Earth Day | 2023


APRIL 22, 2023

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April 22 nd is Earth Day Collect, protect and drop off your used batteries. This Earth Day, help protect the environment by making battery recycling a part of your regular routine. Call2Recycle makes it easy with over 600 convenient drop-off locations in Manitoba.

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2 SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 2023

On April 22, support environmental organizations to make our planet a work of art again.

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SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 2023 3

Cleaning up the city, one piece of litter at a time

BY TODD LEWYS S pring has sprung, and Tom Ethans of Take Pride Winnipeg is doing what he always does at this time of year: making plans to conduct a comprehensive city-wide clean-up. After the snow melts, it’s easier to see how much litter is out there. The good news is that people are chomping at the bit to get out and beautify the city after a long Manitoba winter. As things are looking now, the clean-up will likely coincide with Earth Day, which takes place on April 22. “Lots of people are asking for gloves and garbage bags, and we have six schools and eight businesses already lined up to help,” Ethans says. “West Kildonan Collegiate, which has over 850 students, is one of the schools that’s committed to joining us. We hope to be out in the latter part of April.” Turns out, Take Pride Winnipeg won’t be the only organization working to clean up the city on or around Earth Day. Downtown Winnipeg BIZ also planned to do their part to make the city’s downtown sparkle just prior to Earth Day. However, due to in- clement weather, the event will be rescheduled to a future date that will be determined soon. Pam Hardman, director of marketing, engagement and communica- tions at Downtown Winnipeg BIZ, is working hard to build momentum for the Earth Day CleanUp Downtown event. The purpose of the event is to bring out individuals and teams from workplaces and communities to pitch in and clean up downtown after the spring melt. Teams split up to scour six downtown sectors: the sports and enter- tainment district, Broadway-Assiniboine, the University of Winnipeg area, downtown east, north of Portage Avenue and Chinatown/North Main.


Photos submitted by Downtown BIZ


4 SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 2023

cigarette butts,” he says. “As unsightly as they are, they can be recycled, so there will actually be a purpose to collecting them. Even if you can come out and do it for an hour, it will help and add up dramatically.”


“We head outside to collect as much litter as we can, with our Enviro team taking care of the removal of full garbage bags,” Hardman says. “Participants are usually folks from different downtown offices, downtown residents, com- munity members and other supporters of down- town.” Suffice it to say the goal of both the Take Pride Winnipeg and Downtown Winnipeg BIZ is to re- move a ton of litter from the streets, boulevards and sidewalks both downtown and throughout the city. “We want to cover all of Winnipeg, even towns outside of Winnipeg,” Ethans says. “Let’s do clean-ups all over Manitoba, and do them on a regular basis.” Why are regular clean-ups so essential? “It’s all about what a community looks like,” he continues. “If an area looks good, you feel good. If it doesn’t, you don’t. It’s about the im- pression you create on visitors. They decide whether a city is a great place or a bad place to visit based on the way it looks. We want to create positive memories.” Part of that clean-up effort will extend from the spring through the summer, adds Ethans. “From May 15 to the end of July, we’re going to have volunteers go out to collect and count

Let’s do clean-ups all over Manitoba, and do them on a regular basis.”

— Tom Ethans, Take Pride Winnipeg

Ethans says keeping the city clean and tidy needs to be a collective effort. “We have a phenomenal province and a great city, and so many wonderful people who want to help. Taking an hour to clean up an area doesn’t take much; neither does picking up a piece of lit- ter and putting it in the garbage. We can make a difference both collectively and one person at a time.”

Photos submitted by Downtown BIZ

The eggs available in Manitoba grocery stores are produced by local egg farmers like the Loewen family of Arborg, Manitoba. Regulated egg farmers meet high standards in food safety and hen care. Nutritious | Affordable | Versatile Eggs SPONSORED CONTENT

Feel good about eating eggs anytime this Earth Day

A be Loewen is reducing the environmental footprint on his family’s egg farm near Arborg, Manitoba. The Loewen family invested in solar panels to heat and cool their home, along with the entire 12,600 laying hen barn on their property. “We enjoy seeing how sunshine can produce energy for our farm,” said Abe. “The solar panels produce 90% of the power required for the farm. The lights, the fans, feeding systems, water and pretty much everything else,” said Abe’s son Dylan Loewen, second generation egg farmer. The Loewens’ investment has paid off in many ways; the system is working beautifully

