Education | Fall 2024




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Lifelong learning Attaining the skills of tomorrow today






M ore than ever, students are feeling the gap between high school and university. To help bridge that gap, UM has assembled a team of specialists who guide students through their transition into university, supporting them in their first year and beyond. Students have access to wrap-around supports provided by dedicated academic advisors, transition specialists and high- ly trained peer mentors. Ali Wood-Warren, Director of Student Transitions and Success, emphasizes that her team empowers students by helping them un- derstand their options and equipping them with the knowledge to make informed decisions about their academic journey. “We help students understand what to expect in university and teach them the skills needed to meet these expectations during their first year and throughout the remainder of their time at UM,” Wood-Waren says. UM'S FIRST YEAR CENTRE: SUCCESS STARTS HERE The journey from high school to university can be challenging and overwhelming for new UM students. To address this, UM’s First Year Centre (FYC) offers expert guidance and support, dedicated to helping students navigate this pivotal time with confidence. As the only support office on campus dedicated to providing first-year students with the tools they need for success, the FYC is a one-stop shop for help. “We take a very holistic approach to student success,” says Ramo- na Donaldson, First Year Advising and Communications Special- ist. “What works for one student may not work for another, so indi- vidual needs are top of mind as we explore options with students.” While the FYC is available to help students, part of its goal is to lead them toward independence. “We aren’t here to simply tell students what to do. Rather, we help them understand their options and guide their decision making without being directive,” Donaldson says. UM’s first-year support system Navigating the transition:

Indigenous students during orientation day


The FYC has created a wealth of online resources, including the New Student Checklist, First Year Planning Guide, FAQs and Get Ready to Register, all available at Also, parents and supporters can follow@umfirstyearcentre on Instagram for important reminders and updates, helping them stay informed and guide conversations effectively. “We regularly hear that parents and supporters appreciate having a place where they can easily get accurate information, without having to navigate through the entire website. When parents are informed, they feel better prepared to provide the critical support that new students need,” Donaldson says. ORIENTATION: A PROCESS, NOT AN EVENT UM has a comprehensive orientation program that starts in May and continues through the summer into the first weeks of the Fall Term. “Orientation is not so much an event as it is a process,” Wood-War- ren says.

Two large-scale in-person orientation events, Preparing for University (May 5) and Welcome to the Herd (August 7), have al- ready taken place. Welcome to the Herd features mini-lectures to provide students—and their parents and supporters—with a sense of the classroom experience. With most of course registration com- plete, students could explore lectures according to their own sched- ules. “We want students to become more comfortable on campus by ex- ploring places and spaces relevant to them. We want them to feel that it’s not ‘the’ campus—it’s ‘their’ campus,” Wood-Warren says. Upcoming events include Prep Week and Welcome Day. Prep Week, from August 27 to 29, offers virtual academic prep sessions featur- ing practical, skill-based approaches for transitioning into univer- sity. It also provides a chance for students to spend time on campus in advance of the beginning of term rush. “This is a great time for students to get their student card, transit pass, textbooks, and find their classrooms,” Wood-Warren says. Welcome Day includes faculty sessions and Homerooms, where students receive critical information for academic success. A Pep Rally and Welcome Day Carnival allow students to have fun, feel

We aren’t here to simply tell students what to do. Rather, we help them understand their options and guide their decision making without being directive ” — Ramona Donaldson , First Year Advising and Communications Specialist

Hundreds of first-year students take part in UM's comprehensive orientation program each year.





Bison football is a highlight of campus life at UM.


connected to the university and get excited about their time at UM. “It’s important for students to know that they’re not alone and that there are people all over the place who want to help them be their best selves in their first year,” Wood-Warren says. LEARNING TO ASK FOR HELP IS A CRITICAL SKILL Wood-Warren wants to normalize asking for help. “The vast majority of students need some help. That’s just the nature of what we’re doing here. Being a university student is a new experi- ence,” Wood-Warren says.

The university offers a wide range of supports and services, from ac- ademic advising to health care to spiritual care. But students don’t need to remember every single service. “Even after orientation, it’s okay if students don’t know everything. They just need to remember that the First Year Centre is here to help,” Wood-Warren says. In addition to support from staff in the FYC, the Student Transitions and Success team offers critical peer support through the Charge Ahead Peer Mentoring Program. "Sometimes asking a professor or staff member can feel uncom- fortable or scary,” says Usman Rana, Student Transitions Specialist. “Having a place where students can connect with other students in a less formal setting is reassuring.”







