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High-quality teaching key to student success
BY JENNIFER MCFEE AND LEAH GELLER H igh-quality teaching prepares stu- dents for their futures, no matter whether it’s done in-person or re- motely.
Dr. Mark G. Torchia is the Vice-Provost (Teaching and Learning) and executive director of the Centre for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning, an academic support unit providing leadership and ex- pertise for the University of Manitoba’s teaching and learning mission. “Effective teaching, regardless of modality, is de-
signed to provide an optimum learning experience for students and allow them to be as successful as possible in achieving their academic goals,” Torchia said. High-quality teaching helps prepare students to achieve successful careers and to become engaged citizens. “UM works to provide an outstanding student experience by sup- porting opportunities for experiential learning as well as working with our external partners, including business and industry, to ensure cur- riculum is aligned with labour-market needs. This helps ensure UM graduates are highly successful in the workplace, their careers and in ongoing graduate education.
There is no question UM instructors have really done an incredible job at maintaining the quality of the courses but also have demonstrated their willingness to integrate new approaches to learning.”
— Dr. Mark G. Torchia, Vice-Provost (Teaching and Learning), University of Manitoba
Beyond the traditional instructor-learner model, UM also provides plenty of supports to students in an effort to further enhance their aca- demic and personal success, he added. Looking ahead to the fall term, UM is increasing the number of avail- able in-person classes, based on COVID-19 public health orders. “We anticipate that close to 800 courses and labs will be held in-per- son, with the remainder delivered remotely,” Torchia said. “In addition, many other in-person, non-curricular opportunities for students are in development for the fall term. UM has indicated that winter term is planned as a fully in-person term.” In addition, the university encourages faculty to be innovative in their teaching, whether that’s in the classroom, in the community, in nature or online. Sarah Ciurysek is associate director, graduate and research, and as- sociate professor at the UM School of Art. Ciurysek is the recipient of the 2021 Olive Beatrice Stanton Award for Excellence in Teaching. She was nominated by Jean Borbridge, who took three of Ciurysek’s courses during her BFA, before graduating in 2017. Borbridge now works as a visual artist and as education co-ordinator for the UM School of Art Gallery. “Sarah is incredibly warm and generous with all of her knowledge, and creates an amazing, safe environment to learn and grow,” says Borbridge. “She creates intimate relationships with all of her students, and also encourages them to connect with each other. There is so much space for discussion and peer-to-peer learning.” When the campus shut down due to the pandemic in March 2020, Ci- urysek realized many of her students would struggle to complete term projects, as they couldn’t access school facilities.
“I had so many obstacles and barriers that I had to break through, but the Access Program was a really big help for me. Have you applied for the Access Program?”
Kaitlin Fosseneuve, UM student, UM graduate Métis and Cree from Cranberry Portage
Discover the path between you and your dreams ACCESS Program The Access Program includes two paths: The University of Manitoba Access Program (UMAP) supports students in degree and diploma programs at the U of M. It is available to all Manitoba residents, with preference given to Indigenous people, residents of Northern Manitoba, low income earners, and newcomers. The Health Careers Access Program (HCAP) supports Indigenous (Status, Non-Status, Métis, Inuit) students for entry to health-related professions such as Medicine, Dentistry, Dental Hygiene, Pharmacy, Rehabilitation Sciences, Nursing, and Midwifery Program.
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So, she brought her students together virtually and they decided as a group to start fresh-creating digital photography projects about how their lives had changed because of the pandemic. They exhibited their work online in partnership with the local PLATFORM Centre for Photographic and Digital Arts, and Ciurysek held an online reception for the class. “This last pandemic year has shown me all over again how much the relationships in a course matter,” Ciurysek says. “I’m grateful to have had concentrated time to meet with students one-on-one on- line, and also for small groups to have met outdoors in my land-based art course. Discussions about students’ projects, fears and plans have been mutually stimulating at the same time as comforting and buoy- ing.” Last fall, Ciurysek took an outdoor art class she had originally run the year before at FortWhyte Alive and adapted it to the pandemic. She split the class of 16 into two smaller cohorts in order to maintain physical distancing if the group had to move indoors. One of their assignments was to make art with natural materials, integrating a “leave no trace” philosophy. “Because experiential learning is so important to Sarah, she already had experience working outside, where students had more opportu- nities to be together,” says Borbridge. “I’m just so thrilled Sarah got the recognition she deserved for really building a community and fostering such beautiful connections.” Rising to the challenge, many other educators across Manitoba have been able to push the boundaries of traditional teaching meth- ods during this recent period of remote learning. UM has been for- tunate to also be the home of the Manitoba Online Learning Hub, which has provided course and learning object creation resources, workshops and other supports to the other post-secondary institu- tions in Manitoba. “There is no question UM instructors have really done an incred- ible job at maintaining the quality of the courses but also have dem- onstrated their willingness to integrate new approaches to learning,” Torchia said. “UM has seen increased student registrations during the pandemic and students are engaged.”
