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RED RIVER COLLEGE PHOTOS Fred Meier, President and CEO of Red River College, says RRC has been going full steam ahead since March, transforming program delivery to continuing applied research to meet industry needs.
RED RIVER COLLEGE Red River College builds momentum to boost economic recovery
Throughout the pandemic, RRC’s work in applied research has
carried on. One such project was a remote- controlled vehicle (right) designed to simulate tractor roll-overs and improve farm safety.
With the fall term just around the cor- ner, RRC is moving quickly to prepare students for careers in industries that will need their knowledge and skills more than ever. ‘I t’s been full steam ahead at RRC since March, when we moved our programs online to protect the safe- ty of our staff and students,” says Fred Meier, president and CEO. “In spite of COVID-19, the college’s academic programs, industry training, and applied research have all carried on, but in new ways.” Not that meeting the challenges of CO- VID-19 has been easy. “Back in March, public health immedi- ately recommended limiting public gather- ings, and colleges are public gatherings by design. We had to act fast to keep programs going the safest way possible.” After moving all programs online, a transi- tion RRC managed in a few weeks, the col- lege spent considerable time and effort to develop a set of rigorous standards, guide- lines and resources — a flexible online de- livery model designed to ensure the highest quality educational experience for students. “Keeping students engaged and sup- ported in their learning has been critical,” says Dr. Christine Watson, vice-president, academic. “Weaving new technologies, techniques and collaboration tools into our course delivery created new challenges as well as new opportunities. It’s been remark- able watching our students and faculty rise to the occasion.” This new model will support the delivery for the College’s programs this fall, which will be offered online and in a blended format, and has already paved the way for increased activity on all RRC campuses, including its regional campuses. In June, RRC welcomed back health-care and nursing students who needed to complete hands-on training in- terrupted by COVID-19, for instance, while the college’s Stevenson campus resumed training for the aerospace industry. “Many of our students and industry part- ners depend on hands-on learning, which lets you hone and prove technical skills in a lab or classroom,” says Dr. Watson. “In some areas, hands-on is the only way to learn. We worked hard to make that available as soon as public health officials permitted.”
Red River has now prepared facilities to accommodate more hands-on training as public health directives continue to evolve, including signage, sanitation stations and barriers that ensure physical distancing. During the second phase of reopen- ing, which started July 15, more students returned to catch up on coursework and training in the Construction Trades, Hospi- tality and Culinary Arts, Veterinary Technol- ogy, Dental Assisting, Medical Radiological Technology and Diagnostic Imaging, and Aircraft Maintenance Engineering. Appren- ticeship programs also resumed through a blend of online and hands-on training. Meier is optimistic that momentum will build into the fall as industries continue to reopen and students resume practicums, work placements, and other forms of work- integrated learning. “As long as it’s safe, we need to harness this momentum to support Manitoba’s eco- nomic recovery,” says Meier. “That means identifying the skills needed in the labour market today and in the future, and provid- ing students and workers with pathways to learning or re-skilling in new and innova- tive ways.” RRC works in lockstep with industry coun- cils to ensure students graduate with job- ready skills in areas of need, and will unveil a number of new programs next year, includ- ing Data Science, Machine Learning, Fin- tech Digital Innovation, and post-graduate and advanced diploma programs such as Digital Film and Media Production, Com- munications Management, Full Stack Web Development, and Game Development. Meier adds that throughout the pan- demic, RRC’s work in applied research has carried on. One such project was a remote- controlled vehicle designed to simulate tractor roll-overs and improve farm safety. RRC students, faculty and researchers col- laborated with the University of Manitoba and Keystone Agriculture Producers to create the Mini Roll Over Training Tractor (Mini ROTT), which completed a successful launch demo in July. “The Mini ROTT project shows Red River College at its best,” says Meier. “Even in chal- lenging times, we find ways to serve our community and our industries by providing tangible solutions to real-world problems.”
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RED RIVER COLLEGE PHOTO RRC has installed rigorous health and safety measures on its campuses to continue providing hands-on learning that can’t be delivered any other way.
UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA UM supports first-year students
and students from various commu- nities” Schnarr said. “Special lectures, delivered by fac- ulty members on engaging themes, will include discussions on note- taking, exam preparation and a range of learning strategies.” Workshops will also be available on topics such as writing skills, group work, preparation for assign- ments and exams, tips on succeed- ing in different academic programs, and more. On Sept. 8, students can look for- ward to Welcome Day when uni- versity leaders and other key UM community members will officially welcome the Class of 2024. Ongoing programs, mentorship opportunities, workshops and ac- tivities will continue for first-year students throughout the fall and winter terms. “In keeping with UM’s commit- ment to supporting and advancing Indigenous ways of knowing, being and doing,” Schnarr added, “we are also integrating important teachings regarding the territory on which the university resides and the bison, which is the university’s mascot.” For new students about to begin their university adven- ture, Schnarr offers a few words of encouragement. “You’ve got this! We are excited for you to start your classes, and we are here to help you get ready in the weeks leading up to the fall term. It has been a university-wide effort to help our students prepare for the new academic year,” she said. “We are all committed to students’ success, from first year through to final year. Our instructors are building in review time within their courses, new online resources are being launched, and academic and personal support services have been moved successfully to remote deliv- ery. We are here to support you.”
By Jennifer McFee
The University of Manitoba gets top marks for its efforts to sup - port students embarking on the first year of their post-secondary experience during these turbu- lent times. T he First Year Experience pro- gram is a series of learning opportunities, events and activities designed to sup- port new students as they transition to university life, which will primar- ily be offered remotely for the 2020 fall term. The program is geared for students who are beginning their first year of study as well as students who have transferred from another post-secondary institution and are new to Manitoba. Vice-provost Laurie Schnarr ex- plained that the program aims to address eight core principles: retain, include, unify, integrate, communi- ty, engage, intervene and assess. “We recognize senior high school students were not able to finish their secondary school experience in the way they had hoped. We also realize that some students are concerned about the transition to university. Will they meet people? Can they excel in an online learning environ- ment? Will they find the personal and academic supports they might need?” she said. “We are committed to support- ing first-year students in making a seamless transition to the Univer- sity of Manitoba and in gaining ac- cess to the resources, connections, programs and supports they need to thrive.” The First Year Experience program is made up of several key compo-
UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA ILLUSTRATION The University of Manitoba’s First Year Experience program is geared for students who are beginning their first year of study and for students who have transferred from another post-secondary institution or are new to Manitoba.
nents, she added. “We built an online orientation program called UM Essentials with- in the university’s online learning platform — UM Learn — where stu- dents will access the majority of their course work, view lectures and com- plete tests and exams,” Schnarr said. “Each module within UM Es- sentials was carefully designed to support students, no matter their academic program, to gain key knowledge to help them feel pre-
pared for the year ahead.” A new online hub called UM Com- mons helps to create interpersonal connections while also linking first- year students with resources and tools to help them excel. “The site will feature dynamic con- tent, changing throughout the year to reflect where they are in the aca- demic cycle and their learning and development needs,” Schnarr said. “On UM Commons they can also register for events, connect with ad-
visors, services, peer tutors and find a student community based upon their interests.” Upcoming FirstYear Experience events include Math Boot Camp (Aug. 10-28) and Prep Week (Aug. 31- Sept. 4). “Prep Week kicks off with home- room ‘meet-ups’ that enable stu- dents to connect with others in their program of study. Throughout the week there will continue to be op- portunities for students to meet staff
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UNIVERSITY OF WINNIPEG Creativity & collaboration keep UWinnipeg students connected
While campus is a lot quieter this year, The University of Winnipeg “classroom” has spread across the city, engaging students in excep- tional learning experiences that prepare them for a digital future. B en Roloff took part in UWin- nipeg’s Indigenous Summer Scholars Program this summer and says studying and research- ing remotely is easier than he expected. “We have access to many research da- tabases and contacts who are more than willing to help guide our research or an- swer our questions via email, phone call, or video conference,” he said. Accounting student Tiffany Godard is impressed with how connected she feels, despite her co-op work term with Canada Life taking place remotely. “I was concerned about staying con- nected when I started working remote- ly, but it turned out fine,” she said. “I’m getting work experience in my field and gaining confidence in my decision to study accounting. It’s a good fit for me.” Faculty have quickly rallied to find flexible solutions to keep students en- gaged, using a combination of pre-re- corded lectures, online meetings and discussion boards, as well as finding alternative ways to examine content. “This is a complete shift in how we do research and I’m very impressed with how my group has risen to the chal- lenge,” said Dr. Jamie Ritch, describing his chemistry lab’s quick pivot to theo- retical research. “When we can safely return to the lab, our computational results will inform future experiments.” Dr. Sheri-Lynn Skwarchuk is keeping Faculty of Education students engaged — including those without internet ac- cess — by introducing a new form of re- mote learning she calls Course in a Box. “The course is different from a tradi- tional correspondence course, as the materials included are not just a text- book and course outline,” she said.
