Education | Fall 2023




class with only other Access students. Our small classes give you the opportunity to really get to know your professors and your classmates. Our courses have customized content and assessments to allow each student the op- portunity to get excited about the material and demonstrate what they know. You won’t find a 3-hour final exam here! Instead, ex- pect lots of hands-on learning, practice, behind-the-scenes tours, and even outdoor learning, right on campus! Overall, you will find that the Access Pro- gram has something valuable to offer to you, and that your strengths are valued here too. Come and begin your academic journey with us – and Access will support you every step of the way.

Thinking about university? The University of Manitoba Access Program is here to help! By Emily McKinnon , Science Education Specialist, Access Program

Here at the Access program, we believe you can achieve your goals. Our students are on their way to becoming doctors, teachers, athletic therapists, environmental scien- tists, artists, and more! The Access Program Common First Year classes allow to you take all your courses in a supportive environment before you embark on your more specific degree path in second year. Our classes are designed to build your skills in science, reading, math, writing, and communication, and give you


We want to welcome people to the different programs – anyone with the love of the French language is welcome to come and learn it with us.”

basic credits and electives applicable to your degree program. In the Access program, our classes are dif- ferent. First, you will be learning in a small

ACCESS PROGRAM | 204-474-8000 |

— Aileen Clark, director of Unversité de Saint Boniface Continuing Education Division


“They bring different views of the language, and so many accents.” The enthusiasm and dedication of students, whether they’re just learning the language, or are working on becoming fluent, is always ap- preciated – no matter what accent the French is spoken with. “It’s all beautiful French,” Clark says. “When people make the effort to learn the language, it’s really appreciated. Little gestures like that go a long way.” No matter what level you’re at, you can learn to become proficient in communicating in French at Université de Saint-Boniface. “People who love the French language are family to us and are all part of this community project. Everyone contributes to the development of the community with all the different flavours of francophonie that they offer, and all the passion and work they put into learning and speaking the language.” Why not take a French class this fall! Classes offered both in per- son and through distance learning via Zoom. Everyone welcome and all levels offered. Registration for fall session closes Sep- tember 12th. Visit for more info and to register.

Our learner-centred course material uses communicative and theme-based approaches to provide a highly interesting language learning experience.



B RANDON, Man. – A leading program in Canada with huge career opportunities continues to get better, with a big expan- sion and upgrade to Brandon Universi- ty’s psychiatric nursing learning spaces. The renovations, conducted last year, have helped fuel a major expansion in seats for the psychiatric nursing program, which is in high demand by employers. There are larger and completely updated spaces for BU’s Health Studies facilities at the main campus in Bran- don, which offers a Bachelor of Nursing degree and a Bachelor of Science in Psychiatric Nurs- ing, as well as in Winnipeg, where the Bachelor of Science in Psychiatric Nursing is offered. Brandon University has long been a leader in Canadian psychiatric nursing education, introducing the nation’s first post-diploma degree in the field, followed by the first four- year degree in psychiatric nursing, and later adding Canada’s first and only Master of Psy- chiatric Nursing program. The new spaces in both Winnipeg and Bran- don, with larger classrooms, additional lab units and realistic teaching mannequins — plus new dedicated student space at BU’s Win- nipeg campus — support expanded opportu- nities for students while keeping the program at the leading edge. “As we move forward, the future of psychi- atric nursing education and also the future of the profession of psychiatric nursing in Man- itoba, is very, very bright,” said Linda Ross, BU’s Acting Dean of Health Studies. The Bachelor of Science in Psychiatric Nurs- ing is offered at BU’s Winnipeg campus, lo- cated in the Rice Centre building on Portage Avenue. It’s also offered at the larger Brandon campus, where students have the option of 19 undergraduate degree programs, six graduate programs and four certificate programs across the Faculties of Arts, Education, Health Stud- ies, Science and the School of Music. In all, about 3,500 students pursue their education at BU each year, taking advantage of the full

range of services in a friendly and personal- ized atmosphere for students. Brandon University also excels at provid- ing students with meaningful real-world ex- perience, whether it is through research op- portunities, field practica in faculties such as Health Studies and Education, or the growing Co-operative Education program, which this summer was successful in finding paid work experience for every student participant that’s related to their studies in Arts, Science and Business. Academic advising, career planning, per- sonal counselling and accessibility services provide students with support every step of the way, while extracurricular activities like the Student Leader program and more than 50 clubs and collectives create even more oppor- tunities for growth and friendships. As Canada’s finest regional university, BU maintains a close-knit network of alumni, who play important leadership roles in their communities across Canada and around the world, as well as right here in Manitoba. BU graduates are proud of their education, with 93 per cent saying it prepared them to excel in the workforce and 98 per cent ready to recom- mend Brandon University. Whether at the Brandon campus or in Win- nipeg, the priority is providing first-class ed- ucation while fostering meaningful connec- tions with fellow students and faculty. “Building relationships and learning from outstanding professors is what students love about Brandon University,” said Leanne Bar- cellona, BU’s Director of Recruitment and Re- tention. “We bring students together from all around the world, but thanks to the connec- tions that we forge with our community and with each other, we’re really able to make ev- eryone feel like they’re at home.” Learn more about Brandon University, take a virtual tour, or set up a time to vis- it in person at dents.

Find your path to any career with Brandon University. Let’s start.

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