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Online presentations help future students discover all UWinnipeg has to offer
Beyond the online presentations, there are other opportunities to learn more about studying at The University of Winnipeg, including:
University of Winnipeg recruitment officers normally spend the fall visiting high schools across the province making presentations to grade 12 students. Career fairs, university fairs and parent nights also provide many opportunities to connect with students of all ages — and share information about all that UWinnipeg has to offer.
• Open House in February — a virtual UWinnipeg fair featuring all of the academic programs and student services. • UniBuddy — an online chat platform on the UWinnipeg website that connects users with current UWinnipeg students. Each student’s profile indicates their degree program so you can find a buddy with similar interests. Visit and a UniBuddy chat will appear. • Personal appointments — UWinnipeg recruitment officers are available for phone appointments. To schedule one, email or call 204-786-9844.
B ut in a year like no other, in-per- son activities were suspended and moved to online delivery for fall 2020, in accordance with public health restrictions. The University of Winnipeg is now offering an array of online presentation formats — to meet the needs of any type of student looking for information about undergraduate study. “We recognize that different audiences are looking for particular information — and we want to offer the same types of interactions as we would normally get to do in person,” said Ashley Dunlop, Director of Student Re- cruitment. “We also realize that scheduling can be difficult right now, so we want to pro- vide as many options as possible.” This includes a regular ongoing presen- tation schedule specifically for high school students in Manitoba and across Canada, as well as general information sessions. High school presentations are offered dur- ing the lunch hour, with varying start times to accommodate different schedules. An evening option is open to students as well as parents, guardians, and caregivers. The general information sessions are also offered in the evening, starting at 6 pm, and are open to any student, including adult learners and those looking to continue their post-secondary education. During the presentation, a recruitment of-
ficer will cover terminology basics — terms like bachelor’s degrees and majors — as well as the wide variety of degree programs of- fered, career prospects, admission require- ments and scholarships. Also covered is a timeline of the admission process, so stu- dents will know how long they have for col- lecting information and when to start apply- ing for admission and scholarships. The online presentations even offer a few advantages over in-person meetings. Stu- dents can ask questions during the presen- tation at any time or send questions directly to the recruitment officer via text chat. A re- cruitment officer can respond to inquiries as part of the discussion and also provide links to a specific program or page on the UWin- nipeg website. Another advantage is the enhanced con- tent detail that can be delivered onscreen compared to what presentations in a theatre or gymnasium would allow. For example, participants can get a close look at the on- line timetable and see what a daily schedule might look like for a first-year student. And students who register for an online presentation will automatically be entered into a $5,000 tuition credit draw, with the winner announced in June 2021. Visit to sign up for an online presentation at a date and time that works best for you.
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Because I want to transform my city
UNIVERSITY OF WINNIPEG PHOTOS Online presentations enable students to clearly see details such as admission requirements and application guidelines.
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IMAGE COURTESY OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM (LEFT)/ SUPPLIED PHOTO (RIGHT) A drawing of a London coffeehouse, c. 1690–1700 (left). Right, students role-play patrons at a Restoration coffeehouse for the course Literature of the Restoration and 18th Century at the University of Manitoba.
ing that with my students, but what I really love about teaching is getting feedback from my students. I just love what they bring,” Keating says. “Every class is so different, and they’re bringing these different ideas and they’re understanding mate- rial in different ways. I firmly believe that most professors are professors because they just want a lifetime of learning. And teaching brings you that, either from your students, or from scholarship, or from learning how to be a better professor. It’s just a community of constant learning and interactivity.” When public health lockdowns came into effect and classes moved online, Keating saw how hungry her students were for community. In response, she adapted her second- year Beyond High Fantasy course, based on a popular genre of story- telling that includes mythology and fairytales, and modern examples such as Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones . Instead of only reading and discussing texts, students played a (virtual) fantasy game together and critically examined aspects of it. Suddenly moving online was a sig- nificant challenge, but not an unfa- miliar one for the University of Mani- toba. UM pioneered virtual learning by developing Massive Online Open Courses, or MOOCs, in 2008, and by 2012 renowned post-secondary in- stitutions followed, including Har-
vard University and the Massachu- setts Institute of Technology. UM has long been a leader in creat- ing outstanding teaching and learn- ing spaces — online and in person — and in 2013 it opened its Centre for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning to help instructors imple- ment new technologies and methods to motivate students to excel. As the province’s premier re- search-based university and its only institution accredited to award Medical Doctoral degrees, the Uni- versity of Manitoba offers a vast ar- ray of learning and career opportu- nities for students. “Our dedicated faculty members are passionate about teaching and challenging students to expand their knowledge and worldviews,” says Dr. Janice Ristock, Provost and Vice- President (Academic) at UM. “And in every one of our programs,” she adds,“you will find inspired peo- ple sharing invigorating ideas and mentoring students to become inde- pendent thinkers and enlivened, ac- tive contributors to the health of our communities, our city and province. The University of Manitoba really is a special place.” To learn more about how students can discover their own learning and career paths, visit UM Commons online.