Doctor dream all about advocacy, empowerment
BY DENISE DUGUAY A t 32, Dr. Zack Hall has just become the first person of the 3,400-member Pinay- mootang First Nation to gradu- ate from medical school, at the University of Manitoba. He is being heralded as a role model to his community, located on Fairford reserve, about two and a half hours northwest of Winnipeg. He said he’s had a lot of help along the way, starting with his mother. “It was her fascination in the medical field that probably started mine,” he said during a recent inter- view before beginning his psychia- try residency in Brandon. As a teen, he would peek at his single mother’s textbooks when she was studying to become a health- care aide. “I kind of liked bone structures and stuff.” Even earlier, “she would tickle a part of my neck or something and she wouldn’t stop tickling me — she’d say ‘You have to name that bone,’ like clavicle or something.” Even her pursuit of higher educa- tion inspired him, but he didn’t have the grades for university, working as a chef in Winnipeg. “I was stuck in a rut.” The answer came when an asth- ma attack landed him in the care of a doctor at Victoria General Hospi- tal. “I was blacking out and the only thing I remember was him telling me to keep breathing,” Hall recalled. “He said there was nothing to worry about… if you ever need anything, don’t worry I’ll be here.” That care left an impression. “Right after I got out of the hos- pital I looked up the University of Manitoba to see whether or not I could apply,” which he did as a ma- ture student. Seven years, several jobs and many hours of volunteer work later — including a stint with
good after that.” At the U of M, through Ongomiiz- win Indigenous Institute of Health and Healing, he found his mentor, Dr. Melinda Fowler, and her Medi- cal School Entrance Interview work- shop. It was about more than tips on how to dress and answer questions, Hall said. “It was there that I finally was able to learn more about my culture,” he said, adding it helped him decide “to be an advocate and see if I can get better health care, better living standards for Indig- enous people in Canada, especially Manitoba.” Further, he cites the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. “As an Indigenous person, we should have the right and access to have an Indigenous physician, but I don’t know many Indigenous psychia- trists.” “He’s a person that I very much had in mind,” Fowler said. “He’s very compassionate, very down to earth, but so brilliant.” Fowler said she is especially proud of Hall’s decision to special- ize in psychiatry. After his residency in Brandon, Hall and wife Paige plan to live in Gimli or Selkirk and work regularly in Fairford and other Interlake com- munities. “In regard to Zack returning home, it’d be ideal,” said Gwen Tra- verse, director of the Pinaymootang First Nation Health Program, “I think people would be more open because he’s Indigenous and he un- derstands our ways of life. “As a community, we are very proud of him and I’m glad he saw the need where there’s a major is- sue.” Hall said he hopes to inspire people in his community to pur- sue higher education. “It’s never too late,” he said. His family, once again, are among the first to respond. His mother “is thinking of going back,” as is a cousin.
St. John Ambulance, where he met his wife, Paige — he is Dr. Zack Hall. “I still don’t feel like a doctor, but I am!” he said. He credits the Interlake Reserves Tribal Council for financial and moral support, singling out educa- tion director Alan Letandre and his own aunt and IRTC program ad- ministrator, Donna Hall. “It gives our family much pride and hope for a future generation of doctors, law- yers or other careers that move our family away from poverty,” she said via email. When he began classes, Hall said he was “100 per cent terrified.” He found kindred spirits at Migi- zii Agamik, the Indigenous student centre at the U of M. “It provided a safe place for me to study and feel comfortable.” He also found his academic foot- ing. “The teacher in the math class pulled me aside and said, ‘You are the only one in the class who got 100.’ I’m like ‘Oh, wow.’ I felt pretty PHOTO BY JASON HALSTEAD Dr. Zack Hall has decided to specialize in psychiatry and is currently doing his residency in Brandon.
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PHOTO BY ROBYN ADAMS Professor Sarah Ciurysek (left) takes part in a final critique of class work at The Forks.
