2024 Affiliated
SUPER RUN MANITOBA CLUB THEME: Super Run Manitoba is part of a three province, three year rotational, Western Canadian National car show that will be held in Brandon in 2025. Our objective it to display vehicles from across Canada and the USA, to provide comradery between car enthusiast and most of all, enjoyment of the automotive culture by participants and spectators. MEETING INFO: Meeting dates and locations are posted on www.facebook.com/mbsuperrun/ Dave Burba burba@mts.net dbeaumont68@yahoo.com THE MANITOBA PONTIAC ASSOCIATION (INCORPORATING BUICK AND OLDSMOBILE) CLUB THEME: We provide the opportunity for all Pontiac, Buick and Oldsmobile enthusiasts to get together and not only enjoy great cars, but create long lasting friendships. Besides monthly meetings, we enjoy car cruises, show and shines across Manitoba and other social events throughout the whole year. MEETING INFO: All meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month and start at 7:00pm unless otherwise noted (i.e. summer cruising meetings start at 7:30pm). Guests and potential new members are always welcome! Come by and see what we’re all about. February, March, April, October and November meetings are usually held at Vickar Chevrolet (964 Regent Ave West) in the Employee Lounge. Please call Wade at (204) 669-4251 to confirm that we are meeting. May, June, July, August and September meetings are held at different ‘cruising’ locations around the city. See the list for where we will be with our fantastic cars! There are no meetings held in December or January. Allison Leclerc treasurer@manitobapontiac.com VINTAGE CRUISERS CLUB THEME: All collector cars are welcome, but the club has its' roots in the street rod community. The club is driven by a passion for the preservation and restoration of antique, classic or special interest vehicles, fellowship and enjoyment of its members and the betterment of the community. The club's major annual event is a Show and Shine held at Fort la Reine Museum in Portage la Prairie in June. The club was formed in 1983, although many members belonged to previous Portage la Prairie based car clubs such as the In Tin Car Club, and the Kam Pushers. MEETING INFO: Second Tuesday of every month in the auto shops classroom at Portage Collegiate Institute at 65 3rd St SW, Portage la Prairie at 7pm. Lorne Edwards into.tin@gmail.com
WHEELS CAR CLUB CLUB THEME: To promote restoration and use of special interest and high performance classic cars and trucks. MEETING INFO: 3rd Thursday of each month, except July, August, September, December, no meetings. Arthur Lepp alepp@greenlandequipment.com WINNIPEG RIVER CAR CLUB CLUB THEME: Promote and enjoy the hobby and interest of all antique, classic, interesting vehicles, and motorcycles MEETING INFO: The Club meets the first Tuesday of every month @ 7:00 PM, March to December in Lac du Bonnet @ Brookfield Autobody Ken Lodge lodfam1@mymts.net WESTERN CANADA NATIONALS CAR SHOW, A SUPER RUN MANITOBA EVENT CLUB THEME: The Western Canadian National Car Show, a Super Run Manitoba Event is the premier car show event in Manitoba and will be held August 2nd and 3rd, 2025. Our objective it to display vehicles from across Canada and the USA, to provide comradery between car enthusiast and most of all, enjoyment of the automotive culture by participants and spectators MEETING INFO: Meeting dates and information are posted on www.facebook.com/mbsuperrun/ Dave Burba burba@mts.net; dbeaumont68@yahoo.com
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