More than ever, Skwarchuk says it’s her job to be more than just a professor. “I realize people are going through a lot as they adjust to a new normal, so the first thing I want to do is be a person before a professor,” she said. This commitment to student success is shared by Jane Lothian, who has been teaching remotely for several years now, successfully building connections with criminal justice students inside and out- side of traditional classroom settings. “I love teaching both face-to-face classes and online, and I don’t actually find them that dissimilar,” she said. “Students who strive to succeed, and who seek connection, will continue to do so regardless of how the course is delivered.” One of Lothian’s students, Yulia Bar- mapova, appreciates the flexibility that alternate delivery models allow for. “Jane has been so supportive and un- derstanding to my life outside of school, which has really helped me,” she said. “I am hoping this new method of delivery becomes a more permanent approach to learning because it certainly allows for a lot more freedom.” “The lack of a morning commute is certainly a perk,” said Applied Com- puter Science student Colin Hanlon- Dearman. Hanlon-Dearman is a co-op research assistant with the International Insti- tute for Sustainable Development. “Right from the beginning of my work term, my manager made sure that he in- cluded me in as many video call meet- ings as he reasonably could to get me in- troduced to as many people as he could to make up for not being able to walk around the office and do it in person,” he said. “Without a doubt, the best part of my work has been the people.” While this school year has been un- like any before, The University of Win- nipeg is proud of its ability to deliver a high-quality educational experience where students continue to make life- long connections.
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“ Students who strive to succeed, and who seek connection, will continue to do so regardless of how the course is delivered. — Jane Lothian, UWinnipeg instructor
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JESSE BOILY / WINNIPEG FREE PRESS FILES UWinnipeg instructor Jane Lothian has been teaching remotely for several years now, successfully building connections with criminal justice students inside and outside of traditional classroom settings.
USB 22215-Student Recruitment Ad-FIN.indd 1
2020-07-30 11:02 AM
Red River College is committed to meeting the needs of industry and helping rebuild the economy through quality education and training for Manitobans.
FULL-TIME PROGRAMS Red River College has converted dozens of programs and courses from in-person delivery models to online or a mix of both. Apply or register today for our full-time certificate or diploma programs — some of which can be completed in as little as three months — or for one of our degree programs.
Now is the time to go all in and get started on your journey toward an education in one of our in-demand, industry-connected offerings:
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“ We’re looking to represent that opportunity to enhance trades training in the province. — Dana Johnson, Manitoba Building Trades training & safety manager
By Jennifer McFee
tive fashion.” The state-of-the-art Manitoba Building Trades Institute will be a hub that will bolster a growing in- terest in the trades. “Many people may never have considered a career in the trades, but a skilled trade is often a key piece on the path to prosperity,” Johnson said. “We want people to consider the trades. With the exhibition hall, we’re going to have a lot of virtual simulation so it will provide that important opportunity for stu- dents and others to expand their horizons and see what the trades have to offer.” Within the exhibition space, 13 affiliated union trades will provide interactive experiences. “Students will come in, receive an orientation, apply their per- sonal protective equipment and go in small groups to each differ- ent booth to try something really exciting with each trade,” Johnson said. “They’ll get to hear what each trade has to offer. It’s going to be an amazing space and we’re excit- ed about it.” The trades provide an opportuni- ty to find meaningful work in an ev- er-expanding workforce, she added. “When we’re looking towards things like climate change, the need for skilled trades in making our buildings more efficient is go-
The trades are the way of the future, and Manitoba is well- poised to meet demand through a new multi-trades training facility and exhibition hall for post-secondary students. M anitoba Building Trades is planning for a late fall opening of its new 70,000-square- foot facility at 225 McPhillips Ave., at the corner of Pacific Avenue. Training and safety manager Dana Johnson said the work-ready area will be geared more towards adult learners while the trades ex- hibition space will focus more on high school students. “Manitoba Building Trades is an umbrella organization and we rep- resent a number of skilled trades unions and associations in our province. We’ll be working to rep- resent all of the perspectives and backgrounds,” she said. “We’re looking to bring in a number of collaborative partners, whether it’s educators, our union locals or any other larger training programs under one roof, so we’ll be a one-stop shop. Through shar- ing space and synergies, we can work together in a more collabora-
MANITOBA BUILDING TRADES PHOTOS Manitoba Building Trades is planning for a late fall opening of its 70,000-square-foot facility at 225 McPhillips Ave. The facility will be geared to both adult learners and high school students.