course who helped organize the replica coffeehouse. “By making this pop-up coffee- house, we not only got to ask those questions but answer them our- selves. There are copious amounts of texts and documents that describe the coffeehouse, but just reading off of a page does not provide the multi- sensory, embodied experience that our re-creation allowed.” This is what Professor Keating is after: empowering and inspiring stu- dents to make a deep connection to the material and to discover their untapped enthusiasm for learning and critical thinking. Her teaching approach immerses students in the worlds of the texts they are study- ing through Reacting to the Past, a role-playing, game-based method of researching and examining texts within their historical contexts. Her ability to inspire and connect is why she is one of many beloved instructors at UM. It’s why she has received three teaching awards, in- cluding one of UM’s highest teaching honours, the Olive Beatrice Stanton Award for Excellence in Teaching, which she won this year. Dr. Keating challenges students to step outside their comfort zones, and they love her for it. One of her former graduate students describes her as, “unparalleled in her passion for her work and her care for her students.” “I love literature, and I love shar-
UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA Connection, passion drive teaching and learning at UM
everyone to come and hear the local news and gossip told by travellers, and to engage in debate on any top- ic. But wouldn’t it be more enrich- ing to live it? That’s what Dr. Erin Keating thought. She’s a professor in the de- partment of English, theatre, film & media at the University of Manitoba. In 2019 she inspired her students to organize their own pop-up Resto- ration coffeehouse. The students ea- gerly researched, planned and re-en- acted an event, inviting the public to join in. Based on their research, the students role-played as typical cof- feehouse patrons — quack doctors, snobbish aristocrats, authors, mer- chants — and performed debates, short skits and literature readings. “It’s natural to ask why you are learning about something and why it is important,” says Alexa Watson, a student in Keating’s Literature of the Restoration and 18th Century
Coffee. No fancy version of it — just coffee with grounds that stain mugs and teeth and tongues. Here’s tea, if you prefer. There may be some chocolate on hand and tobacco, if you desire. Now gather ’round the large table and listen to something provocative and rabble-rousing. No need to be quiet. This is a raucous affair. You’re in a Restoration coffee- house; act like it. O f course, you could just read about English coffee- houses that began open- ing up in the 1600s. Books can describe these bright, boister- ous dens that invited anyone and
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Chair of Public Safety at the college and Grant has continued in a senior advisory role for the department since 2018. Through their own experiences working in policing and public safe- ty since the 1970s and 80s respec- tively, Ewatski and Grant have seen the transformation of the public safety environment and both see a path forward that considers public safety through a more comprehen- sive social lens. “In our training, we’re planting the seeds so that people, when they get to their respective agencies, are go- ing to know that a more holistic ap- proach is required to address com- munity safety and well-being. It’s not just a policing issue or a health issue or a social service issue alone,” says Grant. This community approach is something Grant has had his finger on since learning of a model called Community Mobilization, which takes a proactive approach to com- munity safety, bringing multiple social service agencies together to support at-risk individuals before a crisis situation occurs. While with BPS, Grant worked hard to bring Community Mobilization to the Westman region in 2015 and has seen its positive impact over the years. This community approach, he says, is the way forward for public safety. And the college’s approach to training can replicate and comple- ment this holistic, community focus. “We want to help shape the fu- ture of policing and public safety in a positive way so people think, ‘Hey, they’re a partner. They’re not just tell- ing us what to do or telling us to step aside. They’re a partner. They’re go- ing to work with us,’” says Grant. “I think policing has to change. I think public safety has to change. And I think there’s a real opportunity right now for that to happen. When some- one receives the college level of train- ing, when they get to a police agency or a social service agency, they bring that collaborative, community per- spective because that’s part of what their training is all about.” “We’re hopeful that individuals
who eventually want to get into a po- licing role realize that it’s important to see a broader view and have good critical-thinking skills. And you can learn those with higher education,” says Ewatski. “And for somebody coming in to the Public Safety ad- vanced diploma program with a credential under their belt, they’ve shown that they’ve been able to build those skills and they’ll be able to use those skills to enhance their own experience, but also to enhance our program.” And those interested in being part of the path forward for policing and public safety can trust Assiniboine’s reputation and track record. “We’ve had a great success rate in terms of people who graduated from our police studies program,” says Grant. These grads have gone on to work not only at police agencies, but with corrections and sheriffs, border ser- vices, in First Nations communities and with the RCMP. “I think that’s a big part of what will make this new program impact- ful,” says Grant. “It builds on the success of what we’ve done with Po- lice Studies and builds on what the student brings to the table with their previous education.” “ In our training, we’re planting the seeds so that people, when they get to their respective agencies, are going to know that a more holistic approach is required to address community safety and well-being. ” - Ian Grant, Senior Advisor, First Nations Officer and Community Safety Officer training
Community approach key for public safety education
Providing leadership in public safety is a key component of Assiniboine Community College’s strategic direction; the college’s work in public safety has continued to evolve to meet the needs of local, regional and provincial public safety agencies over the last 15 years.
