MANITOBA PONTIAC ASSOCIATION (INCORPORATING BUICK & OLDSMOBILE) CLUB THEME: Dedicated to the promotion, preservation, restoration, and admiration of Pontiac, Buick, and Oldsmobile vehicles. MEETING INFO: First Tuesday of every month (except December and January) at 7:00 PM. Summer meetings may start at 7:30 PM. Meetings are held at various locations around Winnipeg. Please check our website for more info. Craig Winters: 204-771-1127 info@manitobapontiac.com manitobapontiac.com MANITOBA STREET ROD ASSOCIATION CLUB THEME: Promote and advance the cause of Street Rodding in Manitoba. MEETING INFO: Second Monday of month with exception for Oct/Nov. 7:00 PM @ Children's Rehab Center, 2nd floor, 1155 Notre Dame Avenue.
MEMORY LANE CLASSICS CLUB THEME: Bring together in good fellowship, persons who have a genuine interest in automobiles and special interest vehicles. Owning a vehicle is not a condition for membership, only an interest in classic and special interest vehicles is required. MEETING INFO: Second Monday of the month at Canad Inns, 1125 18th Street, Brandon, Manitoba. Grant Gillis:
MODERN MOPARS OF MANITOBA CLUB THEME: Modern Mopars of Manitoba - The community primarily consists of Dodge, Jeep and Chrysler late model vehicle enthusiasts, but all Mopar enthusiasts are welcome. Modern Mopars of Manitoba actively participates in car shows throughout the province and neighbouring areas, racing / road-course events at Interlake Raceways, and responsible Sunday night cruising. Group events such as “road trips” are also organized by members to promote social activities within the club and explore Manitoba. MEETING INFO: Meetings and events are organized by its members through the Facebook group Modern Mopars of Manitoba. Denis Jolicoeur: 204-298-5701, info@modernmopars.ca Llew Taylor: 204-960-8154,
204-726-4382 ggillis@mts.net
www.memorylaneclassics.ca MENNONITE HERITAGE VILLAGE
CLUB THEME: We are a museum of Russian Mennonite history based in Steinbach, we host an annual car show fundraising event.
MEETING INFO: Contact club representatives for meeting times and locations. Patricia West: 204-326-9661 patriciaw@mhv.ca mennoniteheritagevillage.com
info@modernmopars.ca www.modernmopars.ca
MURDOCH MACKAY AUTO CLUB THEME: Encouraging youth to get involved in the automotive hobby and industry. MEETING INFO: Contact club representatives for meeting times
Don McLean: 204-422-4080 admin@msra.mb.ca Tom Hancock: 204-895-8913 www.msra.mb.ca
MID CANADA MINI GROUP CLUB THEME: The preservation of and enjoyment of the Mini both classic and new Mini’s. MEETING INFO: The first Wednesday of the month at the Irish Club 654 Erin Street Winnipeg MB. Contact club public contact for meeting times. Geordie Despins: 204-230-6160 my78mini@mymts.net Dan Pang: 204-230-6160 vtecfour@gmail.com MINNEDOSA VALLEY CRUIZERS CLUB THEME: Anyone interested in antique or specialty vehicles. MEETING INFO: Meeting from April to September on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7:00 PM Location: TBA. Contact club public contact for meeting times and locations.
and locations. Bill McEwen: 204-250-4547, bmcewen@retsd.mb.ca NO LIMITS CAR CLUB
MELITA 3 & 83 CRUISERS CLUB THEME: Spending time with Car Enthusiasts. MEETING INFO: Contact club representatives for meeting times and locations. Pat Green: 204-522-5091 Valgreen@hotmail.com Vern Mills: 204-522-8271 verncindymills@gmail.com MEMORIES SHOW & SHINE CLUB THEME: The show is held in memory of our daughter Candace Morgoch, all funds raised go towards "The Compassionate Friends Org". The show is open to everyone. All antiques, classics, muscle cars, special interest vehicles and bikes are welcome. Shannon Morgoch: 204-771-0107 memoriescarshow@live.ca Johnny Morgoch: 204-299-5701 memoriescarshow@live.ca
CLUB THEME: Established in 1996, we're a family oriented club for Modern Modifieds of all makes, models and years. We're mainly based out of Winnipeg and Portage La Prairie.We attend car shows and other charities throughout Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Ontario, North Dakota, and Minnesota during the summer months with a variety of cars, trucks, SUV's, and specialties. MEETING INFO: Meets are chosen by our members via our Facebook page.
Adam Fleming: 204-292-1079, FlemingSubaru@hotmail.com
Albert Payette: 204-870-3086; Cruisintheplap@outlook.com www.facebook.com/nolimitscarclub
Don Morrision: 204-826-2062 Carl Landrie: 204-867-5055
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