Zoo program helps shape future conservation leaders

Goodman School participants receive a behind-the-scenes look at life at the Assiniboine Park Zoo.


Goodman School gets passing grade from participating students


A one-of-a-kind educational program is providing elementary school students a hands-on opportunity to learn about conservation and the animal kingdom. The Goodman School program was launched by the Assiniboine Park Conservancy in 2018. It provides Grade 4 to 6 students a week-long residency at the Assiniboine Park Zoo and The Leaf where they get to participate in a variety of directed activities designed to deepen their relationship with animals, plants and nature. “It’s based on experiential learning models. It’s designed to give kids a hands-on approach to learning beyond the conventional classroom setting,” says Bonnie Tulloch, the conser- vancy’s education coordinator. “Often times when you just come for a one-day field trip the kids are hyped up in that moment. This gives them a more extended learning experience.” Funding for the program was provided by the Goodman Foundation, a charitable orga- nization named after well-known Winnipeg music teacher and philanthropist Dororthy Goodman and her family. The Goodman School is open to students from across the province. It usually accepts five or six classes, or between 125 to 150 students, each school year. Schools must fill out a de- tailed application form to be considered. The program begins in October and can run until March depending on how schools wish to break up the week-long experience.







Asper School of Business co-op program accelerates students’ career paths


T undra blooms along the intrigued by the bubbles trailing Zodiac boats and unbothered by awed kayakers. This annual migration is breathtaking, uniquely Manitoban, and just another day in the classroom for Asper School of Business co-op student Liisa Jalonen. Jalonen is pursuing her Bachelor of Com- merce (BComm) degree at the University of Manitoba and is enrolled in the Asper Co-op Program, one of the largest business co-operative education programs in Western Canada. Churchill River as hundreds of beluga whales drift playfully, Co-op work placements give students oppor- tunities to learn on the job and earn money working for real employers, applying their skills from the classroom to the office—or, in Jalonen’s case, the tundra. Jalonen is a recruiting and onboarding coordinator at Frontiers North Adventures, a family owned and operated business that has been specializing in adventures to Canada’s North for over thirty years.

89% of 2023 BComm co-op graduates secured full-time employment after graduation.

“It’s the best job I’ve ever had,” said Jalonen, putting her human resources and marketing majors to good use, supporting HR manager Amber Barrett with job postings, interviews, recruitment and onboarding in Churchill and at Frontiers North’s Winnipeg office. Personalized career development The Asper Career Development Centre con- nects hundreds of students like Jalonen to employers seeking inventive, ambitious and knowledgeable business students to support their operations. In 2023, 29% of Asper BComm students participated in co-op, completing 364 work placements. For Jalonen, the Asper Co-op Program offered a more personalized approach to the job search. Asper’s team of dedicated co-op coordinators work closely with students to prepare them for every step of their career journey, from interview skills and resume writing to professional development. Students and employers express their top choices and are matched based on these preferences. Between Frontiers North and Jalonen, it was perfect match. “When I interviewed with my current manager Amber, she gave me an amazing overview of the whole organization. I had just returned from an international exchange study term, and I was ready for my next adventure,” said Jalonen. This adventurous mindset, her experience in hospitality and her Asper School of Busi- ness education proved to be a

winning combination, with Jalonen quickly thriving at work, according to HR manager Amber Barrett, who said “with only a couple days of training and a general explanation of why we knew we needed to enhance our recruitment and onboarding functions, Liisa quickly adapted the role as her own.” An easy choice for employers Barrett said that the Asper Co-op Program is an obvious choice for employers, noting that she, FNA president and CEO John Gunter, and more are graduates of the Manitoba business school. “As alumni, we understand the quality of ed- ucation Asper co-op students receive in their program and also how important it is for students to obtain meaningful employment in their chosen field of study,” said Barrett. “When it became apparent that we needed support in our HR department, it was an easy decision to make to pursue an Asper co-op student majoring in HR.” Jalonen will return to Frontiers North for an- other co-op term this fall. The Asper Co-op Program facilitates these lasting connections between employers and students with 89% of 2023 BComm co-op graduates securing full- time employment after graduating. Learning by doing The Asper Co-op Program is part of the Asper School of Business’ commitment to providing exceptional business education to students in Manitoba with a focus on experi- ential learning—learning by doing. For Jalonen, experiential learning means taking human resource management knowl- edge from the classroom and applying it to a workplace as unique and expansive as Frontiers North Adventures (one may not find the workplace safety protocols of adventure guides and bear guards in a textbook).