While it is not mandatory to have either a university or college diploma to pursue this career, business courses offered by many post-secondary institutions do include insurance administration programs in their business diplomas. To become an insurance broker, a qualifying exam must be taken to receive a license. This can be done on your own through the Insurance Brokers Association of Manitoba or by having a brokerage sponsor you for the course. Training and professional development is a never-ending process. Courses to enhance the professionalism of your brokerage and increase your knowledge of the insurance industry are offered through the Insurance Brokers Association of Manitoba. To learn more about this career path, check out the IBAM website Education section or contact the IBAM office for more information.
Three Indigenous Student Transition Program participants from the first cohort; (from left) Stephanie Spence, Kamryn Johnson and Sabrina Ricker. Road map for Indigenous success
“I was in their shoes at one time. I remember how daunting it was to navigate this big school coming from a small school. I know how scary it is to come here with no supports,” she says. “You want the education but there are so many barriers to overcome. You have to push through. You may have to relocate and leave your support system behind.” Gregory has graduated from BU twice: Once with a bachelor of First Nations and Aboriginal counselling and a second time with a master’s degree in education specializing in guidance and counselling.
BY GEOFF KIRBYSON A fter a successful first year, there are even higher hopes this au- tumn for a new initiative de- signed to help Indigenous stu- dents make a smooth transition to life at Brandon University. The Al and Bee Wagner Indigenous Student Transition Program helped more than a dozen students navigate their first year of post-sec- ondary education last year. It was first rolled out to students in health studies, science and business, and numbers are expected to in- crease to 20 now that it’s open to all faculties, with further growth in the future. The program helps with students’ transi- tions in four key aspects of their lives — aca- demic, social, personal and cultural. The overarching goal is to increase the grad- uation rate of Indigenous students, which is considerably lower than that of non-Indige- nous students, says program co-ordinator De- idre Gregory. There’s also some tangible motivation for the students. As part of a laptop incentive pro- gram, if they complete their first year of stud- ies, the computer that was purchased for them in the fall will become their own. Students who are accepted will take part in an extended weeklong orientation in August, learning how to navigate both the campus and Manitoba’s second-largest city. The road map will focus on life essentials, such as housing, shopping, childcare needs, finding a doctor and using online platforms, while covering student essentials, including how to study ef- fectively, how to conduct research and how to write a paper. Gregory says the orientation will help stu- dents build a sense of belonging and inclusion. “I’m here for whatever they need through the first year. I’ll walk with them through so- lutions to whatever their issues might be. I’ll help them connect with their professors, and I’ll arrange tutors for them. It’s about making sure they can fully access all the options avail- able at Brandon University,” she says. Their orientation also includes an intro- duction to the support networks at Brandon University, such as the deans and teams at the Indigenous People’s Centre and Student Services. Other resources for students include peer mentors, a knowledge keeper and elder support. Perhaps the biggest challenge facing many Indigenous students is relocating from their home community to an urban centre, she says. Gregory understands those challenges, as she’s Indigenous herself. A member of the Ba- con Ridge/Ebb and Flow First Nation about 45 minutes southeast of Dauphin, she moved to Brandon in 1994.
I’m here for whatever they need through the first year. I’ll walk with them through solutions to whatever their issues might be.”
— Deidre Gregory, program co-ordinator of Brandon
University’s Al and Bee Wagner Indigenous Student Transition Program
She’ll meet with each student for a one-on- one check-in on a weekly basis. During these meetings, she’ll go over every course they’re taking, see how their assignments are coming along and determine what — if any — sup- ports are needed. During exit surveys last year, Gregory dis- covered how valuable the students considered the check-ins for both their academic and per- sonal lives. “Everybody was at home. A couple of the students said the check-ins were the only oth- er time they had interactions with anybody other than their family,” she says. “They said it was nice to connect with somebody outside of their homes. It helped them deal with the iso- lation that many of them were feeling.” As Brandon University welcomes a growing number of students back on campus, Gregory says everyone is looking forward to making and renewing those connections in person. For more information on BU’s Indigenous Student Transition Program, as well as the many programs available for everyone at Brandon University, visit
SUPPLIED Deidre Gregory is program co-ordinator of Brandon University’s Al and Bee Wagner Indigenous Student Transition Program.
