JULY 17 - SUNDAY 21ST ANNUAL HENRY FORD BIRTHDAY CAR SHOW 10am to 4pm at Kildonan Place Shopping Centre, 1555 Regent Avenue West. Open to all makes of cars and trucks. Registration 9 am to 1pm. $10 entry fee per vehicle. Proceeds to the Movement Center of Manitoba. Rain Date Sept 18th/16. Annie Schroder, 204-4303-005 anniesspicepantry@gmail.com Bill Molyneux, 204-612-4581 whmolyneux@live.ca manitobamustang.org MANITOBA MUSTANG AND FORD ASSOCIATION JULY 17 - SUNDAY ALL BRITISH CAR SHOW & SHINE Mid Canada Mini Group & Associated Clubs This is a yearly event held at the Forks . The event is to display and promote the preservation of vehicles manufactured in Britain .The show will run from 12:00pm till 4:00pm . Enter at the roundabout by The Children’s Museum in the Forks . The show is to display and promote the preservation of vehicles manufactured in Britain by members of our clubs. Dan Pang, 204-430-1601 vtecfour@gmail.com Geordie Despins, 204-230-6160 my78mini@mymts.net MID CANADA MINI GROUP JULY 17 - SUNDAY 1ST ANNUAL SOURIS BOWL SHOW N SHINE Southwest Classic Cruizers present the 1st annual Souris Bowl show n shine in beautiful Victoria park from 12:00 to 5:00pm. Draws start @ 4:00pm. 50/50 draw , rainbow auction, hand made trophy’s & food vendors on site. Scott Murray, 877-483-3238 thh@mts.net Carman Tufts, 204-483-2274 tuftsmac@mts.net SOURIS CLASSIC CRUIZERS
DEACON’S CORNER A&W Join the Manitoba Street Rod Association for a cruise and show & shine at the A&W restaurant, Deacon’s Corner, Hwy #1 East at 207. Nice cars, good friends, plenty of great food and lots of prizes! Show & Shine - 6:00 - 9:00 PM - All are welcome. Chris Jelfs, 204-757-9224 events@msra.mb.ca msra.mb.ca MANITOBA STREET ROD ASSOCIATION JULY 16 - SATURDAY SELKIRK FAIR AND RODEO Rockland’s Antique Club participates in Parade and tractor display for the weekend. Sheri, 204-482-7176 ROCKLAND’S ANTIQUE CLUB
Pony Corral & Rondex presents Sunday Night Cruise Night @ the Pony Corral Grant Park. Sponsored by Piston Ring. Hosted by the Fabulous 50's Ford Club of Manitoba & Willy's Garage. 4pm to 10pm. All Antique, Classic, Special Interest vehicles & motorcycles are welcome. Great music, great cars & great friends. Hourly Prizes & Cruiser of the Week Awards.
Peter Ginakes, 204-942-8300 pony.office@ponycorral.ca Betty Lannoo, 204-453-4871 blannoo@shaw.ca ponycorral.ca FABULOUS 50'S FORD CLUB OF MANITOBA INC JULY 10 - SUNDAY PASCAR INVITATIONAL RACE DAY
Westman Premier Homes and PASCAR Inc. hosts an Invitational Race Day in conjunction with the Souris Fair & Rodeo at the Souris Glenwood Airport dirt stock car track, east of Souris, MB at 1 PM. PASCAR opens the track to all classes of stock cars for one day only! Join us on Saturday in Souris for the parade and car show and then head out to the races in Sunday! Chad Bicklmeier, 204-648-5554 bicklmeierc@assiniboine.net Matt Bootsman, 204-573-3344 mattbootsman@gmail.com pascar.com PRAIRIE ASSOCIATION OF STOCK CAR AUTO RACING (PASCAR) JULY 12 - JULY 16 BLACK HILLS CORVETTE CLASSIC (BHCC) Black Hills Corvette Classic - July 12 to 16. Join the Corvette Club of Manitoba on our summer jaunt down to the Black Hills of South Dakota, starting in Sioux Falls and ending up in Spearfish. Events include Show & Shines, Autocross, Drags, food, entertainment and some truly amazing tours. This is one of the premiere events for any Corvette enthusiast to attend and it’s right in our backyard. There's already a large group planning to attend, don’t miss out! Jim Devlin, jdevlin@mymts.net blackhillscorvetteclassic.com CORVETTE CLUB OF MANITOBA INC
Tractor and antique Vehicle display at the Springfield Country Fair in Dugald MB. Enjoy home cooked Breakfast and Lunch and Supper. Entertainment throughout the day. Home of the Wellington Boot Throw ( Rubber Boots) 8Am to 5 Pm Everyone
Welcome and bring a vehicle. John Holland, 204-853-7452 iamjohn@mts.net SPRINGFIELD TRACTOR CLUB JULY 16 - SATURDAY 4TH ANNUAL PINAWA BIRTHDAY SHOW AND SHINE 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm. Willis Drive - Opposite the Marina, Pinawa, Mb.
Registration opens at 10:00 am. Entrance fee $10.00 per vehicle. First 100 entries will receive dash plaques. Everyone welcome, come and join the Birthday Celebrations. Doug Drew, 204-753-2743 prd717@mymts.net WINNIPEG RIVER CAR CLUB
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