Earth Day | 2023


SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 2023 5

Trade your lawn for vibrant native prairie plants

BY TODD LEWYS F or eons, a lush covering of grasses and wild- flowers grew in tall grass prairies across North America. Then, as settlers came to the continent from all over the globe, the tall grass prairie — some one-mil- lion-plus kilometres of it, which stretched from Texas to southern Manitoba — began to disappear. Today, just one per cent of the original tall grass prairie remains, with Winnipeg’s Living Prairie Museum being one of the few places where tall grass prairie (and the native prairie plants that

rie plants,” she says. “While it does take a bit of time, it’s well worth it.” Ruml says switching a yard over from tradi- tional grass to native prairie grasses and flowers is akin to planting a garden. “You’ll need to remove the sod and mulch around it. Ideally, you should buy plants that are already growing, but yards can also be seeded,” he says. “The advantage to using growing plants is that they will establish in a shorter amount of time.” Leask adds that it’s best to start small. “Do a corner, patch or border. Ideally, pick out a spot that’s about 70 to 80 square feet in size.” During the first season, the native prairie plants will need to be watered regularly for them to establish roots. Then, as they mature, their roots will go down deep, and the plants and flowers — ideally a mix that blooms evenly through the spring, summer and fall — will become taller, thicker and more vibrant. Before long, a mini ecosystem will form. “You’ll see more wildlife, as well as bumble- bees and even monarch butterflies,” Ruml notes. “It will be a way station for all sorts of different species and will have a wilder, garden-like look to it. It will be a very important spot for pollinators such as birds, bees and hummingbirds.” The vibrancy of native prairie plants and grasses is stunning, says Leask. “It’s a different esthetic with different colours and textures, with something always blooming. It can serve as a haven for wintering birds and aids in cooling, prevents soil erosion and stores carbon. It’s amazing what native prairie plants can do.” Native prairie plants are starting to show up in an increasing number of yards, says Ruml. “Little wonder. They’re more environ- ment-friendly and require less mowing, water- ing and fertilizing,” he says, adding that some weeding will be required. “While it will take some initial work to get the native prairie plants established, the payoff is a self-sustaining, low-maintenance garden that will serve as a vibrant way station for all kinds of different species.” For more information on how to establish your own native grass sanctuary, visit Prairie Originals website at To view native prai- rie plants in all their glory, visit the Living Prairie Museum this spring or summer.

comprise it) can be viewed in all its majesty. Spread over 13 hectares (or 30 acres), the Living Prairie Museum — which is located at 2795 Ness Ave. — is a preserve that’s populated by more than 150 different grass and wildflower species and a won- derful cross-section of prairie wildlife. Cameron Ruml, the museum’s cura- tor, says if you’re looking for a way to bring new life to your back or front yard, you should consider replacing your lawn with native prairie plants to create your very own tall grass prairie habitat.

“Actually, native prairie plants are well-adapted to the climate and are a natural part of the ecosystem here,” he says. “They were here long before the city, so they’re well-suited to our weather.” Kelly Leask of Selkirk-based Prairie Originals, a supplier of native prairie flower and plant seeds, concurs. “If you’re looking for an alternative to a traditional lawn, native prairie plants are a great option. They’re more resilient and are easier to care for,” Leask says. “Because of those qualities, a yard filled with native prairie plants is hardier than a tradi- tional lawn and requires much less maintenance.” That said, you can’t just dig up

If you’re looking for an alternative to a

traditional lawn, native prairie plants are a great option. They’re more resilient and are easier to care for.”

— Kelly Leask, Prairie Originals

your yard, plant a bunch of seeds and expect a vibrant tall grass prai- rie to magically appear in one grow- ing season. “It typically takes about two to four growing seasons to establish native prai-

Photos submitted by Living Prairie Museum

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