PASCAR - PRAIRIE ASSOCIATION OF STOCK CAR AUTO RACING CLUB THEME: PASCAR is an incorporated non-profit organization championing automotive education, skill building, safety, and fun by providing low cost, safe, family oriented opportunities - on and off the track - through “grass roots” 4 cylinder stock car racing. Our motto is “Addicted to Adrenaline, Dedicated to Safety”. Spectators, participants, and volunteers have numerous opportunities to get involved in the various aspects of Motorsports, including racing, event and organizational planning/ implementation, and management. MEETING INFO: Second Sunday of the month, 1:00 PM, at Westman Premier Homes Shop, 340 Park Ave. E, Brandon, MB (winter months) OR Souris Glenwood Dirt Stock Car Track (summer months AKA race season). Check the website and Facebook for updates and more information. Chad Bicklmeier: 204-648-5554 olds_442@hotmail.com Matt Bootsman: 204-573-3344 mattbootsman@gmail.com www.pascar.ca PRAIRIE COMMAND MILITARY VEHICLE ASSOCIATION INC. CLUB THEME: Restoration of Military Vehicles MEETING INFO: No set meeting dates Gord Falk: 204-326-1933 gordfalk@mymts.net Perry Krentz: 204-436-4228 kymaco@gmail.com
RED RIVER JEEP CLUB CLUB THEME: Established in 2006 we are passionate about Jeeps. Our club is known for being family friendly and hosting several trail runs, social events, community service opportunities, and fundraising activities. MEETING INFO: Jeffrey’s Restaurant on Henderson the 1st Wednesday of every month @ 1930 to 2000. People often arrive early for dinner
ROAD REBELS CLUB THEME: Bringing together people in fellowship who have a genuine love for special interest vehicles and automobiles. The owning of this type of vehicle is not a condition of membership, only the interest of classic and special interest vehicles is necessary. Membership is open to any interested persons in towns and rural areas including the Tiger Hills Area and beyond. Everyone is welcome. Club information is sent out to members by email or mail throughout the year. Because of our small town environment some club information is posted on the RM website, or our Facebook page. Meetings are held as required throughout the year to plan our car show and cruises. We do focus on family and fun. MEETING INFO: We meet the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7:30 PM at T Birds, Blue Room, 2140 Currie Blvd., Brandon, MB. Dave Burba: 204-729-5808 roadrebels@mts.net www.facebook.com/ roadrebelscarclub/ ROCKLANDS ANTIQUE CLUB CLUB THEME: Restoration of agricultural equipment. MEETING INFO: First Wednesday of each month, South Interlake Ag Society (Red Barn), 6018 E 75N Rd Roy Adams: 204-641-8275 rna@mymts.net Lloyd Harris: 204-467-8481
and stay late in parking lot. Ray Millis: 204-981-7714 scarletfever71@hotmail.com www.RedRiverJeepClub.com RED TRAIL CRUIZERS CAR CLUB
CLUB THEME: Bringing together people in fellowship who have a genuine love for special interest vehicles and automobiles. The owning of this type of vehicle is not a condition of membership, only the interest is necessary. Membership is open to any interested persons in towns and rural areas including the Tiger Hills area and beyond. Everyone is welcome. We do focus on family and fun. MEETING INFO: Information is sent to members by e-mail or regular mail throughout the year. Because of our small town environment, some club info is posted on the RM website or our Facebook page. We also maintain a phone list for those who do not have internet. Meetings are held in different communities as we feel this is best due to the wide area our club covers. Wayne Preston: 204-526-2127 presto@mymts.net Shawn Zeghers: 204-526-5322
shawnz@zeghersseed.com www.redtrailcruizers.com
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