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Micro-credentials help industry, students take control of their training needs
T he global pandemic has pro- foundly affected economies around the world and pressed industry to quickly train its workforces in new modes of operation and service delivery. These demands, in turn, have opened up new opportunities for colleges, like the Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology (MITT), to respond to these labour market needs through micro-credentials. In simple terms, micro-credentials are col- lege-accredited, short-duration training op- portunities focused on developing a specific skill; at MITT, they’re delivered by its Lifelong Learning team as well as its Cyber Security Centre of Excellence. Their competitive advan- tages extend to employers (micro-credentials provide rapid and responsive skill develop- ment) as well as to existing employees and new job seekers in search of lifelong learning (micro-credentials are flexible in delivery, and “stackable,” meaning some can serve as build- ing blocks or credits toward other current or future MITT training programs). “The pandemic definitely created an acute need for digital and e-commerce skill sup- ports,” says Ray Karasevich, MITT’s president and CEO. “Micro-credentials support workers whose jobs were impacted by the pandemic, as well as helping others who want to improve their skill sets to move from one sector to an- other.” Karasevich says shorter-term, market-driven training like micro-credentials is not limited to tech, and it is highly desired across the board. Drawing on its 30-plus years of close collabo- ration with industry on other post-secondary training, MITT established a micro-credential framework based on need and tasked a group of industry representatives to apply stringent quality assurance standards to each proposed training. “We are fortunate to have the invaluable in- put of our Industry Advisory Council, a group representing a good cross-section of industry partners who have been instrumental in iden- tifying industry trends and potential training opportunities,” says Karasevich. The council — which includes represen- tation from a variety of industries such as tourism, construction, film, new media, manufacturing, export, supply chain and en- vironmental sector councils — subjects every micro-credential offered through MITT to rig- orous review, ensuring they meet the college’s standards for education and training, as well as the current and future needs of employers. And all micro-credential training is compe- tency-based, so employers can be confident students are qualified in the skills they set out to attain. Marnie Groeneveld, director of MITT’s Centre for Career Development and Lifelong Learning, oversees MITT’s micro-credential program and says this quality assurance pro- cess is ongoing and bound to a set of national guidelines for micro-credentials development. She also says the college’s history of indus- try collaboration has already led to dozens of
Industry-driven and focused on specific skill development, micro-credentials are college-accredited, short-duration training opportunities.
As for job seekers, and those who feel they are stuck in career rut, she adds that micro- credentials directly benefit people looking to develop entry-level skills to increase their em- ployability, as well as those who are already following certain career paths, but need to upgrade skills or gain new ones in order to get ahead or move on. “Time commitment is a huge consideration for someone balancing education with life,” says Groeneveld. “Our micro-credentials are a great solution as they can be a few hours, a few courses or a few weeks, and taught online or in-class — whatever best fits a learner’s life- style.” For more information, visit learning-institute. Are you an employer interested in pursuing micro-credentials or other training partner- ship with MITT? Email: LifeLongLearning@
Micro-credentials support workers whose jobs were impacted by the pandemic, as well as helping others who want to improve their skill sets to move from one sector to another.”
— Ray Karasevich, MITT president and CEO
micro-credentials solutions with partners on everything from customer service to cyber se- curity, manufacturing to waste and water. “There is no limit to what we can develop
with industry using the micro-credential plat- form,” says Groeneveld. “And because we work together, we can guarantee employers get ex- actly what they need.”
SUPPLIED Tanya Palson, manager of communications and business development for Manitoba Building Trades, says the state-of-the-art training centre will help students see just how much a career as a tradesperson has to offer. Get a taste of the trades “Right now, trades are battling two issues
BY TODD LEWYS T he new Manitoba Building Trades Exhibition Hall is set to offer young Manitobans a real glimpse into what the trades have to offer. Initially slated to open in 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic — as it’s done to so many things —
pushed back the opening date of the brand- new training facility at 225 McPhillips St. to Sept. 7. Tanya Palson, manager of communications and business development for Manitoba Build- ing Trades, says the state-of-the-art training centre will serve as a vehicle to show students in Grades 9-12 just how much a career as a tradesperson has to offer.
cific equipment and will be staffed by an ex- perienced tradesperson.” Once at the booth or station, the students will get an up-close look at that trade. “Initially, the tradesperson will explain the trade — what it’s about, their experiences working in it — and will answer any ques- tions students might have. Then, they’ll get the chance to experience the trade through activities that are hands-on, and virtual.” Palson says one of the most interesting booths will be one showcasing ironworking. “In this case, students will be dressed in protective gear and then walk across an I- beam on the floor with a virtual reality head- set on that simulates being 30 storeys up. It’s going to be a very cool way to get a feel for what the job is like.” CONTINUED ON PAGE 7
— a stigma that tradespersons aren’t highly- skilled professionals, and a big skilled trade shortage,” she says. “With those two things in mind, we did a lot of research and designed the exhibition hall to be a place where stu- dents can come and check out all the diverse professions.” With 12 different construction trades booths showcasing over 30 different skilled trade careers, students will be able to get an up-close and highly interactive look at pro- fessions that range from boilermaker techni- cian to steamfitter/pipefitter, and more. “Our plan is to have groups of 24 to 30 stu- dents come to the hall to take part in an im- mersive three- to four-hour experience with our Try the Trades program,” Palson explains. “Each area will be equipped with trade-spe-
The bricklaying workshop area at the new Manitoba Building Trades Exhibition Hall.
