Archived Mature | Summer 2023


dementia. The Government of Manitoba also made a $1,300,000 commitment to be dispersed over the next four years. This funding has been transformational for the Society, significantly increasing the number of staff, almost doubling their capacity to connect with families and provide the support they need. The next step is focusing on outreach and expansion of education programs to better meet the needs of families. RESEARCH The Landmark Study is a three- part research series compiled and developed by the Alzheimer Society of Canada. The first report “Navigating the Path Forward for Dementia in Canada,” includes forecasts on the number of people in Canada expected to be living with dementia over the next three decades, including breakdowns, based on sex and type of dementia, and forecasts for each province. The study also looks at the impact of Canada’s ageing population on care partners and outlines steps that government at all levels, as well as individuals, can take to help mitigate the risk of developing dementia. Delaying the onset of dementia by even one year can reduce the impact of dementia. The next two reports will be issued in fall 2023 and 2024 and can be found in the ‘reports on dementia’ section of the Alzheimer Society of Canada website.

The reality of facing dementia can be overwhelming but there has been increased support that will help those living with dementia now and in the future. Generous funding initiatives have led to increased staffing and support capabilities. New research has provided a better understanding of how dementia impacts the population and the health care system generally. As people develop a better understanding of the impacts of dementia, new

RESOURCES The Alzheimer Society has several dementia-friendly

community programs to bring those with dementia and their caregivers together to learn, create or exercise in an inclusive environment. People get to socialize, learn from each other and support one another at programs such as: Art to Inspire at the Winnipeg Art Gallery Vivace Voices Choir at Canadian Mennonite University

dementia-friendly resources, education and programming are increasing every year. FUNDING

In the fall of 2022, the Jessiman Foundation generously stepped in with a $500,000 gift over four years to the Alzheimer Society of Manitoba’s First Link® program. As you read on p.8, the First Link® program connects families impacted by dementia with resources and support early and throughout the progression of the disease to help them build skills and resiliency when facing this journey. The Jessiman family then invited the community to join them in their support, and in a matter of months, their gift was matched by a whole host of Manitobans committed to supporting people living with

Tales Along the Trail at FortWhyte Alive

Journeys Through the Zoo at Assiniboine Park Zoo A Journey in Time at the Manitoba Museum Minds in Motion®

Building Dementia-Friendly Communities, a new online course available at, provides a foundational knowledge of dementia and considerations that organizations can implement in their social and physical environments to better support and include people living with dementia. To stay up to date with the latest developments with the Society, sign up for their monthly newsletter or visit their website at


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