JUNE 14 - SATURDAY RM OF CARTIER CENTENNIAL 100th anniversary celebration including a parade and a threshing demonstration. More information on RM of Cartier website. Norm Swenson 204-353-2357 swens@pmcnet.ca JUNE 14 - SATURDAY SPRINGS CAR FEST 2014 6th Annual Charity Car Show, Saturday, June 14th, Springs Church, 595 Lagimodiere Blvd., Winnipeg, MB. Registration starts at 9:30 AM. Show runs from 11:00 AM-3:00 PM. Hundreds of paved spots to park your treasure. Great music, great food and great people. Back again this year is our drifting display (multi-car action). You won’t want to miss this one. Truly an exhilarating event for the entire family ... in addition to your amazing cars we have reptile gardens, bouncers, carnival games, face painting and much more! Proceeds go to kids/youth programs in our inner city. Register today - www.springschurch.com/ Dennis Green 204-233-7003 dgreen@springschurch.com www.springschurch.com SPRINGS CHURCH JUNE 14 - SATURDAY BUMPERS CRUISE NIGHT Cruise on down to Bumpers in Steinbach every Saturday night. Open to all classics, antique, sports, muscle cars and trucks and motorcycles. Cruise on 4 lane highway, #1 East, #12 South and then 1/2 mile west on Hwy. #52. Meet old friends and make new ones. Food, fun and music. May long weekend to the end of September.
JUNE 15 - SATURDAY MANITOBA OLDSMOBILE CAR CLUB 3RD ANNUAL CAR SHOW The Manitoba Oldsmobile Car Club invites all Classic and Special Interest Cruisers to our 3rd Annual Car Show. On June 15th from Noon to 4:00 PM at the Headingley Museum. The Museum is located on Hwy. #1, 5353 Portage Ave. Jim’s Vintage Garage Museum on site - Free Admission (Donations Accepted). Car Show entrance fee $5.00 per car. There will be a Silent Auction, Prizes, & a 50/50 Draw. Best of Show awards for Oldsmobile, GM, Ford & Mopar. Gift bags and Dash Plaques for the first ‘50’ Cars. All profits will once again go to The Children’s Rehab. Foundation. RAIN DATE: June 22, 2014, Same Location & Time. Food, Drinks & Music - Come Out & Enjoy a good time for All! Sean Jones 204-801-8783 cutlassman86@hotmail.com MANITOBA OLDSMOBILE CAR CLUB JUNE 15 - SUNDAY “CRUISIN’ THE ISLAND” SHOW & SHINE “Cruisin’ the Island” Show & Shine will be held on Father’s Day, Sunday, June 15th, 2014 at Island Park, Portage la Prairie (follow the signs) from 10 AM to 4 PM. Admission for participants is a non-perishable food item for the local Salvation Army Food Bank. Dash plaques for the first 125 participants. Awards, rainbow auction, 50/50 draw, music man, and concession stand. All antique, classic and special interest vehicles welcome, motorcycles welcome. Proceeds to local charities. Free admission for spectators. Come and enjoy a day or fun on the Island. Roger Ward 204-857-9351 or 204-871-6836 (cell) marwar64@mymts.net JUNE 15 - SUNDAY FATHER’S DAY SHOW & SHINE SPRINGS CAR FEST David Lenton 204-795-5050 dlenton@mymts.net Father’s Day Show & Shine - this is the perfect opportunity to show off your pride and joy. Bring out your beauty on Sunday, June 15th to 595 Lagimodiere and join in with many types of rides. A very casual setting. Please arrive before 10 AM, no entry fee required.
Cruisin’ the Peg is your Sunday evening cruise destination! Great Music, Great Cars, Great Friends - Winnipeg gear-heads gather at the Tavern United, 826 Regent Ave. W. for tons of fun and just hanging out. Antiques, classic cars and trucks, muscle cars, modern muscle, sports cars, motorcycles and special interest vehicles are all welcome. All vehicles must be 2001 and earlier model unless they are recognized 2-door sports cars, modern muscle, or have substantial and easily identified customizing. All registered clubs are welcome. Works in progress are welcome upon our lot attendants’ approval and general interest to show spectators. All vehicles must be clean! Hourly prizes and Feature Car Clubs every week. Special Prizes on Opening Day - May 18 and Closing Day - September 21. Gates open at 6:00 PM. Dale Hickey 204-795-1931
dalex@mymts.net CRUISIN’ THE PEG JUNE 15 - SUNDAY
SUNDAY NIGHT CRUISE NIGHT Pony Corral and Rondex present Sunday Night Cruise Night at the Pony Corral Grant Park. Sponsored by Piston Ring. Hosted by the Fabulous 50’s Ford Club of Manitoba and Willy’s Garage, 4 PM to 10 PM. Feature Club of the night “Fabulous 50’s Ford Club of Manitoba”. All Antique, Classic, Special Interest vehicles and motorcycles are welcome. For more details check out ponycorral.ca or call Peter Ginakes at 204- 942-8300 or E-Mail pony.office@shawcable. com. Fabulous 50’s Ford Club of Manitoba, 204-488-1679. Adrien Poirier 204-488-1679, cell 204-297-4058 adrienp@mymts.net www.fabulous50sford.com FABULOUS 50’S FORD CLUB OF MANITOBA JUNE 19 - THURSDAY MEMORY LANE CLASSICS CAR CLUB Presents Car Show in the SE corner at the Co-op parking lot, 1035 Richmond Ave., Brandon. From 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM. All vehicles welcome. For info contact: Grant Gillis 204-726-4382 or 204-761-1753 ggillis@mymts.net MEMORY LANE CLASSICS CAR CLUB
Bruce Martin 204-326-2408 bruce@martindiesel.net bumperon52.com COUNTRY CLASSICS CAR CLUB
Dennis Green 204-233-7003 dgreen@springschurch.com www.springschurch.com SPRINGS CAR FEST
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