International Women's Day | 2022

Karen Fowler, president and CEO of St. Boniface Hospital Foundation. Photo by Darcy Finley

positions, these incremental steps led to a rewarding career. “The role you play in fundraising is like a matchmaker. We match donors with opportunities to support things that are important to them and that will make a difference. In our case, it’s making a difference in health care,” she says. “The role I play inspires me on a daily basis. Without donor support, it might not be possible to help our hospital reach and maintain a level of excellence.” At the same time, Fowler feels fulfilled when she sees the ripple effect of generosity. “Every single dollar makes a difference in health care — and I can see that in the projects we support,” she says. “In the long run, we’re saving and changing lives through what we do.” With a focus on giving back, Fowler finds ways to support other organizations that are important to her. She and her husband created an annual student award in the University of Manitoba’s anthropology department, which is where they met. Fowler is also the president elect for the Association of Fundraising Professionals’ Manitoba chapter, after previously serving as its mentorship chair. And for Fowler, International Women’s Day provides a chance to acknowledge women at the forefront of leadership in all its many forms. “It’s an opportunity to celebrate the women we admire, which could be a parent, a grandparent or someone in a more prominent role on the world stage,” she says. “It’s so important to have that opportunity to celebrate them.” ◗


Anyone can be a leader, regardless of age, background or role. Karen Fowler, president and CEO of St. Boniface Hospital Foundation, came to this realization while she rose up the ranks. She gleaned inspiration from Brené Brown’s popular book Dare to Lead after making a conscious decision to learn more about leadership. “I suddenly realized that being a leader was actually possible for anyone,” she says. “It doesn’t matter what your position is within an organization or the role you play — you can actually be a leader no matter what your job is.” Fowler began incorporating this outlook into her work at St. Boniface Hospital Foundation, which she joined in 2017 as a major gifts fundraiser. She ascended to her current role last March, yet her fundraising experience began decades ago

with a volunteer stint while working on a master’s degree in cultural anthropology. “I became quite fascinated with how different cultures around the world view medicine and disease and what that meant in health care,” she says. “Going into a fundraising organization as a volunteer suddenly brought me into the awareness that good things happen in health care because of donors’ support.” It seemed like a natural progression when Fowler accepted an entry-level position as her first foray in her fundraising career. “I started reading about philanthropy and what motivates people to be supportive in that way. I attended conferences and workshops with support from my employers over the years,” she says. “All that learning and on-the-job experience led me through a variety of fundraising positions, almost all of them with foundations that raise money to support health care, specifically hospitals.” From volunteer work to paid


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