Business for the greater good These visits are highlights for Jalonen so far, and she describes the art, history and sites that characterize the northern town, and, of course, the flora, fauna and aurora that have made Churchill a must-see destination—a reminder of the importance of sustainability in business and beyond. Recognized in 2023 by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools in Business as an Innovation That Inspires, the Asper Co-op curriculum integrates the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into students’ education, encouraging them to seek out ways to advance the SDGs at work. This initiative reflects the Asper School of Business’ commitment to advancing sustain- ability by training Manitoba’s future leaders to pursue business for the greater good—a perfect fit for Frontiers North, a B Corp The Asper Co-op Program gives students the opportunity to use their classroom knowl- edge in the real world, gain professional experience and build their network, all while earning academic credit. Co-op accelerates career paths and sets students up for success as graduates. Certified organization. Get involved today

Said Jalonen, “I credit a lot to the Asper Co-op Program. I’ve been able to gain work experience while I study, which means that I can apply for roles with more responsibility and challenge once I graduate.” “Co-op has definitely furthered my career goals.” Co-op also connects employers to Manitoba’s top talent today, matching motivated and skilled students who are ready to begin con- tributing to the organization from day one. Said Barrett, “the Asper Co-op Program has provided us with excellent access to a talent pool of smart, eager, dedicated students with fresh perspectives, a general open-minded- ness and knowledge of current trends and technologies.” With the Asper Co-op Program, employers gain fresh perspectives, increase their brand recognition and invest in better business education for Manitoba. Give your company a competitive edge and become an Asper School of Business co-op employer. Post a job on our Career Portal for Winter 2024.

It’s not unlike Frontiers North sending employees to Churchill to experience Canada’s North for themselves. As Jalonen put it, “they try to give every employee the opportunity to experience what we are selling.”




What we try to do is give them some opportunities that they wouldn’t get on a conventional field trip ” — Bonnie Tulloch , Assiniboine Park Conservancy Education Coordinator

they planted a pollinator garden at the school after learning about tallgrass prairie and how it is one of the most endangered ecosystems in the world during their residency. “I can’t imagine that experience will be some- thing they forget anytime soon,” he says. “For me, it was a career highlight. This is as good as it gets for experiential learning and connecting with na- ture. I’m sure it will be a lifelong memory for those kids.”

closely with teachers to come up with a learning plan that builds upon what students have already been taught in the classroom. Tulloch says participating students give the program a passing grade. “I’ve had some kids say to me, this is the best week ever,” she says, laughing. “They also feel some kind of ownership of the zoo after day two or three. They feel they have some autonomy and they’re learning too. There’s a little bit of freedom that emerges with the program.” Ecole Sun Valley School teacher Kyle Donnelly took part in the Goodman School program with his class last fall. He says it was a “once in a life- time” experience for both him and his students. “Honestly, this is a dream scenario as an educa- tor in my opinion and getting to have students en- gage in this kind of hands-on experiential learn- ing,” he says. “Talking or reading about a topic can be great, but if you can explore it first-hand those are rich lessons and experiences that kids will remember. “Going forward if we’re hoping to save our planet and fight climate change and things like that then you need to first have that connection with nature. You As part of the program, students and their teachers can choose an area of focus for their residency. Don- nelly’s students chose to explore the subject of why are zoos needed. Their residency included a nature photog- raphy workshop, an arctic animals presentation, a tour of the zoo’s animal hospital and food preparation building and interacting with some of the zoo’s res- idents. They also studied the seven sacred teachings of Indigenous culture with an elder after visiting many of the animals associated with those teachings. Donnelly says one of the neat things about the- program is how it continued to inspire his students after their residency wrapped up. This past spring need to love nature in order to want to save it. I think that was achieved in this program.”



