Earth Day | 2022


APRIL 22, 2022

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2 SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 2022

“ Earth Day is a great opportunity to take action for the environment and should serve as a springboard to continue mobilizing the rest of the year. ”

– Thomas Mulcair Board chair for

Earth Day Canada

Counting down to Earth Day

By Jennifer McFee E arth Day offers an ideal time to raise awareness about environmental is- sues and encourage others to take action. The first Earth Day celebration took place in the United States on April 22, 1970, and to- day it’s celebrated in more than 130 countries around the world. Thomas Mulcair, former NDP leader, now acts as board chair for Earth Day Canada, which aims to help individuals and organizations to re- duce their environmental impact. “As a former Environment minister and au- thor of Quebec’s Sustainable Development Act, our obligation towards future generations has always been paramount for me,” he says. “As I left politics in 2018, I began teaching graduate courses in environment and sustain- able development at l’Université de Montréal and joined Earth Day as board chair to continue to do my part to leave a better world to my grand- children.” The 2022 theme of the Earth Day campaign focuses on eco-anxiety, an increasingly common phenomenon — particularly among young peo- ple.

“The symptoms are multiple and varied: anger, frustration, fatalistic thinking, guilt, shame, depression, panic, grief, sadness, obsessive thoughts. Millions of peo-

portation with you. Plan an excursion with friends or colleagues to a local producer,” he suggests.

“It is also possible to create or join a citizen’s committee to improve your neighbourhood, to join occasional or regular activities with a local association or non-profit organization, or to keep an eye out for events proposed by the city in this area.” Cities and towns continue to be key contribu- tors towards environmental efforts, he adds. “Municipalities are at the heart of the eco- logical transition, and we are thrilled to see the commitment of so many cities through our Municipalities Mobilizing campaign since it’s been launched in 2020. Cities are real catalysts of change and are the best venue for citizen action,” Mulcair says. “Municipal governments have a firsthand un- derstanding of community needs and are capa- ble of greater agility to take swift concrete mea- sures, with effects that ripple well beyond local spheres. It is by taking action in our communi- ties that we will lead the ecological transition in Canada.”

“Organize a day to pick up used clothing or objects at work and bring them to a thrift store or participate in a barter activi- ty. Invent a rainwater har- vesting system for you and your neighbours. Attend a local or virtual Earth Day event.” At the same time, he shares some ideas for keeping the environmen- tal momentum going all year round. “Earth Day is a great op- portunity to take action for the environment and should serve as a springboard to continue mobilizing the rest of the year. This can involve a moment of re-

ple around the world experience the consequences of feeling helpless toward environ- mental doom. Yet most often they don’t know

there is a word explain- ing their condition and what to do about it,” Mulcair says. “With this campaign,

Earth Day Canada aims to put the focus on how we can remedy together our eco-anxiety, primarily by gathering around positive col- lective actions for the Earth and reconnecting with our power to act.” Mulcair offers a few sugges-

Thomas Mulcair

tions for marking the occasion of Earth Day, such as offering to help clean up your neighbour- hood or starting an urban agriculture project. “Organize a carpooling system with your col- leagues or encourage them to use active trans-

flection on personal and collective objectives for the coming year: reducing food waste, adopting more energy-efficient transport habits, better sorting of waste on a daily basis or promoting a zero-waste way of life,” he says.

For more information about Earth Day Canada, visit

The 2022 Earth Day campaign produced by the creative agency Sid Lee highlights eco-anxiety, this little-known mental health issue that is gaining traction, and the remedies to cure it together!


4 SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 2022

It’s time to go to the mattresses

see sustainability advantages due to their di- rect-to-consumer delivery model, they also em- brace the promotion of the product’s full life cycle. In years past, the only ways to manage the end- of-use sustainably of a mattress were through the hand-me-down process or via donation. While donation programs still exist in Manito- ba, fewer organizations now accept them. According to a 2015 report called Manitoba Government Invests in Recycling Project , more “ The design has removed the need for wire and wood, al- lowing the mattresses to be compressed for shipping. Compressing them reduces trans- portation costs and our carbon footprint.”

