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Magi Hadad Human Rights and Conflict Resolution
Learn more about programs and how studying at UWinnipeg has helped students pursue their passions and work toward their career goals:
Education with impact: UWinnipeg prioritizes student success A t the University of Winnipeg, students receive unique op- portunities to partici- Dearborn in the summer of 2021, Thorkelson examined the prairie habitat of the endangered Dakota skipper butterfly. community.” Shafe’a has witnessed firsthand the value of accounting in the community while participating in UWinnipeg’s Inner-City Work- Study program. During his four years of studies, Shafe’a says the real-life experi- ence he gained by working with Chartered Professional Accoun- tants (CPA) Manitoba and UWin- nipeg programs has prepared him to succeed in his career.
goals of being a human rights ad- vocate and a peacemaker clear,” she says. Like Thorkelson, Hadad’s UWin- nipeg experience was shaped by the ability to work closely with her professors. Hadad says Drs. Shau- na Labman and Lloyd Kornelsen, both involved in the renowned Human Rights program, have been important mentors educa- tionally and personally. As part of her Human Rights practicum with Immigration Part- nership Winnipeg, Hadad had the opportunity to support advocacy work regarding anti-racism, such as co-planning anti-racism youth events. While she isn’t sure what her fu- ture holds, she knows she wants to work with marginalized groups, such as women, youth, children, refugees and people affected by war. “Knowledge is the power that I can gain to raise my voice and stand up for the issues that I be- lieve in,” Hadad says. “My goal is to empower communities and find ways to make our world a place where no one should face discrimination of any form.” Learn more about how the University of Winnipeg delivers Education with Impact at uwin-
“This was such a great experi- ence. It was like a whole world that I didn’t know existed,” she says. “I learned so much about endangered species research, how field work is done, and the process of publishing academic work.” Being able to work in the field with expert researchers inspired Thorkelson. She’s now looking to apply for UWinnipeg’s Master in Environmental and Social Change program, which can propel her to- wards a career focused on fighting climate change. Looking back on her univer- sity experience, Thorkelson says the close-knit faculty and diverse learning opportunities built her confidence and introduced her to new ideas and initiatives. Like Thorkelson, Bedel Shafe’a can attest to how UWinnipeg fac- ulty can shape students’ under- standing of a field. As a recent graduate of the Fac- ulty of Business and Economics, his time at UWinnipeg helped him see how a career in accounting has evolved from the boardroom to boots-on-the-ground, becom- ing a way to reach out to the pub- lic, an instrument for long-term planning and resource for those attempting to achieve financial goals.
pate in world-class research and hands-on learning. These valuable experiences comple- ment the faculty-student con- nections for which UWinnipeg is known. With small class sizes, caring and accessible professors, and a community-centred downtown campus, UWinnipeg offers stu- dents a warm, welcoming atmo- sphere that helps them learn, grow and achieve academic and career success. Amy Thorkelson loves the in- terdisciplinary nature of Envi- ronmental Studies and Sciences. Taking courses ranging from envi- ronmental ethics and philosophy to ecology and soil science has equipped her with the knowledge to be able to talk to others about climate change. While she’s learned a lot in the classroom, it was her time working in the field that most shaped her educational experience. Unlike other post-secondary institutions, UWinnipeg provides undergradu- ate students with the opportunity to take part in important research with faculty members. Working alongside Drs. Rich- ard Westwood and Katherine
He worked with a non-profit organization that supports new- comers, refugees and internation- al students in finding settlement resources in Winnipeg. He’s seen the real-world impact he can have with accounting, and this includes his efforts on campus. He also believes volunteering with student groups is an integral part of student life while pursuing a post-secondary education. “That’s where you get the next- level student experience,” Shafe’a says. “You meet people who will potentially become your col- leagues one day, like-minded peo- ple, and connect with them, have events with them. During my time here, I tried to get involved with as many student groups as possible and leave my mark.” Also making her mark is Magi Hadad, whose life experiences have shaped how she wants to make an impact on the world. A fourth-year double major in Human Rights and Conflict Reso- lution Studies, Hadad arrived in Canada five years ago as a Syrian refugee. “My layered experiences as a woman of colour and refugee have sewn my passion and made my
“Last year, I worked with CPA Manitoba on one of their finan- cial literacy workshops, which teach people how to manage their finances and protect their long- term assets,” he explains. “One of the things I want to do after I get my CPA is volunteer and continue to add value to the community because accounting is more than just a bunch of people sitting in an office. It adds genuine value to the Knowledge is the power that I can gain to raise my voice and stand up for the issues that I believe in.” — Magi Hadad
Ready for technology
Part of Charmaine Sayese’s coursework is to learn software and the computer components that make them work.
