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Teaching Excellence UNIVERSITY OF WINNIPEG STUDENTS BENEFIT FROM GREATER ACCESS TO FACULTY W hen students arrive at the University of Win- nipeg, they are immersed in a vibrant learning community where they can explore new ideas and develop their interests. With its small class
sizes and dedicated faculty, UWinnipeg provides students greater access to inspiring professors who can give mentorship and support. Students across the University’s six faculties and more than 160 pro- grams are encouraged to explore their curiosities and examine prob- lems in new ways. Among the greatest opportunities for UWinnipeg stu- dents, however, is the chance to participate in research with faculty and understand the real-world application of ideas relevant to their studies. Gracie Grift, a third-year student pursuing a Bachelor of Science (Hon- ours) in Biology, can attest to undergraduate research broadening her education. Working closely with Dr. Yannick Molgat-Seon from the Faculty of Kinesiology and Applied Health, Grift investigated how sex-differences in respiratory system morphology affect breathing during exercise. Dr. Molgat-Seon’s mentorship helped give Grift the confidence to present at a national conference. “In the lab, myself and the other research assistants were all given the freedom to be the project lead on our own individual projects,” Grift said. “I am extremely thankful for (Dr. Mol- gat-Seon’s) trust and leadership.”
Working with faculty not only helps students develop their existing in- terests, but also helps them dis- cover new ones.
Tegan Ledoux came to UWinnipeg to study neurosciences. While participating in UWinnipeg’s Path- way to Graduate Studies program, she had her eyes opened to new worlds – liter- ally and fig- uratively – by Dr. Ed Clou- tis, Professor of Geography and Director of the Centre for Terrestrial and Planetary Explora- tion. Ledoux participated
University of Winnipeg campus.
The ISSP will help
as I was initially majoring in another discipline and had no prior knowl- edge of geography,” she said. After her experience with Dr. Cloutis, Ledoux not only gained valuable insight into geography, but set her sights on a new goal: after completing her neurosciences degree, she plans on pursuing a master’s in geogra- phy. Working with faculty can also open doors for students to make a dif- ference in their own neighbourhoods. This was the case for Sheldon Valiquette, a 2022 UWinnipeg graduate who returned to take part in the Indigenous Summer Scholars Program (ISSP). Previously involved in a variety of University programs, such as In- ner-City Work Study and the Community-based Research Training Centre, he leapt at the chance to contribute to Dr. Julie Chamberlain’s research into the politics of historical buildings gifted to Indigenous groups. “The ISSP will help me improve my skills as a researcher and get me prepared for graduate studies,” Valiquette said. “One of the primary values of ISSP is that it is geared toward Indigenous scholars, which is a perspective not often seen in academia.” “For scholars, the opportunity to work on a research project can be a wonderful learning experience that shapes their life and career options,” Dr. Chamberlain said. “Research experience can open doors to employ- ment opportunities down the road, and prepare scholars for graduate studies.”
me improve my skills as a researcher and get me prepared for graduate studies.”
— Sheldon Valiquette, 2022 UWinnipeg graduate
SUPPLIED PHOTO ISSP scholar Sheldon Valiquette discusses his research with faculty mentor Dr. Julie Chamberlain.
in Dr. Cloutis’ research on Mars and Lunar mete- orites using methods such as reflectance spectroscopy. “I was fortunate to work with Dr. Cloutis and his research team, because they were very patient and understanding
Learn more about the incredible opportunities available to under- graduate, graduate, and continuing education students at the University of Winnipeg by visiting:
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Gain the experience and support you need to achieve your goals:
› More interaction with your professors › A diverse and friendly community › World-class research and learning opportunities
We have created a leadership degree that organizations or students can use to hone their leadership skills.