ty of everyone who walks through the doors. “Our industry and association has been at the forefront of pro- tecting our internal workforce. Even before the provincial gov- ernment had set standards for our sector, we worked with a wide va- riety of groups to set an industry- wide standard to keep our workers safe,” Johnson said. “We expect to continue to ap- ply that standard as we prepare to open in the fall.” Building on a rich history, the future looks bright for the trades in Manitoba. “Manitoba Building Trades has a long history of playing a pivotal
role in the community right from the 1919 General Strike where we were the first to call for changes to labour standards. Now those stan- dards are entrenched in our work on projects. I think we’ve done an incredible job building our prov- ince,” Johnson said. “We’re also incredibly excited for the opportunity to work with the community to expand access to skilled trades training. We’re really optimistic we can help grow the sector as well.”
ing to continue to be a sector for growth within the industry. The trades can be part of the solution for the larger problems in our soci- ety that our province and country are going to be facing, so we need to build that workforce,” she said. “We’re looking to represent that opportunity to enhance trades training in the province. For years, employers and builders have relied on our members to get their jobs done as safely and pro- ductively as possible. Now we are bringing that expertise forward in order to help train the next gen- eration of skilled trades.” Due to the pandemic, protocols will be in place to ensure the safe-
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UNIVERSITÉ DE SAINT-BONIFACE Language learning continues online
By Jennifer McFee
dents registering from across Manito- ba, as well as from other provinces and even the U.S. “We were surprised that, for our summer session, we had as many registrations as we usually had. We were expecting to have fewer be- cause we thought everybody would be dealing with everyday life, which was the case in the spring,” Morin- Nett said. “For the fall, I’m hoping we will have registrations from people who have extra time or are now unem- ployed and are maybe looking to brush up on some skills that will be useful for getting a job. Of course, it’s always useful to be able to speak a second language.” After diving into the virtual realm for spring and summer sessions, dis- tance learning has already become familiar territory for the fall session. Fall courses will include Conver- sational French (Français Oral), as well as specialized French classes for civil servants (Programme de français pour les fonctionnaires) and French classes for those who already know the language but want to brush up on their skills (Perfectionnement du français). The post-secondary institution also offers Spanish language courses at various levels. Most courses run once per week for three hours, mainly in the eve- nings and on Saturday mornings to accommodate work schedules. In addition, a new online self-di- rected course called Introduction to French will be offered this fall for stu- dents who are complete beginners to the language.
“Most people who grew up in Canada aren’t actually real begin- ners. They know some things like colours and how to count to 10. But now and then, we get some people who don’t know any French at all,” Morin-Nett said. “This course has been in the works for about a year, even before COVID. It’s completely online and it shows students things like the alphabet and a bit of pronunciation you might know if you’d taken French in school. I’m excited because it’s something people have been asking about for a long time. It’s continuous intake so you can take it any time, and you could probably do it in a couple of weeks if you did it regularly.” For fall session courses, work- books will be available for curb- side pickup at the school, which is an improvement over the spring session when materials were only available by PDF due to the abrupt change in format. Materials can also be mailed to students. Students can still expect interac- tive lessons in the video-conferenc- ing format, which is also a safe form of socializing during the pandemic. “One reason we chose Zoom for the class is because the instructors can put the learners into subgroups so they can still have a conversation with another person or a very small group,” she said. “At this time, a lot of people are feeling cut off and this is a way you can get together with people.”
Université de Saint-Boniface students will be saying “merci” for all the online learning oppor- tunities this fall. E rika Morin-Nett, language program co-ordinator, said the post-secondary institu- tion is already entering its third session of distance learning as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. “We found out around March 20 that the campus was going to be closed and we had approximate- ly three to four weeks to put our spring session in place online,” she said. “That was really a big challenge but our instructors are super. Most of them were on board right away to learn how to use Zoom since we did everything by video conferencing. Our students were also really patient and great for the first session.” The summer program proved to be more popular than expected, with stu- The summer program proved to be more popular than expected, with students registering from across Manitoba, as well as from other provinces and even the U.S.
