A & O marks a milestone 65 years
management strategies, history, art classes and more.” While encouraging older people to stay safely at home during the pandemic, A & O has also worked with community partners such as the City of Winnipeg and Manitoba Harvest to provide the 311 food security line. A & O’s Senior Immigrant Settlement Services strives to support older adult newcomers and make their settlement journey a bit easier by addressing their unique needs. The program offers a wide range of settlement services for newcomers 55 years of age and over including Settlement Orientation for Seniors, English Language classes, English Conversation Classes, Language Buddy Program, information and referral and volunteer opportunities. A & O: Support Services for Older Adults marks its 65th anniversary on June 14 at the Assiniboine Park Conservancy Qualico Centre with an AGM and celebration breakfast meeting. Details are being finalized. The agency recently moved to 200-207 Donald St., where it is easing the way safely to in-person services. While celebrating 65 years of service and experience, the agency is forging ahead in continuing to meet the needs of older Manitobans. “Age is not portrayed in a very positive light in our society — it’s often associated with frailty and decline. This is not accurate for many older people,” says Macrae emphatically. “We want to show the really great opportunities and supports that are available through A & O that can provide people with the tools they need to age well.”
Adults over the age of 55 are a growing demographic, and now more than ever, they are wanting to “age in place” — that is, stay in their homes with a good quality of life as they age. It’s an achievable and socially sound goal — with the right supports. “Our society has a responsibility to support people in aging well. Older adults are telling us that they want and need these programs and services,” says Amanda Macrae, CEO at A & O: Support Services for Older Adults ( A & O is a not-for-profit social service organization with a mission to improve the quality of life for older Manitobans with specialized comprehensive services and programs, which sit on three foundational pillars: safety and security, social engagement, and counselling. “It’s important for people to be proactive and know about our services rather than waiting for an issue to arise,” says Macrae. “Many of our programs and services are the first of their kind in the country.” Examples of agency firsts include This Full House, which addresses hoarding and squalor behaviour and helps prevent eviction and fires, and the SafetyAid: Falls Prevention program that aims to keep people steady on their feet, which is so important in a winter city like Winnipeg. “Senior Centre Without Walls — another first in the country — is a program where participants can call in from home and participate in travelogues or book clubs, speak with experts from different fields, learn a variety of health
A & O has worked with community partners to address food security.
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