and is extremely low maintenance. The only requirement so far has been cleaning snow off the panels about half a dozen times throughout the winter. The family is also saving about $16,000 a year in energy costs. The Loewen family has proven to be early adopters as they were among the first egg farmers in the province to move away from conventional to new enriched housing. The enriched environment provides the birds with more space and enables them to express natural behaviours like perching, scratching and laying their eggs in private nesting areas. Regulated egg farmers like Abe Loewen are making huge strides in greening the egg industry. In fact, the environmental

footprint of Canada’s egg production supply chain declined by almost 50% between 1962 and 2012, while egg production increased by 50%. In March 2023, Egg Farmers of Canada announced its commitment to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 as the next step in the Canadian egg farming industry’s sustainability journey. The commitment builds on five decades of work to embrace research, innovation and techniques that support sustainable agricultural practices. Egg farmers across Canada will continue working to make their farms even more sustainable in the coming years.


SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 2023 5

Trade your lawn for vibrant native prairie plants

BY TODD LEWYS F or eons, a lush covering of grasses and wild- flowers grew in tall grass prairies across North America. Then, as settlers came to the continent from all over the globe, the tall grass prairie — some one-mil- lion-plus kilometres of it, which stretched from Texas to southern Manitoba — began to disappear. Today, just one per cent of the original tall grass prairie remains, with Winnipeg’s Living Prairie Museum being one of the few places where tall grass prairie (and the native prairie plants that

rie plants,” she says. “While it does take a bit of time, it’s well worth it.” Ruml says switching a yard over from tradi- tional grass to native prairie grasses and flowers is akin to planting a garden. “You’ll need to remove the sod and mulch around it. Ideally, you should buy plants that are already growing, but yards can also be seeded,” he says. “The advantage to using growing plants is that they will establish in a shorter amount of time.” Leask adds that it’s best to start small. “Do a corner, patch or border. Ideally, pick out a spot that’s about 70 to 80 square feet in size.” During the first season, the native prairie plants will need to be watered regularly for them to establish roots. Then, as they mature, their roots will go down deep, and the plants and flowers — ideally a mix that blooms evenly through the spring, summer and fall — will become taller, thicker and more vibrant. Before long, a mini ecosystem will form. “You’ll see more wildlife, as well as bumble- bees and even monarch butterflies,” Ruml notes. “It will be a way station for all sorts of different species and will have a wilder, garden-like look to it. It will be a very important spot for pollinators such as birds, bees and hummingbirds.” The vibrancy of native prairie plants and grasses is stunning, says Leask. “It’s a different esthetic with different colours and textures, with something always blooming. It can serve as a haven for wintering birds and aids in cooling, prevents soil erosion and stores carbon. It’s amazing what native prairie plants can do.” Native prairie plants are starting to show up in an increasing number of yards, says Ruml. “Little wonder. They’re more environ- ment-friendly and require less mowing, water- ing and fertilizing,” he says, adding that some weeding will be required. “While it will take some initial work to get the native prairie plants established, the payoff is a self-sustaining, low-maintenance garden that will serve as a vibrant way station for all kinds of different species.” For more information on how to establish your own native grass sanctuary, visit Prairie Originals website at To view native prai- rie plants in all their glory, visit the Living Prairie Museum this spring or summer.

comprise it) can be viewed in all its majesty. Spread over 13 hectares (or 30 acres), the Living Prairie Museum — which is located at 2795 Ness Ave. — is a preserve that’s populated by more than 150 different grass and wildflower species and a won- derful cross-section of prairie wildlife. Cameron Ruml, the museum’s cura- tor, says if you’re looking for a way to bring new life to your back or front yard, you should consider replacing your lawn with native prairie plants to create your very own tall grass prairie habitat.

“Actually, native prairie plants are well-adapted to the climate and are a natural part of the ecosystem here,” he says. “They were here long before the city, so they’re well-suited to our weather.” Kelly Leask of Selkirk-based Prairie Originals, a supplier of native prairie flower and plant seeds, concurs. “If you’re looking for an alternative to a traditional lawn, native prairie plants are a great option. They’re more resilient and are easier to care for,” Leask says. “Because of those qualities, a yard filled with native prairie plants is hardier than a tradi- tional lawn and requires much less maintenance.” That said, you can’t just dig up

If you’re looking for an alternative to a

traditional lawn, native prairie plants are a great option. They’re more resilient and are easier to care for.”

— Kelly Leask, Prairie Originals

your yard, plant a bunch of seeds and expect a vibrant tall grass prai- rie to magically appear in one grow- ing season. “It typically takes about two to four growing seasons to establish native prai-

Photos submitted by Living Prairie Museum


6 SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 2023

Earth Day is a nice opportunity for us to recognize our impact on the landscapes and try to make a positive change for future generations.”