By Charlene Adam E nvironmentalists have achieved a great deal. For many, however, the environmental cause is still seen as a battle. And as we’ve learned from epic movies such as The Godfather or You’ve Got Mail , when you engage in battle, you have to “go to the mattresses.” With modern production, distribution and recycling programs, we can now literally go to the mattresses for the environment by simply choosing the right ones. Larger ticket items such as these have always required deeper inspection prior to purchase. And sustainability can now be part of that deci- sion-making process. Newer companies, such as Canadian-owned Polysleep Canada, are responding to the call for sustainable beds. Their products are made with recyclable foam. Sustainable delivery is key to their business model. The design has removed the need for wire and wood, allowing the mattresses to be com- pressed for shipping. “Compressing them reduces transportation costs and our carbon footprint,” says Polysleep co-founder Jeremiah Curvers. Curvers continued to explain that six of their mattresses take up the room on one traditional model, thus further lessening their impact on the environment. And in Montreal, they’ve partnered with Chasseurs Courrier, a bike-courier company. So, they literally deliver their beds by bike. While high-end foam mattress companies

than 40,000 mattresses were sent to the land- fill yearly. And “nearly 90 per cent of it is recy- clable,” the report explained. Since the report’s release, a recycling partnership between the government and a local company called Mother Earth Recycling is seeing success.

Jessica Floresco, general manager of Mother Earth Recycling, explains that successful ven- ture is achieved “through the operation of la- bour-intensive recycling programs.”



SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 2022 5


Celebrating Earth Day by launching new service Mother Earth Recycling will start taking child car seats as of April 22, 2022. The plastic will be shredded and used to create new products. Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Location: 771 Main St. Recycling Fee: $15 Mother Earth Recycling is an Indigenous for-profit social enterprise. MER creates jobs and training opportunities for members of the urban Indigenous community who have per- sonal and systemic barriers to accessing meaningful work. For more information, visit

Its process involves separating the fabric, foam, metal and wood in mattresses and recy- cling them through different processors. In 2012, the company started as an e-waste recycling depot. Electronic waste recovery is a service they continue to provide. But in 2016, “MER expanded into mattress recycling,” Flo- resco notes. This year, they’re expanding again.

They will now offer a child car seat recycling pro- gram. Sustainable products and services are making a great deal of headway for the environment. If we continue to embrace them, the next time we go to a mattress, it’ll just be for a good night’s sleep!

(Image supplied by Polysleep Canada)

SPONSORED CONTENT Energy efficiency in the egg industry S andra and Eric Dyck are registered egg farmers, reducing their environmental footprint on 4-D Farms in Spring- stein, Manitoba. The Dyck family installed more than 500 feet of solar panels, which produce solar kilowatts that removal system, ensuring the hens are kept in a clean and healthy environment. “Most years, our panels produce enough power to carry us from April to October, depending on the sunshine. This past year our home was completely powered for 10 months of the year,” said Sandra.

work to power their farm and home. The decision to install the panels was made to decrease their farm’s carbon footprint and to offset electricity costs for their farming operation. Their family has been farming in Springstein for nearly 100 years, and Eric is a fourth-generation farmer and third-genera- tion egg farmer. The family has 4,800 laying hens in an enriched housing system, and the whole family, including their three chil- dren Jacob (13), Levi (11) and Rylee (9), helps pack eggs by hand each day. “Our laying hen barn is pretty efficient with energy consump- tion, and we have taken simple steps like installing LED lights throughout the barn to decrease our energy usage,” said Sandra. The solar panels produce electricity that powers the hens’ feed- ing system, ensuring that fresh food and water is always available. Energy gathered off the solar grid powers the fans, providing fresh air to the barn, and powers a conveyor belt system that col- lects eggs each morning, bringing them from the barn to the gath- ering and packing room. The solar panels also power the manure