W hat started with the 2006 introduction of the col- lege’s Police Studies cer- tificate, a basic recruit training program, has grown into a human services approach to public safety that includes programs like First Nations Officer and Communi- ty Safety Officer training, Restorative Justice, and various partnerships with public safety agencies to offer in-service training opportunities. In 2015, the college opened its Public Safety Training Centre (PSTC),
Ian Grant and Jack Ewatski have both been instrumental to the evolu- tion of Assiniboine’s leadership in the public safety sphere. Grant, a former Chief of the Bran- don Police Service (BPS), played a crucial role in the Police Studies pro- gram taking shape. Ewatski, a former Chief of the Winnipeg Police Service (WPS), joined the college a few years later to co-ordinate the expansion of public safety offerings, namely the First Nations Safety Officer program. Ewatski has since been hired as the
an investment in providing leader- ship and opportunity for this sector. The PSTC brings a range of simula- tion and training equipment into a single environment. Most recently, the college has in- troduced an eight-month advanced diploma in Public Safety designed to prepare students, who have a prior post-secondary credential, for ca- reers in the public safety sector in- cluding municipal, regional and In- digenous police service, corrections and security.
ASSINIBOINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE PHOTO Students learn skills such as interviewing during live scenario training.
ASSINIBOINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE PHOTO Physical fitness and drill training is an integral part of the program’s curriculum.
Public safety is an evolving field and needs skilled individuals trained in contemporary practices. Stress management, mental health first aid and cross-cultural teachings are integrated in this program so you gain the skills needed to support our vibrant, growing communities. Develop communication skills, emotional intelligence and critical thinking; engage in realistic scenario training; challenge yourself physically and collaborate with community in extensive volunteer activities. Assiniboine offers intensive eight-month Public Safety certificate and advanced diploma programs. If you’re a college or university graduate, the advanced diploma program allows you to build on your previous life experience. PUBLIC SAFETY AT ASSINIBOINE A New Program for a Modern Era
NEW PROGRAMS! Now accepting applications for fall 2021, including five, all-new programs in Brandon: » Digital Art and Design » Media and Communications » Power Engineering (4th and 3rd Class) » Public Safety » Web and Interactive Development
Learn more at or register for an upcoming online program information session at .
The Public Safety program is the first of its kind in Manitoba and is offered in partnership with the Brandon Police Service. Assiniboine is the only post-secondary institution in Manitoba to offer a Public Safety program authorized by Manitoba Justice.
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PROVIDENCE PHOTOS Providence teams have competed locally in the Manitoba Colleges Athletic Conference, nationally in the Canadian Collegiate Athletic Association and south of the border in the National Christian College Athletic Association.
championships. Our basketball pro- gram has also been successful, but be- cause the competition level in the U.S. (Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, Wis- consin) is so high, it has been more dif- ficult for our basketball teams to qualify for competing at a national level,” he says. “Our athletes can always expect to be challenged.” In that sense, Providence’s teams have consistently risen to the challenge, winning championships in men’s and women’s soccer in the MCAC and plac- ing highly in U.S. nationals. The wom- en’s volleyball team has also fared well in NCCAA competition. “Over the last 20 years, we’ve provid- ed quality competition, competing in both Canada and the U.S.,” Masterson says, noting that most of the coaches work full-time at the institution. “Our varsity program has served students well due to the high level of competi- tion. Our new membership in the CCAA is allowing for our program to become more well-known and more relevant to Canadian athletes.” Providence, it turns out, is also build- ing a reputation for developing well- rounded, work-ready people. “We’re here to serve students. We want to help them in every possible way we can — in their athletics, academics, personal development, and in their faith.” Combine all those elements together over four to five years at Providence, and the result is a person that emerges ready to contribute to the world. “Faith is the active component of all our programs here,” he says. “We recog- nize that everyone is on a different faith journey, but we want to create a Christ- centred environment that not only talks the talk, but walks the walk.”
URBAN CIRCLE TRAINING CENTRE INC. Professional Career Training Opportunity
For some reason, people tend to think of Providence University College and Theological Seminary as only a Bible school.
