duration training opportunities.

As for job seekers, and those who feel they are stuck in career rut, she adds that micro- credentials directly benefit people looking to develop entry-level skills to increase their em- ployability, as well as those who are already following certain career paths, but need to upgrade skills or gain new ones in order to get ahead or move on. “Time commitment is a huge consideration for someone balancing education with life,” says Groeneveld. “Our micro-credentials are a great solution as they can be a few hours, a few courses or a few weeks, and taught online or in-class — whatever best fits a learner’s life- style.” For more information, visit learning-institute. Are you an employer interested in pursuing micro-credentials or other training partner- ship with MITT? Email: LifeLongLearning@

Micro-credentials support workers whose jobs were impacted by the pandemic, as well as helping others who want to improve their skill sets to move from one sector to another.”

I’m here for whatever they need through the first year. I’ll walk with them through solutions to whatever their issues might be.”

— Ray Karasevich, MITT president and CEO

with industry using the micro-credential plat- form,” says Groeneveld. “And because we work together, we can guarantee employers get ex- actly what they need.”

micro-credentials solutions with partners on everything from customer service to cyber se- curity, manufacturing to waste and water. “There is no limit to what we can develop

— Deidre Gregory, program co-ordinator of Brandon

University’s Al and Bee Wagner Indigenous Student Transition Program

She’ll meet with each student for a one-on- one check-in on a weekly basis. During these meetings, she’ll go over every course they’re taking, see how their assignments are coming along and determine what — if any — sup- ports are needed. During exit surveys last year, Gregory dis- covered how valuable the students considered the check-ins for both their academic and per- sonal lives. “Everybody was at home. A couple of the students said the check-ins were the only oth- er time they had interactions with anybody other than their family,” she says. “They said it was nice to connect with somebody outside of their homes. It helped them deal with the iso- lation that many of them were feeling.” As Brandon University welcomes a growing number of students back on campus, Gregory says everyone is looking forward to making and renewing those connections in person. For more information on BU’s Indigenous Student Transition Program, as well as the many programs available for everyone at Brandon University, visit

SUPPLIED Deidre Gregory is program co-ordinator of Brandon University’s Al and Bee Wagner Indigenous Student Transition Program.

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Keep Learning with University of Manitoba Extended Education Retrain your people with us

E mployers looking for quality education and training for their staff should look to University of Manitoba Extended Educa- tion. As part of Western Cana- da’s first University, UM Ex- tended Education has offered a wide range of high-quality, innovative and accessible con- tinuing education programs for nearly 70 years. Our full range of programs and courses are eligible for re- imbursement under the Retrain Manitoba workforce skills de- velopment grant program and we have a number of partner- ship programs with businesses and organizations providing customized professional de- velopment to earn a university certificate. Knowledge into action “When it comes to trans- lating knowledge and educa- tion into action and affecting change, we have a lot of experience and expertise to share. We stand with those who seek innovation in education by concentrating on the ways it helps people transform them- selves, change their lives, and strengthen their positions in the world.” says Paul Jenkins, Manager, Program Delivery, Extended Education. “UM Extended Education is in the business of empowering Manitobans, and people across Canada and around the world, so that they can build new capabilities, achieve their pro- fessional goals, and meet the challenges of the future with confidence.” Professional development and a university credential “We maintain a deep and nuanced understanding of the relationship between the job market and university creden- tials and professional develop- ment programming. Building on the expertise and resources of the University of Manitoba, we work with our partners, accrediting associations, and the community to meet the evolving lifelong learning needs of the twenty-first century.” The power of online education Recently, there has been a surge in continuing education and lifelong learning initiatives, due to what Jenkins calls “the major social, political, and eco- nomic transformations of the times.” The disruptions caused by COVID-19 have helped fo- cus a great deal of new atten- tion and energy on the power and benefits of online educa- tion, he says, noting how many more people have now experi- enced what online education

has to offer. “For many it was a much richer experience than they expected.” Of course, not all online courses and programs are equal. At UM Extended Ed- ucation, we provide universi- ty-approved curriculum with a humanized touch. We hire practitioners who bring critical, professional perspectives into a learning environment. “Our instructors offer a wealth of professional and educational experience to lead learners through the material, answer questions and share their insights. They generally deepen the student experi- ence.” The majority of our instruc- tors are working professionals in business and industry. They bring their wealth of profes- sional and practical experience to our courses. But our learning environments not only incor- porate labour-market focused skills curriculum, but they also bring together the unique ex- periences from our instructors and learners as well. We see this in our Applied Counselling, Management and Administra- tion, and Program Development for Adult Learners programs. A deeper experience “We use a range of online tools to foster academic com- munity and facilitate peer learning, so students can benefit from the wide range of personal and professional perspectives that can be found in our learning environments. Extended Education also has a dedicated administrative team to help support learners and guide them through their pro- gram of studies. The result is a comprehensive catalogue of focused practical courses and programs that blend sound the- oretical knowledge with applied learning.” Anytime, anywhere And, UM Extended Edu- cation’s diverse catalogue of online courses and programs was designed to be flexible too. “With flexibility, we enable busy professionals to capitalize on multiple course start dates, blended course work, and on- line classes, so that they truly can continue to learn anytime, anywhere.” UM Extended Education is also continually adding new courses, programs and partner- ships including new offerings in the important transformative fields of Artificial Intelligence, Advanced Manufacturing, and Building Information Model- ling. Keep learning with us.

Paul Jenkins , Manager, Program Delivery, UM Extended Education

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