National Indigenous Peoples Day | 2021



The Access Program Successfully supporting students since 1975

strengthens the student’s condence as they make their way to academic success. He speaks to and guides any student who wishes to see him and stresses the importance of self-care of mind, body and spirit. This holistic approach has helped many students and Grandfather Wanbdi understands the many challenges the Access Program students face on their journey to academic success. He has strengthened the program and students appreciate his presence.

The Access Program at the University of Manitoba has been supporting students for almost 50 years. The Access team is proud of the holistic approach taken to promote academic excellence and the success of the program can be witnessed in the over 600 graduates populating every profession serving our communities. Today, these students exemplify Manitoba’s nest who enrich our communities and serve as powerful role models for students following in their footsteps. The University of Manitoba Access Program (UMAP) and the Health Careers Access Program (HCAP) are open to Manitoba residents who qualify for university admission. Interested students may apply to the Access Program and interviews are held in May for the September start date. Priority in selection is given to northern Manitoba residents, Indige- nous, newcomers to Canada and low-income students. The program oers smaller classes to students in their rst-year experience as well as personalized academic advising, tutorial support and personal counselling when needed.

Wanbdi Wakita Grandfather-in-Residence

Although Access is open to all students, more than 80 per cent of Access students are Indigenous therefore cultural and spiritual guidance is available through the Grandfather (Elder)-in-Residence. Grandfather Wanbdi Wakita, Dakota Spiritual Leader and Sundance Chief, joined the Access team in 2018 and has greatly enriched the program by sharing Indigenous knowledge passed to him by the ancestors. The spiritual and mental well-being of students is critically important to academic performance so Grandfather’s Wanbdi’s presence

“Access gave me the condence to go to university and pursue my dreams.”

Prairie-Rose Hapa Access Program Student

Manitoba Public Insurance would like to acknowledge that our organization operates on the original lands of the Anishinaabeg, Anish-Ininiwak, Dakota, Dene, Ininiwak and Nehethowuk and the homeland of the Métis. On this National Indigenous Peoples Day, we honour and celebrate all First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples across Canada. In our work delivering auto insurance and driver services throughout Manitoba, we are committed to advancing reconciliation with Indigenous individuals and communities through respectful and meaningful consultation and practices. We are also continually working on ways to strengthen the inclusivity of our organization, including ensuring our workforce reflects the diverse population of our province. If you are interested in a career with Manitoba Public Insurance, you can view current postings at: We encourage you to declare your employment equity status when completing your online application.

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