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HERZING COLLEGE WINNIPEG Balancing online, in-class programming
By Todd Lewys
the Medical Lab Assistant program, hands-on labs will focus on plac- ing safe limits on person-to-person contact. “In this case, close contact is re- quired to take blood. A short duration of person-to-person contact is ac- ceptable. But once the task is carried out (students will be wearing masks) they must return to a safe distance.” Only so much learning can be done online. “For example, with our Broadcast and Media Communications course, we initially tried logging into comput- ers at a distance, but that didn’t work very well,” Day says. “Now, classes will have a staggered schedule and be half their normal size with only four students in class at one time, all with masks on.” In short, the administrative staff at Herzing is taking the coronavirus very seriously. “We’re looking forward to open- ing up, but, at the same time, we’re being cautious. We can’t have a stu- dent or staff member get sick be- cause we didn’t take the proper pre- cautions,” he says. “We’ll follow the rules and will bring students in only if we have to.” Finding the proper balance be- tween online and in-class program- ming will continue to be a chal- lenge, notes Day. “Part of the learning experience — the interaction of students with stu- dents and students with professors — has been greatly reduced. Now, staff jump on Zoom to have staff meetings, and students jump on to get course content,” says Day, adding that intake into programs is constant. “You want to provide the best learn- ing experience possible, but you also want to keep everyone safe.”
While it’s been a challenge, there have been some positives to in- creased virtual learning. “We’ve found more things can be done from home, limiting the need to commute to class,” he says. “And many people are spreading work out through the day, leading to greater productivity. One of our
staff members even chose not to re- tire because online learning made teaching easier for them.” With an uncertain fall in the off- ing — no one can predict if the pan- demic will get worse or remain at its present level in Manitoba — safety is top of mind at Herzing College. “We want to make things as com-
fortable as possible for students. We’re going to do all we can to cover all the bases so they’ll be comfort- able and ready to learn,” says Day.
When the coronavirus hit Mani- toba in mid-March, Herzing College wasn’t caught entirely off-guard. ‘A ctually, we were very lucky,” says the college’s national director of academics, Rob- in Day. “We started online training a few years ago. Thankfully, the government of Manitoba em- braced online learning early on. That proved to be a great move.” However, online learning can only go so far. While it’s perfect for delivering theory, it falls short in the area of providing students with hands-on experience. Consequently, students will need to venture into classrooms to get essential training. “Students can watch only so many videos — they need to get practical experience,” he says. “A good example is bed-making (in health care). Anyone can make a bed without someone in it. When someone is in it, it’s a different mat- ter. You need hands-on training to learn how to do it.” Day stressed that appropriate safety protocols will be in place when students venture into class- rooms for practical experience. “There will be temperature checks, physical distancing will be enforced, masks will have to be worn and there will be a limited number of people in a room. Only one person will be permitted to go in and out at one time,” he says. “Fortunately, we have a good facil- ity with large classrooms.” In the case of programs such as
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Now, classes will have a staggered schedule and be half their normal size with only four students in class at one time, all with masks on.
— Robin Day, national director of academics, Herzing College
Herzing College Winnipeg Health Care Aide program instructor Nancy Scott teaches a virtual class recently.
When you’re paying this much attention to health and safety, you can feel like the world is caving in on you. We’re being very intentional of having space for everybody’s well-being.
— Cheryl Pauls, CMU president
CMU PHOTOS Canadian Mennonite University is working to ensure students at its southwest Winnipeg campus have plenty of space to distance themselves. CMU has also converted an old gym and meeting rooms into classrooms.
By Geoff Kirbyson
al of having space for everybody’s well-being, whether that’s visual arts, yoga, running, cycling or cross- country skiing. We’re doing a lot for their mental and physical health. Right now it’s easy to feel like they’re living in cages,” she said. Of course, hand sanitizer will be available everywhere and ev- erything in common areas will be cleaned religiously. Other changes designed to cre- ate more distance include using an old gym and meeting rooms as classrooms. While the look and feel of the campus is being changed, Pauls says it’s critical students feel like they’re part of the process and solution. “In this time, people need a lot more personal boundaries and breathing space. We are being very intentional how we educate and train the students in what this means so they get it and know what to do. From masks to distanc- ing, we are able to make collective health and safety a communal re- sponsibility,” she said. Pauls and her team follow the daily COVID-19 press conferenc- es held by Dr. Brent Roussin, the province’s chief medical officer, and are prepared to amend their plans should the need arise. “If we have to turn on a dime overnight, we can do it. We’re not being cavalier about this,” she said. CMU, which has about 600 full- time students and 35 full-time facul- ty, offers degrees in arts, humanities, social sciences, sciences, business, communications and media. There are usually around 20 in- ternational students enrolled at CMU but Pauls said she doesn’t ex-
pect there to be more than one or two this fall. Music students will be the most affected because so much of mak- ing music involves your breath, whether that’s singing or playing wind instruments. For example, instead of having more than 40 members of a choir standing in several rows in close
proximity to each other, classes will be reduced to four students in a very large room. This way, they can be 10 metres apart and sing with their backs to each other. “We won’t be doing any live per- formances because we can’t have audiences. It becomes a different kind of workshop rather than be- ing performance-based,” she said.
