1970 CHEVROLET CHEVELLE SS Lily Pad Cruisers Car Club
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MAAC is a non-profit association for the promotion and protection of the antique and specialty vehicle hobby in Manitoba. Made up of over 50 individual member clubs across the province, we are the recognized voice for specialty vehicle owners on matters concerning the automotive hobby with all levels of government. We are proud that MPI has partnered with MAAC to help them administer the Collector Vehicle Program and special retro license plate. Visit our website at www.maac.cc for more information. MAAC works with police agencies to promote programs for the safe maintenance and operation of motor vehicles, and we publicly promote MAAC and our Associate Clubs on the policy of safe and responsible vehicle use. MAAC assists Associate Clubs across the province in coordinating and advertising their club events. We promote and encourage youth to take an interest in the specialty vehicle hobby, and maintain a working relationship with
National and International automotive organizations such as NAACC and SEMA. MAAC advocates and promotes the safe and responsible enjoyment of classic and specialty vehicles as well as motorcycles. MAAC does not in any way condone illegal activity such as street racing, dangerous driving or tire squealing.
MAAC is a proud supporter of the
7th Annual Collector Car Appreciation Day FRIDAY, JULY 14, 2017 MAAC and its member clubs invite everyone to help celebrate the Heritage and Culture of the Automobile... OWNERS, GET OUT AND DRIVE YOUR BABY ON THAT DAY! PUBLIC, ENJOY THE SIGHTS AND SOUNDS OF THE OLD DAYS! We’re working on exciting events to help show what the Collector Vehicle Community and its members do for the various charities and businesses in the Province of Manitoba. Check our website throughout the spring for more info. maac.cc
GENERAL INQUIRIES: info@maac.cc MEDIA RELATIONS: media@maac.cc
2017 MEETING DATES March 29 April 26 May 31 September 27 October 25 November 29 June, July, August, December - NO MEETINGS 2018 MEETING DATES January 31 February 28 March 28 April 25
CHAIRMAN: Robert Elms Email: chairman@maac.cc VICE CHAIRPERSON: Daryll Hyslop Email: vicechairman@maac.cc SAFETY & LEGISLATION: Gary Glowa Email: legislation@maac.cc MPI COLLECTOR VEHICLE PROGRAM: Bob Chubala Email: collectorplates@maac.cc
567 CLUB OF MANITOBA CLUB THEME: Preservation and restoration of 1955, 1956, and 1957 Chevrolets. MEETING INFO: First Thursday of the month at 7:30PM, Bronx Park Community Club, 720 Henderson Highway. Jim Beilby, 204-801-4708 jjbeilby@shaw.ca clubs.hemmings.com/567clubofmanitoba/ AMC MANITOBA CAR CLUB CLUB THEME: AMC and all associated vehicles and enthusiasts. MEETING INFO: Third Wednesday of each month, 7:00PM. Please contact club for location. Meetings held January to June and September to November. John Cormack, 204-772-6872 john.cormack@shaw.ca www.amcman.com BORDER HILLS CAR CLUB CLUB THEME: Car guys putting on an annual car show. MEETING INFO: First Wednesday of summer months at the Outpost Grill, Winkler, MB. Malcolm Doney, 204-362-0529 BRANDON & AREA CAR ENTHUSIASTS (B.A.C.E.) All vehicle owners and enthusiasts welcome. MEETING INFO: No regular meetings held. Dave Burba, 204-729-5808 bace.ca@gmail.com www.bace.ca CHROME ADDICTS CAR CLUB CLUB THEME: This club promotes the car hobby in all it’s forms. Members are not required to own a car/truck, the members must only be enthusiastic toward the hobby and the car/trucks. We have two major events that we organize. A car show “Chrome in the Trees” held in conjunction with the Brandon Summer Fair in June. Every third year the club organizes “Super Run” in conjunction with other club and individual volunteers... 2019 is the next one. MEETING INFO: We have no regularly scheduled monthly meeting and only meet when the urge reaches us or when we are planning an event. Russ Dayman, 204-728-5470 rday1948@hotmail.com
GIMLI CAR CLUB INC. CLUB THEME: Everyone and anyone with the love for motor vehicles and the people who are involved with the preservation. Ownership of a vehicle is not mandatory, and is open to all makes and types of vehicles. MEETING INFO: Every third Monday night, 7:00 PM at the Lakeview Resort in Gimli, MB.