— Sloan Cathcart, head of interpretation for Manitoba Parks

Celebrate Earth Day at Manitoba Parks

Photos submitted by Manitoba Parks

BY JENNIFER MCFEE E arth Day offers an ideal time to reflect on our envi- ronmental impact while enjoying a stroll through one of Manitoba’s scenic provincial parks. Sloan Cathcart, head of interpretation for Manito- ba Parks, encourages everyone to venture outdoors and enjoy a breath of fresh air in nature. “Earth Day is an opportunity for all of us to take a moment to pause and consider our environmental footprints on the world and how we can protect nature for future generations,” he says. “Here in provincial parks, we encourage everyone to get out- side for Earth Day and get connected to our own natural resourc- es and landscapes here in Manitoba.” Based on his own experience, Sloan clearly sees the benefits that people experience when they immerse themselves in the great outdoors.

“As a park interpreter myself, I strongly believe that through learning and discovering nature firsthand, it helps everyone grow in appreciation. Ultimately, that should lead to people wanting to take action and care for our landscapes,” he says. “Earth Day is a nice opportunity for us to recognize our impact on the landscapes and try to make a positive change for future generations. We don’t all have to make big radical changes. It’s also about just getting out and appreciating the nature that we have here at our backdoor.” At the same time, it’s important to recognize that we need to care for our Earth every single day of the year. “The important thing is we want to take care of the Earth every day in provincial parks and wherever we are. We always encour- age practising the principals of ‘leave no trace’ whenever you visit a park,” he says. “It’s not just about putting litter in bins — it’s also about plan- ning ahead and preparing for your adventure and for your visit to

a park or to a natural place to minimize your impact.” The “leave no trace” philosophy also involves travelling on des- ignated routes and trails to protect ecological systems. “It’s important to be being wildlife smart, while also keeping your pets on leash and cleaning up after your pets. We need to be considerate of others out there,” Cathcart says. “Parks can be busy places, and we’re all trying to get out and enjoy nature. We want to be respectful of everyone else who’s out there too.” Manitoba Parks is planning a park clean-up event at Birds Hill Provincial Park on Saturday, April 22 from 1:30 to 4 p.m. to cele- brate Earth Day. All ages are welcome to help out. “We encourage all public to come out for this event. We’ll have our park interpreters on site to meet up with people. You’ll be able to get some garbage bags and pickers and gloves,” Cathcart says.



SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 2023 7

“The important thing is we want to take care of the Earth every day in provincial parks and wherever we are.” — Sloan Cathcart, head of interpretation for Manitoba Parks

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The earth is in crisis. We must act NOW!

Fighting for action on climate change.

Photo submitted by Manitoba Parks

 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 “We have areas mapped out to direct people where we know there’s litter. We’ll also have some door prizes for people that pitch in. It should be a good time.” Attendees can sign up for designated route in the park to clean up — both short and long routes are available. After you return your items, you’ll be entered in a draw for a prize pack that in- cludes two free nights of camping in any provincial park. More information and online registration for the Birds Hill Clean Up event is available on the Manitoba Parks website at www.manito- under “Education and Interpretation.” Details will also be shared on the Manitoba Parks Facebook page.

Leah Gazan Member of Parliament Winnipeg Centre  204-984-1675 

Daniel Blaikie Member of Parliament Elmwood–Transcona  204-984-2499 

Niki Ashton Member of Parliament Churchill–Keewatinook Aski  1-866-785-0522 


8 SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 2023

See what the buzz is all about

In 2023, Oak Hammock Marsh celebrates a number of milestone anniversaries: 30 years of the Harry J. Enns Wetland Discovery Centre, 50 years of the wildlife management area and 85 years of Ducks Unlimited Canada, which has its national headquarters in the conservation centre.

