National Indigenous Peoples Day | 2024




Tables line a hallway in R.B. Russell Vocational

High School on Wednesday evenings, and the scent of coffee and snacks creates a homey and welcoming atmosphere. Beaders, from beginners to experts, sit and stitch a rainbow assortment of minuscule seed beads on various projects. At one end, teenagers are working on their first project, learning how to bead a simple flower. At the other end, a long time beader is sharing tips to make sunflower earrings. In between, beaders of all ages and abilities are chatting and working on an array of projects like pins, keychains, lanyards, moccasins, and mittens. > continued on page 8

Teresa Byrne - Indigenous Ways of Life teacher; John Sobkovich - Graphic Design teacher; and Nancy Gouliquer - long-time MMF volunteer. PHOTO BY DARCY FINLEY

Manitoba Public Insurance would like to acknowledge that our organization operates on the original lands of the Anishinaabeg, Anish-Ininiwak, Dakota, Dene, Ininiwak and Nehethowuk and the homeland of the Métis. On this National Indigenous Peoples Day, we honour and celebrate all First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples across Canada. In our work delivering auto insurance and driver services throughout Manitoba, we are committed to advancing reconciliation with Indigenous individuals and communities through respectful and meaningful consultation and practices. We are also continually working on ways to strengthen the inclusivity of our organization, including ensuring our workforce reflects the diverse population of our province. If you are interested in a career with Manitoba Public Insurance, you can view current postings at: We encourage you to declare your employment equity status when completing your online application.

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