The Dyck family sees the importance and benefit energy effi- ciency has brought to their diverse farming operation, which in- cludes hens, grain, crops and bees. Their solar panels help provide power to the hen barn, the aeration system of their grain bins and temperature-controlled bee storage. Regulated egg farmers like Sandra and Eric Dyck are making huge strides in greening the egg industry. In fact, the environmen- tal footprint of Canada’s egg production supply chain declined by almost 50 per cent between 1962 and 2012, while egg production increased by 50 per cent. In that timeframe, the Canadian egg in- dustry used 81 per cent less land, 41 per cent less energy and 69 per cent less water. The industry produced 61 per cent fewer emis- sions that contribute to acid rain, 68 per cent fewer emissions of nitrogen and phosphorus and 72 per cent fewer greenhouse gas emissions. Laying hens themselves have been doing their part, as their feed efficiency or ability to convert feed into a source of pro-

tein is remarkable. On average, for every 1.7 kilogram of feed, a hen produces one kilogram of high-protein eggs. The Dyck family is proud to provide Manitobans with nutri- tious, locally produced eggs. They look forward to egg farming with their family for many years to come.

Locally produced, nutritious, affordable The eggs available in Manitoba grocery stores are produced by local egg farmers like the Dyck family of Springstein, Manitoba.

Regulated egg farmers meet high standards in food safety and hen care.


6 SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 2022

Enjoy Earth Week at FortWhyte Alive By Wendy King I f you don’t think one day is enough, you can participate for a whole Earth Week at FortWhyte Alive with virtual and in-per- son programs and events. Whyte Alive. “Each evening from April 18 to 22, we’ve in- vited specialists in the environmental field to come and show what action we can take to make a difference with climate change.” is required at The weekend of April 23 to 24 is devoted to “Bee the Change.” “Our reduced $5 admission collected over the weekend will fund restoration of habitat loss for pollinators on the prairies with new Pollinator Gardens by the Richardson Interpretive Centre,” she says.

shine. No registration is required. “Take a guided tour with CBC Manitoba and learn about different ecosystems or stop at a booth and discover ways you can make changes for climate right here on the prairies,” she says. “Our aim at FortWhyte Alive is to get people outdoors to build that connection with nature, which is the first step to really caring about and working to protect it for all of us.”

Experts can help you brush up on your com- posting and recycling, or make your commute greener and more, and will answer questions live. (It will also be recorded for later viewing.) Virtual programming is free but registration

“We’ve planned events which will inspire ev- eryone to be engaged and active on climate in their communities,” says Carolyn Townend, communications and brand manager at Fort-

Learning stations will be scattered along the trails, running from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., rain or

FortWhyte Alive will offer both virtual and in-person Earth Week activities. (Photos by Kristhine Guerrero)


SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 2022 7

Recycled Tires Mean

Enjoy the great outdoors and connect with nature at FortWhyte Alive. (Photo by Kristhine Guerrero)


Durable Flooring

Recycled tires in Manitoba can be used to make flooring products for agricultural, recreational and industrial use. Rubber flooring made from recycled tires is safe and low-maintenance. Better workspaces, better for Manitoba.

Diljeet Brar MLA for Burrows

Wab Kinew MLA for Fort Rouge

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Lisa Naylor MLA for Wolseley

Nahanni Fontaine MLA for St. Johns


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Matt Wiebe MLA for Concordia

Jamie Moses MLA for St. Vital

1-888-410-1440 | Manitoba’s Used Oil & Antifreeze Recycling Program


8 SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 2022

Small steps to become more eco-friendly By Todd Lewys W hen it comes to being eco- friendly, everyone wants to do their part. Yet, establishing the habit of