CLUB THEME: Corvette and Corvette enthusiasts. Member of the Canadian Council of Corvette Clubs - Western Region. MEETING INFO: The last Tuesday of every month. Travel dinner meetings during the Summer driving season. Check our website for locations. Wayne Blahut, 204-222-2801 Wayne@Blahut.ca Jim Penziwol, 204-782-6462, 204-837-4494 Jim.Penziwol@mymts.net www.corvettemanitoba.com COUNTRY CLASSICS CAR CLUB CLUB THEME: Classic and Muscle Cars. MEETING INFO: First Wednesday of the month during winter. Bruce Martin, 204-346-3486
John Hykawy, 204-641-5444 jtcb@mymts.net Jim Sexton, 204-642-4083, 204-642-3622 sexton@mymts.net Facebook - Gimli Car Club Inc. KILDONAN EAST COLLEGIATE CAR CLUB
CLUB THEME: Kildonan East Collegiate Car Club is open to all students at KEC. Our goal is to encourage young people to become involved in the automobile hobby in a safe manner and expose them to correct procedures for restoring or modifying vehicles, as well as operating them in a safe manner. Dan Labossiere, 204-667-2960 dlabossiere@retsd.mb.ca www.kec.retsd.mb.ca LEGENDS CAR CLUB INC. CLUB THEME: For enthusiasts who enjoy rides of all kinds. You don’t have to own a vehicle to be a member or to participate. We host a cancer run each spring. We host our annual car show at the Sunflower Festival in the Centennial Park every July. We host a 1/8 mile drag race weekend at our local airport which we donate a portion of the net proceeds to charity. MEETING INFO: Second Tuesday in months of January, February, March, April, May, June, September, October, and November. Irv Loewen,
bruce@martindiesel.net Rick Fast, 204-346-4010 rkfast@mymts.net DIAMONDS CAR CLUB OF MANITOBA
CLUB THEME: A family oriented car club, dedicated to preserving and enjoying classic cars. MEETING INFO: Third Wednesday, every second month. Meeting locations vary. Gord Boles, 204-667-1427 shaun_gord@hotmail.com FABULOUS 50’S FORD CLUB OF MANITOBA INC. CLUB THEME: Preservation, restoration, and enjoyment of 1949 through 1960 Ford vehicles. Open to all enthusiasts. MEETING INFO: Last Thursday of every month (January through to November) at the Viscount Gort Hotel, 1670 Portage Ave., Winnipeg, MB. at 7:00 PM. Larry D’Argis, 204-487-1559, 204-799-1603 57ford@mymts.net Betty Lannoo, 204-453-4871, 204-228-1779 blannoo@shaw.ca www.fabulous50sford.com
204-324-6992, 204-324-7145 legendscarclub@mymts.net www.legendscarclub.ca
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LILY PAD CRUISERS CLUB THEME: A day to enjoy all antique, classic, and special interest vehicles. MEETING INFO: First Monday of the month 7:00 PM, Hunt’s Country Road House between the months May-September. Faye Drummond mrs.faye.drummond@gmail.com www.lilypadcruisers.com MANITOBA CLASSIC AND preservation, restoration and admiration of all vehicles 25 years and older. You don’t have to own a vehicle to be a member or to participate. We tend towards unmodified vehicles, but have an appreciation for all restored cars. MEETING INFO: November-April (winter), second Sunday of the month, 2:00 PM. May-October (summer), second Thursday of the month, 7:00 PM. All meetings held at Headingley Community Centre, 5353 Portage Avenue, Headingley, MB. Ray Olson, 204-831-8704, 204-805-3475 president@mcaac.com Doug McRae, 204-771-1229 doug@plainsmanequipment.com www.mcaac.mb.ca MANITOBA ELECTRIC VEHICLE ASSOCIATION (MEVA) ANTIQUE AUTO CLUB CLUB THEME: Dedicated to the CLUB THEME: In Manitoba, there are over five thousand vehcles powered by electric motors: cars, trucks, motorcycles, buses (even boats!) etc. A few saavy MEVA members have converted various internal-combustion-powered vehicles to electric power. Some have purchased electric vehicles (EVs) from manufacturers. Others are contemplating an EV purchase or conversion. What we all share is our passion for electric vehicles. They’re environmentally-friendly, inexpensive to operate, low-maintenance and SO MUCH FUN TO DRIVE! MEETING INFO: 7:00 pm, the last Thursday of every month, from January to November, usually in Room E2-350 of the U. of M. Engineering Building. (Check www.manitobaev.ca to be sure.) Visitors are welcome. Doug Tataryn, 204-297-4434 dtataryn@mts.net