The highly informative, interactive experi- ence that’s built in to all 12 booths is expressly designed to do two things, she adds. “First, we want to get students started early, getting them to think about a trade as a career. Second, we want to address skills and assess aptitudes. By catching students younger, we can convey the career scope and identify what trade they might have an aptitude for.” It will also be an opportunity to debunk an- other myth: that trades are just for men. “Nationally, about 12 per cent of women participate in trades; the figure is lower than that in Manitoba,” notes Palson. “Jobs are not specifically for guys. Women can excel in any trade, and we know that is especially true for trades that require a high attention to detail and working in tight spaces.” Attending a session at Manitoba Building Trades Exhibition Hall could be life altering. “It’s a place where students can hear cool stories and experience a profession firsthand,” Palson says. “Our goal is to excite them about career potential and to break down stigmas. We want to give them a real feel of what the different professions are like.” Once engaged in a profession, students can build a career that will enable them to make a great life for themselves and their family, adds Palson.
It’s a place where students can hear cool stories and experience a profession firsthand.”
— Tanya Palson, manager of communications and business development, Manitoba Building Trades
“The reality is that trades offer a long-term career path that enables people to make a good, comfortable living in an interesting, challenging line of work that offers lots of va- riety. We’re excited to get the doors open so we can get kids in to see all a career in the trades has to offer.” For more information on Manitoba Building Trades and the new, cutting-edge Manitoba Building Trades Exhibition Hall, visit TryTheT- or call 204-956-7425.
ABOVE AND BELOW: A student tries out a virtual crane simulator.
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The new Innovation Centre will enhance Red River College’s already central role in the Exchange District.
Red River College utilizes innovative spaces, programs to prepare students for the future
BY TODD LEWYS A s Red River College moves forward from the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, it will focus on offering the cut- ting-edge education, work in- tegrated learning and applied research that students and the community have always looked to Manitoba’s largest college to deliver.
This forward-looking approach to post-secondary education will be expanded by the College and de- livered in one of its newest spaces, the Innovation Centre project, says RRC’s Vice-President, Academic and Research, Dr. Christine Watson. “This expansion builds on the work we are doing across Manitoba to help prepare students for the fu- ture of learning, and it will enhance our already central role in the Ex- change District. It will enable us to transform the delivery of education, and we are excited to welcome stu-
dents this fall,” she says. In short, the Innovation Centre project is going to help drive RRC’s commitment to make education more accessible, flexible and inno- vative. “It’s a beautiful facility that will catalyze opportunity and offer stu- dents an exceptional on-campus experience,” Watson says. “It’s go- ing to provide them with a unique global experience, facilitate lifelong learning and help individuals up- skill into new technology while em- ployed, or train with an eye on get-
ting into a new career.” Fred Meier, RRC’s President and CEO, says as Manitoba’s only poly- technic, the College creates an envi- ronment where students seamlessly transition directly to their careers. This is accomplished through the many technical and practical hands-on learning opportunities, offered through a wide range of de- grees, diplomas, certificates and ap- prenticeship training while fuelling innovation with applied research. As a polytechnic, this establishes RRC as one of the world’s leading educa- tional and research institutions. “Even before the pandemic, changes were happening in the local and global economy,” says Meier. “Advances in technology were im- pacting economies, causing disrup- tions in labour markets. The pan- demic just increased the speed of those disruptions.” Today — nearly 18 months after the pandemic began in March 2020 — the world is more technology- driven than ever. Consequently, those looking to find employment in this ever-evolv- ing, highly technologized world will need the skills and knowledge to get hired and use all that technology in an effective, efficient manner. “Moving forward, we will support and educate students to meet the
demands of employers today and beyond,” he says. “To do that, we have a plan in place that will allow us to change and adapt so we can provide our students with the sup- port and education they will need as we build for the future.” Not only will students need to know how to interpret and use tech- nologies like artificial intelligence (AI), but they will also need human skills to effectively serve as part of a team. “While technology skills are im- portant, so too are human skills such as problem solving and collab- oration,” Meier says. “We are hear- ing from employers how impera- tive these skills are and as we adapt and evolve our way of teaching and learning, they’re being reinforced in our programs.” Meanwhile, RRC recognized an opportunity to transform the way they deliver educational content to meet the current workforce’s needs to upgrade their skills while staying on the job. “In the past, most people received their education at the beginning of their career. Now, individuals are up-skilling and re-skilling through- out their careers to respond to work- force changes and advancements. There’s a demand to deliver content in bite-sized pieces of learning.” CONTINUED ON PAGE 11