CMU will also take advantage of its natural surroundings to make learning as safe as possible. For ex- ample, instead of having students work closely together in science labs indoors, they’ll spend more time doing field work outdoors in Assiniboine Forest.
While the COVID-19 pandemic presses on, one post-secondary institution in the province is preparing to welcome students in the fall. I t’s not that administrators Ca- nadian Mennonite University are downplaying the severity of the coronavirus — far from it — but considering the relatively small size of its student body, its spacious campus, small class sizes plus all the precautions being put in place, pres- ident Cheryl Pauls believes they’ll be able to provide a safe learning envi- ronment for everybody. Of course, people with underly- ing illnesses and compromised im- mune systems may not feel com- fortable attending indoor classes but CMU has them covered, too, with full online options. One of the primary safeguards is locking every building so they can only be accessed with a student or faculty swipe card. “We can do full contact tracing of everybody who is in the buildings. With that, there’s a lot of control,” Pauls said. At the same time, Pauls says the southwest Winnipeg campus is also creating a lot of “breathing” space so students will be spread out a minimum of two metres apart when they’re studying, eating or just clearing their heads. “When you’re paying this much attention to health and safety, you can feel like the world is caving in on you. We’re being very intention-
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Register now for Fall 2020 in-person classes
Creative, collaborative learning
By Todd Lewys
ment and passion online. Now, as we head into the fall, I think we’ll have that energy. But nothing re- places in-person interaction.” For safety’s sake, students will watch all lectures online. Lectures will in turn be supplemented by videos and PowerPoint charts. Dielschneider says certain face- to-face components of the program will be retained to ensure students get the hands-on learning they need. “There will be weekly tutori- als and wet labs — fortunately, we don’t have to re-imagine all labs. They will be supported by online materials such as video demonstra- tions, interviews and discussions.” While the manner of course de- livery has changed — the four-year Bachelor of Health Science Major program includes courses such as microbiology, biochemistry, ge- netics, ethics and the sociology of health in its curriculum — the blended approach figures to be en- joyable and effective. “I think it’s going to be fun for fac- ulty members to use online teach- ing technology to do video chats, course discussions and collabora- tive annotations with students,” says Dielschneider. “I think the blended approach will also be ben- eficial for students.” Those benefits are many: a less- threatening presentation for shy students, reduced travel and the ability for students in isolated com- munities to access course content at any time. “We even have plans to put labs online,” she says. “If, for some rea-
son, a student can’t attend, they won’t miss out completely. They can then access online materials to get a fuller picture of what hap- pened in the lab.” Dielschneider says she’s proud of how Providence faculty has handled the teaching challenges due to COVID-19. “One thing that’s really stood out is how collaborative our faculty has been. They’ve been talking and working together as a team, sharing to help each other get better at de- livering quality content in the new blended format. I think that will really benefit students in how well courses are presented.” Providence is still accepting ap- plications for September, Diel- schneider says. “Providence is committed to be- ing very flexible with application deadlines — we’re dealing with a new reality. With that in mind, we’re going to be as accommodat- ing as possible.” As difficult as things have been during the pandemic, it’s forced Providence to become more inno- vative. “We’ve had to adapt during the pandemic and may have to do it in the long term — this probably won’t be the last one we’ll have to deal with,” she says. “Technology is here to stay. We’re confident we can balance it with in-class learning to keep students safe and deliver the best experience possible to them, even in the middle of a pandemic.”
Last year, Providence University College’s four-year Bachelor of Health Science program was delivered 100 per cent in-class. T hat won’t be the case this fall due to the ongoing pres- ence of COVID-19, says as- sistant professor of biology, Rebecca Dielschneider. “We will be delivering the pro- gram half online and half in-person in class,” she says. “You could call it a hybrid, or blended format.” While administration at Provi- dence wasn’t caught totally off- guard by COVID-19 — a portion of the course was already being deliv- ered online — professors are still working at adjusting their style to online teaching. “Science uses technology exten- sively, so it makes sense to integrate it into the classroom,” Dielschnei- der says. “These days, online offer- ings are high-quality. We need to match that quality so students will feel like they’re in class with us.” That said, professors — who moved to online teaching at the tail end of the 2019-20 school year when the pandemic hit in mid- March — will be making a con- scious effort to put more energy into their presentations. “Professors benefit from in-per- son classes — we come alive when we have students in front of us,” Dielschneider says. “At first, it was a challenge to have the same excite-
PROVIDENCE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE PHOTO Providence University College assistant professor of biology, Rebecca Dielschneider, says the college is offering its Bachelor of Health Science with a blended format of in-class and online learing.
