Education | August 2020



UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA UM supports first-year students

and students from various commu- nities” Schnarr said. “Special lectures, delivered by fac- ulty members on engaging themes, will include discussions on note- taking, exam preparation and a range of learning strategies.” Workshops will also be available on topics such as writing skills, group work, preparation for assign- ments and exams, tips on succeed- ing in different academic programs, and more. On Sept. 8, students can look for- ward to Welcome Day when uni- versity leaders and other key UM community members will officially welcome the Class of 2024. Ongoing programs, mentorship opportunities, workshops and ac- tivities will continue for first-year students throughout the fall and winter terms. “In keeping with UM’s commit- ment to supporting and advancing Indigenous ways of knowing, being and doing,” Schnarr added, “we are also integrating important teachings regarding the territory on which the university resides and the bison, which is the university’s mascot.” For new students about to begin their university adven- ture, Schnarr offers a few words of encouragement. “You’ve got this! We are excited for you to start your classes, and we are here to help you get ready in the weeks leading up to the fall term. It has been a university-wide effort to help our students prepare for the new academic year,” she said. “We are all committed to students’ success, from first year through to final year. Our instructors are building in review time within their courses, new online resources are being launched, and academic and personal support services have been moved successfully to remote deliv- ery. We are here to support you.”

By Jennifer McFee

The University of Manitoba gets top marks for its efforts to sup - port students embarking on the first year of their post-secondary experience during these turbu- lent times. T he First Year Experience pro- gram is a series of learning opportunities, events and activities designed to sup- port new students as they transition to university life, which will primar- ily be offered remotely for the 2020 fall term. The program is geared for students who are beginning their first year of study as well as students who have transferred from another post-secondary institution and are new to Manitoba. Vice-provost Laurie Schnarr ex- plained that the program aims to address eight core principles: retain, include, unify, integrate, communi- ty, engage, intervene and assess. “We recognize senior high school students were not able to finish their secondary school experience in the way they had hoped. We also realize that some students are concerned about the transition to university. Will they meet people? Can they excel in an online learning environ- ment? Will they find the personal and academic supports they might need?” she said. “We are committed to support- ing first-year students in making a seamless transition to the Univer- sity of Manitoba and in gaining ac- cess to the resources, connections, programs and supports they need to thrive.” The First Year Experience program is made up of several key compo-

UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA ILLUSTRATION The University of Manitoba’s First Year Experience program is geared for students who are beginning their first year of study and for students who have transferred from another post-secondary institution or are new to Manitoba.

nents, she added. “We built an online orientation program called UM Essentials with- in the university’s online learning platform — UM Learn — where stu- dents will access the majority of their course work, view lectures and com- plete tests and exams,” Schnarr said. “Each module within UM Es- sentials was carefully designed to support students, no matter their academic program, to gain key knowledge to help them feel pre-

pared for the year ahead.” A new online hub called UM Com- mons helps to create interpersonal connections while also linking first- year students with resources and tools to help them excel. “The site will feature dynamic con- tent, changing throughout the year to reflect where they are in the aca- demic cycle and their learning and development needs,” Schnarr said. “On UM Commons they can also register for events, connect with ad-

visors, services, peer tutors and find a student community based upon their interests.” Upcoming FirstYear Experience events include Math Boot Camp (Aug. 10-28) and Prep Week (Aug. 31- Sept. 4). “Prep Week kicks off with home- room ‘meet-ups’ that enable stu- dents to connect with others in their program of study. Throughout the week there will continue to be op- portunities for students to meet staff

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