Enroll now for in-person classes this Fall Where professors know your name
ence that will foster the creation of new ideas and business models.” And make no mistake about it: the Innovation Centre project will cre- ate a dynamic synergy of technology and creativity. “Programs will include video game design, film and media production, full stack web development, data science and machine learning, and more,” Watson says. She adds that the learning envi- ronment in the Centre will be excep- tional. “The Innovation Centre project will give students different kinds of interactions and will create a com- munity where people can come together and celebrate each other, with a real link between community and industry. It will be a real nexus where people can gather to solve problems.” That type of environment is es- sential, says Meier. “New and transformative spaces like the Innovation Centre project and the Skilled Trades and Tech- nology Centre at our Notre Dame Campus — to name a few — are about ensuring we have the state- of-the-art spaces and programming in place to position us for the future of learning. They are helping us stay ahead of the curve and anticipate the needs of industry so that our grads are entering the workforce with the skills and knowledge they need to help grow and strengthen our economy and move our prov- ince forward.”
Those bite-sized pieces of learn- ing take the form of micro-creden- tial modules or courses. “People can go online and access micro-credentials to update their skills or to take the training they need to advance or change careers,” he says.
It’s a beautiful
facility that will catalyze opportunity and offer students an exceptional on-campus experience.”
— Dr. Christine Watson, RRC’s Vice-President, Academic and Research
Most importantly, everyone will be able to access courses and mod- ules, adds Watson. “We are committed to creating a rich learning environment that hon- ours everyone’s background, from Indigenous students to immigrant learners,” she says. “That commit- ment to equity, diversity and inclu- sion will make for a richer experi-
SUPPLIED Red River College’s Innovation Centre project will create a dynamic synergy of technology and creativity, with programs including video game design, film and media production, full stack web development, data science and machine learning, and more.
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More than 40 per cent of UWinnipeg classes will be taught in-person beginning in September 2021.
Back to school, back to (near) normal University of Winnipeg to deliver blend of in-person and remote learning this fall
A s students, faculty and staff prepare to re- turn to The University of Winnipeg post- pandemic, there are feelings of hope and optimism on campus. “I’m exceptionally proud of the way faculty and staff members persevered over the past year and a half to en- sure students received the best possible educational ex- perience. That commitment is continuing as we gear up for a successful back-to-school experience that balances in-person and remote learning,” said Interim President and Vice-Chancellor Dr. James Currie. While remote learning alternatives will continue to be available, more than 40 per cent of UWinnipeg classes will be taught in person beginning in September 2021 and the majority of winter-term course instruction will be in the classroom. Jane Lothian has been teaching remote and in-person classes for several years. Her interactive classes encourage students to take risks, share ideas, and challenge miscon- ceptions — absent of judgment or criticism. “I love teaching both face-to-face classes and online, and see advantages in both settings,” she said. “Students who strive to succeed, and who seek connection, can have a very positive experience regardless of how the course is delivered.” REVITALIZING INDIGENOUS LANGUAGE While Cameron Adams prefers in-person classes to on- line learning, he says studying remotely has gone better than expected. “The best thing about online learning for me is I can do it at my own pace,” he said. “My grades this past semester have been better than ever but it’s been a lot of work and I miss studying in the Aboriginal Student Services Centre. I used to spend so much time there it felt like my office.” Adams is a student in UWinnipeg’s Integrated Bach- elor of Education, which will include a Bachelor of Arts in Indigenous Languages thanks to a new thematic major launching this fall. While developing the program, Indigenous Academic Lead Dr. Lorena Fontaine connected with community members, students, Elders, and language keepers to iden- tify what was most important to them. The program is the first of its kind in Manitoba and will provide students with the tools and knowledge to com- municate, research and advocate for Indigenous languag- es, such as Cree and Ojibwe.