CODE's flexible and accessible education
A s Providence University College and Theological Seminary get closer to our 100th anniversary, we are not resting on our laurels but looking for innovative ways to make education more accessible, affordable, and applicable. Through our new Cen- tre for On-Demand Education (CODE), we believe we have achieved it. We are excited to share the possibilities with you. Have you thought that gaining a degree has passed you by? As an employer, have you struggled to keep good workers? Do you have talented employees who leave to get more training but do not return? With many long- standing workers retiring, do you worry your institutional memory will be lost? Through CODE and its innovative competency-based approach gaining a degree or training your workforce is achievable. With CODE, education is accessible, as the classroom is the workplace. Students are men- tored through a uniquely designed curriculum until they demonstrate proficiency in each outcome while on the job. Seasoned employ- ees' experience is retained as they walk with the students as mentors and pass on their ex- pertise. Semesters and external deadlines are removed, giving flexibility for students to work through the program. Students set the pace. Their prior learning and experience, whether accredited or not, are a part of the mentored assessment, allowing students with already well-developed skills to move quickly through the program. Not only is this education accessible, but it is also affordable. The tuition fees are half of what our regular tuition costs are. They are also charged at a subscription rate. You pay only for the time you are studying. If life takes a turn, you can, through your mentor team, take a pause and resume back where you left off. And as your studies are done right where you work, everything you learn is directly ap- plied. This is learning that is applicable. As an employer, you can speak into the curriculum
dovetailing assignments and ensure that what is needed is taught. All the outcomes can be laddered. You can start small with a micro-cre- dential and build on that to a full degree. We have created a leadership degree that or- ganizations or students can use to hone their leadership skills. Our Transforming Leader- ship MA is a holistic degree designed for pro- fessionals who want to stay with their orga- nization and grow their capacity. Like all our offerings through the Centre for On-Demand Education, this degree is competency-based. The student is placed in a context where they can demonstrate their growing skills to their mentor team, who supports them through the tailored curriculum. It has 12 outcomes which include: Effective Communication, Critical Thinking, Personal Development, Intercul- tural Awareness, Management and Finance, Leadership and Change. For organizations looking for strong leaders, consider training from within through our accredited, mentored learning that you have a hand in creating. Through our work-integrated learning ap- proach, you can develop talent on the job. You already have the leaders you need. Think of this as education like an extended apprenticeship. As a student, you gain valu- able hands-on experience at the same time as you are studying the foundational knowl- edge needed to thrive. You are supported in your learning through your mentor team, who will encourage and challenge you to gain the knowledge and skills you need to succeed. As an employer, you gain a well-trained, valuable employee who embodies your company's vi- sion and has learned from your senior em- ployees right in your workplace. Check all this out on our website at CODE. We look forward to hearing from you and discussing ways to work together to make your education accessible, affordable, and ap- plicable. Please reach out to us at Karen Anderson, the Centre for On-De- mand Education director, and Jessica Neudorf-Wiebe, project manager, will happily answer your questions.
Discover our Centre for On-Demand Education (CODE). Connect the workplace with the classroom through mentored learning that is accessible, affordable, and applicable.
RRC Polytech and Canada Life announcing the Circle of Friends Indigenous Student Mentorship Program. From left to right: Scott Gillingham, City of Winnipeg mayor; Brian Bowman, vice president, sustainability and social impact, Canada Life; Fred Meier, president and CEO, RRC Polytech.
Sharon-Rose Bear, RRC Polytech student and alumna.
C anada Life and RRC Polytech establish new Circle of Friends Indig- enous Student Men- torship Program In June, Canada Life announced a $500,000 investment to help create a new Indigenous-led student men- torship program at RRC Polytech called the Circle of Friends Indige- nous Student Mentorship Program supported by Canada Life. The initia- tive will be offered across all college programs and campuses, providing support and guidance to Indigenous learners as they navigate post-sec- ondary experiences and move into the early weeks of employment. Sharon-Rose Bear, a student in RRC Polytech’s Social Innovation and Community Development pro- gram, completed her first diploma in Community Development and will return this fall to pursue Indigenous Social Entrepreneurship. During her time at RRC Polytech, Bear has taken every opportunity to engage with the community and challenge herself, and she says she is looking forward to participating in the Circle of Friends program when it’s imple- mented. As a student, Bear has taken on im- portant leadership roles. As a mem- ber of the School of Indigenous Ed- ucation Resource Crew or “R-Crew,” she helped new and current students navigate college life and helped In- digenous Students Supports Team manage community events. Over the summer, she was part of the RRC Polytech team of students se- lected for the Sistering Indigenous and Western Science Programs (SIN- EWS)—a paid mentorship program through Natural Resources Canada intended to increase the represen- tation and participation of Indige- nous and non-Indigenous women in science-related disciplines and research. Bear says that post-secondary can be overwhelming, but the supports
she accessed through the college helped her to balance the opportu- nities she wanted to pursue with her academic endeavours. Another ave- nue of support that connects gradu- ates with experienced industry pro- fessional she says will be helpful in ensuring that Indigenous students can confidently pivot from the class- room to career from the outset. “Many Indigenous students who come to RRC Polytech are diving into many new environments all at once: college, urban life, diverse communities, new schedules, bud- get management, and a big city to get around. It’s a lot,” said Bear. Indigenous education is stronger at Red River College Polytechnic with the support of Elders and Knowledge Keepers. Bear says while she has been able to thrive during her time as a stu- dent, having mentors to support Indigenous graduates as they tran- sition from college-life to the work- force will be a huge benefit. “Many of us have developed a level of comfort and confidence on campus, but graduation presents the brand-new, bigger hurdle of going out into the workplace on our own – the cushion of the college is taken away. With the Circle of Friends pro- gram, students and recent graduates can take comfort in knowing they will have industry mentors all along the way that will share insights into what it takes to be ‘ready,’ as they transition into their new careers,” Bear said. The Circle of Friends Indigenous Student Mentorship Program will help students facilitate connections
with other students and industry professionals that otherwise may have been missed opportunities. This program is also one way RRC Polytech aims to increase partner- ships with Indigenous students, businesses and communities – a key priority for the college. Mentees will have access to first- hand insight into college experienc- es, the job hunt and adjusting to a new work environment. For mentors, having someone to share their experiences with not only will expand their own future industry connections, but bonding through shared experiences and goals can really help build their con- fidence in their careers. Teaching and learning is reciprocal—mentors engaging with mentees is another way that mentors can strengthen their own expertise. “This mentorship program will ensure Indigenous learners have more opportunities to connect with experienced industry profession- als and expand their networks by building strong relationships with mentors and other mentees along their academic journeys,” said Tracy Brant, associate dean, the School of Indigenous Education. “In turn, mentors will also bene- fit from engaging with and learning from professionals who are entering their field with new experience and perspectives. Helping to facilitate these potentially lifelong connec- tions provides students with the tools they need to make the impacts they want to see in their commu- nities and beyond. The additional support of dedicated mentors in the fields they want to pursue will en- courage success in their academics and eventual careers.”