S urvival in Manitoba’s north country takes ex- perience, know-how and perseverance. These are all qualities University College of the North student Char- maine Sayese used to succeed in a program using mother- boards, satellites and software. Sayese was raised and lives in the Opaskwayak Cree Nation com- munity of Big Eddy. She remembers the first time she used a computer as a young girl in elementary school. “I was in awe. We were playing a game,” Sayese says. “The com- puters back then had floppy disks. The advancement to now is unbe- lievable.” In Sayese’s community, urban centre modern conveniences, like the internet, can be intermit- tent. Despite the uncertainty of a constant connection, Sayese em- braced what technology she could get her hands on. “You can search anything. If you want to learn it, you can search it,” she says. “If you want to educate yourself, you can with the com- puter.” Social media platforms like Facebook are another survival tool in the north. Online commu- nity groups that trade and sell are some of the most followed. An or- der from Amazon may take weeks
to deliver. Your neighbour might be selling just what you need. Sayese’s technology curiosity led her to UCN’s Information Tech- nology Readiness North Project. The project sets out to lessen the digital and economic divide for Indigenous women in the north. “It’s nice to have hands-on. I get to learn more about what we are using, like the insides of a com- puter.” Less than three per cent of women at Manitoba post-second- ary institutions study computer or information science. That number drops even lower for women em- ployed in IT. Indigenous women in the field are rare. “UCN recognized the lack of opportunities for local women to access IT training. The course be- gan as a women-only pilot project with the intent of opening train- ing to all students in the future,” says Tara Manych, innovation consultant. UCN, in partnership with the Future Skills Centre (FSC), seeks to improve the outcomes of north- ern communities and northern women by offering training in an industry that promises economic opportunities, advancement and financial security. “What the north lacks in IT, we make up in potential waiting to be discovered. The world needs the talents, the unique perspec- tives and the ideas that are found
in our area and our people,” says Rob Penner, project lead and UCN associate vice-president of Com- munity and Industry Solutions.
It was amazing to watch the
UCN’s approach to IT training is unique to the north and to the populations it serves. By braiding soft skills, digital skills and us- ing oral storytelling as a personal growth pedagogy, InTeRN aims to bridge the digital and real worlds, making those connections for stu- dents easier. Industry partners like Comput- ers for Schools are helping move the project forward. “Partnering with UCN to devel- op the InTeRN Project will provide transformation of the women in the program.” — Tara Manych, innovation consultant
SUPPLIED PHOTO Charmaine Sayese and her classmates visit Bit Space Development Ltd. The company is an interactive digital media studio that specializes in creating innovative learning experiences for the classroom and workplace.
TRAIN AS A PARAMEDIC IN THE NORTH Learn in the heart of the Canadian wilderness at University College of the North.
SUPPLIED PHOTO The cohort of women often engaged with partners at other institutions. Here they talk IT and swap school sweaters with the Cheriton School of Computer Science, which has become the largest academic concentration of computer science researchers in Canada.
the program. They started as ca- sual technology users and are leaving with the skills like under- standing and working with circuit boards in a computer,” Manych says. “The support for each oth- er in the all-female group shows there is a place for women in this male-dominated field.” The “Sweetgrass” (decoloniza- tion and culturally appropriate control of the IT training) com- ponent of InTeRN has proven critical to keeping the students
engaged. Students balanced full- time education challenges with maintaining important family and community obligations through a pandemic. More than simply testing wheth- er the students can be success- ful in an IT program, InTeRN has demonstrated success in creating a learning community where the students are responsible for their learning, their classroom and each other. “Computers interested me for a
while. I saw the Facebook ad, took a chance, and here I am,” Sayese explains. “The project interested me because it was focused on In- digenous women. It’s a different atmosphere because we look at things from a woman’s perspec- tive.” Sayese says her path in technol- ogy at UCN serves as a beginning for others. She and her classmates are the first to graduate this July from the program. The unique in- formation technology project re-
ceived funding from Future Skills Centre to continue operation through 2023. “In the future, I’d like to be edu- cating other people about this in- formation,” she says. “I’m learning something. Why not give it back?” University College of the North provides learning opportunities to northern communities while respecting diverse Indigenous and northern values.