T hat perception isn’t entirely ac- curate, says Scott Masterson, di- rector of athletics at Providence, which is located in Otterburne, 50 kilometres southeast of Winnipeg. “In addition to our theological pro- grams, we also offer a huge variety of uni- versity-level programs,” he says. “We also have an excellent athletics program.” Like the college, the athletics program is anything but ordinary. Every year, approximately 100 varsity athletes arrive at the faith-based educa- tional institution to represent the Provi- dence Pilots in sports such as volleyball, basketball, soccer and futsal. Students can expect to be challenged to not only become better athletes, but to become better people, says Masterson. “We’re attractive to athletes because of the level of competition we offer,” he says, noting that teams play locally in the Manitoba Colleges Athletic Con- ference (MCAC), nationally in the Ca- nadian Collegiate Athletic Association (CCAA) and south of the border in the National Christian College Athletic As- sociation (NCCAA). “The whole experi- ence can be a real journey.” That journey is part and parcel of be-
“A Learning Centre that Makes a Difference”
ing stretched as an athlete and person, adds Masterson. “For many athletes, it’s their first time away from home. Consequently, some struggle early trying to balance athletics with their studies. It can take them a bit of time to figure everything out.” That said, those struggles are worth it in the long haul. “Our goal is for students to develop a work ethic and sense of discipline in both their sport and in their studies,” he says. “Learning teamwork and discipline is rel- evant to so many aspects of day-to-day life. Athletics are a priority, but a greater priority for us is to help students graduate in a program that’s relevant to their abili- ties outside of sports.” However, that doesn’t mean the ath- letic experience won’t be fulfilling. Because Providence’s teams compete provincially, nationally and interna- tionally, athletes are exposed to high- level competition on a regular basis. That high competition level sets Provi- dence apart from most colleges and uni- versities in Manitoba, says Masterson. “Historically, our soccer and vol- leyball programs have seen the stron- gest results with regional and national
Urban Circle is looking for Indigenous (First Nations, Métis, Inuit, Status/Non-status) applicants who are willing to commit to quality training that includes life skills and will lead to employment and offers the following programs: ADULT EDUCATION & EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM – Allows you to obtain a mature Grade 12 Diploma - High School credits by Seven Oaks School Division, & Employment Preparation or Furthering Education. FAMILY SUPPORT WORKER PROGRAM – Certified by Red River College. This course is a “stepping stone” into social work field. This program is credited towards 1st year Child and Youth Care Program. Excellent Employment Opportunities. HEALTH CARE AIDE/HEALTH UNIT CLERK PROGRAM (NURSING ASSISTANT) – Dual Certified by Red River College This course is a “stepping stone” into the Healthcare field. Excellent Employment Opportunities. EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANT PROGRAM – Certified by Red River College. This course is a “stepping stone” to a Bachelor of Education degree.
Call 204-589-4433 for more information OR visit Website: 519 Selkirk Avenue, Winnipeg
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the ages of 18 and 65. The bulk of its students have been out of school for some time and are looking to aug- ment their literacy, mathematics and science skills in order to complete their high school education. Students are able to learn at their own pace, individually and in small groups in a culturally relevant setting. “People can come back to school in a non-threatening environment, work at their own pace, review what they need to review and once they’re done they can move on to the next level,” McCormick says. Most students who enrol in the Learning and Literacy Centre con- tinue on to the Aboriginal Com- munity Campus, where they can achieve their Mature Student Grade 12 Diploma. All of the programs at CAHRD offer services that provide guidance and support on how to overcome many of the personal barriers that may have impeded previous learning experiences. Neeginan College was developed after CAHRD staff noticed many stu- dents who succeeded in its other two programs would often struggle after moving on to larger post-secondary institutions. It offers a range of courses designed to help students find well-paying, sustainable careers including indus- trial welding, building operations technician, early childhood educa- tion, airplane fabrication technician, gas turbine repair and overhaul, and computer numerical control and machining. In addition to providing specific skills training, staff at the college work closely with students on improving workplace-related em- ployment skills, job readiness, as well as developing resumés, cover letters and job interview skills. One of the strengths of Neeginan College, according to McCormick,
is that it works closely with indus- try partners to identify needs in the labour market and develop pro- gramming that gives students the best chance of being hired following graduation. In a typical year, 2,000 people will utilize the services at CAHRD, in- cluding its employment services. CAHRD’s employment services help to find employment for approxi- mately 600 Indigenous people yearly. Annually, the education and training programs at CAHRD will see approx- imately 500 individuals complete some type of education and training. Tuition is free for all students at- tending the Centre, which receives funding from both the provincial and federal governments. McCormick says one of the keys to success of CAHRD, which began as an employment agency, are the personal development and wellness supports it provides to learners. This includes employment counselling, student support workers, personal tutoring, student housing, subsi- dized daycare, healthy living pro- grams and wellness supports, which she says can be an impediment for many adult students. “If you’re a single mom with three kids and you have to take some of them to school and then go to day- care and then go to school yourself, that’s a long day before you’ve even started your school day,” she says. “We thought, ‘Let’s have the daycare here.’ We wanted to make this al- ready kind of overwhelming under- taking of coming back to school as an adult simpler.” You won’t find a more ardent sup- porter of CAHRD than former MLA and one-time University of Winni- peg Wesmen basketball star Kevin Chief. Chief, who serves as CAHRD’s current board chair, got involved at
