2023 Affiliated
MANITOBA STREET ROD ASSOCIATION CLUB THEME: Promote and advance the cause of street rodding in Manitoba. Club Meeting Information: MSRA meets once monthly at the Corydon Community Centre Doug Bedford
MELITA 3 & 83 CRUISERS CLUB THEME: Show & Shine MEETING INFO: First Wednesday of the month starting in May with one meeting after our event Cassandra Sheffield
MODERN MOPARS OF MANITOBA CLUB THEME: All Mopar enthusiasts welcome. MEETING INFO: As per our Facebook page Blake, Lisa & Robert info@modernmopars.ca RED RIVER JEEP CLUB CLUB THEME: Jeep, 4×4, on/off pavement fun, family friendly MEETING INFO: 19:30 (7:30 PM) the 1st Wed of the month at Jeffrey’s Restaurant & Lounge (1420
clsheffield17@gmail.com Valgreen@hotmail.com
buford_59@hotmail.com ralph.thomas@shaw.ca
MEMORY LANE CLUB THEME: Bring together in good fellowship, persons who have a genuine interest in automobiles and special interest vehicles. Owning a vehicle is not a condition for membership, only only an interest in classic and special interest vehicles is required. MEETING INFO: Second Monday of the month at Canad Inns, 1125 18th Street, Brandon, Manitoba MID CANADA MINI GROUP CLUB THEME: The preservation and enjoyment of the Mini both classic and new. MEETING INFO: First Wednesday of the month. Contact for further details. Chris Lytwyn chrislytwyn@live.ca thomsonmachine@hotmail.com MINNEDOSA VALLEY CRUIZERS CLUB THEME: Anyone interested in antique or specialty vehicles. MEETING INFO: Meeting from April to September on 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Location TBA Don Morrison valleycruzindon@gmail.com clandrie@mymts.net R Grant Gillis ggillis@mts.net
MANITOBA MOPAR ASSOCIATION CLUB THEME: The Manitoba Mopar Association is a group of car enthusiast who enjoy Mopar vehicles (Chrysler, Dodge, Plymouth and related) MEETING INFO: Third Wednesday of each month. See our Facebook page for meeting details. Doug Cook dm2_cookie@hotmail.com gdeley@shaw.ca MANITOBA OLDSMOBILE CAR CLUB CLUB THEME: Oldsmobile club for the preservation and showing of Oldsmobile vehicles. MEETING INFO: 7:00 PM on the last Tuesday of every month at the Victoria Inn Hotel (1808 Wellington Avenue). Colin Gow (President) & Glen Carlson (Vice-President)
Henderson Hwy) Raymond Millis scarletfever71@hotmail.com
RED TRAIL CRUIZERS CAR CLUB CLUB THEME: Bringing people together in fellowship who have a genuine love for special interest vehicles and automobiles. The owning of this type of vehicle is not a condition of membership, only the interest of classic and special interest vehicles is necessary. Membership is open to any interested persons in towns and rural areas including MEETING INFO: Held at Second Chance Car Museum as called
George Wayne Preston prestoford53@gmail.com
ccjg14@hotmail.com carlsongb@gmail.com
MANITOBA VW CLUB CLUB THEME: All things Volkswagen MEETING INFO: Monthly @ 12 Noon Smitty’s Lounge Westwood Portage Ave - Details on Facebook Page. Blair Chetwynd cheppie_1@hotmail.com
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