hands-on training for students at the University College of the North, helping the local commu- nity gain employment skills and strategy,” says Justin Minard, ex- ecutive director of Computers for Schools. Partnerships built the program, but students like Sayese are the ones moving it forward. “It was amazing to watch the transformation of the women in
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Building education, community opportunities for Indigenous learners at MITT
T here is a unique hub of educational and cul- tural activity in Winni- peg, and it’s happening at Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology’s (MITT) cam- pus on Main Street. Walk through MITT’s Aazhogan Training Centre and you will find young Indigenous community members sharpening their skills
in construction, learning more about being employment ready, and having an opportunity to ex- plore and learn more about their culture. MITT’s Construction Labourer Certificate Program is an Indigenous-focused program training students for an exciting career in the construction indus- try. “It’s great to see students com- ing every day to our campus, ex- cited to learn and ready to take
on new challenges related to construction,” says John Einars- son, manager of MITT’s Aazhogan Training Initiatives. “It’s heart- warming to foster the growth of these individuals as they take im- portant steps toward a better fu- ture for themselves, their families and their community.” The Construction Labourer Cer- tificate (CLC) program is open to Indigenous individuals between the ages of 18 and 30. It is ideal for
students who enjoy working with their hands, have the strength and stamina that is necessary for physical work, and are equally comfortable working indepen- dently and/or in team settings. The five-month program equips students with the skills they need to enter the construction work- force. It starts with the basics of proper usage and storage of tools and supplies and advances them to specific elements of the con- struction industry, including Con- struction Fundamentals, Fram- ing Fundamentals, Indigenous Focused Trades math, Success@ Work (MITT’s own essential skills preparation course for Construc- tion), and Construction Labourer Work Practicum. CLC’s roots were established in 2014. Originally a pre-employ- ment carpentry training program, the nature of CLC changed as MITT adapted to a changing work environment. “We now focus on preparing stu- dents for careers in construction and the transition has been very successful,” Einarsson explains. Along with training in con- struction practices, students also participate in academic classes. Among these is the Indigenous Focused Trades Math program. Developed by Christine M’Lot, a Winnipeg-based Anishinaabe ed- ucator, curriculum developer and
consultant, the course incorpo- rates mathematic principles that are vital to construction while building connections to Indig- enous heritage. “We discuss Indigenous culture, community, ways of knowing and relate it back to mathematics,” Einarsson says. “The curriculum and its material allow our students to see themselves as an integral part of assignments and encour- ages them to engage in learning.” Students also have an impor- tant resource at the Main Street campus — a dedicated student support and retention worker. This individual guides individu- als who need assistance navigat- ing through challenges or barri- ers that may affect their success in CLC. Student retention is an important component of the role, working to ensure overdue class work is front of mind and best practices are taught to mitigate other issues that arise. “Students are empowered by the support and retention worker to take ownership and receive valu- able feedback every step of the program journey,” Einarsson ex- plains. “This staff member works closely with instructors and staff and is an integral role to the pro- gram.”
204 953 2030 | MITT.CA/ALC
MITT is working to implement Indigenous programing into many of our programs.” — Neil Cooke, MITT vice-president, academic
strengthen bonds on campus, both among Indigenous students and outwardly to the general stu- dent population. Earlier in 2022, Rhonda Klippenstein was hired as the college’s manager of Indig- enous initiatives and community development. She will be work- ing across all of MITT’s campuses but will spend dedicated time to the CLC program. Klippenstein has extensive experience working with Indigenous students and the community, which will be of great benefit to the CLC program. Approximately one year ago, Neil Cooke joined MITT as vice- president, academic. He is MITT’s first First Nations lead for the aca- demic department and is bringing tremendous knowledge and expe- rience to MITT’s programs. “MITT is working to implement Indigenous programing into many of our programs,” says Cooke. “We are dedicated to enhancing the partnerships and ties we have to Indigenous communities in Mani- toba, giving Indigenous youth a safe environment to learn, build- ing strong networks, becoming career ready and providing sup- ports for growth and understand- ing for all of our students.”
Following the in-class portion of this program, students are part- nered with local businesses for a paid work integrated learning (practicum) experience. Student placements range from small- scale companies to some of Mani- toba’s largest construction orga- nizations. Some practicums even take place in a student’s home community. Einarsson noted that many students are hired perma- nently by their practicum host, helping them get a good start in their careers. Along with building careers, CLC grows connections to stu- dents’ surroundings as they take part in a variety of community projects that create bonds to cul- ture and community as a whole. Past projects have included stu- dents participating in Habitat for Humanity builds. Einarsson also said that it is important to have students engaged in a live con- struction project, as being on site teaches practical work skills and provides a clearer understanding of what students can expect from a future in construction. MITT’s community outreach extends beyond the CLC program to the organization’s strategic pri- orities. For the last seven years, MITT has made it a priority to
Visit to learn more about MITT.