The programs offered at the Centre for Aboriginal Human Re - source Development are not your typical educational and training offerings. S ure, it offers education and training programs like other schools, but where it differs from many other institutions is its holistic approach to working with the students who walk through its doors each year. A big part of that approach, says director of education and training Heather McCormick, is providing curriculum and supports tailored to the individual needs of students rather than a one-size-fits-all style of learning. “We look at students’ needs holisti- cally and we don’t just teach the basic academic concepts; we focus on help- ing improve things like critical think- ing and decision-making skill sets, so that as they’re moving through each of our levels of programming they’re developing those essential skills as they go,” she explains. “We help them to identify some of the struggles they’ve had in their life and how that’s impacted their choices and decision-making. It’s an individual journey for each person. We’ve developed a program to help facilitate that.” CAHRD offers three different schools in one setting: the Neeginan Learning & Literacy Centre; the Ab- original Community Campus; and the Neeginan College of Applied Technology. The Neeginan Learning & Litera- cy Centre is an entry-level program open to Indigenous students between
CAHRD offers a range of courses designed to help students find well-paying, sustainable careers including industrial welding. One of the keys to CAHRD’s success is the fact it offers numerous supports to learners, including subsidized daycare and other wellness supports.
CAHRD soon after graduating from the U of W in 1999 when he was hired to help Indigenous youth train for jobs with the City of Winnipeg’s com- munity services department. “I can honestly say that not only did CAHRD give me my first job, develop my skill set and create a network for me, but every single
job I’ve had since has been because of the skills and experience CAHRD gave me,” says the former Point Douglas MLA. “They understood if they invested in me the right way that I would be able to give back to the community.”
For more information, visit
Follow your passion ASPER SCHOOL OF BUSINESS No ah Bartlett, a first-year student at the Asper School of Business, is in his kitch- en getting ready for a virtual interview in between his online classes at the Uni - versity of Manitoba.
ABOUT THE INDIGENOUS BUSINESS EDUCATION PARTNERS Since 1994, the Indigenous Busi- ness Education Partners has cre- ated a sense of community for Indigenous students studying at Asper. Outside of hosting regular events, IBEP offers services to its students, including scholarships and bursaries, professional de- velopment workshops, employer networking, and complement- ary tutoring through the Can - adian Western Bank tutoring pro- gram. For Indigenous high school students, ages 14-19 years old, looking to learn more about busi- ness, IBEP has teamed up with Shaw Communications to offer a free camp for those interested in marketing, finance, and strategy. There will also be an opportunity for teams to compete against each other to win cash prizes. The Shaw New Venture Camp will run virtu- ally July 5-9, 2021 and welcomes participants anywhere in Mani - toba with access to Shaw Internet.
‘I t’s both fun and a challenge,” jokes Bartlett . ‘I’m pretty grateful that class- es are still going on and that I am able to pursue university.” Of French-Métis decent and born in Winnipeg on Treaty 1 land, Bartlett is the 2020 recipient of the Indigenous Business Educa- tion Partners (IBEP) Scholarship, an award valued up to $5,000. It’s given to an Indigenous high school student entering the Asper School of Business who demonstrates a combination of academic excel- lence and community involvement. Bartlett shined in his application with a high GPA, participation in ex- tra-curriculars, and a commitment to his community. In 2013, the Asper School of Business became the first school in Canada to offer an Indigenous ancestry admissions category for students who fall slightly below the competitive GPA cut-off, which var- ies year-to-year. One of IBEP’s most prestigious awards is a $15,000 re- newable scholarship awarded to an Indigenous student pursuing a business degree at Asper, helping to relieve stress about the cost of liv- ing and tuition. Bartlett decided to apply to Asper
after an encounter with IBEP staff member Riley Proulx at the Univer- sity of Manitoba’s 2019 Open House. “I hadn’t decided at that point if I wanted to go into business or if I wanted to be a teacher,” he says. Before UM’s Open House, he had already been accepted to another university and was applying to oth- ers. Bartlett credits the chance meet- ing with Proulx as the moment that changed his mind. “The ability to go to UM and Asper, one of the top business schools in Canada, is definitely beneficial to me,” Bartlett says. “That night made it clear that UM was the right option for me to pursue my future career goals. Near the end of high school, Bartlett had realized that despite his passion for sports, he wasn’t going to be a professional athlete. With sports being so engrained in his life, from playing to coaching, Bartlett decided to pursue a career as a sports agent. A path to a career in sports through the Asper School of Business may not seem like an obvious choice, but for Bartlett it was crystal clear. He plans to major in marketing and finance. “Being a sports agent is something that can help me continue to be in- volved in sports. When I get my hon- ours degree in commerce, it will open
