Illustrating the value of aggregates
A ggregates are literally the foundation to every piece of infrastructure in our built environment – our roads, high- ways, bridges, water & wastewater and water-control structures. Further, they are widely used in building our neighbourhoods --
everything from our house foundations, to side- walks, playgrounds and recreation facilities, and for our industrial, commercial and retail sectors. Sourcing aggregates – rock, stone and sand – close to where infrastructure is built is the key
to keeping not just the building costs down, but to holding in check our environmental footprint. Greenhouse gas emissions, for example, would rise if we had to source aggregates farther afield. In the Capital Region, we are fortunate to have aggregate resources close to our communities.
Water pumped during dredging of pits and quarries is sent to a settling pond. The water is used to wash the aggregates and is again recovered and reused. Aggregates recovered when old roads are torn up or buildings are demolished are processed for reuse in new or reconstructed roads and sidewalks. This helps conserve our finite aggregate resources. Aggregates recovered when old roads are torn up or buildings are demolished are processed for reuse in new or reconstructed roads and sidewalks. This helps conserve our finite aggregate resources. Water pumped during dredging of pits and quarries is sent to a settling pond. The water is used to wash the aggregates and is again recovered and reused.
Sand, stone and gravel Sand, stone and gravel
Sand, stone and gravel – aggregates – are the building blocks of almost every type of infrastructure in our communities – sidewalks, house foundations, roads and concrete buildings, play structures such as skate board parks and splash pads, walking and cycling paths and trails. Even the glass, ceramic and asphalt materials we use every day need aggregate materials in their production. Even the glass, ceramic and asphalt materials we use every day need aggregate materials in their production. Sand, stone and gravel – aggregates – are the building blocks of almost every type of infrastructure in our communities – sidewalks, house foundations, roads and concrete buildings, play structures such as skate board parks and splash pads, walking and cycling paths and trails.
Our natural resources must be managed wisely. Pits and quarries are operated in an environmentally safe and sustainable manner, respecting provincial regulation and municipal zoning rules. Aggregate operators are good neighbours in their communities, working within municipal rules for sound, dust, water protection and operating hours. Our natural resources must be managed wisely. Pits and quarries are operated in an environmentally safe and sustainable manner, respecting provincial regulation and municipal zoning rules. Aggregate operators are good neighbours in their communities, working within municipal rules for sound, dust, water protection and operating hours.
Rehabilitation plans are overseen by Manitoba’s Agriculture and Resources Development department and funded by a levy producers pay for every tonne of aggregate produced. Rehabilitation plans are overseen by Manitoba’s Agriculture and Resources Development department and funded by a levy producers pay for every tonne of aggregate produced.
GRAVEL TRAVEL” Sand, stone and gravel are found in high-quality deposits around Manitoba, including Rockwood, Rosser & Springfield in the Capital Region. Having these nearby natural deposits, where pits and quarries can be developed, reduces the environmental footprint and cost of constructing roads, houses, office buildings, public parks and shopping centres. Let’s not make gravel travel. If we had to travel just 75 kilometres farther (150 kms, round-trip), the environmental cost would be significant – the equivalent in greenhouse gas emissions of putting another 23,000 cars on the road. Let’s not make gravel travel. If we had to travel just 75 kilometres farther (150 kms, round-trip), the environmental cost would be significant – the equivalent in greenhouse gas emissions of putting another 23,000 cars on the road. GRAVEL TRAVEL” Sand, stone and gravel are found in high-quality deposits around Manitoba, including Rockwood, Rosser & Springfield in the Capital Region. Having these nearby natural deposits, where pits and quarries can be developed, reduces the environmental footprint and cost of constructing roads, houses, office buildings, public parks and shopping centres.
When the pits and quarries are depleted, they are rehabilitated to fit in with the rural landscape, or turned into recreation areas. When the pits and quarries are depleted, they are rehabilitated to fit in with the rural landscape, or turned into recreation areas.
Since 1993, when Manitoba’s quarry rehabilitation program began, some 2,600 projects worth $44 million have rehabilitated more than 10,000 hectares. Since 1993, when Manitoba’s quarry rehabilitation program began, some 2,600 projects worth $44 million have rehabilitated more than 10,000 hectares.
The jewel of East St. Paul – the Swistun Family Heritage Park – was once a quarry. Today it is a ravine with lakes, grassy slopes, trails and wildlife, where residents walk, canoe, skate and toboggan. The jewel of East St. Paul – the Swistun Family Heritage Park – was once a quarry. Today it is a ravine with lakes, grassy slopes, trails and wildlife, where residents walk, canoe, skate and toboggan.
There would also be added wear and tear on vehicles and our highways. There would also be added wear and tear on vehicles and our highways.
Some 20 million tonnes of aggregates – about 700,000 truckloads – are produced each year in Manitoba, much of it in the Capital Region. If each 30-tonne truck had to travel an extra 150 kilometres, it would create an additional 110,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions (CO²) annually, or the equivalent of adding 23,000 cars on the road. Some 20 million tonnes of aggregates – about 700,000 truckloads – are produced each year in Manitoba, much of it in the Capital Region. If each 30-tonne truck had to travel an extra 150 kilometres, it would create an additional 110,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions (CO²) annually, or the equivalent of adding 23,000 cars on the road.
Want to learn more? Call the MHCA at 204.947.1379 Want to learn more? Call the MHCA at 204.947.1379
stone d gravel – it all starts with aggregates ng dredging of pits a settling pond. The the aggregates and d reused. d when old roads are are demolished are new or reconstructed This helps conserve esources.
Sand, ston and g – it al Sand, stone and gravel – it all starts with aggregates A CENTURY OF BUILDING MANITOBA
Airport, Highway & Municipal Paving Asphalt & Concrete Street Resurfacing Commercial Parking Lots Sewer, Water & Land Drainage Renewals & Installations Snow Removal Asphalt, Limestone, Gravel & Sand Supplies Equipment Rentals
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751 Lagimodiere Blvd., Winnipeg, MB R2J 0T8 Email: Ph: (204) 255-6444 Fax: (204) 255-5209
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