Callista’s journey: A natural progression in training C allista Hall’s love of science brought her to the Land and Water Management program Systems (GIS) advanced diploma program offered Hall so much more than she expected to learn, she says, and left her even more confident in her education. I talked with an instructor about the Assiniboine Land and Water Management program, and that convinced me to look into the program further. I liked the idea of learning by doing and, being in Brandon, Assiniboine was close to home.”
my courses (in the program) but they were all courses I was inter- ested in, so I was excited going to each class,” Hall says. “There was so much information I was learn- ing and I enjoyed the lectures, taking notes and even the assign- ments — I was enjoying learning because it was something I was interested in.” James Hood, an instructor at Assiniboine who taught Hall, de- scribes her as a good student and a quick learner, with high expecta- tions of herself and others. “She’s very precise with her de- tails. … She doesn’t put herself in a situation where she will present incorrect information or infor- mation she hasn’t reviewed. So, if Callista says something, you can be pretty sure that it’s correct,” Hood says. There was so much information I was learning and I enjoyed the lectures, taking notes and even the assignments.” — Callista Hall Despite COVID-19 forcing stu- dents to transition to online learning and navigate the chal- lenges that arose from that, Hall decided to stay in school for one more year, pursuing an advanced diploma with the GIS program. GIS is a technological field that incorporates geographical features with tabular data in or- der to map, analyze and assess real-world problems. It lets us visualize, question, analyze and interpret data to understand rela- tionships, patterns and trends — a system that can benefit organiza- tions in almost every industry. Hall says she really enjoyed the Introduction to GIS class offered in the Land and Water Manage- ment program and wanted to learn more. “I wanted to do one more year. I liked school and I was thinking about … a way I could enhance my resumé and make me look more desirable as an employee and stand out a little bit more,” she says. “It’s very relevant for the environmental industry. Now we’re using so much more tech- nology along with our data collec-
tion … so I thought it would be a good thing to take.” Hood says he was not at all sur- prised Hall decided to further her education with the GIS program, adding he would like to see more students pursue it. “I think it’s a natural progression. The Land and Water Management program gives you an introduc- tion to the issues in sustainability and environmental conservation, and although it gives you an in- troduction to GIS, when you go through the advanced GIS pro- gram, you gain so much more ex- perience,” Hood says. “It’s a really valuable tool that you can use in your future career. I think it’s an excellent second piece to studies here at Assiniboine.” The first few days in the GIS pro- gram surprised Hall, she says, as the course load was a lot heavier and fast paced. “There was just so much to learn. It was so much bigger than I thought it was going to be,” she says. “There’s so many different tools to use; it’s more than just mapping. That’s what I learned — there’s data management and different ways you represent data and proper ways — even just dif- ferent ways to do it with different software, programs, servers.” Steven Hills, a GIS instructor at Assiniboine, says the program is a challenging one that is technology heavy. “Students need to know their way around a computer. They need to know file management, data management, be able to ad- here to standards. They’re taking five courses at once — there’s a lot of juggling to do and it’s a lot of work,” Hills says. “If you’re cu- rious, if you like technology, if you enjoy the discovery of things and seeing the bigger picture of things, GIS is a very interesting area to study or go into, just be- cause it’s such a broad application base. The people who really excel in the industry are curious and aren’t afraid to ask questions and find more information.” Callista Hall got a job with Ma- trix Solutions, working part-time while completing her advanced diploma and stayed on following her graduation in June. “I’m happy with the education I have now,” Hall says. “The way our world is going, everything is revolving around technology, so (an advanced diploma in GIS) is a great thing to have. Even if you aren’t working directly in GIS, you’ll still have the benefits of learning how to do proper data collection and keeping records because that is such an important part. It’s very beneficial and guar- anteed you’ll use it.”
at Assiniboine Community College, and her desire to learn and enhance her resumé drove her to pursue further knowl- edge and training with an ad- vanced diploma in Geograph- ics Information Systems. The Geographics Information
While attending high school in Virden, Hall says her biology teacher — who had a specializa- tion in environmental science — talked a lot about her career be- fore becoming a teacher. “I always found that very inter- esting,” Hall says. “I remember at- tending a career symposium and
In the first few days of attending the college, Hall says the program and the course load surprised her, but in a good way. “It really got right into the course load. I didn’t get to choose
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Access Programs at the University of Manitoba have been supporting stu- dents for almost 50 years. The Access team is proud of the holistic approach taken to promote academic excellence and the success of the program can be witnessed in the 600+ graduates populating every profession serving our communities. Today, these stu- dents exemplify Manitoba’s finest who enrich our communities and serve as powerful role models for students following in their footsteps. The University of Manitoba Access Program (UMAP) and the Health Careers Access Program (HCAP) are open to Manitoba residents who quali- fy for university admission. Interested students may apply to the Access Pro- gram and interviews are held in May for the September start date. Priority in selection is given to northern Mani- toba residents, Indigenous, newcomers to Canada and low-income students. The Access Program
Scholarship and bursary information is provided to students by Access’ Student Aid Advisor and student self- care is the focus of Access’ wellness coordinators. The Case Manager con- nects students to any outside supports that may be needed by students and the Academic Advisor monitors course selection to ensure academic programs adhere to university regulation. The Access Program is preparing to welcome the new students at Access’ two-week Orientation scheduled Au- gust end. All members of the Access Team are eager to meet and come to know each student and as they begin their academic journey, they will join Access’ robust student body who all share a common dream – to reach academic excellence.