UW student Cameron Adams (centre) looks forward to studying again in the Aboriginal Student Services Centre.
the social and ecological impacts of energy production, there is an urgency to address human impact on the en- vironment. With this in mind, The University of Winnipeg is also launching a new, two-year Master in Environmental and Social Change. The program will train graduates to ad- dress complex human-environmental issues and provide opportunities to engage in cutting-edge research at the intersection of natural and social sciences. “Graduates will be able to communicate information across disciplinary boundaries, so scientists will be able to speak effectively to CEOs, policy makers, and social sci- entists, and vice versa,” said Dr. Ryan Bullock, Co-Chair of the program, Associate Professor in the Department of Environmental Studies and Sciences, and Canada Re- search Chair in Human-Environment Interactions. GETTING #BACK2GETHER With preparations for the fall semester underway, stu- dents, faculty and staff are encouraged to follow the ad-
The best thing about online learning for me is I can do it at my own pace.” — Cameron Adams, student, University of Winnipeg
vice of health officials and get vaccinated as soon as possible. Getting two doses of an approved COVID-19 vaccine is the quickest way to return to the complete UWinnipeg experience. Use the hashtag #Back2gether to share your vaccination stories, and with your help, we look forward to being back to (near) normal this fall. Visit to learn more about The University of Winnipeg.
The world is changing rapidly — with environmental and social challenges growing in both number and mag- nitude. From the implications of COVID-19 to managing
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SEPT 12, 2021 – JUN 01, 2022 REGISTER BY OCT 15
The new Master in Environmental and Social Change will train graduates to address complex human-environmental issues.
Booth UC’s new Community and Urban Transformation program emphasizes a transformational approach.
Transformational approach to urban studies
A ccording to the United Nations, approximately 55 per cent of the world’s population cur- rently lives in urban areas or cities. This figure is set to rise to 68 per cent over the coming decades. While this kind of statistic may appear mundane, the implications of such a vast transition to urban living are far-reaching. Often, as in many Canadian cities includ- ing Winnipeg, urban regions are marked by complex social diversity, striking contrasts of wealth and poverty, and a challenging array of
planning and environmental dilemmas. There- fore, as more and more of the world moves to urban living, knowing how cities function and understanding their social, economic and po- litical complexities, and the current and future concerns of their residents becomes more and more important. This is where Booth UC’s new Community and Urban Transformation (CUT) program comes in, yet with a slightly different focus. “We are emphasizing a transformational approach,” explains Dr. Aaron Klassen, Assistant Profes- sor of Sociology. “Not only will we be encour- aging students to study and experience cities, to understand issues like poverty and health,
we want them to be able to contribute some kind of change.” Urban Studies is a vibrant and growing area of study in many universities. Booth UC’s CUT program is a four-year, interdisci- plinary Bachelor of Arts degree. Courses such as the Social Life of Cities, the Indigenous Experience in Winnipeg’s Inner City, and Per- spectives on Theology of Social Justice cover a myriad of topics. There are also applied options which allow students to work in the field in various communities of Winnipeg. “Being located in the heart of downtown Winnipeg gives Booth UC a particular advan- tage for an Urban Studies program,” says Dr. Michael Boyce, VP Academic and Dean. “If your starting point is a complex inner-city neighbourhood as diverse as ours, you can’t help but learn from such a dynamic environ- ment.” Winnipeg’s inner-city is home to many people, neighbourhoods, cultures and com- munities. Yet, it also faces many poverty-re- lated conditions like lower graduation rates,
higher unemployment, homelessness and systemic barriers. Children and youth make up a large portion of the population, as do In- digenous, recent immigrant and low-income families. CUT program students are chal- lenged to think critically about the political and economic decisions being made that di- rectly affect the inner-city. “It’s pertinent,” concludes Dr. Klassen. “In the last 20 years there’s been so much devel- opment, and while development is good for the city, a lot of times it’s being done in the guise of making things better, but we need to stop and ask who that ‘better’ is for.” Booth UC’s CUT program aims to connect students with the people and organizations who live and work in the inner-city, teach students about the stereotypes, barriers and marginalization experienced by the commu- nity, and give students opportunities to build relationships and help bring about change and reconciliation.
For more information, visit
Because I want to transform my city
Dr. Aaron Klassen is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at Booth UC.
