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PrideMART means Business By Jennifer McFee
PrideMART is an increasingly vital part of Pride Week. This year, 53 vendors will set up shop during the Festival at The Forks on Saturday, June 3 and Sunday, June 4 from noon to 5 p.m. Organized by the Manitoba LGBT* Chamber of Commerce, PrideMART is attracting applications from a growing number of businesses. “We always try to accommodate them, but last year, we turned away 27 folks that wanted to participate,” says board member Mark Schollenberg. “We always try to have a great mix of some of the larger corporate allies that we have in the marketplace. It gives them an opportunity to showcase their brand and how they’re supporting the LGBT community.” As well, PrideMART will include booths from industry associations and companies that are actively recruiting employees. As a result, job seekers can get an idea of which employers openly embrace diversity and inclusion. For example, Schollenberg says the Manitoba Trucking Association and Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) will both be on hand and ready to discuss employment options. “They’re there to talk about what kind of jobs they offer and how they support folks of different sexual orientations or gender identities,” he says. “We also have a number of businesses that are there selling directly to LGBT communities, either because their product is a great fit or because they’re an LGBT-owned business themselves.” In particular, Schollenberg points to about 15 artisans who will showcase locally designed and crafted products — everything from rainbow necklaces to handmade ceramics and gemstone
artwork. And some vendors are offering unique products and planning giveaways in honour of the 30th anniversary of Winnipeg’s first Pride march. “We encourage everyone to stop by and wander through and check out what the different businesses have to offer. Usually there are tons of giveaways, and if people are looking for gifts, there are some really unique finds as well,” he says. “I know our vendors are so excited to see all the people in the Pride Festival. They have been planning for months how they’re going to showcase their products and designing new things for this event.” The chamber puts in a lot of effort, too, since PrideMART aligns well with its overall goals. “We’re all about having a strong and diverse economy in Manitoba. Our mission is to promote and support an active community of LGBT- owned and allied businesses in the province,” Schollenberg says. “One of the great programs that we have involves working with all of our counterparts across North and South America to certify LGBT- owned businesses so that when they’re bidding on contracts, they can say that they’re a diversely owned business.” The chamber is also hosting its annual Pride in Business Networking Reception during Pride Week, on Wednesday, May 31. “It’s for folks in the business community and professionals to come and meet like-minded people,” Schollenberg says. “It’s a networking event, but it’s a lot of fun. It’s not nearly as stuffy as some other corporate events.” To learn more, visit the Manitoba LGBT* Chamber of Commerce website at www.mb-lgbt.biz.
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were recognized as having the special responsibility of carrying two spirits and this was considered a gift
The WCB supports diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
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