MANITOBA MOPAR ASSOCIATION CLUB THEME: The Manitoba MOPAR Association is a group of MOPAR (Dodge, Plymouth, Chrysler, Desoto and AMC) enthusiasts. Our mandate is to responsibly enjoy our MOPARs and contribute to the promotion of the automotive hobby. We encourage anyone with an interest in MOPARs (either classic or modern) to join us at one of our events. MEETING INFO: Meetings are the second Wednesday of each month. Location varies, so please visit our website, www.mbmopar. com for meeting location and details. Paul Kun, 204-853-7939 pkun440@gmail.com www.mbmopar.com MANITOBA MUSTANG AND FORD ASSOCIATION CLUB THEME: Ownership is not essential, enthusiasm is! The MMFA is for Mustang and Ford owners, family, and friends. The club hosts several show and shines each year, and several other events for members and family. The MMFA is a member of the International Mustang Meet Association, which hosts a large show every year. Everyone is welcome to join in our informal Friday night cruises every Friday evening from mid-May to October (weather permitting). Check our website for more information. MEETING INFO: The MMFA meets the last Tuesday of every month (except December), with road trips meetings from May through October. Derrick Ramsey, 204-661-1268 r66pony@gmail.com www.manitobamustang.org MANITOBA OLDSMOBILE CAR CLUB CLUB THEME: Preservation of Oldsmobiles. We build them and drive them to show people the cars of yesterday. We also put on our annual car show to benifit the Children’s Rehabilitation Foundation.
CLUB THEME: Dedicated to the promotion, preservation, restoration, and admiration of Pontiac, Buick, and Oldsmobile vehicles. MEETING INFO: First Tuesday of every month (except December and January) at 7:00 PM. Summer meetings may start at 7:30 PM. Meetings are held at various locations around Winnipeg. Please check our website for more info.
Craig Winters, 204-771-1127 info@manitobapontiac.com www.manitobapontiac.com MANITOBA STREET ROD ASSOCIATION
CLUB THEME: The Manitoba Street Rod Association (M.S.R.A.) was formed to promote interest in the various types of street rod activities among members and to create understanding by the general public, the press, and law enforcement agencies toward such activities. The MSRA was formed in July 1972. MEETING INFO: MSRA meets at 7:30 PM the second Monday of each month at the SCCY building, 1155 Notre Dame Avenue. Don Swaffer, 204-389-5254 admin@msra.mb.ca Heather Harding, 204-805-2259 admin@msra.mb.ca www.msra.mb.ca MELITA 3 & 83 CRUISERS CLUB THEME: We are a group of people who enjoy meeting and cruising in our antique automobiles. MEETING INFO: Casually. Contact for meeting details. Pat Green, 204-522-3671, 204-522-5091 Vern Mills, 204-522-8271 millsey@mymts.net MEMORY LANE CLASSICS CLUB THEME: Bring together in good fellowship, persons who have a genuine interest in automobiles and special interest vehicles. Owning a vehicle is not a condition for membership, only an interest in classic and special interest vehicles is required. MEETING INFO: Second Monday of the month at Canada Inns, 1125 18th St., Brandon, MB. Grant Gillis, 204-726-4382, 204-761-1753 ggillis@mts.net www.memorylaneclassics.ca
David Lenton, 204-795-5050 dlenton@mymts.net Colin Gow, 204-981-5019 ccig14@hotmail.com
Robert Elms, 204-488-4927 robert.elms@manitobaEV.ca www.manitobaev.ca
Hey, Car Clubs! Looking for a really cool place to hold your next event?
