ACT Mature
ct mature! No doubt, if you are over 40, you have heard that retort. It was a response commonly given to a class clown who stuck straws up his nose or pulled someone’s ponytail.
Today, acting mature means something entirely different — being responsible. We over-40s have a lot on our plate. Many of us long for days when choosing between a VHS or Beta VCR was a dilemma. When we were younger, did we ever think we would be living through a pandemic? Close behind COVID-19 worries are concerns over bills, wealth management, work, caring for parents and mental health concerns (yours and the rest of your family’s). This spring edition of Mature magazine addresses many of these concerns. It will touch on mental health and family therapy, assistance for aging parents, charitable giving options, dating advice, tips on Zooming, and advice to prevent argon exposure. There is even a story on nail treatments for males. Whenever we can, we should embrace the help when we need it but not forget to enjoy the lighter side of life. It’s what’s called acting Mature.
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