Sharon-Rose Bear acting in her capacity as an R-Crew member at an RRC Polytech event.
The Indigenous Support Centres at RRC Polytech are equipped with specialized ventilation systems to accommodate smudging and ceremony.
Many students like Sharon-Rose Bear regular- ly access supports through the School of Indige- nous Education to help manage their academic careers. The Circle of Friends Indigenous Student Mentorship Program supported by Canada Life is just one of the many supports RRC Polytech of- fers to Indigenous learners college-wide. The Indigenous Support Centres at the Notre Dame and Exchange District campuses provide homes away from home where students and staff can smudge, participate in events, cultural teach- ings and ceremonies, or spend time with friends. The centres are great places to start when stu- dents are looking to network or access support. The Indigenous Students Supports Team helps Indigenous students succeed with guided tools and resources, from community to classroom to career. The Indigenous Student Supports team provides holistic and interconnected wrap- around supports that combine the best of west- ern and Indigenous ways of teaching and learn- ing. Indigenous education is stronger at Red River College Polytechnic with the support of Elders and Knowledge Keepers. The Elder-in-Residence and Knowledge Keeper-in-Residence provide students traditional, community-based support through Indigenous ways of teaching, learning and leading. The Indigenous Students Supports Team hires students each year for the R-Crew. Bear was an R-Crew member at the Exchange District Campus for 2022-23 along with three other students. The R-Crew are leaders who support and encourage other students, assist with events and perform various administrative duties which develop and enhance their skillsets. These students are an in- tegral part of the team and help to build connec- tions throughout the community on campus. Navigation coaches with the School of Indig- enous Education are a first point of contact for current Indigenous students and can help with everything from finding the way around campus, problem-solving, sharing important resources and information, understanding college process- es and accessing community services. They will also help connect students with other important support team members, who, together, can en- sure students receive the help they need. SUPPORTS FOR INDIGENOUS LEARNERS
College Transition
This mentorship program will ensure Indigenous learners have more opportunities to connect with experienced industry professionals and expand their networks by building strong relationships with mentors and other mentees along their academic journeys.” The School of Indigenous Education (SIE) helps students like Sharon-Rose Bear achieve their personal, educational and career goals. Stu- dents build a deeper understanding of cultures, languages and teachings, while developing the skills needed to join Manitoba’s growing work- force. Students can choose between seven transi- tional programs to help prepare them for further post-secondary education in a specific industry. Pathway and Transition to College programs are exploratory and preparatory, helping students gain the skills to confidently enter specific RRC Polytech offerings and providing opportunities to progress directly into the next program. RRC Polytech’s Social Innovation and Commu- nity Development program helps students build the knowledge and experience needed to work for government institutions, social enterprises, and Indigenous communities and organizations through one of two second-year streams: Com- munity Development or Indigenous Social Entre- preneurship.