being easier on our planet can be a challenge. Colleen Ans of the Winnipeg-based Green Action Centre says an eco-friendly lifestyle isn’t developed overnight. “It’s all about making that initial effort,” she says. “Start small by doing one thing at a time. Then over time, it becomes a habit. Really, it’s all about everyone doing the little things. There’s a saying that comes from Zero Waste Chef Anne- Marie Bonneau: ‘We don’t need a handful of people doing zero waste perfectly. We need millions of people doing it imperfectly.’” That means resisting the urge to become the Guru of Green all in one fell swoop. “For example, if you have plastic bags on hand, reuse them as much as you can — that makes their life cycle longer. Or, if you’re using plastic toothbrushes, use them until they wear out, then buy a recyclable bamboo toothbrush to use after. You don’t need to go from zero to 100. The little things we do add up.” From there, it’s a matter of making a conscious effort to sit back and identify how you and your family can alter your old habits to create new eco-friendly ones. “Doing that’s a challenge because the pandemic reinforced the trend of throwing out things,” Ans says. “To combat that trend, we need to go back in time.” Going back in time means revisiting how things were done in the “old” days back in the 1950s and 1960s.

Colleen Ans of Green Action Centre showcases a reusable bag for food, along with other eco-friendly items. (Photos by Darcy Finley)



SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 2022 9


“Start using old T-shirts as rags to replace paper towels, cloth diapers to replace disposable ones and put water and vinegar in a sprayer to use as glass cleaner,” she says. “You can even put a bidet in your bathroom to use in place of toilet paper. It uses less water than it takes to make toilet paper, which can also plug up sewer pipes.” There are other simple green-friendly initiatives that can easily be built into your lifestyle, notes Ans. “Buy laundry detergent in bulk or buy concentrated eco-friendly cleaner that you can combine with water in a spray bottle. And if your spray bottle is small, get a bigger one. Buy food in bulk, and get reusable containers to store it in.” Essentially, becoming greener is all about making the effort to change your buying patterns. “Once you get into stores and take a closer look, you realize how much is there. Even stores like Superstore and Safeway sell bulk goods,” she says. “You can also go to stores like the Bulk Barn, and local stores like Generation Green, Planet Pantry (at The Forks) and the Refill Market on Notre Dame Avenue.” Granted, it does take more time and effort to live a greener, more sustainable lifestyle, but it’s well worth it. “When you live green, you live a better life and you feel more connected,” says Ans. “We need to use our power as consumers to do better and advocate for more of what we want. When you do that as an individual, people take notice and start doing it. It’s all about everyone doing the little things to make a difference.”

Back in those days, diapers were made of cloth, rags were used to clean up household messes and a simple vinegar and water solution was used as glass cleaner. “ When you live green, you live a better life and you feel more connected. ”

– Colleen Ans, Green Action Centre, Winnipeg

Today — due to the convenience they offer — items like disposable diapers, paper towels, toilet paper and glass cleaners laced with alcohol ammonia, fluorinated hydrocarbons and polyethoxy ethanols are the norm.

The Recyclepedia makes recycling easy SPONSORED CONTENT

By Wendy King M anitobans are so enthusiastic about pitching in with residen- tial recycling that we boast one of the highest residential recov- ery rates in Canada. And now it’s even easier being green with the Recyclepedia, a customized-for-Manitoba web tool and mobile app that details what you can and can’t recycle along with where to recy- cle it. “The industry-funded not-for-prof- it Multi-Material Stewardship Manitoba (MMSM) created the Recyclepedia as a way to answer questions on household recycling for Manitoba residents,” says Sarah Wallace, di- rector of marketing and communications. “Any business in Manitoba that puts packag- ing or printed paper into the residential waste stream pays fees on those materials, which covers up to 80 per cent of the financial sup- port for the province’s residential recycling programs through MMSM.” The Recyclepedia lists over 700 materials, but if it doesn’t cover what you’re looking for, users can suggest a material to be added to the app/site, which is updated every week. If your bin is overflowing or you have electronics, household hazardous waste, batteries or more, it can help you there, too. So, got a question for the Recyclepedia? Go to and select your communi-

Pack it loosely. If you put materials one in- side the other, it slows or stops the sorting pro- cess. Checking the Recyclepedia gets items to go where they belong, ensures a safe, clean work- space for material recovery facility staff and prevents damage to high-tech equipment. “It’s so easy to check the Recyclepedia to get the right material to the right place in the right way,” says Sarah Wallace. With almost 200,000 views of materials since March 2020, 83,000 user sessions and more than 7,000 app downloads, Manitobans are well on the way to making recycling with the Recyclepedia a well-informed habit.