The Leaf is now part of the Goodman School program to provide earth-based learning.


As part of that experience, students get to meet with zoo conservation staff, learn about the citi- zen science-based Beluga Bits program, receive behind-the-scenes tours of the zoo’s animal nu- trition and hospital areas, and even work with the zoo’s animal ambassadors. They also spend time in a classroom reviewing what they have learned and are required to keep a journal as part of an ethogram exercise designed to catalogue the be- haviour of the animals they observe. The Leaf was added to the mix last year to pro- vide more earth-based learning. As part of the Leaf’s curriculum, youngsters learn how to tap maple trees, make cedar or Labrador tea, and study the importance of plant life within the Indigenous Peoples Garden with a knowledge keeper. “What we try to do is give them some oppor- tunities that they wouldn’t get on a conventional field trip,” says Tulloch. The lessons offered through the Goodman- School residency are designed to complement a school’s existing curriculum. Zoo educators work


The aim of the Goodman School program is to give students learning opportunities they wouldn't receive on a regular field trip.

Education that gets you o to a great start





Brandon University helps students get a great start

BRANDON, Man. – Beginning your post-secondary education is a big step, and that’s why Brandon University is committed to helping you get off to a great start. Brandon University has a 125-year history of high-quality academic programs, combined with a constantly growing sup- port system that helps today’s students put their best foot forward as soon as they step on campus. A friendly and welcoming group of student leaders greet new students when they arrive for orientation, and the helpful

grams at larger universities.” Located on a compact but full-service campus at the heart of Manitoba’s sec- ond-largest city, BU offers its 3,500 students a wide range of options to prepare for their future careers. Students can choose from 19 undergraduate programs, six graduate programs and four certificate programs in the Faculties of Arts, Education, Health Studies, Science and the School of Music. In addition to the students on campus each day, a number of established professionals further their careers by studying offerings such as the Master of Education and Master of Psychiatric Nursing programs, which

We’re a smaller university than many, but we prefer to look at it as being the right size for many new students, who want to step up to post-secondary education without being overwhelmed ”

stewardship, quantum computing and green energy production. To learn more about Brandon University, take a virtual tour, or set up an in-person visit at

“The professors and staff were all won- derful people and whenever I need help with anything, be it understanding a concept, getting office time to go over questions, or anything to do with deadlines,” he said. They were always helpful and understand- ing.”

Brandon University also has robust re- search programs, allowing students to gain real-world experience working on mean- ingful projects, even at the undergraduate level. Right now, undergraduate BU students are working on projects such as cancer detection and treatment, environmental

— Leanne Barcellona , Director of Recruitment and Retention, Brandon University

they can pursue part-time while they work. BU even has a Winnipeg campus, which offers the Bachelor of Science in Psychiatric Nursing. For those looking for something that BU doesn’t offer, there are 19 available pre-professional programs, where students can study one to three years at BU before moving seamlessly into their desired pro- gram at other universities. Aiding in career preparation are built-in practicums in Education and Health Stud- ies, as well as the Co-op program, which allows students to earn while they learn by mixing in paid work experience between their academic terms. For the second year in a row, the Co-op program has achieved a 100 per cent success rate in placing students in workplaces that match their educational goals. Enoch Ouskun, who was a Co-op Busi- ness student at BU as well as a participant in the Indigenous Student Transition program, began an articling position with an ac- counting firm following his graduation this spring. He credited the people of BU with helping him reach his goals.

faculty and staff are with them every step of the way, including academic assistance, career counselling, Student Accessibility Services, personal counselling and cultural resources such as the Indigenous Peoples’ Centre. A recent addition to BU’s supports is the Al and Bee Wagner Indigenous Student Transition Program, which helps students adjust to university life through mentorship, academic check-ins and guidance from Knowledge Keepers. “We’re a smaller university than many, but we prefer to look at it as being the right size for many new students, who want to step up to post-secondary education without being overwhelmed,” said Leanne Barcello- na, Director of Recruitment and Retention at BU. “The students can really get to know each other and their professors. Many stay with us right through until completing their undergraduate degree, and some are with us even longer as they advance to one of our graduate programs. Others find BU a great place to start, building a strong foundation here before moving on to specialized pro-


Join the University of Manitoba Access Program

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The Access Program at the University of Manitoba was created for students who have traditionally faced barriers to post-secondary education. For 50 years, Access has supported hundreds of stu- dents to achieve degrees in sciences, health sciences, liberal arts and fine arts. These students have built careers as doc- tors, dentists, nurses, pharmacists, respi- ratory therapists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, teachers, social work- ers and lawyers. Their contributions to the greater good within Manitoba’s communi- ties are commendable, and the Access Pro- gram and University of Manitoba couldn’t be prouder of these valuable members of our society.