a lot of doors for me.” Bartlett talks a lot about the op- portunities he believes completing his business degree will provide him, like the Asper Co-Operative Educa- tion Program. It’s the biggest co-op program at the University of Manito- ba and provides more than 100 Asper undergrad students placements with companies both big and small. “The co-op program gives you an opportunity before you graduate to test different types of employment,” says Bartlett. “Maybe it’s not about sports, maybe I will be doing a co-op in year 4 and find out I love market- ing and want to do marketing for a company. It’s just amazing the op- portunities that present themselves.” Bartlett is starting off his first year taking University 1 courses at the University of Manitoba and is eager for year 2, when he will begin classes with the Asper School of Business. He still keeps in contact with Proulx, regularly emailing him and discuss- ing upcoming volunteer opportuni- ties and other ways to get involved with Asper. “I am really excited for the pos- sibility to be more involved with the community in other ways than sports,” he says. “Find your passion and make a ca- reer out of it.”
To register, visit IBEP online at:
SUPPLIED PHOTO Noah Bartlett (left) is the 2020 recipient of the Indigenous Business Education Partners Scholarship.
Flexibility facilitates learning
ficulties or challenges with some of the material, they can come in and attend a lecture,” Day said. “We find it’s quite helpful for adult learn- ers who may have work and daycare com- mitments but aren’t ready to commit to a fully online experience.” Currently, Herzing College Winnipeg is working hard to increase the ability of its instructors to deliver material in an online format that’s as close as possible to a real classroom environment. “One of the changes we’ve made, based on some of our experiences in Ontario, is
Another innovative option is HOEP, or Herzing Open Education Program. “HOEP allows the student to use the tu- ition they’ve paid for one program and ap- ply it to a different one,” Day said. “For example, if you finished a one- year program in business administra- tion, then you could take a nine-month accounting program or legal assistant program at no tuition.” The only costs would be a $50 adminis- tration charge for each course and any re- quired textbooks. “We found that lots of students are lad- dering to determine where they want to go,” Day said. “They get a good idea when they take their first program but often, along they way, they realize they should add more skills. They can take a full program or parts of other programs, including our Kompass Professional Development Division.” To participate in HOEP, students need to maintain a grade point average of 3.5 or higher. “You can actually start doing it while you’re taking your first program,” Day said. “So, at the same time, you could be tak- ing other courses in media or arbitration or mediation or community mental health or any of those different areas.” Founded in 1965 by Henry and Suzanne Herzing in the United States, Herzing Col- lege has truly withstood the test of time. “Since then, we’ve been driven to pro- vide the kind of education that doesn’t just help someone get a job but helps them get into a better career,” Day said. “I’m very happy when I go to hospitals or clinics or other places and I see our stu- dents — especially when I find out how happy they are in their new job and how much more fulfilled they feel. We are in the business of changing people’s lives.” For more information, visit
Herzing College Winnipeg continues to earn top marks for preparing students to enjoy rewarding careers. T he Manitoba institution stands at the forefront for its progressive action to implement online learn- ing, with efforts starting about five years ago. “We’ve been focusing a lot of our efforts into developing online material, while also enhancing and refining how we deliver material in an online modality,” said Robin Day, Herzing College’s national director of academics. “Very early on, distance education was something we could register alongside our on-ground programs.” In Winnipeg, Herzing College offers health-related programs including health- care aide, medical office assistant and medical lab assistant. Other options in- clude programs in areas such as business, broadcasting and media communications, and legal assistant. “We have quite a wide variety, which is really good for today because a lot of peo- ple are looking to transition to a new ca- reer,” Day said. “Being able to do it in an online format is very helpful as well, especially now when everybody’s locked down in their houses.” Although current pandemic restrictions have changed the delivery of some pro- grams, the flex-ed modality has proven popular with many students. Typically, when students sign up for a flex-ed pro- gram, they can decide when and if they want to attend class in person. “Their online program and on-ground program are in lockstep. So if they’re studying online and they’re having dif-
HERZING COLLEGE PHOTO Herzing has been working for several years on implementing online learning.
that all of our courses now have at least one hour of live sessions per week,” Day said. “The instructor meets with the students virtually. They could be doing question- and-answer sessions, lectures, role-plays or going through material. It’s been a re- quirement now for a couple months, and some of our instructors actually spend several hours per week interacting with the students online.”