Culinary Skills (Indigenous)
Introduction to Trades
Pathway to Business, Creative Communications and Digital Technology Programs
Pathway to Engineering Technology Programs
Pathway to Health Programs
Pathway to Information Technology Programs Social Innovation and Community Development - Community Development - Indigenous Social Entrepreneurship
Speak with an Indigenous Liaison Advisor today:
— Tracy Brant, associate dean, the School of Indigenous Education
Hands-on Training With In-depth Study
As Manitoba’s only polytechnic, RRC Polytech provides the right blend of applied training and deep theoretical learning that matches employers’ needs and helps learners reach their career goals, fast. FEATURED PROGRAMS Administrative Assistant EXCEL IN TOP ADMINISTRATIVE JOBS 18-week certificate
Applied Accounting HELP BOLSTER THE FOUNDATIONS OF PROFITABLE BUSINESSES One-year certificate Starts Aug. 28, 2023, in Winnipeg Pathway to Engineering Technology Programs PREPARE FOR ACADEMIC SUCCESS AS AN INDIGENOUS STUDENT Nine-month statement of achievement Starts Aug. 28, 2023, in Winnipeg
Civil Engineering Technology LEARN TO DESIGN SYSTEMS AND INFRASTRUCTURES 32-month diploma Starts Aug. 28, 2023, in Winnipeg
Starts Aug. 28, 2023, in Winnipeg; Jan. 2, 2024, in Portage La Prairie, Selkirk, Steinbach and Winkler
Educational Assistant HELP KIDS REACH THEIR FULL POTENTIAL Six-month certificate
Starts Aug. 28, 2023, in Winnipeg; Oct. 3, 2023, in Portage La Prairie, Selkirk, Steinbach and Winkler
DISCOVER PROGRAMS /opportunities
Université de Saint-Boniface Thrilled TO SHARE LOVE OF FRENCH With Community
BY TODD LEWYS A s educational institutions go, the Université de Saint-Boniface enjoys a rare distinction: It is the only postsecondary francophone institution in all western Canada It's a distinction that this respected educational institution takes to hear, and its continuing education division is no exception. “The link we have with the francophone community and communi- ty in general is strong,” says Aileen Clark, director of USB’s continuing education division. “We have to support the community around us and be a pillar in it.” And while USB’s continuing education division offers many pro- grams, ranging from conversational French to a French program for civ- il servants to Advanced Level French – their focus is on providing a great learning experience to the diverse array of people who take the classes. “As a link to the community, our intrinsic motivation is to support the people with our language classes,” says Clark. “By that I mean we want to dig in deeper with people, to help them gain a better understanding of the language by delivering high quality programs.” Essentially, each program is designed to share the love of the French language. “We want to welcome people to the different programs – anyone with the love of the French language is welcome to come and learn it with us.” The overall idea, says Clark, is to make learning French fun, and use- ful. “We work with all sorts of different clients to support language train- ing,” she explains. “People learn French to travel, to help their kids in school, to use as public servants, and in other areas, such as healthcare.” As fun as each program is, it’s also practical. Students are taught the nuances of the language, so they can communicate clearly. That comes in very handy in a health care setting, says Clark. “If a French speaking person is admitted to the hospital, it’s very im- portant that they receive communication in their first language. That makes it easier to meet their immediate needs.” Then, because a nurse or doctor (hopefully both) is communicating clearly with the patient, they can then quickly pinpoint what the prob- lem is and administer appropriate, highly focused care. “Little things can get missed, and so when you can understand the other person, you can pick up on the nuances,” she says. The good will generated by providing such considerate, loving care is immeasurable, notes Clark. “It all comes back to contributing to the development of the com- munity. People appreciate it when others take the time to learn their language so they can provide better services to the francophone com- munity.” At the same time, the programs at USB are all designed to provide a fertile learning ground for the French language. “As I said before, we always want to welcome people here. Anyone who loves the French language is well received here.” Turns out, there’s something else that’s unique about USB: its teach- ers all come from different backgrounds. “We have teachers here that come from all over the world,” she says.
class with only other Access students. Our small classes give you the opportunity to really get to know your professors and your classmates. Our courses have customized content and assessments to allow each student the op- portunity to get excited about the material and demonstrate what they know. You won’t find a 3-hour final exam here! Instead, ex- pect lots of hands-on learning, practice, behind-the-scenes tours, and even outdoor learning, right on campus! Overall, you will find that the Access Pro- gram has something valuable to offer to you, and that your strengths are valued here too. Come and begin your academic journey with us – and Access will support you every step of the way.
Thinking about university? The University of Manitoba Access Program is here to help! By Emily McKinnon , Science Education Specialist, Access Program
Here at the Access program, we believe you can achieve your goals. Our students are on their way to becoming doctors, teachers, athletic therapists, environmental scien- tists, artists, and more! The Access Program Common First Year classes allow to you take all your courses in a supportive environment before you embark on your more specific degree path in second year. Our classes are designed to build your skills in science, reading, math, writing, and communication, and give you
We want to welcome people to the different programs – anyone with the love of the French language is welcome to come and learn it with us.”
basic credits and electives applicable to your degree program. In the Access program, our classes are dif- ferent. First, you will be learning in a small
ACCESS PROGRAM | 204-474-8000 |
— Aileen Clark, director of Unversité de Saint Boniface Continuing Education Division
“They bring different views of the language, and so many accents.” The enthusiasm and dedication of students, whether they’re just learning the language, or are working on becoming fluent, is always ap- preciated – no matter what accent the French is spoken with. “It’s all beautiful French,” Clark says. “When people make the effort to learn the language, it’s really appreciated. Little gestures like that go a long way.” No matter what level you’re at, you can learn to become proficient in communicating in French at Université de Saint-Boniface. “People who love the French language are family to us and are all part of this community project. Everyone contributes to the development of the community with all the different flavours of francophonie that they offer, and all the passion and work they put into learning and speaking the language.” Why not take a French class this fall! Classes offered both in per- son and through distance learning via Zoom. Everyone welcome and all levels offered. Registration for fall session closes Sep- tember 12th. Visit for more info and to register.