BY KRISTIN MARAND T his Earth Day, a visit to Oak Ham- mock Marsh will give you a front- row seat to the flurry of spring activ- ities taking place in wetlands. Spring brings life of all kinds back to this vi- brant and thriving feeding, breeding and nest- ing ground. The 36-square-kilometre wildlife management area is located 20 minutes north of Winnipeg. “Spring is a revival,” says Jacques Bourgeois, who oversees marketing and communications for Oak Hammock Marsh. “Everything is com- ing back to life. The migrants are returning to the marsh, the hibernators are waking up, the flowers are blooming, the insects are filling up the air again. It’s a very exciting time of the year.” On Earth Day, Oak Hammock Marsh will of- fer green building tours of the Discovery Centre, home to the first and largest green roof in Man- itoba, 98 per cent of which is made up of prairie wildflowers and native grasses. If you are inter- ested in becoming a volunteer, you’ll be able to find out more at their volunteer drive. They are also offering a self-guided activity called the Wetland Wanderer Booklet, which is perfect for families. “We’ll give people a booklet and they can ex- plore the marsh and learn about the different facets of the wetland by either listening to bird sounds, by mapping what you see, by drawing things, by connecting the dots,” Bourgeois says. He adds that he hopes people will come to the marsh to see it first-hand because there’s noth- ing like being there to learn about and under- stand the importance of wetlands. “Wetlands are often referred to as ‘the rain- forests of the North’ in terms of biodiversity,” he says. They provide a safe habitat and rich feed- ing ground for countless species of fish, birds, insects and other animals. Wetlands also act like the kidneys of the Earth, cleaning the water nat- urally as well as capturing and stocking carbon. They can mitigate drought and prevent floods by absorbing excess moisture, like snow melt, and replenishing groundwater. If you haven’t visited the marsh recently, new features and activities await. There is a new virtual studio used to bring discussions to class- rooms across the province and beyond. The Wil- low Retreat, a new rental facility for sleepovers, camps, school programs, meetings and events, recently replaced the original clubhouse and interpretive centre built in the 1980s. A new self-guided canoe trail allows for more person- alized discovery, with interpretive panels placed throughout the marsh that visitors can paddle to at their own pace.

Photos submitted by Oak Hammock Marsh

During lockdown restrictions, Oak Hammock Marsh’s 30 kilometres of walking trails were heavily used, and Bourgeois suggests that many people found a renewed interest in the nature around them. Online birding work- shops were a big hit, since people want- ed to know what was living in their yard — and how to recognize, identify and attract them. Birding workshops along with many of the marsh’s signature events and activities are back in full swing. They recently celebrated Wetlands Day (Feb. 2) and hosted their annual contest to guess when the first goose would re- turn to the marsh. Their camps, Feath- ers to Fur, a joint discovery program with Fort Whyte Alive, and astronomy nights (September through April) are also fan favourites. In 2023, Oak Hammock Marsh cel- ebrates a number of milestone anni-

versaries: 30 years of the Harry J. Enns Wetland Discovery Centre, 50 years of the wildlife management area and 85 years of Ducks Unlimited Canada, which has its national headquarters in the conservation centre. There are also more renovations coming in the fall. “We are investing between $12 mil- lion and $15 million to upgrade every- thing — the whole conservation cen- tre’s plumbing, electrical, HVAC, but also all of the exhibits, the gift shop, the café, everything,” Bourgeois says. “It’s going to be a brand-new experience for visitors next year.” An Earth Day event will take place on April 22 from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Oak Hammock Marsh. Attendees can look for- ward to a green building tour, a self-guided marsh tour, exhibits and presentations about the benefits of wetlands, and a vol- unteer drive from 1 to 3 p.m.


SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 2023 9

Cut out this guide and post it on your fridge!

RECYCLING GUIDE Unsure of what can be recycled? Follow this guide to help.

UNACCEPTED MATERIALS Please do not place any of these items in your blue cart or blue bin


Aluminum food and beverage containers (e.g., soft drink cans, tuna cans, cookie tin containers)

Aluminum foil, pie plates, and trays

Cardboard and boxboard (e.g., cardboard boxes, cereal boxes, paper towel roll)

Black plastics

Ceramics and crystal

Cartons (e.g., milk cartons, soup cartons, juice boxes)

Foam packaging

Glass bottles and jars (e.g., salsa jars, wine bottles, olive oil bottles)

Food waste

Plastic packaging #1-7 (e.g., water bottles, laundry detergent bottles, margarine tubs, shampoo bottles)

Paper towels, napkins, and facial tissue

Plastic cutlery

Printed paper (e.g., newspaper, magazines, flyers)

Paper take-out beverage cups (e.g., coffee cups and paper soft drink cups)

Steel food and beverage containers (e.g., soup cans, sauce cans, pet food cans)


4R WINNIPEG DEPOTS The 4R Winnipeg Depots are a one-stop-shop for items that are still recyclable, but not in your curbside blue bin or cart. They will also accept household recyclables if your blue cart or blue bin are full.

Save space in your recycling by flattening boxes. If your boxes are too large to fit inside your recycling, break them down into smaller pieces. Toss your recyclables into the bin loosely. Don’t stuff containers inside one another. This allows them to be sorted easily at the Material Recovery Facility.

