Education | Fall 2023





Many students like Sharon-Rose Bear regular- ly access supports through the School of Indige- nous Education to help manage their academic careers. The Circle of Friends Indigenous Student Mentorship Program supported by Canada Life is just one of the many supports RRC Polytech of- fers to Indigenous learners college-wide. The Indigenous Support Centres at the Notre Dame and Exchange District campuses provide homes away from home where students and staff can smudge, participate in events, cultural teach- ings and ceremonies, or spend time with friends. The centres are great places to start when stu- dents are looking to network or access support. The Indigenous Students Supports Team helps Indigenous students succeed with guided tools and resources, from community to classroom to career. The Indigenous Student Supports team provides holistic and interconnected wrap- around supports that combine the best of west- ern and Indigenous ways of teaching and learn- ing. Indigenous education is stronger at Red River College Polytechnic with the support of Elders and Knowledge Keepers. The Elder-in-Residence and Knowledge Keeper-in-Residence provide students traditional, community-based support through Indigenous ways of teaching, learning and leading. The Indigenous Students Supports Team hires students each year for the R-Crew. Bear was an R-Crew member at the Exchange District Campus for 2022-23 along with three other students. The R-Crew are leaders who support and encourage other students, assist with events and perform various administrative duties which develop and enhance their skillsets. These students are an in- tegral part of the team and help to build connec- tions throughout the community on campus. Navigation coaches with the School of Indig- enous Education are a first point of contact for current Indigenous students and can help with everything from finding the way around campus, problem-solving, sharing important resources and information, understanding college process- es and accessing community services. They will also help connect students with other important support team members, who, together, can en- sure students receive the help they need. SUPPORTS FOR INDIGENOUS LEARNERS


College Transition

This mentorship program will ensure Indigenous learners have more opportunities to connect with experienced industry professionals and expand their networks by building strong relationships with mentors and other mentees along their academic journeys.” The School of Indigenous Education (SIE) helps students like Sharon-Rose Bear achieve their personal, educational and career goals. Stu- dents build a deeper understanding of cultures, languages and teachings, while developing the skills needed to join Manitoba’s growing work- force. Students can choose between seven transi- tional programs to help prepare them for further post-secondary education in a specific industry. Pathway and Transition to College programs are exploratory and preparatory, helping students gain the skills to confidently enter specific RRC Polytech offerings and providing opportunities to progress directly into the next program. RRC Polytech’s Social Innovation and Commu- nity Development program helps students build the knowledge and experience needed to work for government institutions, social enterprises, and Indigenous communities and organizations through one of two second-year streams: Com- munity Development or Indigenous Social Entre- preneurship.

Culinary Skills (Indigenous)

Introduction to Trades

Pathway to Business, Creative Communications and Digital Technology Programs

Pathway to Engineering Technology Programs

Pathway to Health Programs

Pathway to Information Technology Programs Social Innovation and Community Development - Community Development - Indigenous Social Entrepreneurship

Speak with an Indigenous Liaison Advisor today:

— Tracy Brant, associate dean, the School of Indigenous Education

Hands-on Training With In-depth Study

As Manitoba’s only polytechnic, RRC Polytech provides the right blend of applied training and deep theoretical learning that matches employers’ needs and helps learners reach their career goals, fast. FEATURED PROGRAMS Administrative Assistant EXCEL IN TOP ADMINISTRATIVE JOBS 18-week certificate

Applied Accounting HELP BOLSTER THE FOUNDATIONS OF PROFITABLE BUSINESSES One-year certificate Starts Aug. 28, 2023, in Winnipeg Pathway to Engineering Technology Programs PREPARE FOR ACADEMIC SUCCESS AS AN INDIGENOUS STUDENT Nine-month statement of achievement Starts Aug. 28, 2023, in Winnipeg

Civil Engineering Technology LEARN TO DESIGN SYSTEMS AND INFRASTRUCTURES 32-month diploma Starts Aug. 28, 2023, in Winnipeg

Starts Aug. 28, 2023, in Winnipeg; Jan. 2, 2024, in Portage La Prairie, Selkirk, Steinbach and Winkler

Educational Assistant HELP KIDS REACH THEIR FULL POTENTIAL Six-month certificate

Starts Aug. 28, 2023, in Winnipeg; Oct. 3, 2023, in Portage La Prairie, Selkirk, Steinbach and Winkler

DISCOVER PROGRAMS /opportunities

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