The program offers smaller classes to students in their first-year experience as well as personalized academic advising, tutorial support and personal counselling when needed. Although Access is open to all students, greater than 80% of Access students are Indig- enous therefore cultural and spiritual guidance is available through the Grandfather (elder)-in-residence. The Access Program is home to ex- perienced academics/scholars whose disciplines include the math and sci- ences, literacy and counselling. These committed scholars share their knowl- edge in classes specifically designated for students of the Access program.
USB thrives in research at all levels
G ood science, good public policy and best practice in any field of endeavour is built on a foundation of good research. Since raising its status from a college to a university in 2011, the Université de Saint-Boniface (USB) has been actively develop- ing a research culture and creat- ing a strategy for training new re- searchers. With approximately 1,500 stu- dents, the Université de Saint- Boniface is the only French- language university in Western Canada. It is their priority to train and retain Francophone talent, including researchers. The Université de Saint-Bon- iface offers undergrads partici- pation in research projects (in French and, in some cases, in both official languages) in areas such as science, education, translation, immigration, mental health, Métis population and nursing care. Renée Desjardins, an associate professor who joined the USB’s faculty in 2014, pursues research in Translation Studies and Cana- dian Studies. Her work focuses on translation in online and digital contexts, and more particularly on multilingual conversations on social media. At the start of the pandemic, Desjardins was spurred to research accessibility of public health mes- saging in Manitoba. She found that access to information was challenging for Manitobans who did not have English as a first lan- guage. “You would have to first access information in English and hope that you could understand it in order to make the best informed decision,” she says. She says the goal is to find gaps and use quantitative and quali- tative data to help inform policy that puts best language practices in place — every day and in cri- sis — to move to equity, diversion and inclusion in communication in a linguistically diverse popula- tion. Desjardins is proud of what USB research programs enable her — and Francophone research assistants — to accomplish. She asserts many students have the interest and skills to research at the undergraduate level, but they need someone to provide the op- portunity to put that talent to use. “Students I have worked with come in with a really great skill set. They are social media-savvy, they understand technology, they’re very agile and curious,” she says. “In my line of research, especial- ly in online and digital contexts, everything moves so quickly that having a student who’s plugged in allows me to stay plugged in as well.”
Gail Cormier, associate professor in the Faculty of Education, stands alongside Lynne Connelly, Naziha Yemboul and Gabriel Fields.
to see how we model the use of this technology and for them to be able to use it themselves,” she says. At the same time, these valuable hands-on research opportunities bring benefits to both the under- graduate research assistants and the university as a whole through the practical application of knowl- edge at all levels. Visit to learn more about the Université de Saint-Boniface.
because multiple perspectives are so important,” she says. Connelly worked as a transcrib- er on a project where 40 K-to-12 teachers were interviewed about their experiences during the pan- demic and how they managed the various impacts. The project she is currently working on — along with two other USB students un- der the direction of education professor Gail Cormier — focuses on integrating technology into the classroom with programs from Apple Teacher. “We’re designing French lan- guage online tutorials that will be made available to teachers in French immersion and Franco- phone schools in Manitoba,” says Connelly. “The takeaway is how can we be prepared for a future pandemic or a school shutdown: how do we pivot quickly, integrate technolo- gy, support students better all un- der the scope of living in a Franco- phone minority setting.” Although separate, Connelly’s two projects do share a common concern: many students only have the opportunity to speak French while at school and experienced a lag on return to the classroom. “The first project had me tran- scribe audio interviews from teachers explaining how they dealt with a pandemic, how they overcame the challenges and how it impacted language develop- ment,” Connelly says. She says the Apple project will augment what is being learned about pivoting in a crisis. “I think it’s really important to integrate that in our planning and in our pedagogy for students
We’re designing French language online tutorials that will be made available to teachers in French immersion and Francophone schools in Manitoba.” — Lynne Connelly
Visit to learn more about the Université de Saint-Boniface.
