AUGUST 18 - THURSDAY CRUISE THE CRESCENT Cruise to Souris Manitoba for the Southwest Classic Cruizers ‘Crusin the Crescent’. Crescent Ave closed off from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm for show n shine. Scott Murray, 877-483-3238 thh@mts.net Carman Tufts, 204-483-2274 tuftsmac@mts.net SOURIS CLASSIC CRUIZERS AUGUST 20 - SATURDAY 14TH ANNUAL LEGENDS CHARITY AIRPORT DRAGS This year will be the 14th 1/8 mile drags we host at our local airport. We have food and refreshments on site. Admissions are $10/day for adults, 12 and under $5/day. Racers entry is $75/day, class winners win a cash payout each day. Pre-registration is a must as we only have 60 spots a day. We hold this as a charity event as we donate a portion off our net proceeds to charity. Information and registration form can be found on our website.
AUGUST 21 - SUNDAY 14TH ANNUAL LEGENDS CHARITY AIRPORT DRAGS This year will be the 14th 1/8 mile drags we host at our local airport in Altona. We have food and refreshments on site. Admissions are $10/day for adults, 12 and under $5/day. Racers entry is $75/ day, class winners win a cash payout each day. Pre-registration is a must as we only have 60 spots a day. We hold this as a charity event as we donate a portion off our net proceeds to charity. Information and registration form can be found on our website.
AUGUST 25 - THURSDAY MSRA CRUISES THE PORTAGE AVENUE A&W Join the Manitoba Street Rod Association for a cruise and show & shine at the A&W Restaurant, 1520 Portage Avenue (across from Polo Park). Nice cars, good friends, plenty of great food and lots of prizes! Show & Shine - 6:00 - 9:00 PM - All are welcome. Chris Jelfs, 204-757-9224 events@msra.mb.ca msra.mb.ca MANITOBA STREET ROD ASSOCIATION AUGUST 28 - SUNDAY 25TH ANNUAL SHADES OF THE PAST CAR SHOW Shades of the Past Car Club presents the 25th annual free Shades of the Past Car Show in Beausejour, MB. 10am to 3pm. Show encompasses 5 closed blocks (1/4 mile) of Park Avenue. Free to all participants and spectators. Free BBQ picnic for car show participants after the show. Show area for motorcycles and any vehicle of interest. Enter to win a personalized custom jacket celebrating our 25th year. Please enter on West end of Park Avenue. Please bring a tin or donation for our local food bank. Jon Delannoy, 204-268-4467 jontracy@mymts.net Robert Lidster, 204-268-2275 facebook.com/shadesofthepastcarclub SHADES OF THE PAST CAR CLUB
Irv Loewen, 204-324-7145 legendscarclub@mymts.net legendscarclub.ca LEGENDS CAR CLUB INC.
Pony Corral & Rondex presents Sunday Night Cruise Night @ the Pony Corral Grant Park. Sponsored by Piston Ring. Hosted by the Fabulous 50's Ford Club of Manitoba & Willy's Garage. 4pm to 10pm. All Antique, Classic, Special Interest vehicles & motorcycles are welcome. Great music, great cars & great friends. Hourly Prizes & Cruiser of the Week Awards. Feature Club: Porche Club
Irv Loewen, 204-324-7145 legendscarclub@mymts.net legendscarclub.ca LEGENDS CAR CLUB INC.
AUGUST 20 - SATURDAY 12TH ANNUAL TAILGATE SWAP ‘N SHOW This is our 12th “Swap ‘n Show”. It is held each year in mid-August at the Headingley Community Centre on the Trans Canada Hwy at the Headlingley traffic lights. There is no charge to participants or vendors. 9:00am to 3:00pm Rain date: Sunday, August 21st at same times. Rance Pritchard, 204-889-7183 rance@pritchard.ca tailgateclub.ca TAILGATE ASSOCIATION OF MANITOBA
Peter Ginakes, 204-942-8300 pony.office@ponycorral.ca Betty Lannoo, 204-453-4871 blannoo@shaw.ca ponycorral.ca FABULOUS 50'S FORD CLUB OF MANITOBA INC
Cruisin’ the Peg - Your Sunday night cruise destination! Tavern United, 826 Regent Ave. W. 6PM to 10PM. Featuring classics, vintage, classic muscle, sports, motorcycles and special interest vehicles. Good Music - Good Friends - Great Times! Nightly Prizes & Giveaways. Dale Hickey, 204-795-1931
dalex@mymts.net CRUISIN’ THE PEG
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