We have created a leadership degree that organizations or students can use to hone their leadership skills.
CODE's flexible and accessible education
A s Providence University College and Theological Seminary get closer to our 100th anniversary, we are not resting on our laurels but looking for innovative ways to make education more accessible, affordable, and applicable. Through our new Cen- tre for On-Demand Education (CODE), we believe we have achieved it. We are excited to share the possibilities with you. Have you thought that gaining a degree has passed you by? As an employer, have you struggled to keep good workers? Do you have talented employees who leave to get more training but do not return? With many long- standing workers retiring, do you worry your institutional memory will be lost? Through CODE and its innovative competency-based approach gaining a degree or training your workforce is achievable. With CODE, education is accessible, as the classroom is the workplace. Students are men- tored through a uniquely designed curriculum until they demonstrate proficiency in each outcome while on the job. Seasoned employ- ees' experience is retained as they walk with the students as mentors and pass on their ex- pertise. Semesters and external deadlines are removed, giving flexibility for students to work through the program. Students set the pace. Their prior learning and experience, whether accredited or not, are a part of the mentored assessment, allowing students with already well-developed skills to move quickly through the program. Not only is this education accessible, but it is also affordable. The tuition fees are half of what our regular tuition costs are. They are also charged at a subscription rate. You pay only for the time you are studying. If life takes a turn, you can, through your mentor team, take a pause and resume back where you left off. And as your studies are done right where you work, everything you learn is directly ap- plied. This is learning that is applicable. As an employer, you can speak into the curriculum
dovetailing assignments and ensure that what is needed is taught. All the outcomes can be laddered. You can start small with a micro-cre- dential and build on that to a full degree. We have created a leadership degree that or- ganizations or students can use to hone their leadership skills. Our Transforming Leader- ship MA is a holistic degree designed for pro- fessionals who want to stay with their orga- nization and grow their capacity. Like all our offerings through the Centre for On-Demand Education, this degree is competency-based. The student is placed in a context where they can demonstrate their growing skills to their mentor team, who supports them through the tailored curriculum. It has 12 outcomes which include: Effective Communication, Critical Thinking, Personal Development, Intercul- tural Awareness, Management and Finance, Leadership and Change. For organizations looking for strong leaders, consider training from within through our accredited, mentored learning that you have a hand in creating. Through our work-integrated learning ap- proach, you can develop talent on the job. You already have the leaders you need. Think of this as education like an extended apprenticeship. As a student, you gain valu- able hands-on experience at the same time as you are studying the foundational knowl- edge needed to thrive. You are supported in your learning through your mentor team, who will encourage and challenge you to gain the knowledge and skills you need to succeed. As an employer, you gain a well-trained, valuable employee who embodies your company's vi- sion and has learned from your senior em- ployees right in your workplace. Check all this out on our website at CODE. We look forward to hearing from you and discussing ways to work together to make your education accessible, affordable, and ap- plicable. Please reach out to us at Karen Anderson, the Centre for On-De- mand Education director, and Jessica Neudorf-Wiebe, project manager, will happily answer your questions.
Discover our Centre for On-Demand Education (CODE). Connect the workplace with the classroom through mentored learning that is accessible, affordable, and applicable.
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