Renée Desjardins
This early exposure to research projects gives students transfer- able skills to take to the workforce and, for some, it sparks an inter- est in graduate work. It gives both undergrads and the USB the op- portunity to shine in the academic world. At the USB, research assistants are also making their mark in other important areas. The op- portunity to work as a research as- sistant proved to be a valuable ex- perience for Lynne Connelly, who just completed her first year of her bachelor of education. It’s crucial to bring undergradu- ate assistants into the research mix, Connelly notes. “It’s important to have an assis- tant or even multiple researchers
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Brandon University’s School of Music back in full swing
worst of COVID, and we’re starting to get back to normal. I know for myself, my role had drifted into signing forms, going to meetings and doing spreadsheets and man- aging operations,” says Gatien, an accomplished saxophonist. “Ev- eryone has a spirit of joy about them these days.” Much of that joy stems from the fact that live music is once again on the itinerary for School of Mu- sic students. “Performing in front of live au- diences is essential to their edu- cation. They learn timing, pacing, and it helps them learn how to adapt to changing environments,” explains Gatien. “It tests students. It’s something they need to devel-
op.” At the same time, playing in front of an audience after an ab- sence of two-plus years has been — and will continue to be — very therapeutic. “Being in a hall together and playing and hearing music again reminded us about how much we missed it and the void that not playing in front of people created in our lives. Ensembles are going to be performed, there will be re- citals, and our chamber players’ concerts will also return,” he says. “Audiences have been starving for music.” In fact, the appetite was so strong, COVID restrictions didn’t create any objections among au-
dience members and musicians alike. “There weren’t any complaints about social distancing, guest lists or verifying vaccination status. Everyone was so happy to come out to hear the great music that was being played. It will all con- tinue in September. We’re veter- ans of pivoting and will do it again if we have to. We realize just how important it is to come together.” Students will also get to learn from accomplished musicians come September, including bass- ist Marika Galea, saxophonist Ken Gold and voice teacher Sarah Hall. “Marika is a gifted bassist who will work with bass players and teach improv and composition,”
Gatien says. “She made a great im- pression last year when she filled in for a retirement; now she has full tenure. She has an impressive skill set and became really en- gaged in her work. We’re thrilled to have her.” The same sentiment applies to Gold, who is one of the most ac- complished sax players on the Manitoba music scene. “He’s one of the best veterans of the local music scene and is so well-established,” he says. “He’ll connect students to local music history and will show students how to build a career.” Last but certainly not least,
A t long last, Brandon University’s School of Music is back in full swing. Live concerts have returned, new faculty members are being added, and the school has been tapped to run the Brandon Jazz Festival. All this is a breath of fresh air after dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic for two years, says Greg Gatien, dean of the university’s School of Music. “Everyone is excited. We’ve got- ten through what we all hope is the
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Being in a hall together and playing and hearing music again reminded us about how much we missed it and the void that not playing in front of people created in our lives.” — Greg Gatien, dean of Brandon University’s School of Music
there’s Hall. “Sarah has been here a long time but is newly appointed to a tenure track position so is assuming a leadership role in our voice area, which is new and really exciting for us. She’s well-established in the community and brings exten- sive experience in chamber music and as a soloist to the table,” says Gatien, adding that the school is also looking to hire a new composer-in-residence. “Sarah is a dedicated, thoughtful teacher.” To top things off, the School of Music has also been charged with the responsibility of overseeing the Brandon Jazz Festival. “We’re still walking through the planning stage, working with the advisory committee on things like budgeting. It’s a great event for the university and community and is so important to the city’s social and economic fabric. It will be a great educational opportunity for students and will bring people to Brandon.” It’s all systems go for September and beyond, says Gatien. “We’re very fortunate to do what we do. As I said, we’ll pivot if needed, but it seems so important that things keep happening because, as we have so poignantly been re- minded over these last years, everyone needs music.”