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By Geoff Kirbyson
The plan in September is to teach all classes remotely via Zoom, Microsoft Teams or on other online platforms. A decision about the winter term will be made in October. “I hope organizations start to re- alize they have a responsibility for (dealing with disasters). Local gov- ernments are realizing there’s a real skill set around this kind of plan- ning,” Lindsay said. For example, he cited the con- tamination of the drinking water supply in Walkerton, Ont. in 2000 resulting from improper water treatment following heavy rainfall. More than 2,000 people got sick and six died after bacteria from the manure of nearby cattle contami- nated well water. “Municipalities got more serious about water-quality testing after that,” he said. Lindsay says the program is still relatively unknown to the general public and isn’t usually the kind of career path high school counsellors recommend to students. “The fact of the matter is, when emergency managers do a great job, you won’t necessarily see them,” he said. “Our work starts before a di- saster even occurs and continues long afterward.” So, have the federal and provin- cial governments done a good job with COVID-19 thus far? Lindsay gives them a passing grade. “I think we’re managing fairly well,” he said. “A lot of organiza- tions are realizing it’s not just a health problem. A lot of the work is dealing with the consequences we put in place to deal with the hazard. When there’s a flood, there are problems created by the flood. But when we order an evacuation, we create new problems. Where do we put people? How do we feed them? Disasters aren’t just limited to where the dangers are.”
BRANDON UNIVERSITY Focus on preparedness at BU
Jack Lindsay doesn’t have to look far to see how his field of study applies to the real world. A s the chair of Brandon Uni- versity’s Applied Disaster and Emergency Studies program, all he has to do for marketing is open up a newspaper or turn on the nightly news. Hello, COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, another disaster — the Flood of the Century in 1997 — was a major impetus in launching the program in 2001, making BU the first university in Canada to offer a bachelor’s degree in the disaster management field. A week after teaching his first class, terrorists crashed a pair of commercial airplanes into the World Trade Center in New York. “That changed the focus of high- er education and disaster manage- ment,” Lindsay said. “The number of programs in the U.S. more than tripled. We were ahead of the curve, and our depth of experience con- tinues to make our graduates lead- ers in the field across Canada.” The BU program covers the prima- ry areas of emergency management: pre-event mitigation, preparedness, and response, which includes risk communication, issuing warnings and evacuations, and the longer- term phases of recovery, such as re- settlement and economic revival. “We take an all-hazards ap- proach. We don’t focus on one event like flooding, we look at them all, how circumstances can change and how an event is managed,” he said. “Disasters are really a social prob- lem and we need to be prepared for how they impact everyone and ev- ery sector differently.” Lindsay is proud to say there are about 125 graduates of the program currently working in the field across the country, including in hospitals, with Manitoba Emergency Measures and the Red Cross. Many have been
“ Disasters are really a social problem and we need to be prepared for how they impact everyone and every sector differently. — Jack Lindsay, chair of BU’s Applied Disaster & Emergency Studies program
JOE BRYKSA / WINNIPEG FREE PRESS FILES Manitoba’s Flood of the Century in 1997 was a major impetus in launching Brandon University’s Applied Disaster and Emergency Studies program in 2001, making BU the first university in Canada to offer a bachelor’s degree in the disaster management field.
ing and laying sandbags. “It really left me with a feeling of community and how the commu- nity pulls together during a disas- ter. It was a fantastic thing to be a part of and I still have the desire to keep doing that today,” she said. Much of her role is focused on planning and preparedness but she
on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic response. Lisa Gilmour, emergency man- agement co-ordinator for the City of Winnipeg, is one of them. The 1997 flood played a big role in where she is today because she and a bunch of her fellow junior high school students lent a hand by fill-
admits things get amped up during a disaster. “All emergency management people in the field are doing it to help people,” she said. There are anywhere between 25 and 30 students majoring in the program in a given year but Lindsay thinks there could be more this fall.
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Set yourself apart from the pack with small class sizes, an extensive and supportive co-op program, and undergraduate research opportunities not available at many larger universities. With campuses in Brandon and Winnipeg, you can find a quality, personalized education close to home. Visit us online today to start building your future!
Future-proof yourself with lifelong learning Study ONLINE with Extended Education at the University of Manitoba
Paul Quaye, recent graduate from the Management and Administration program.