The Access Program accepts applications from all students with priority of accep- tance given to Indigenous, residents from northern and remote communities, new- comers and financially compromised stu- dents. Students must be fully qualified for admission to the University of Manitoba. Submit your application to join the Access Program by May 1 and begin your educa- tional journey at the University of Manitoba with our support.

Classes start September 8 Register at






Digital health and safety Expert shares tips on how parents can teach the responsible use of technology


T echnology can be a double-edged sword when it comes to today’s learning environ- ment. It can be a great tool but it can also be a huge distraction. That’s part of the reason why some school’s have instituted a strict ban on the use of personal wireless devices in their buildings while others are considering doing likewise. But a group of tech-savvy teachers say that doesn’t need to be the case. The Manitoba Association of Education Technology Leaders (MAETL) is an organization made up of educators from across the province that supports and advocates for the use of technology in the classroom. MAETL vice-president Richard Roberts says his organization would prefer to see schools adopt guidelines on how students can responsibly interact with technology rather than banning it out- right as part of a holistic effort to promote digital literacy.

“The advent of technology has really changed what it means to bliterate and what it means to be a literate citizen,” says Roberts, who works as a technology inte- gration consultant with the River East Transcona School Division. “We want students to be capable, digitally literate citizens. In order to do that effectively, we have to actually give students opportunities and teach them the most responsible ways to in- teract with not only devices but digi- tal content as well.”

Roberts says families can also play a key role in fostering digital literacy and the responsible use of devices such as cell phones, tablets and laptop computers.

One of the most effective ways of achieving that is for parents to maintain an open, two-way dialogue with their child about what each side’s expectations are when it comes to using those devices and how they can enhance the learning process. “As parents it’s prudent to ensure their safety. That’s why keeping that dialogue open is so im- portant,” he says. “We know when kids are free to talk about the things they are doing that if they come across difficult situations that occur online they feel more open to talk to their parents about it and we can help to navigate through those difficult situations. “I think we can be a lot more proactive if we talk about the idea of responsible use. We want to make sure that students understand that technology, although it does have a lot of benefits, we know it can also be a distraction. We need to make sure students are aware

As parents it’s prudent to ensure their safety. That’s why keeping that dialogue open is so important ”

— Richard Roberts, vice-president, MAETL


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that this is something that is designed in some cases, especially with certain apps, to steal their attention and what are some of the strategies are they can use to gain some of that attention back.” Another tool that can be used to teach the re- sponsible use of phones and tablets is any kind of tracking system built into the device’s software, says Roberts. These tools can be used to provide children with a finite amount of screen time each day before they are locked out of different aspects of the device. Perhaps the easiest but most effective way for parents to encourage youngsters to use their de- vices in a responsible manner is to model the kind of behaviour they want their children to adopt, Roberts says. “As adults, that’s one thing we want to be cog- nizant of is the biggest influence we can have on children is the modelling of behaviour and mod- elling that behaviour in terms of responsible use. We want to model that behaviour of active and passive screen time and make sure kids under-

stand we have control over our attention to make sure these devices don’t take over all the time,” he explains. “Those constant bings can be very addicting and can be very appealing to check right away. When a notification comes through for a message or social media post we want to rush and check it and respond instantly. Working towards not re- sponding to those immediately or actively using the settings on our devices to mitigate that so we can be fully present is very important.” While setting rules or limits can be important in teaching young people how to responsibly use devices, Roberts says its also important for par- ents to address the importance of digital health and safety with young learners. That includes how slouching in front of a screen for hours can impact a young person’s posture, how holding a screen close to their face for eight or more hours a day can effect their vision, and how to communicate digitally in a safe and responsi- ble manner.

