Red Trail CruiZers Car Club Club theme: Bringing together people in fellowship who have a genuine love for special interest vehicles and automobiles. The owning of this type of vehicle is not a condition of membership,only the interest of classic and special interest vehicles is necessary. Membership is drawn from towns along and around # 2 highway. Everyone is welcome. club information is sent out to members by email or mail throughout the year. Because of our small town environment some club information is posted on the RM of Victoria website. Meetings are held as needed and to plan the local car show. Members are also contacted by phone upon request. We do focus on family and fun. MEETING INFO: Hollander Hotel and Restaurant usually on Wednesdays, as required. We try to use it as a cruise night meeting. For more info contact: Wayne Preston River City Cruisers Club theme: It all began in 2001. River City Cruisers car club is having so much fun with our retro/modern car, truck, van. It’s been said that the styling could be like a 1939 Chrysler, or a light truck, or sort of a mini van (when the seats are out) or you might say it’s a car or a sports utility vehicle. Who cares! If it wasn’t for this stubby little station wagon ... we wouldn’t have met such nice friends. MEETING INFO: Every 3rd Sunday of the month for dinner meetings. In the summer we join car shows every week in Winnipeg & surrounding area. For more info contact: 204-526-2127 204-648-4425 presto@mymts.net Barb Grift 204-526-2355 barb_grift@hotmail.com
Road Rebels Club theme: A club for anyone who enjoys cars, trucks, motorcycles and special interest vehicles. Family oriented with a focus on having a good time while preserving and promoting the automotive hobby. We raise money and volunteer for Elspeth Reid Family Resource Centre in Brandon. Open to anyone who has an interest in motorized vehicles, vehicle ownership is not a requirement. MEETING INFO: 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7:30 P.M. at Huggy’s Restaurant/ Thunderbird Bowl Blue Room, 2140 Currie Blvd., Brandon, MB. For more info contact: Dave Burba 204-729-5808 roadrebels@mts.net www.facebook.com/roadrebelscarclub Club theme: Restoration of old farm equipment, attending farm related parades through out Manitoba. MEETING INFO: First Wednesday each month. 8:00 p.m. Location Stonewall Mb. 315-2nd Street East. Christ the King Roman Catholic Church, Parish Hall. For more info contact: Roy Adams 204-336-0903 rna@mymts.net Club theme: Aimed towards any auto enthusiast in the Beausejour/Brokenhead and surrounding area (vehicle ownership not required). We raise funds from our annual car show to support area children, children’s groups & our local foodbank. MEETING INFO: Held at the Beausejour Legion or Beauhead Seniors Complex. Dates & times to be determined. For more info contact: Rocklands Antique Club SHADES OF THE PAST CAR CLUB
Springfield Tractor Club Club theme: We are a group of approximately 40 members in Eastern Manitoba, Canada with an interest in restoring and preserving old farm equipment, mainly tractors. Geographically we are located just east of the city of Winnipeg, Manitoba, an area first settled in the early 1900’s. It is mainly an exceptionally flat flood plain adjacent to the Red River Of The North. Large steam powered traction engines were used to break the grassland which was subsequently farmed with horses until smaller gas or distillate powered tractors arrived upon the scene in the 1920’s. Continual progress was made in the design and function of the tractors in the following decades and that is what our club strives to preserve. Our social functions include a meeting every second Thursday of the month from October to April and equipment displays at various events throughout southern Manitoba during the summer. MEETING INFO: Second Thursday of the month, October to April, at Springfield Public Library in Dugald Manitoba. For more info contact: Steinbach Lions Charity Car Show Club theme: We are a non profit organization of car enthusiasts who put on a car show to raise funds to supply specialized mobility equipment for those in need. MEETING INFO: As many as required to get things done. Location varies. For more info contact: Jarrod 204-371-8438 jarrod_bradley@yahoo.com Vaughn Bergen 204-392-3735 lionscarshow.ca John Holland 204-853-7452 iamjohn@mts.net
Gloria Hiebert 204-336-0903 redcruisergirl@yahoo.ca www.rivercityptcruisers.com
Jon Delannoy 204-268-4467 jontracy@mymts.net
maac Event Guide & Auto Club Directory 2015
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