HERE ARE A FEW TIPS: The Mobius Loop (numbered triangle) on plastics only indicates the type of plastic, not that it’s accepted in your recycling program. You still need to confirm with the Recyclepedia if the system can process it. Keep liquid and food waste out of the bins — they’re contaminants.

ty. Type in the material that you want to dis- pose of, like “plastic coffee pod” or “clamshell container.” The information you need pops up. And you can do this in 13 languages. “It’s a really useful tool that helps people make the right decisions with their packaging and it’s just going to continue to grow and get better as we go,” says Wallace.


10 SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 2022

Clean up with Downtown BIZ

By Wendy King S pring is beginning to buzz, and Down- town Winnipeg BIZ is looking for 150 “BIZzy” bees in the neighbourhood — workers and residents alike — to come out and pitch in for Earth Day at the annual Earth Day CleanUp Downtown event on Friday, April 22 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. “Earth Day CleanUp Downtown is a planned event which provides support and supplies for members of our vibrant downtown communi- ty to come together and remove litter from the neighbourhood,” says Saz Massey, marketing and communications co-ordinator at Down- town Winnipeg BIZ. “ Earth Day Clean- Up Downtown is a planned event which provides support and supplies for members of our vibrant down- town community to come together and remove litter from the neighbourhood.” – Saz Massey Marketing and communications co-ordinator Downtown Winnipeg BIZ is extending that invitation to anyone who works or lives down- town. For residents, the community cleanup is one opportunity to be part of the bigger Earth Day picture as they put “spring” back into their step and greet the neighbours after a long winter. The 2021 cleanup gave downtown employees a chance to safely reconnect outdoors. “This year, as participating businesses are just beginning to return to the office and get back in the swing of in-person work, our Earth Day CleanUp Downtown is a wonderful team-build- ing activity,” says Massey. “We’ve heard it’s a great way for downtown

workers to feel a sense of belonging in the downtown community while doing good for the planet.” Earth Day CleanUp Downtown will cover the entire Downtown Winni-

peg Business Improvement Zone. “Teams will meet up at six dif- ferent locations including Chi- natown, on Portage Avenue, at The Forks, in Memorial Park, at the Millennium Library and the Manitoba legislative grounds,” says Massey. “Each area of downtown will have its designated meeting spot, and participants who sign on will be notified of their meeting loca- tion in advance.” The event will take place rain or shine. “All folks need to do is be dressed for the weather and the activity and we’ll provide the cleanup equipment.” All Earth Day CleanUp Downtown partici- pants will be equipped with compostable gloves, eco-friendly garbage bags and a map of their designated area. “We’ll even have a few garbage-grabbing tools to help,” says Massey. Once participants arrive at their designat- ed location, Downtown Winnipeg BIZ staff will hand out the equipment and guide them through the process. From there, they can go off individually or in small groups to pick up litter in their areas. “Everyone will get a map so they know where to go and to ensure no teams overlap,” she says. “When they fill a bag, they leave it with a Downtown Winnipeg BIZ staffer and at the end of the event, our Enviro Team will collect all the bags around downtown.” Wish you could join in but can’t make the event? If you are a Downtown Winnipeg BIZ member or you work and/or live downtown, you can get a self-guided cleanup kit for use in the downtown area. “Just email us to register with the size of your group and pre-order your kits for pick up the week of April 20–22 at the Downtown Winnipeg BIZ office at 426 Portage between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.,” she says. “Self-guided kits include gloves, garbage bags and a cleanup information package all bundled together in a Downtown Winnipeg BIZ reusable bag.” Self-guided downtown cleanup kits are avail- able while supplies last at downtownwinnipeg- Earth Day CleanUp Downtown participants will be entered to win Downtown Winnipeg BIZ gift cards, and participants who pre-order for the self-guided cleanup will be entered for a chance to win a $25 downtown gift card.