At Extended Education at UM, we are here for you, with a variety of courses and pro- grams, offered online. Register now for fall and winter courses and programs.
It wasn’t long ago that a pandemic was something from the pages of history, and “phys- ical distancing” was a new concept. Yet, within a short time, we have adapted, and we continue to adapt. The disruption to our lives caused by the current pandemic is dramatic, but it is also a great reminder that there is really no way to predict the future. Change happens. It is the only constant in life. In order to move forward in our lives and in our careers, we too must continue to adapt and change. “Nobody could have predicted this pandemic and now we have to respond appropriate- ly,” says Michael Benarroch, President of the University of Manitoba. About UM’s important role in transitioning our provincial economy, post-pandemic, Benarroch adds, “One of our responsibilities is going to be to try to help people transi- tioning to new careers or having to move to different fields post-pandemic. Our role is to provide educational options that will help individuals apply the skills they’ve learned in one industry and transition to new jobs. “I also believe that University of Manitoba is going to have to play a bigger role in helping Manitobans, of all ages, transition and adapt to the changing labour market over their entire careers, not just at the start of their careers.” As you face your transition and plan to move forward in your life and career, at UM, Extended Education is here for you. Together, we can do this. “At this time when there is so much uncertainty and the ground beneath us is shifting daily,” says Acting Dean of Extended Education, David Mandzuk, “some people may find themselves out of work or decide that this is time for them to up-skill, re-skill or even change career direction. Whatever your situation is, Extended Education is here for you and can help you chart a whole new career path or give you the knowledge and skills you will need to adapt.” It may feel like our worlds have become smaller. Much of life has slowed down. We spend more time in our homes. We worry about health and finances. Yet our experiences are growing. We all keep learning. Lifelong learning fuels the kid in all of us. It nourishes our dreams and helps us to pre- pare for a better future. Imagine how flexible education programs and courses might support your dreams and help prepare you to move forward in your career but also in your life. “Continuing education and lifelong learning are typically associated with job-specific skills delivered through flexible, short-term programs of study,” explains Paul Jenkins, Manager, Delivery, Extended Education. Professional development, up-skilling, or ca- reer pivoting is only one part of that story. With this investment, you get so much more. “Beyond professional motivations, lifelong learners cite a raft of more personal reasons for continuing their educations like increased confidence and preparation for the chang- es life throws, a sense of responsibility to remain current, and being well-rounded and versatile, or, one might even say, more future-proof.” Jenkins adds, “In addition to job-specific skills, the lifelong learning model provides a suite of eminently transferable skills, including language and literacy, numeracy, and critical thinking skills.” Paul Quaye recently graduated from our Management and Administration program. Quaye says, “It’s going to help me. It got me back into Extended Education and taking courses on a regular basis and I’m hoping to continue that moving forward, putting my courses towards a Bachelor of Arts Integrated Studies (BAIS degree).” Several of Extend- ed Education’s certificate programs offer this alternate pathway to a UM degree, by earn- ing credit that can be directly applied to a BAIS degree offered by the Faculty of Arts. So, while so many things are uncertain right now, one thing is for sure. The kids are doing it. You can too. Study online, remotely from the comfort and safety of your own home. You won’t be isolated because you will be connected with our friendly, supportive, and knowledgeable industry-experienced instructors, dedicated student support team, as well as colleagues from across Canada, and we will all be working and learning to- gether.
As we have learned, there is no way to predict the future but you can embrace it and plan for change with online learning. We have the quality courses and programs to help you move forward in your life and in your career. Keep learning. Online from Anywhere.
Online Programs: Applied Counselling
Human Resource Management Become a leader in HR with innovative courses that correspond with the HR competency framework – providing eligibility for the CPHR designation. Program Development for Adult Learners Meet the growing need for adult educators and trainers, and learn how to design and develop effective adult learning programs. Business Analysis Become a business analyst or apply business analysis in your profession. Offered in partnership with the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA). Management and Administration Take the next step in your management career with an academic credential and a nationally recognized professional designation to add to your resume. Change Management Enroll in the only Change Management credential offered by an academic/post- secondary institution in Manitoba. Quality Management Learn how to lead the transition from quality control to quality excellence. Quality Management tools can be applied in any industry. Register now at, or call 204 474 8800 today.
Explore the counselling process and learn to develop effective counselling strategies so you can help others. E-Learning Letter of Accomplishment Stay ahead of the curve. Discover and apply the advantages of E-Learning. Choice of teaching or design stream.
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