567 CLUB OF MANITOBA CLUB THEME: Preservation and
BRANDON & AREA CAR ENTHUSIASTS (B.A.C.E.) CLUB THEME: All vehicle owners and enthusiasts welcome. MEETING INFO: No regular meetings held. Dave Burba: 204-729-5808 bace.ca@gmail.com www.bace.ca BRITISH CAR CLUB OF MANITOBA CLUB THEME: British sports cars and sedans. MEETING INFO: Monthly meetings are held at 7:30 PM on the last Wednesday of each month at the St. James Legion, 1755 Portage Avenue. Chad Edwards: 204-736-2755 webadmin@britishcarclubofmb.ca britishcarclubofmb.ca/ CORVETTE CLUB OF MANITOBA CLUB THEME: Celebrate Corvette ownership with great cars, great people, and great times. Member of the Canadian Council of Corvette Clubs - Western Region MEETING INFO: The club meets the last Tuesday of every month. Travel dinner meetings during the summer driving season. Check our website for locations. Jim Matthewman: 204-801-7140 President@CorvetteManitoba.com Wayne Blahut: 204-222-2801 Wayne@Blahut.ca www.CorvetteManitoba.com
COUNTRY CLASSIC CAR CLUB CLUB THEME: Classic, Muscle, and Sports Cars and Trucks. MEETING INFO: Winter meetings are spread around membership and members are notified via email. Summer cruises are notified by email. Bruce Martin: 204-346-3486 bruce@martindiesel.net Rick Fast: 204-346-4010 rkfast@mts.net FABULOUS 50’S FORD CLUB OF MANITOBA INC. CLUB THEME: Preservation, restoration, and enjoyment of 1949 through 1960 Ford vehicles. Open to all enthusiasts. Meeting Info: Last Thursday of every month (January through to November) at the Viscount Gort Hotel, 1670 Portage Ave., Wpg., Mb. @7:00pm. Larry D’Argis: 204-487-1559 57ford@mymts.net Betty Lannoo: 204-453-4871 blannoo@shaw.ca www.fabulous50sford.com GIMLI CAR CLUB INC. CLUB THEME: For people with a passion for anything automotive related. MEETING INFO: Contact club representatives for meeting times and locations. John Hykawy: 204-641-5444 jtcb@mymts.net Jim Sexton: 204-642-3622 sexton@mts.net
restoration of 1955 1956 1957 Chevrolet car, Chevy and GMC truck and Corvette. MEETING INFO: Meeting first Thursday of the month at 7:30 at Bronx Park CC, 720 Henderson Hwy. Jim Beilby: 204-801-4708
jjbeilby@shaw.ca clubs.hemmings. com/567clubofmanitoba
AMC MANITOBA CAR CLUB CLUB THEME: American Motors Corporation enthusiasts and owners promoting the enjoyment, preservation and restoration of AMC and related cars such as Nash and Hudson. Ownership of an AMC car is not a requirement to join the club. MEETING INFO: Club meetings held the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00PM. Please contact our club for meeting locations which vary from month to month. Meetings are held January to June and September to November. John Cormack: 204-772-6872 john.cormack@shaw.ca Ray Paulson: 204-226-0990 ramblinray66@gmail.com www.amcman.com BORDER HILLS CAR CLUB CLUB THEME: Special interest vehicles of all genres, muscle cars, street rods, restorations, etc all welcome. MEETING INFO: First Monday of the month Outpost Grill restaurant, Winkler, MB Malcolm Doney: 204-822-5299 Harley Sawatzky: 204-822-6657 harley@kfca.ca
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