Right now is the best time to start building your future with Brandon University. No matter where you are, or how you’re learning, you can get the flexibility and stability you need at BU. FUTURES ARE built in Book your virtual presentation at
93% of grads say BU prepared them to excel in the workforce 98% of grads say they recommend Brandon Join our satisfied students and build your bright future today!
Indigenous perspective integral
contemporary and traditional lens on Indigenous art and culture.” Leading the way is a five-per- son, full-time faculty consisting of Kevin McKenzie, Lisa Wood, Lin Xu and Cathy Mattes. “Cathy is co- curating a large-scale exhibition opening in 2022 at the Winnipeg Art Gallery. The show looks at the founding of the province through a Métis lens. It’s called A Hard Birth and features both contem- porary and historical works.” In the newer reality of COV- ID-19, Little Smoke That Goes Far could also describe the univer- sity’s turn to remote learning for all but courses like ceramics that require in-person studio time. “We have students living in pret- ty remote parts of the province and Saskatchewan, so this mo- ment has actually allowed them to work from their rural home base,” deForest says. He is concerned that first-year students are missing the benefits of being together, however, he’s confident they “have experience working with their online iden- tity through social media and are comfortable representing them- selves digitally.” They’re still working on how to exhibit work. In March, one honours student was ready for her graduate exhibition at BU’s Glen P. Sutherland Gallery of Art, a student-run space designed by deForest and colleagues. “A week before the exhibition the campus was shut down,” deForest says. “So we’re now having a virtual exhibi- tion designed so that the work can
When Brandon University’s Department of Visual and Aboriginal Art accepted its new Anishinaabe spirit name and colours, it marked an intersec - tion of two powerful realities — its Indigenous heritage and the current pandemic. T he name Ishkabatens Waasa Gaa Inaabateg Department of Visual Art was gifted by Barb Blind, Knowledge Keeper at BU’s Indig- enous Peoples’ Centre, says de- partment chair Kevin deForest. With that, made official in Octo- ber, came their colours: red for fire, brown for tobacco and silver for smoke. “Little Smoke That Goes Far,” deForest says, offering the English translation and adding that it cap- tures the essence of the depart- ment, which he joined in 2005. “I’m proud of the fact that we have been offering an Indigenous perspective as an integral part of our learning experience since our inception,” he says. “The meta- phor of a little smoke travelling far is timely because it refers to the far-reaching potential of the learning experience in our pro- gram. We now have graduates who have taken on master’s and PhD degrees across the country. We hope this degree will prepare students to continue their art- making practice and careers any-
Brandon Univeristy students take part in a ceramics class.
Accepting applications for January 2021
“We’re one of the longest-running programs offering both a contemporary and traditional lens on Indigenous art and culture.”
- Kevin deForest, department chair, Ishkabatens Waasa Gaa Inaabateg Department of Visual Art at Brandon University
Take the next step as a leader! Asper's Executive Education Advanced Program in Management, Leadership &
be seen online.” The pandemic has also become a topic. DeForest has just handed out an assignment asking stu- dents how COVID is changing their world. For an earlier painting assignment, one student asked classmates for phrases describing what they miss most, inscribing some onto a T-shirt displayed on a single hanger. “An interesting way of talking about that experience where she wanted to involve the class,” he says. DeForest calls it “a matter of pride in the department to get our students so they are part of the clan of making art.” For more information, visit bran -
where in the world.” One example is Eleni Kilbride, a graduating stu- dent who recently received both the prestigious CD Howe Schol- arship from the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts and a Manitoba Arts Council student bursary. Pointing out that students take at least two mandatory Indig- enous art-history courses, deFor- est says BU’s department is well placed in a world with a growing awareness of Indigenous culture and activism. While educational institutions “have been catching up” in the wake of such events as the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and pipeline protests, deForest says, “We’re one of the longest- running programs offering both a
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The next virtual program begins January 18, 2021 . Register today!
BRANDON UNIVERSITY PHOTO Brandon University’s Glen P. Sutherland Gallery of Art is a student-run space designed by department chair Kevin deForest and colleagues.
Prepare for your future with Extended Education Keep learning online from anywhere in Canada with us As the pandemic persists and we all continue to face disruption to our lives, one thing is certain. Extended Education at the University of Manitoba is here for you, to help you prepare to move forward in your life and career. This winter, study online, part-time with us, from the safety and comfort of your own home. a budget was new to her, and she says she felt very prepared having taken the Munic- ipal Finance course. “In municipal government, we’re pretty quick to adapt. So I feel like COVID was just another one of those things that just pop up and you know, you just take the information you have and go from there.”