Our learner-centred course material uses communicative and theme-based approaches to provide a highly interesting language learning experience.
B RANDON, Man. – A leading program in Canada with huge career opportunities continues to get better, with a big expan- sion and upgrade to Brandon Universi- ty’s psychiatric nursing learning spaces. The renovations, conducted last year, have helped fuel a major expansion in seats for the psychiatric nursing program, which is in high demand by employers. There are larger and completely updated spaces for BU’s Health Studies facilities at the main campus in Bran- don, which offers a Bachelor of Nursing degree and a Bachelor of Science in Psychiatric Nurs- ing, as well as in Winnipeg, where the Bachelor of Science in Psychiatric Nursing is offered. Brandon University has long been a leader in Canadian psychiatric nursing education, introducing the nation’s first post-diploma degree in the field, followed by the first four- year degree in psychiatric nursing, and later adding Canada’s first and only Master of Psy- chiatric Nursing program. The new spaces in both Winnipeg and Bran- don, with larger classrooms, additional lab units and realistic teaching mannequins — plus new dedicated student space at BU’s Win- nipeg campus — support expanded opportu- nities for students while keeping the program at the leading edge. “As we move forward, the future of psychi- atric nursing education and also the future of the profession of psychiatric nursing in Man- itoba, is very, very bright,” said Linda Ross, BU’s Acting Dean of Health Studies. The Bachelor of Science in Psychiatric Nurs- ing is offered at BU’s Winnipeg campus, lo- cated in the Rice Centre building on Portage Avenue. It’s also offered at the larger Brandon campus, where students have the option of 19 undergraduate degree programs, six graduate programs and four certificate programs across the Faculties of Arts, Education, Health Stud- ies, Science and the School of Music. In all, about 3,500 students pursue their education at BU each year, taking advantage of the full
range of services in a friendly and personal- ized atmosphere for students. Brandon University also excels at provid- ing students with meaningful real-world ex- perience, whether it is through research op- portunities, field practica in faculties such as Health Studies and Education, or the growing Co-operative Education program, which this summer was successful in finding paid work experience for every student participant that’s related to their studies in Arts, Science and Business. Academic advising, career planning, per- sonal counselling and accessibility services provide students with support every step of the way, while extracurricular activities like the Student Leader program and more than 50 clubs and collectives create even more oppor- tunities for growth and friendships. As Canada’s finest regional university, BU maintains a close-knit network of alumni, who play important leadership roles in their communities across Canada and around the world, as well as right here in Manitoba. BU graduates are proud of their education, with 93 per cent saying it prepared them to excel in the workforce and 98 per cent ready to recom- mend Brandon University. Whether at the Brandon campus or in Win- nipeg, the priority is providing first-class ed- ucation while fostering meaningful connec- tions with fellow students and faculty. “Building relationships and learning from outstanding professors is what students love about Brandon University,” said Leanne Bar- cellona, BU’s Director of Recruitment and Re- tention. “We bring students together from all around the world, but thanks to the connec- tions that we forge with our community and with each other, we’re really able to make ev- eryone feel like they’re at home.” Learn more about Brandon University, take a virtual tour, or set up a time to vis- it in person at dents.
Find your path to any career with Brandon University. Let’s start.
CANADA’S finest regional university BE agile • BE courageous • BE inclusive
S tarting university is a major milestone, and for many first-year students at the University of Manitoba, the transition can feel daunting. However, new students aren’t alone. With UM’s extensive resources, coupled with help from parents and supporters, they can confidently navigate this exciting journey. Below are eight things to keep in mind as you support your student through their first year. 1 UM ORIENTATION WILL EASE THE TRANSITION UM has a comprehensive orientation program, helping new students with everything from study skills to on-campus supports. In the past, orientation was a single day. Today, it unfolds as a series of events throughout the spring and summer. “What we know is that orientation is not so much an event as it is a process,” says Ali Wood-Warren, director of student transition and suc- cess at UM. There is a body of research, Wood-Warren says, that highlights the importance of a student’s first six weeks. This period often determines whether they will complete their first year, which is why orientation now provides extended support. “What we want is for students to become more comfortable on cam- pus. We want them to feel that it’s not ‘the’ campus—it’s ‘their’ campus,” Wood-Warren says. 2 HELP WITH COURSE SELECTION IS AVAILABLE One of the first events to kick off UM Orientation was Get Ready to Register, an online session that introduces students to the First Year Planning Guide. The guide empowers students by helping them understand course selection and equipping them with the knowledge to make informed decisions about their academic journey. “We help students know what’s expected of them in university and teach them the skills needed to meet these expectations during their first year,” Wood-Warren says. Divya Sharma is a second-year bachelor of arts student and the vice-president of community engagement at the University of Manitoba Students’ Union (UMSU). Last year, Get Ready to Register proved helpful in planning and regis- tering for her courses. “For a lot of first year students who don’t have older siblings like my- self, it’s really challenging to navigate all of these systems,” Sharma says. “I was really thankful that the university did a session where they showed you how to sign up for courses and what sort of course load to take.”