MID CANADA MINI GROUP CLUB THEME: For the restoration and preservation of classic Minis. MEETING INFO: Call for meeting locations and times. Geordie Despins, 204-339-7964, 204-230-6160 my78mini@mymts.net MINNEDOSA VALLEY CRUIZERS CLUB THEME: Interest in all vehicles and the collector club hobby. Do not need a vehicle to join just a passion for them. Don Morrison, 204-826-2062, 204-412-7006 don.holly.morrison@gmail.com Ray Woodcock, 204-867-7572 MITSUBISHI CLUB OF MANITOBA CLUB THEME: A group of people who share the same passion. Jhay Regalado, 204-960-0008 Jhay_regalado@hotmail.com MODERN MOPARS OF MANITOBA CLUB THEME: Modern Mopars of Manitoba (previously known as MBLX) is a community that primarily consists of Dodge, Jeep, and Chrysler late model vehicle enthusiasts, but all Mopar enthusiasts are welcome. Modern Mopars of Manitoba actively participates in car shows throughout the province and neighboring areas, racing at Interlake Dragways, and responsible Sunday night cruising. Group events such as “Mod Days” are also organized to encourage and assist all members with maintenance and personalization of their vehicles. MEETING INFO: Meetings and events are organized by its members through the Facebook group Modern Mopars
We have lots of space on our Large Paved Parking Lot! Indoor Meeting Facility also available EUROPEAN CAR SHOW AND SHINE May 28 th (Rain Date August 27 th ) 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. M.C.A.A.C. CAR SHOW & SHINE June 10 th 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. OLDSMOBILE CLUB SHOW & SHINE June 18 th (Rain Date June 25 th ) Noon to 4:00 p.m. TAILGATERS TRUCK SHOW & SWAP MEET August 19 th (Rain Date Aug. 20 th ) 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Contact Rob or Larry at 204-889-3132 *Ext 4 Email: robnowosad@shaw.ca Headingley Heritage Centre 5353 Portage Avenue (5 kms West of the Perimeter) www.jimsvintagegarages.ca see us on Facebook Jim’s Vintage Garages
of Manitoba. Llew Taylor, 204-960-8154 llew.taylor@yahoo.ca
Peter Aimoe, 204-253-2863 paimoe@shaw.ca Facebook - Modern Mopars of Manitoba NO LIMITS CAR CLUB
CLUB THEME: Established in 1996, we’re a family oriented club for Modern Modifieds of all makes, models and years. We’re mainly based out of Winnipeg and Brandon, but have members throughout North America. We attend car shows and other charities throughout Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Ontario, North Dakota, and Minnesota during the summer months with a variety of cars, trucks, SUV’s, motorcycles, and specialties (bicycles and others). MEETING INFO: Meets are chosen by our members via our Facebook page. Darren Darvill , 204-761-4112 ddarvill204@gmail.com
Adam Fleming, 204-292-1079 www.facebook.com/nolimitscarclub
RIVER CITY CRUISERS CLUB THEME: It all began in 2001. River City Cruisers car club is having so much fun with our retro/modern car, truck, van. It’s been said that the styling could be like a 1939 Chrysler, or a light truck, or sort of a mini van (when the seats are out) or you might say it’s a car or a sports utility vehicle. Who cares! If it wasn’t for this stubby little station wagon ... we wouldn’t have met such nice friends. MEETING INFO: In the winter we meet every 3rd Sunday of the month for dinner meetings. In the summer we join car shows every week in Winnipeg and surrounding area.
CLUB THEME: Preservation and restoration of antique car, truck and farm machinery (tractors, etc.). Annual thrashing event weather permitting. MEETING INFO: Meetings are the first Thursday of the month at various members locations from November through April. Other meetings at the call of the chair. Location - various members homes. Norm Swenson, 204-353-2357 swens90@outlook.com Bill Fleury,
CLUB THEME: The Prairie Association of Stock Car Auto Racing (PASCAR) is an incorporated non-profit organization championing automotive education, skill building, safety, and fun by providing low cost, safe, family oriented opportunities - on and off the track - to build skills, learn about automobile safety, and event organization through “grass roots” 4 cylinder stock car racing. Our motto is “Addicted to Adrenaline, Dedicated to Safety”. Spectators, participants, and volunteers have numerous opportunities to get as involved in various aspects of racing, event and organizational planning, and management. MEETING INFO: Second Sunday of the Month, 1:00 PM at Westman Premier Homes Shop, 1514 Rideau Street, Brandon, MB (winter months) OR Souris