Experts say it's important for parents to have an ongoing dialogue with children about how to responsibly use digital devices like cell phones and tablets as part of the educational process.


The majority of classes at CMU are taught by tenured or tenure-tracked professors who are actively engaged in research.


Building future leaders

Music is one of five key areas of study offered at Canadian Mennonite University.



C anadian Mennonite Univer- sity has been part of Manito- ba’s educational landscape for nearly a quarter century yet the school is one of the province’s best kept secrets. In fact, it might come as a surprise to some that as many as 750 students walk through uni- versity’s doors in a typical year. Seventy-five per cent of that student body is made up of individ- uals from communities in Manitoba while the remaining 25 per cent are students from across Canada and from more than 30 different coun- tries around the world. Most impressive is the fact that many of those students go on to become business and commu- nity leaders after graduating. “Our academic program builds leaders who go out and change things in their communities and in their workplaces,” says CMU vice-president external Sandy Koop Harder. “We hear from our alumni about how they emerge from our programs as thoughtful, em- pathic decision-makers that are equipped to tackle big problems. They have the practical know-how and skills to do that in all areas in their communities.” CMU offers five areas of study including the arts, science, music, business and social work. One of the more unique aspects of the aca- demic offerings at CMU is that the majority of classes are taught by tenured or tenure-tracked professors who are actively engaged in research. That means that most under-graduate stu- dents have an opportunity to actively participate in research in a variety of different disciplines. For example, a recent biology class got to take part in a study that examined environmental samples to see if there were antibiotic com-

pounds in them that could defeat or target anti- biotic resistant bacteria. “That’s a real difference here. You’re not just writing a paper for your professor, but you are thinking about somebody out there and students can see that their education is real and they’re beginning to make a difference,” says vice-presi- dent of academics Jonathan Dueck. Something else that makes CMU’s approach to learning different from other schools’ is its focus on interdisciplinary learning to promote as Koop Harder puts it “cross program pollination.” That means students who are enrolled in social work study along side students from other disciplines such as science or business. “This is to enhance learning and also to think more broadly about outcomes for students and building good citizens,” Koop Harder adds. Every CMU undergraduate student must also complete a work integrated experiential learn- ing placement as part of their degree require- ment. To date, CMU students have completed work placements at more than 500 organizations across the globe. CMU will write a new chapter this fall when it welcomes the first cohort of students into its so- cial work program. The four-year BSW program has been pre-accredited by the Canadian Associ- ation of Social Work Education (CASWE). As part of its preparations for introducing the program, CMU staff consulted with Indigenous partners and asked them to share their knowl- edge as well as personal experiences with social work and any concern or desires they might have about such a program. “They told us to think about family unification and reunification as opposed to family sepa- ration and that’s something we’ve done,” says Dueck. “We will continue learning from Indige- nous leaders as we go along.”

Apply now for Fall 2024

Academic Excellence Arts • Science • Business • Music • Social Work

Small university Big opportunities

Canadian Mennonite University campus





Planning for the future How to reduce the stress of choosing a post-secondary program


C hoosing a program to study at a post-secondary institu- tion can be one of the most challenging decisions a young stu- dent will ever have to make. Answering questions like which program is the right one or which institution is the best fit can make for some stressful times for many high school students. A longtime school guidance counsellor has a word of advice for teens who find themselves in such a position: relax. “Somestudentsreallybeatthemselvesupand think that they have to have everything done and they need to be going to college or uni- versity right after high school,” says Shannon Hall, a guidance counsellor at Tec-Voc High School for the past 14 years and a member of the Manitoba School Counsellors’ Associa- tion. “If that’s their goal, that’s great. But it’s real- ly OK to go at your own pace. I always tell kids you don’t have to decide right away if you’re not sure.” One of the best ways for students to minimize the stress that can come with choosing a col- lege or university program is to start planning early. Hall says the best time for students to be- gin planning for a post-secondary future is in Grade 10 or 11. That way they have plenty of time to pick up any prerequisite courses they may need to enrol in whatever college or uni- versity program they decide upon. However, Hall stresses there is no need for young people to panic if they don’t get all the prerequisites they need before they graduate from high school. Students can return to their high school following graduation and enrol in up to four classes at no cost to fulfill any pre- requisite requirements they may have. Hall says one of the first things students should do when considering their post-sec- ondary options is to identify what their in- dividual strengths and interests are. While university may be the best choice for some, college or some form of apprenticeship train- ing might be a better fit for those interested in a career in the trades. “It’s all about where their interests and strengths are,” she says. For students interested in enrolling in a pro- gram that isn’t offered close to home, Hall ad- vises those individuals to closely consider how far they are willing to travel before making any kind of decision about their future. She says it’s also important for students to consid- er the cost of any post-secondary programs and whether or not they are feasible for them and their family.