3 TOURS HELP WITH GETTING TO KNOW CAMPUS The size of UM’s Fort Garry campus can be intimidating for new students, but a campus tour can help them gain a solid grasp of the grounds. Campus tours are available for both the en- tire campus and specific buildings. Sharma, who took a tour last year, benefited from the experience. “You’re coming into this new environment, you’re all starry eyed, and it’s really nice to have someone guiding you through it,” Sharma says. 4 UNIVERSITY LIFE HAS CHANGED OVER THE YEARS
University life in 2023 is significantly different from pre- vious decades. For one, it’s typical for students to balance full-time jobs and other major responsibilities with their studies. “We have students who are parents. We have students who are caring for aging family members. We have full-time workers,” Wood-Warren says. The technological landscape has changed, too. “My phone that I have in my hand is not just a phone. It’s the world,” Wood-Warren says. “It’s easy to see why decision-making might be harder for students now. They’re dealing with an un- precedented amount of information.” Even with these changes, students can count on UM for clear and useful communication. It’s important that students check their email daily for information. Following UM on social media is also a great way to stay in the loop. 5 LEARNING TO ASK FOR HELP IS A CRITICAL SKILL Wood-Warren wants to normalize asking for help. “The vast majority of students need some help. That’s just the nature of what we’re doing here. Being a university student is a new experience,” Wood-Warren says. The university offers a wide range of supports and services, from academic advising to health care to spiritual care. But stu- dents don’t need to remember every single service. “Even after orientation, it’s okay if students don’t know every- thing. They don’t need to know everything. They just need to re- member that the First Year Centre is here to help,” Wood-Warren says. 6 UM ESSENTIALS PROVIDES ONLINE ORIENTATION UM Essentials is an online orientation program for new stu- dents. The program provides a virtual tour of the campus and intro- duces the course management system, UMLearn. It also sheds light on what professors expect, details the range of support services, and suggests ways for students to get in- volved in the UM community. “UM Essentials serves as a supplement to our in-person events. It provides a constant, reliable resource that students can refer to whenever they need,” Wood-Warren says. Every new student is expected to complete UM Essentials.
7 PREP WEEK AND WELCOME DAY WILL LEAD STUDENTS INTO THEIR FIRST DAY Prep Week and Welcome Day are two of the main events that provide a smooth runway for students entering the fall term. Prep Week, from August 28 to 31, gives new students an op- portunity to explore campus and participate in virtual academic prep sessions. Students can get a preview of academic reading and writing, attend skill workshops and get their student card before the rush. Welcome Day, on September 5, is a fun-filled event before classes start where students can make friends, learn about key contacts and resources, and get comfortable in their new home away from home. “Welcome Day is for students to feel connected to the univer- sity, to get excited about their time with us,” Wood-Warren says. “It’s also for them to know that they’re not alone and that there are people all over the place who want to help them to be their best self in their first year.” 8 THE STUDENT UNION ALSO OFFERS ORIENTATION EVENTS UMSU contributes to the orientation process with its own se- ries of events. One of the highlights is Bison Bash, from September 11 to 15, which includes free breakfasts for UM students, a market, kara- oke night and a street party. Get Involved Week, from September 18 to 22, gives students the chance to discover various clubs and associations. They can also find information on how to vote in the upcoming UMSU General Election. “We want to make sure that every single student has a way to feel connected to campus,” Sharma says.
Get started today at Classes start Steptember 10
For more information about orientation events, visit
What we want is for
students to become more comfortable on campus. We want them to feel that it’s not ‘the’ campus— it’s ‘their’ campus.”
— Ali Wood-Warren, director of student transition and success at UM
POST-GRAD PROGRAMS AT ASSINIBOINE Full-tuition awards available elevateaward
SMALL BUT MIGHTY Canadian Mennonite University (CMU) of- fers an exemplary education rooted in social consciousness and progress, reconciliation and peacemaking that sets their students apart by offering an interdisciplinary approach and individualized attention to a student’s desired learning and career path. They are currently launching two new programs: a bachelor of social work and a master of arts in spiritual care in response to community and employ- ment needs and student demand. This small but mighty university has a lot to offer. At CMU, most classes are taught by a re- search active PhD-holding professor and every student has a chance to be heard and known thanks to a 1:18 teacher to student ratio. Ad- ditionally, one in six students are student ath- letes and every undergraduate student has an opportunity to try out various career paths through a practicum. Student life is unique at CMU, which creates a fertile training ground for future leaders. NEW PROGRAMS One of two new programs launching soon is a master of arts in spiritual care. This graduate degree prepares students for chaplaincy and spiritual care work in settings such as hospi- tals, universities, long term care facilities, cor- rectional facilities, rehabilitation, or Christian schools. After consultations with alumni, students, social workers and community members, the other new program is a four year bachelor of social work (BSW). The introductory year, in which students will complete pre-requisite courses will be offered this fall. The second through fourth year curriculum is in develop- ment and faculty recruitment is underway.