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Micro-credentials help industry, students take control of their training needs
T he global pandemic has pro- foundly affected economies around the world and pressed industry to quickly train its workforces in new modes of operation and service delivery. These demands, in turn, have opened up new opportunities for colleges, like the Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology (MITT), to respond to these labour market needs through micro-credentials. In simple terms, micro-credentials are col- lege-accredited, short-duration training op- portunities focused on developing a specific skill; at MITT, they’re delivered by its Lifelong Learning team as well as its Cyber Security Centre of Excellence. Their competitive advan- tages extend to employers (micro-credentials provide rapid and responsive skill develop- ment) as well as to existing employees and new job seekers in search of lifelong learning (micro-credentials are flexible in delivery, and “stackable,” meaning some can serve as build- ing blocks or credits toward other current or future MITT training programs). “The pandemic definitely created an acute need for digital and e-commerce skill sup- ports,” says Ray Karasevich, MITT’s president and CEO. “Micro-credentials support workers whose jobs were impacted by the pandemic, as well as helping others who want to improve their skill sets to move from one sector to an- other.” Karasevich says shorter-term, market-driven training like micro-credentials is not limited to tech, and it is highly desired across the board. Drawing on its 30-plus years of close collabo- ration with industry on other post-secondary training, MITT established a micro-credential framework based on need and tasked a group of industry representatives to apply stringent quality assurance standards to each proposed training. “We are fortunate to have the invaluable in- put of our Industry Advisory Council, a group representing a good cross-section of industry partners who have been instrumental in iden- tifying industry trends and potential training opportunities,” says Karasevich. The council — which includes represen- tation from a variety of industries such as tourism, construction, film, new media, manufacturing, export, supply chain and en- vironmental sector councils — subjects every micro-credential offered through MITT to rig- orous review, ensuring they meet the college’s standards for education and training, as well as the current and future needs of employers. And all micro-credential training is compe- tency-based, so employers can be confident students are qualified in the skills they set out to attain. Marnie Groeneveld, director of MITT’s Centre for Career Development and Lifelong Learning, oversees MITT’s micro-credential program and says this quality assurance pro- cess is ongoing and bound to a set of national guidelines for micro-credentials development. She also says the college’s history of indus- try collaboration has already led to dozens of
Three Indigenous Student Transition Program participants from the first cohort; (from left) Stephanie Spence, Kamryn Johnson and Sabrina Ricker. Road map for Indigenous success
“I was in their shoes at one time. I remember how daunting it was to navigate this big school coming from a small school. I know how scary it is to come here with no supports,” she says. “You want the education but there are so many barriers to overcome. You have to push through. You may have to relocate and leave your support system behind.” Gregory has graduated from BU twice: Once with a bachelor of First Nations and Aboriginal counselling and a second time with a master’s degree in education specializing in guidance and counselling.
BY GEOFF KIRBYSON A fter a successful first year, there are even higher hopes this au- tumn for a new initiative de- signed to help Indigenous stu- dents make a smooth transition to life at Brandon University. The Al and Bee Wagner Indigenous Student Transition Program helped more than a dozen students navigate their first year of post-sec- ondary education last year. It was first rolled out to students in health studies, science and business, and numbers are expected to in- crease to 20 now that it’s open to all faculties, with further growth in the future. The program helps with students’ transi- tions in four key aspects of their lives — aca- demic, social, personal and cultural. The overarching goal is to increase the grad- uation rate of Indigenous students, which is considerably lower than that of non-Indige- nous students, says program co-ordinator De- idre Gregory. There’s also some tangible motivation for the students. As part of a laptop incentive pro- gram, if they complete their first year of stud- ies, the computer that was purchased for them in the fall will become their own. Students who are accepted will take part in an extended weeklong orientation in August, learning how to navigate both the campus and Manitoba’s second-largest city. The road map will focus on life essentials, such as housing, shopping, childcare needs, finding a doctor and using online platforms, while covering student essentials, including how to study ef- fectively, how to conduct research and how to write a paper. Gregory says the orientation will help stu- dents build a sense of belonging and inclusion. “I’m here for whatever they need through the first year. I’ll walk with them through so- lutions to whatever their issues might be. I’ll help them connect with their professors, and I’ll arrange tutors for them. It’s about making sure they can fully access all the options avail- able at Brandon University,” she says. Their orientation also includes an intro- duction to the support networks at Brandon University, such as the deans and teams at the Indigenous People’s Centre and Student Services. Other resources for students include peer mentors, a knowledge keeper and elder support. Perhaps the biggest challenge facing many Indigenous students is relocating from their home community to an urban centre, she says. Gregory understands those challenges, as she’s Indigenous herself. A member of the Ba- con Ridge/Ebb and Flow First Nation about 45 minutes southeast of Dauphin, she moved to Brandon in 1994.
Industry-driven and focused on specific skill development, micro-credentials are college-accredited, short-duration training opportunities.
As for job seekers, and those who feel they are stuck in career rut, she adds that micro- credentials directly benefit people looking to develop entry-level skills to increase their em- ployability, as well as those who are already following certain career paths, but need to upgrade skills or gain new ones in order to get ahead or move on. “Time commitment is a huge consideration for someone balancing education with life,” says Groeneveld. “Our micro-credentials are a great solution as they can be a few hours, a few courses or a few weeks, and taught online or in-class — whatever best fits a learner’s life- style.” For more information, visit learning-institute. Are you an employer interested in pursuing micro-credentials or other training partner- ship with MITT? Email: LifeLongLearning@
Micro-credentials support workers whose jobs were impacted by the pandemic, as well as helping others who want to improve their skill sets to move from one sector to another.”