“Graduating was very enriching and it is something I will cherish for a long time. I grew as a person in the municipal world both personally and professionally.” These grads have done it. You can too. May their success inspire you to learn more about our online, part-time programs today.
operate has had to adapt to this and it’s been a challenge. Until now the public could easily come in and voice their con- cerns in-person and so on, and those are the things we need to make sure don’t get lost here. We still want the public engaged with their municipality and having their concerns heard,” says Boily. Boily considers his municipality like one big family and enjoys his work, doing something to help his community. His Chief Administration Officer encouraged him to take the program and he was glad he did.
You’ll be in good company. Many people keep learning with us. In fact, in October, Extended Education celebrated its virtu- al (online) fall convocation, recognizing 305 graduates from 19 different pro- grams including part-time programs like Management and Administration, Human Resource Management, and Municipal Administration. For example, the Municipal Administration program is one of our partnership pro- grams that connect us with our commu- nity. It is offered in long-time partnership with the Manitoba Municipal Administra- tors’ Association. Executive director, Adri- enne Bestland, says, “The program arms our members with the ability to do a very difficult task, being Chief Administrative Officers of municipalities. It’s a specific skill set that isn’t necessarily acquired in any other program.” Three grads share how they are now facing the pandemic, with the power of their new UM Certificate in Manitoba Municipal Ad- ministration (CMMA). As David Mandzuk, Acting Dean, Extended Education told his fall graduates, “Although there is much uncertainty that lies ahead, we have faith that all of you will be able to navigate any turbulence that lies ahead thanks to what you have learned in Extended Education.”
Laurel-Lee Kidd, Selkirk Municipal Administration graduate,
Laurel-Lee Kidd is an accounting clerk for the City of Selkirk. She lives in Sel- kirk, Manito- ba. “For me, I think, for the biggest challenge for municipal-
Keep Learning. Online from anywhere in Canada. As we have learned, there is no way to predict the future but you can embrace it and plan for change with online learning. We have the quality courses and programs to help you move forward in your life and in your career.
ities on COVID is making sure that they are keeping their citizens safe and their municipality boundaries safe and making sure they’re adjusting their budget accord- ingly for any losses that may be happening because of the COVID,” says Kidd. With the program, she increased her knowledge of the various acts that govern how a municipality operates including The Municipal Act. She adds her UM certifi- cate to her resum é , eagerly using her new knowledge in her work. Kidd shared her graduation with her two young sons, eager to let them know that yes, you can continue your education and graduate from a program later in life. She also inspired her husband to consider continuing his education and moving into a new career, encouraging him to start looking at Extended Education. “What I see are the numbers of what COVID is actually costing the city. So we’ve actually been lucky enough that we are almost pretty on par of not losing money because of COVID for some of our programming where as there are other municipalities by us that we are seeing are having really negative effects because of COVID.” Paul Boily, La Broquerie Municipal Administration graduate, Paul Boily is administration and finance
Jodi Thorkelsson, West Interlake Municipal Administration graduate, Jodi Thorkels- son is the administra-
tive assistant for the Rural Municipal- ity of West Interlake. She was born
Register now for January courses
APPLIED COUNSELLING Explore the counselling process and learn to develop effective counselling strategies so you can help others. HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Become a leader in HR with innovative courses that correspond with the HR competency framework– providing eligibility for the CPHR designation. BUSINESS ANALYSIS Become a business analyst or apply business analysis in your profession. Offered in partnership with the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA). CHANGE MANAGEMENT Enroll in the only Change Management credential offered by an academic/postsecondary institution in Manitoba.
E-LEARNING LETTER OF ACCOMPLISHMENT Stay ahead of the curve. Discover and apply the advantages of E-Learning. Choice of teaching or design stream. PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT FOR ADULT LEARNERS Meet the growing need for adult educators and trainers, and learn how to design and develop effective adult learning programs. MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION Take the next step in your management career with an academic credential and a nationally recognized professional designation to add to your resume. QUALITY MANAGEMENT Learn how to lead the transition from quality control to quality excellence. Quality Management tools can be applied in any industry.
and raised in Ashern, Manitoba.
“The biggest challenge
we’ve had is the constant release of updated health - care recommendations, how we’ll be moving forward doing munic- ipal operations. Now we have a lot more procedures and guidelines to make sure everyone is safe,” says Thorkelsson. A friend originally suggested Thorkelsson apply for the job in the municipality. She’s been there for a few years now and really enjoys it. “The program helps me be a better administrator.” More specifically, she built on her knowl- edge of municipal administration, gover- nance, and budgeting. Having to prepare
clerk for the Rural Munic- ipality of La Broquerie. He was born, raised, and continues to live in La or call 204 474 8800 today
Broquerie, Manitoba.
“Every part of how we
Keep Learning. Online from anywhere in Canada.
Register now for January courses
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