The design of all of our
degree programs draws intentionally on interdisciplinary engagement in ways that are different from some of the big universities and some of the other faith based universities.”
— Sandy Koop Harder, vice president external
“For the BSW, placements are really import- ant and practical work is a very significant part of every social work program in Canada,” says Jonathan Dueck, vice president academic and academic dean. “When we spoke to faculty members, community members and social workers, one thing that they observed that’s going to amplify the quality of this program is CMU’s interdisciplinary environment,” he says. “Social work means dealing with a whole lot of volume of workplace registers; different rhetorics, different capacities, different things that will move the needle that you need to [be able to] understand,” Dueck explains. “Be- cause CMU is really intentional with program design, we’re categorically going to build stu- dents who have experience moving between those contexts.” INTENTIONALLY INTERDISCIPLINARY The idea that students learn to be flexible and understand different points of view and contexts is a fundamental principle of pro- gram design at CMU. All programs include work integrated learning or service learning and are “designed around interlopers, de- signed to move you between contexts,” ac- cording to Dueck. “We have a set of things that all the programs share called ‘the commons’. It starts with a big seminar that every freshman will take. It’s co- taught by some of our most amazing profes- sors, from six different disciplines. This is a way to immerse you in what the university is; a place where you ask big questions, where you open up to new things, and where you make new knowledge together. Because you’re go- ing to meet students from outside your disci- pline, you’re going to think about things from different standpoints,” Dueck illustrates. “The coursework is designed to expose stu- dents to possibilities. So if you don’t know what you want to do, you [can] explore a number of different things,” adds Sandy Koop Harder, vice president external. “We also have a Center for Career and Vocation. That center is part of what manages and administers our work integrated learning program, but they’re also there to work, one to one with students in vocational discernment and career explora- tion. There are structures in place to help stu- dents figure out what they want to do, and how they want to move forward in their careers. We have supports for them both academically, in terms of exposure to a range of opportunities educationally, and practically - students can try work in a certain area, in practicum, to ex- periment and build their skills in those partic- ular areas in a structured way,” she says. “What our grads tell us made a difference in terms of getting their leg up, are things like critical thinking skills, analysis skills. The de- sign of all of our degree programs draws in- tentionally on interdisciplinary engagement in ways that are different from some of the big universities and some of the other faith based universities. Students are not just left to make those connections on their own, they come out accustomed to connecting across the dis- ciplines and collaborating on projects. Our students are ready for work in the 21st centu- ry, and the requirements of the flexibility and adaptability - our grads are ready to find their place, because of the way that education has been designed,” explains Koop Harder. ALL ARE WELCOME While CMU is affiliated with the Mennonite Church of Canada and the Mennonite Breth- ren Church of Manitoba, CMU welcomes stu- dents of all faiths or no faith. Over 40 different faith communities are currently represented in the student body. Dueck emphasizes that all are welcome and that plurality of different worldviews are a point of pride for CMU and one that makes them better and stronger. “We draw on the traditions of the Menno- nite faith and culture in ways that are ground-
ed in social justice, community development and community building. That is the fabric of who we are, but it is not an exclusive un- derstanding. We have a really diverse student body, you don’t have to be a Mennonite, or even a Christian to come to our institution,” says Koop Harder. “Some of the values, and the mission of this place, in terms of equipping students for lives of leadership and reconcilia- tion, is something that that connects to peace, to community, and to the importance of this groundedness, in relationship with others that really informs our co-curricular activities and makes it different than other institutions.”
We have a really
diverse student body, you don’t have to be a Mennonite, or even a Christian to come to our institution.”
Accepting applications for Fall 2023
NEW Bachelor of Social Work
— Sandy Koop Harder, vice president external
“We have moved into an era of program re- vision, reimagination and development, both of our existing programs - looking hard at how we continue to push into the next era of rele- vance for our students and our grads - and, also our new programs. With our MA in spir- itual care and BSW, and exploring other new programs, with the intention of positioning our grads to be ready for the workplace that’s coming in the next 25 years, we’ve got lots of exciting things coming down the pike in terms of ideas for new program development. So stay tuned - there will be things that we will have to talk about in the coming months and in the next five to six years. A lot is going to happen,” says Koop Harder.