I’m here for whatever they need through the first year. I’ll walk with them through solutions to whatever their issues might be.”
— Ray Karasevich, MITT president and CEO
with industry using the micro-credential plat- form,” says Groeneveld. “And because we work together, we can guarantee employers get ex- actly what they need.”
micro-credentials solutions with partners on everything from customer service to cyber se- curity, manufacturing to waste and water. “There is no limit to what we can develop
— Deidre Gregory, program co-ordinator of Brandon
University’s Al and Bee Wagner Indigenous Student Transition Program
She’ll meet with each student for a one-on- one check-in on a weekly basis. During these meetings, she’ll go over every course they’re taking, see how their assignments are coming along and determine what — if any — sup- ports are needed. During exit surveys last year, Gregory dis- covered how valuable the students considered the check-ins for both their academic and per- sonal lives. “Everybody was at home. A couple of the students said the check-ins were the only oth- er time they had interactions with anybody other than their family,” she says. “They said it was nice to connect with somebody outside of their homes. It helped them deal with the iso- lation that many of them were feeling.” As Brandon University welcomes a growing number of students back on campus, Gregory says everyone is looking forward to making and renewing those connections in person. For more information on BU’s Indigenous Student Transition Program, as well as the many programs available for everyone at Brandon University, visit
SUPPLIED Deidre Gregory is program co-ordinator of Brandon University’s Al and Bee Wagner Indigenous Student Transition Program.
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Not your ordinary university
sonal growth. “I think there’s a real quality to the teaching here,” she says. “Stu- dents can talk to people about the big questions in life and have con- versations across different areas — call it an interdisciplinary ap- proach. Having relationships with one another allows students to share ideas. That broadens their knowledge base and makes them more worldly.” And there’s much knowledge to be gained, since CMU’s student population is very diverse. “Actually, only 30 per cent of students that attend CMU have a Mennonite affiliation,” notes Pauls. “The other 70 per cent of our students come from different areas. Our international students come here from 30 countries and five continents.” That diverse community creates an interesting dynamic that many other universities don’t possess, she adds. “It seems to make people more intentional about developing re- lationships to talk with and shape each other. That and the univer- sity’s spiritual traditions make it a place where relationships are at the core of everything we do.” In turn, that upbeat atmosphere helps reduce the stress that can result from grinding constantly to attain high grades. “Students are almost always pleasantly surprised by the atmo- sphere here,” she says. “Because they have people to engage with who really care about who they really are, it results in a real de- escalation of anxiety.” At the end of the day, having that extra support makes a big dif- ference. “At CMU, academic excellence happens due to these relational aspects. And it’s not just ‘nice stuff’ on the side; it’s a distinct way of doing very fine academic work. When you’re taking practi- cal, hands-on courses and you’re not on your own, you have the op- portunity to work things through. That makes for better students — and better people.”
Our goal is to provide students with an excellent depth in their field of study while using the experience to also develop and form them as people.”
S uffice it to say that Cana- dian Mennonite Univer- sity (CMU) is anything but your ordinary uni- versity. “We’re more than just an arts and humanities school,” says CMU’s president, Cheryl Pauls. “We also have science, business and communications streams at the university, too.” Not only that, but CMU also does something that other univer- sities don’t do. “Since 2000, we’ve had the re- quirement that every student does a work placement,” she explains. “The concept of work integrated learning is big today, and we’ve been doing it for over 20 years. Ev- ery student that studies here gets the opportunity to get that real- life experience.” In short — again, unlike most universities — CMU wants to pro- vide its students with practical ex- perience, not just theory gleaned from spending time in a class- room. Direct, hands-on experience is critical. “For example, in our first-year science labs, students get to work with professors doing research projects, not student teachers,” Pauls says. “That way, they get di- rect exposure to professionals do- ing real-life projects. Then their professor might be able to get them a work placement at the vi- rology lab.” Pauls adds that CMU’s practical, hands-on approach is comple- mented by a learning environ- ment that fosters growth both as a student and person. “Our goal is to provide students with an excellent depth in their field of study while using the ex- perience to also develop and form them as people. We strive to main- tain a productive tension between both academics and personal de- velopment.” The result is an atmosphere that promotes both academic and per-
— Cheryl Pauls, CMU’s president
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