“Some kids say, ‘Yeah, I want to go and do this,’ but they have no idea how much it costs,” she adds. Another important consideration for stu- dents to think about is what are the employ- ment prospects for any potential future career they may be considering. Hall says a useful tool in that regard is the Graduate Satisfac- tion and Employment Report that Red River College Polytech publishes annually. The re- port details the employment outcomes of the school’s graduates and provides some insight into what a person’s chances are of obtaining

future employment in a chosen field. One of the recommendations Hall makes to many of the students she counsels is to check out the open houses that institutions like Red River, the University of Manitoba and the Uni- versity of Winnipeg offer each year. “Taking advantage of the open houses at the post-secondary institutions in Winnipeg is a great idea,” she says. “We take our students each year. We offer U of M, U of W, Red River and we always post when other open houses are just so they have that opportunity to ask questions face-to-face and see first-hand what seems cool to them and find out about things they didn’t think were offered at these different post-secondary in- stitutions.” Although selecting a post-secondary pro- gram often comes down to individual choice, Hall says students need to understand how they arrive at that decision doesn’t have to be a solitary journey. She says most schools have guidance counsellors or career education staff who are happy to help students find the an- swers they may be seeking. “Don’t be scared to reach out,” she says. “Ask questions, definitely ask questions. Don’t be afraid to ask.”

Taking advantage of the open houses at the post-secondary institutions in Winnipeg is a great idea ”

Shannon Hall, Guidance Counsellor - Tec-Voc High School

— Shannon Hall, guidance counsellor, Tec-Voc High School

French or Spanish! Learn

Add flavour to your French learning with

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the newly-revised A Taste of French program!

Although choosing a post-secondary program often comes down to individual choice it doesn't have to be a solitary journey.




Flexible Ed to Stay in Front of What’s Ahead

ADVANCED MANUFACTURING AND MECHATRONICS PROGRAMS Offered through RRC Polytech’s new Price Institute of Advanced Manufacturing and Mechatronics , these part-time, post-graduate diploma programs allow learners to build the in- demand skills required to succeed in Manitoba’s rapidly growing manufacturing industry, which increasingly requires a robust skillset that incorporates emerging technology and mechatronics. Courses start as early as Aug. 26, 2024, and run evenings this fall and winter at our Notre Dame Campus. Earn a post-graduate diploma in Advanced Manufacturing or Mechatronics. GET STARTED /price


RRC Polytech’s Micro-training provides training for career-focused individuals and teams to quickly gain proficiency in a specific skill or competency. It consists of: • Micro-credentials: award an official RRC Polytech credential in the form of a shareable digital badge. • Seminars and Workshops: enhance business-related skills that are critical to business success. • Customized Training: provides tailored solutions to employers’ unique needs. Micro-training is offered year-round, in various flexible delivery options, including online, in-person at one of our campuses, at your workplace, or as a hybrid. Quickly gain specialized skills needed to advance your career. LEARN MORE /microtraining




Get ready to live your best life with lifelong learning Try it out and see what comes next