Small university Big opportunities
Ponder the future of AI and lifelong learning
UM Extended Education presents a series of four free webinars (and a micro-certificate too)
A rtificial Intelligence is here and it continues to evolve at a rapid pace. You have probably heard some of the dis- cussion. Now get ready for some more. Learn all about AI and lifelong learning at AI Unleashed: Deciphering the Im- pact of Generative Artificial Intelligence on Lifelong Learning, a series of free webinars offered by University of Mani- toba Extended Education as the Lifelong Learning Webinar Series 2023-2024. The first of four one-hour Friday sessions will also be held as part of UM Homecoming 2023 on Sept. 22 at 11 am CDT. Registra- tion is required. And for anyone looking to add to their insight and their resume, UM Extended Education will also offer a three-course Micro-Certificate in Artificial Intelligence this winter. “AI is evolving much faster than we can anticipate,” says Rod Lastra, Acting Dean, UM Extended Education. “It is nec- essary to be aware and identify the op- portunities and challenges, and how we A webinar series and a micro-certificate
will appropriately respond.”
old. Simply input some information and generative AI will use machine learning algorithms to attempt to provide you with the words, the image, or the solution you seek. But if a student uses it to draft their assignment, is that cheating? Who is the legitimate creator and voice of the words compiled in this way? Should universities ban these tools or incorporate them into teaching and assessment? “AI can augment our creative activities. AI can be our assistant, collating informa- tion and streaming ideas. We can input our own information and use specialized prompts. If it is collating your information and your ideas, I would argue you retain greater intellectual ownership of the con- tent compiled using AI. You will need to do some editing.” Further, he says, “If it is AI generating content from the web, it will require expertise to vet the quali- ty and accuracy of that information, and again, some editing. Currently, it is most useful for the experts, those who can ver- ify information.” If AI algorithms are able to customize ed- ucational content to meet an individual student’s needs, and automate admin- istrative tasks freeing educators to focus their energies on more important things,
that’s good. But there are also ethical di- lemmas to consider. So, for learners and educators alike, it’s complex, evolving terrain. Adopt and adapt But it is terrain we must cover, Lastra says. “We will have to adopt technology, whether we like it or not. With it, what are the implications for our work, our creative pursuits and our learners? We have a re- sponsibility to address these questions.” Join the webinar Hear from the experts. Understand the transformative influence of AI, discover emerging AI tools for learners, and en- gage in critical discussions sharing the potential and challenges that generative AI presents to both learners and educa- tion professionals. Register now for the first webinar in the series. It’s also a UM Homecoming 2023 event. Learn more about what is to come.
Of course, because technology is mov- ing so quickly, there are always many unknowns and the situation is chang- ing from day to day. “That’s the exciting part,” says Lastra, noting two of the ex- perts who will join him in the course of the webinars: Kelly Shiohira, Executive Manager, Research and Data Ecosystems from The Education Hub in South Africa, and Ray Schroeder, UPCEA Senior Fellow. Each webinar in the series will tackle as- pects of the situation as it exists at that moment in time, and the series will wrap up with a panel discussion and share fur- ther resources and reading materials. Lastra is fascinated with AI’s potential, including its ability to collect and com- pile custom content in a fraction of the time it would take to do it yourself. That’s powerful, he says. “The tools currently augment the creation of academic work. They don’t replace it. Instead, they as- sist in the creative process. Of course, any AI-generated output requires careful evaluation.” ChatGPT Currently, the new tool everyone is talking about, ChatGPT, is less than a year
Build on your knowledge base. Transform your future. As we have learned, there is no way to predict the future but you can embrace it and plan for change with online learning. We have the quality courses and programs to help you move forward in your life and in your career. Register now for Fall courses
APPLIED COUNSELLING Explore the counselling process and learn to develop effective counselling strategies so you can help others. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: MACHINE LEARNING SOLUTIONS Learn how AI and Machine Learning can solve the most important challenges in your business or organization and fuel your career. Build on your career in Architecture, En- gineering, Construction, or as an Owner or Operator (AECOO) and learn to effec- tively manage your part of a project’s lifecycle with BIM project management processes. BUILDING INFORMATION MODELING (BIM) MANAGEMENT
BUSINESS ANALYSIS Become a business analyst or apply busi- ness analysis in your profession. Offered in partnership with the International In- stitute of Business Analysis (IIBA). CHANGE MANAGEMENT Enroll in the only Change Management credential offered by an academic/post- secondary institution in Manitoba. FACILITATING OLDER ADULT LEARNING Enhance your understanding of how ag- ing affects learning, and how to design and provide learning experiences for older adults. HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Become a leader in HR with innovative courses that correspond with the HR competency framework– providing eligi- bility for the CPHR designation.
MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION Take the next step in your management career with an academic credential and a nationally recognized professional desig- nation to add to your resume. MEDIA LITERACY, CRITICAL THINKING AND INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM Learn how to assess the validity of news and social media reports, spot fake news, and do your own online research using in- vestigative journalism techniques. QUALITY MANAGEMENT Learn how to lead the transition from quality control to quality excellence. Quality Management tools can be ap- plied in any industry.
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