Archived Mature | Summer 2023

In my experience with progressing cognitive decline there is associated functional decline. Eventually

it is no longer safe for my patients to live alone. A retirement community that offers a holistic approach with physical, cognitive and social stimulation is a great option. The challenge is when to move? No one wants to leave their home sooner than absolutely necessary. Yet the sooner they move, the easier it will be to adapt to the new secured environment – and the longer they will be able to stay in one place. The longer they wait, the worse the cognition will be, and the more difficult the change to a new environment. A program like Blossom provides a path to earlier and hence easier transition. — Dr. Frank Knoefel

Frank Knoefel, BSc, MD, CCFP (CoE), FCFP, MPA , Physician, Bruyère Memory Program, Bruyère Continuing Care , is a physician trained in care of the elderly with extensive experience in geriatric rehabilitation. He holds appointments as a ssociate p rofessor, d epartment of f amily m edicine at the University of Ottawa, and a djunct p rofessor in the d epartment of s ystems and c omputer e ngineering at Carleton University. He is also a c linical s cientist at the Bruyère Research Institute through a partnership between the University of Ottawa and Bruyère Continuing Care. Dr. Knoefel has previously held the roles of c hief of s taff, v ice- p resident of m edical a ffairs, and h ealth i nformatics at Bruyère Continuing Care.


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