T here’s a great way to prepare to live your best life. Embrace life- long learning. “It’s an opportunity to grow and to expand your horizons,” says Ute Kothe, Dean, University of Manito- ba (UM) Extended Education. “It’s in our hands to choose what is best for us, to seek out what we find in- teresting and fulfilling. We can be proactive and make choices, taking ownership of our lives and careers, choosing what we would like to learn and where we would like to go, so we can live as well as possible.” While lifelong learning can come to us through formal education at school and in post-secondary stud- ies, it is also much more than that, Kothe says. “It is an attitude, an open mind. Be observant. Try new things. Learn from others, whether your learning is purposeful or by ac- cident.” Working professionals often rely on their earlier education, but as you move through your career, the world changes. Continuing your lifelong learning with professional develop- ment is a great way to stay current and get ahead. “Through professional development, you will have the tools to ensure you

are ready to advance in your career, and you will continue to enjoy your job, preventing it from getting stale and routine. Lifelong learning will also help to make you uniquely qual- ified for opportunities.” Discover new opportunities Kothe was not always so enthusias- tic about lifelong learning. She re- members when she was first asked to take a four-day workshop. “I didn’t think I needed to do it. I didn’t see the benefits. But it was a life-chang- ing experience. I learned new skills. I networked. It enabled me to see other opportunities. It opened more doors, to help bring me to the next level.” She has also seen similar unex- pected results in her colleagues. For example, she recommended a leadership program to one, and they became fascinated with one aspect of it, continued to pursue it with passion, and helped many other col- leagues.

spark your interest and then con- tinue your education in a more for- mal manner to reach a new level of depth and understanding.” UM Extended Education allows learners to extend their education and bring it to the next level by pur- suing professional lifelong learning opportunities. “Traditional post-sec- ondary education pays off, but it is a big commitment. Our lifelong learning opportunities are more flex- ible and tailored to the needs of the learner. You can take a single course or complete a short program or cer- tificate with very flexible schedul- ing.” The University of Manitoba had one of the first continuing education units in Canada. “Your learning is an investment of time and money. With us, you know you are engaging with an experienced institution. Our courses and programs are meant to help you advance in your life and ca- reer.” Kothe highlights some examples of Extended Education’s latest pro- grams. Extended Education Programs Building Information Modeling (BIM) Management goes beyond us- ing software to the management of

complex processes that is becoming very important in Canada for profes- sionals in architecture, engineering, construction, as well as building owners and operators. Artificial Intelligence: Machine Learn- ing Solutions takes a big-picture ap- proach on how to use and monitor AI and stay ahead of the game. It gives professionals an edge. Media Literacy, Critical Thinking and Investigative Journalism shares how to understand and assess informa- tion, to inform choices, and acquire tools to advance our workplaces and to navigate our complex world. Facilitating Older Adult Learning is a micro-certificate that reminds us that lifelong learning never stops. “Why should it? It’s for life, to have the skills to shape your world. We can help you to get better at facilitat- ing lifelong learning for older adults.” In a world where knowledge contin- ues to accelerate, it is no longer our limiting factor. “The world keeps changing. We must keep learning and develop the skills to navigate it.”

“Try it out. See what comes next.”

Today, there are so many opportuni- ties to learn. “How lucky we are that there are so many free learning op- portunities out there. It’s not about choosing one opportunity over an- other. Use the free opportunities to

Build on your knowledge base. Transform your future. As we have learned, there is no way to predict the future but you can embrace it and plan for change with online learning. We have the quality courses and programs to help you move forward in your life and in your career. Register now for Fall courses

APPLIED COUNSELLING Explore the counselling process and learn to develop effective counselling strategies so you can help others. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: MACHINE LEARNING SOLUTIONS Learn how AI and Machine Learning can solve the most important challeng- es in your business or organization and fuel your career. BUILDING INFORMATION MODELING (BIM) MANAGEMENT Build on your career in Architecture, Engineering, Construction, or as an Owner or Operator (AECOO) and learn to effectively manage your part of a project’s lifecycle with BIM project management processes.

BUSINESS ANALYSIS Become a business analyst or apply business analysis in your profes- sion. Offered in partnership with the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA). CHANGE MANAGEMENT Enroll in the only Change Management credential offered by an academic/ postsecondary institution in Manitoba. FACILITATING OLDER ADULT LEARNING Enhance your understanding of how aging affects learning, and how to de- sign and provide learning experiences for older adults.

HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Become a leader in HR with innovative courses that correspond with the HR competency framework - providing el- igibility for the CPHR designation. MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION Take the next step in your management career with an academic credential and a nationally recognized profession- al designation to add to your resume. QUALITY MANAGEMENT Learn how to lead the transition from quality control to quality excellence. Quality Management tools can be ap- plied in any industry.

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