Education | December 2014

Winnipeg Free Press - saturDAY, December 6, 2014 5

Creative approach to social change at CMU

By Holli Moncrieff For the Free Press T he Canadian Mennonite University (CMU) offers a unique opportunity for those who long to make a difference in the world. Each June, their Canadian School of Peacebuilding (CSOP) attracts activists and humanitarians from around the world. “It’s a creative approach to bringing about social change, and it’s an intensive learning experience. We bring in instructors from around the world,” said Kevin Kilbrei, Director of Communications and Marketing for CMU. “In previous years, students from Egypt, Chile, and the former Soviet Union have attended.” CSOP courses can be used for professional and personal development or for academic credit. Some of the classes featured in June 2015 include Human Rights and Peace, Peace Psychology, and Women and Peacebuilding. “Women and Peacebuilding explores what contributions women have made, what difficulties female activists face, and what men can do to help strengthen women’s voices,” Kilbrei explained. Friendship and Peace: The Blackfoot Way, taught by Leroy Little Bear, is an opportunity to explore indigenous approaches to peace, justice, and friendship through the Blackfoot worldview. These include the notions of constant flux, the relatedness of everything, and the Blackfoot relationship to the land. The CSOP program is available to students of all ages. If you’re interested in applying, you can find their online registration application here: CMU students have an opportunity to volunteer in a developing country with the Out of Town program. “Out of Town is a transitional program for students leaving high school and going into post- secondary education. We have sites in Guatemala, South Africa, and Burkina Faso, and it

Students take part in a biology class at the Canadian Mennonite University. Photo by Darcy Finley


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