Inquiries: 204-697-7390 |
Helping you to adapt and succeed in a post-pandemic world UM Extended Education
A t University of Mani- toba Extended Educa- tion, continuing educa- tion is what we do. In the late 1940s, we were here to help people move forward in their lives and in their careers after the Second World War, and today we are here to help you adapt and succeed in a post-pandemic world. Extended Education contin- ues to do what we always have done, provide short credentials in partnerships and in consul- tation with industry. But soon we will also do so with mi- cro-credentials and other short programs designed to meet immediate industry needs and digitally document skills and competencies learned. New programs In Winter 2022, Extend- ed Education will launch two new programs. The first is the Building Information Model- ing (BIM) certificate program for those in architecture, engineering, construction and other related disciplines to gain important knowledge about this intelligent 3D modeling process. The second is the Artificial Intelligence (AI) micro-certificate program is to learn to leverage AI in order to devise and implement techni- cal solutions for your business or organization. In the future, in addition to our variety of programs and courses, there will also be mi- cro-credentials complete with what makes them unique -- the digital documenting of skills and competencies learned. Micro-credentials “They are coming,” says Rod Lastra, Associate Dean (Academic), UM Extended Education, “There is growing consensus that micro-creden- tials are short programs with a more focused subset of skills/ competencies learned. In addition, the value proposition of micro-credentials comes in the articulation, validation and recognition of the skills learn- ers earn. They are valued and recognized by industry. These short credential programs are important. They help profes- sionals to pivot particularly during times of disruption. But they are not going to replace undergraduate degrees. They can be added on, to building on the foundational skills peo- ple already have. They are part of the larger education learning web.” Micro-credentials are the future of post-secondary con- tinuing education, says Las- tra, noting the emergence of micro-credentials was driven by a need to address the skills gap mostly created by the digital
automation revolution or Indus- try 4.0 over the past five years. “The pandemic didn’t create this gap but it is driving the rate of change,” says Lastra. “Canadian companies are in- creasingly adopting a dispersed workforce model. We have gone from a local to a more competi- tive global work environment.” As a result, there is an imminent need for profession- als to upskill and reskill. To upskill, you may simply need to up your game by adding a course or two to your current education and experience like a specialization or more specif- ic training. To reskill, you will require the ability to rethink or shift your skill set to something different but not completely different like perhaps a new sector. Upskilling and reskilling in a global work environment “To remain viable, profes- sionals are facing this new reality. They must upskill or re- skill and micro-credentials play a role to address this immedi- ate need. It’s really important to be able to shift your skill set to something different but not completely different,” says Lastra. That’s where Extended Edu- cation comes in. “Over the next couple of years, we will be looking at things from a more national and international perspective. Skills and competencies will need to have a greater curren- cy at a national and perhaps international level. We plan to develop programs to meet this dual reality.” While the students of the 1970s and 1980s often com- pleted a college or university credential and then had a job for life, the new reality is that professionals will have a need to keep learning. Their educa- tion will be a lifelong journey and Extended Education is here to provide that continuing education. “Come to us. We have the expertise. We have been doing this for well over 70 years. We have a long track record. We are focused on upskilling and reskilling. We are recognizing local needs and translating them into national currency for lifelong learners.” We are planning to do more, says Lastra. “We are certainly open for business. We have been meet- ing with university and indus- try, and we continue to do this. Our work is not stand-alone. We need a strong arm in both areas.”
Rod Lastra , Associate Dean (Academic), UM Extended Education
Keep Learning. To help you prepare for the future of work. There is no way to predict the future, but you can embrace it and plan for change with our online learning options. We have the quality courses and programs to help you move forward in your life and in your career.
Register now for September courses
APPLIED COUNSELLING Explore the counselling process and learn to develop e ective counselling strategies so you can help others. HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Become a leader in HR with innovative courses that correspond with the HR competency framework– providing eligibility for the CPHR designation. BUSINESS ANALYSIS Become a business analyst or apply business analysis in your profession. O ered in partnership with the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA). CHANGE MANAGEMENT Enroll in the only Change Management credential o ered by an academic/postsecondary institution in Manitoba.
E-LEARNING LETTER OF ACCOMPLISHMENT Stay ahead of the curve. Discover and apply the advantages of E-Learning. Choice of teaching or design stream. PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT FOR ADULT LEARNERS Meet the growing need for adult educators and trainers, and learn how to design and develop e ective adult learning programs. MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION Take the next step in your management career with an academic credential and a nationally recognized professional designation to add to your resume. QUALITY MANAGEMENT Learn how to lead the transition from quality control to quality excellence. Quality Management tools can be applied in any industry.
Visit or call 204-474-8800 today
Keep Learning. Register now for September courses.
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