Downtown Winnipeg BIZ staff pick up litter near the legislative building in 2021. (Photo courtesy of Downtown Winnipeg BIZ)

A Downtown Winnipeg BIZ staff member shows the Chinatown CleanUp team of volunteers, including members of the Downtown Community Safety Partnership, a map of the CleanUp area. (Photo courtesy of Downtown Winnipeg BIZ)

EARTH DAY 2022 Timeless fashion By Jim Timlick I t’s no secret that mining and the energy sector are some of the biggest polluters in North America, but you might be sur- prised to learn that the fashion industry is a major contributor to our pollution problem as well.

SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 2022 11

“ People are becoming more and more conscious of where their clothing is being made, how it’s being made and how long they’re go- ing to have it for. ”

fashion, Taylor is constantly on the lookout for the most sustainable fabrics available and the latest technology available to improve the qual- ity of the products he produces. Another major focus of the designer and his staff is the company’s zero-waste policy. Virtual- ly nothing from its local production facility ends up in the garbage. Even the cuttings from its fashions are used to create pillows, headbands, scarves and other items. Lennard Taylor also offers what he refers to as its Refresh program. If someone has an item pro- duced by the studio they no longer wish to wear, they can return it and receive a $25 in-store credit. The item is then cleaned and refreshed and resold at a lower price or transformed into a completely new piece. “I found there were a lot of clients who wouldn’t throw out a garment because I made it, but they wouldn’t ever wear it again because they changed shape or they’re a different size now,” Taylor says of what prompted him to start the program. “The Refresh garments go really fast because they’re beautiful and people are getting a great garment for less. It’s one of the most popular sec- tions in my store. We’re good Winnipeggers and we like a good deal,” he adds, laughing. Taylor sees the demand for more sustainable fashions ramping up in the years to come. “I definitely see it increasing. More and more people are awakening to what the true cost of clothing is and how it’s made.” To learn more about Lennard Taylor’s approach to fashion, visit or drop by his boutique in person at 246 McDermot Ave.

A recent study indicated that North Ameri- cans send more than 10 million tonnes of cloth- ing to landfills every year. In Canada, that trans- lates into the average person throwing out the equivalent of 81 pounds of clothes annually. The situation hasn’t gone unnoticed by fash- ion producers or consumers. In fact, it’s prompt- ed a response that has come to be known as time- less fashion. Timeless fashion can include anything from a cashmere sweater to a plain black dress shirt. The one common denominator is that the item has been built to pass the test of time and trend. And it’s something an increasing number of consum- ers are demanding when it comes to making de- cisions about their wardrobe. “Oh, 100 per cent,” says fashion designer Lennard Taylor, the founder of Lennard Taylor Design Studio in the Exchange District. “People are becoming more and more conscious of where their clothing is being made, how it’s being made and how long they’re going to have it for.” “Timeless fashion is essentially clothing that you can wear forever. It’s never going out of season; it’s never going out of style. It’s a piece you’re going to have for a long, long time. Cloth- ing is expensive, but if you’ve got something that you can wear over and over again, your price per wear comes way down.” It’s a subject that’s been near and dear to Tay- lor’s heart since he founded his company nearly 18 years ago. From the start, his focus has been on producing stunning, one-of-a-kind timeless

– Lennard Taylor

Fashion designer

fashion pieces that “make you feel good” and can be worn indefinitely. That includes everything from designer dresses and jackets to tops and bottoms. “It’s pretty much how I live my life,” Taylor says of his focus on timeless fashion. “If you look at my wardrobe, I don’t have a lot of clothes. For me, clothing is about how it makes you feel. If it makes you feel good, wear it and wear it every day.” Taylor’s fashions are so beloved by buyers that when they become ripped or stained, they will often return them to him stitch them up or deco- rate them so they can continue to be worn. As part of his company’s focus on timeless

Lennard Taylor Design Studio focuses on timeless fashion. (Photos by Darcy Finley)

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