Ensure your containers and bottles are clean and empty. A quick rinse is always appreciated to get rid of any lingering smells or food residue. Leave lids and labels on your food and beverage containers. Don’t put anything in your blue bin that your community doesn’t accept. Check the Recyclepedia at or download the FREE app!

They will accept: • Batteries • Bicycles • Ceramics • Electronic waste • Household Hazardous Waste

• Large appliances • Large plastics • Scrap metal • Tires • Used oil • Wood • Yard waste

Take your recycling knowledge on the go by downloading the FREE Recyclepedia app on your smart device.

Space provided through a partnership between industry and Manitoba communities to support waste diversion programs


10 SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 2023

On the road to reducing waste

Milieu Market. Photo submitted by Milieu Market

Are you looking to get your household on the road to zero waste?

Milieu Market mobile refillery. Photo by Julia MacCharles

BY WENDY KING B ulk refill stores can show you the way. And the folks who run them are keen to share ideas, offer advice and explain just how it all works. Here’s a little primer to get you rolling. What is a bulk refill store? “A bulk refill store is a place where you can bring your own containers that are clean and dry to refill with your personal care and house- hold cleaning products,” says Julia MacCharles, owner at Milieu Market in Steinbach (milieu- “You can bring any clean container, plastic, glass or aluminum.” MacCharles says they also provide clean con- tainers donated from the community, as well as selling some new reusable containers. It’s a similar set-up at Planet Pantry at The Forks, which includes BYOC, donated, for de- posit and for purchase options. “If you don’t have your own container, you’re

never in too much of a pinch. We have options,” says Sam Soloway, CEO and co-founder at Planet Pantry ( What’s the procedure for filling containers? “Customers weigh their containers and then they’re welcome to fill it with as much product as they like, and we will do the rest,” Soloway says. “They don’t need to re-weigh it. We will do the math for them.” You can always ask for assistance with filling, especially if you are buying larger amounts, like laundry soap, for example. What will I find at a bulk refill store? You can get every kind of personal care item from dental products to body and hair care. “We also have deodorant, a chest rub simi- lar to Vicks, muscle rubs, sunscreen and bug sprays,” MacCharles says. You’ll also find what you need to clean house.

detergents and cleaners to bath and body care to hair care, skin care, oral care. We have essential oils in bulk and a lot more,” Soloway says. “We have other essential items, and what we carry is made to go safely back into the earth or to be reused over and over again instead of just single-use items.” What are the benefits of shopping at a bulk refill store? “Your experience is completely catered to you. Buying in bulk allows you to buy a small amount of a product before committing to it, or you can stock up if you want to make fewer trips which can help fit any budget,” Soloway says. “All of the products we carry are natural and biodegradable and are safe to go back into water- ways or back into the planet. There are no harm- ful chemicals or toxins that would be bad for the planet or its creatures.” Both Milieu Market and Planet Pantry care- fully source their inventory.

A bulk refill store is a place where you can bring your own containers that are clean and dry to refill with your personal care and household cleaning products. ”

— Julia MacCharles, owner at Milieu Market in Steinbach

“We have raw ingredients so people can make their own cleansers using citric acid, baking soda, borax, bleaching agent, vinegar and cas- tile soaps, and pre-mixed supplies,” MacCharles says. Planet Pantry has all your basics for personal and household care. “We carry all the everyday essentials, from



SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 2023 11

Sam Soloway, CEO and co-founder at Planet Pantry. Photo by Darcy Finley

Planet Pantry. Photos by Darcy Finley

All of the products we carry are natural and biodegradable and are safe to go back into waterways or back into the planet. “

— Sam Soloway, CEO and co-founder at Planet Pantry


“Almost all of our products come from Canadian brands, so you’re supporting your own economy, which is also con- tributing less emissions that come with shipping from over- seas into many different facilities,” Soloway says. Milieu Market also runs Milieu Market Mobile with de- livery from Steinbach to Winnipeg for curbside refills, al- lowing the van to serve many customers at once. “People can reserve a more convenient time and we can pull up curbside and people bring the bottles up for us to re- fill,” MacCharles says. “We can also deliver their online orders at the same time.” Both retailers also offer online ordering. To see lists of inventory, hours, events and other information: Find Plant Pantry ( at 25 Forks Market Rd., The Forks Market. Find Milieu Market ( at 275 Main St., Unit 2 in Steinbach.


12 SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 2023

Starting Your Spring Cleaning? The 4R Winnipeg Depots are a free way to keep items out of the landfill. For more information on accepted items and locations visit , call 311 or email Space provided through a partnership between industry and Manitoba communities to support waste diversion programs.

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