Glenwood Dirt Stock Car Track (summer months= race season). Check website and Facebook for updates. Matt Boatsman mattbootsman@gmail.com James Sewell jsewell@wcgwave.ca www.pascar.ca PRAIRIE COMMAND MILITARY VEHICLE ASSOCIATION CLUB THEME: The purpose of the PCMVA is to provide an organization for individuals who are dedicated to the history, restoration, operation and preservation of historic military vehicles. MEETING INFO: No regular meetings or location, determined by executive. Gord Falk, 204-326-1933 gordfalk@mymts.net www.prairiecommand.homestead.com RED RIVER JEEP CLUB CLUB THEME: JEEPS! A family oriented club that loves to play in our Jeeps. MEETING INFO: First Wednesday of every month (unless otherwise posted) at Jeffrey’s Restaurant, 1420 Henderson Hwy, Winnipeg at 7:30 PM. Raymond Millis, 204-981-7714 scarletfever71@hotmail.com Gary Roberts payments@redriverjeepclub.com www.redriverjeepclub.com
204-375-6540, 204-461-2042 bill@mrfleury.com RED TRAIL CRUIZERS CAR CLUB
Gloria Hiebert, 204-336-0903 redcruisergirl@yahoo.ca www.rivercityptcruisers.com ROAD REBELS
CLUB THEME: Bringing together people in fellowship who have a genuine love for special interest vehicles and automobiles. The owning of this type of vehicle is not a condition of membership, only the interest of classic and special interest vehicles is necessary. Membership is open to any interested persons in towns and rural areas including the Tiger Hills Area and beyond. Everyone is welcome. Club information is sent out to members by email or mail throughout the year. Because of our small town environment some club information is posted on the RM of Victoria website. Meetings are held as needed and to plan the local car show. Members are also contacted by phone upon request. We do focus on family and fun. MEETING INFO: Held in different towns as voted by membership at each meeting. Wayne Preston,
CLUB THEME: A club for anyone who enjoys cars, trucks, motorcycles and special interest vehicles. Family oriented with a focus on having a good time while preserving and promoting the automotive hobby. We raise money and volunteer for Elspeth Reid Family Resource Centre in Brandon. Open to anyone who has an interest in motorized vehicles, vehicle
ownership is not a requirement. MEETING INFO: We meet the 2nd
Wednesday of each month at 7:30 PM at Huggy’s Restaurant/Thunderbird Bowl Blue Room, 2140 Currie Blvd., Brandon, MB. Dave Burba, 204-729-5808 roadrebels@mts.net www.facebook.com/roadrebelscarclub ROCKLANDS ANTIQUE CLUB CLUB THEME: Farm related equipment and vehicle restoration. Presently relocating to new location. Updated info to follow. MEETING INFO: Contact directly for latest meeting info. Roy Adams, 204-389-6606 rna@mymts.net Lloyd Harris, 204-467-8481 ROUTE 34 CLASSICS CLUB THEME: Attending local car shows in and around Austin, Manitoba. MEETING INFO: Various locations - contact for more info. Marvin Jedel, 204-466-2780 mljedel@yahoo.ca
204-526-2127, 204-648-4425
presto@mymts.net Tamara Greenlay, 204-526-2710 tamarag@mts.net www.redtrailcruizers.ca
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SPRINGFIELD TRACTOR CLUB CLUB THEME: Group of approximately 40 members in Eastern Manitoba, with an interest in restoring and preserving old farm equipment, mainly tractors. Our social functions include a meeting every second Thursday October to April, and equipment displays at various events throughout southern Manitoba during the summer.
UNRESTRICTED EMPIRE CLUB THEME: We are a local car enthusiast group based out of Winnipeg. We started our group in 2015 and have been hosting meets since then. Our goal is to give people a safe environment to enjoy and share their passion. We work with the Police to ensure safety of the participants and the public at our events. Our name, ‘Unrestricted Empire’ is based on the fact we do not have restrictions on the vehicles that show up to our events. Follow us on our Facebook page for club events and updates. MEETING INFO: We meet every Sunday at 550 Sterling Lyon Parkway from 8:30 PM to 10:00 PM. Meets are open to ALL enthusiasts. Follow us on our Facebook page for club events and updates. Kristina Skarpias, 204-996-5494 kristinaskarpias@hotmail.com www.facebook.com/unrestrictedempire/ VINTAGE CRUISERS INC. CLUB THEME: Antique and classic cars, trucks, street rods, and other special interest vehicles. MEETING INFO: Club meets second Tuesday of each month at Portage Collegiate auto shop classroom at 7:30 PM. Lorne Edwards, 204-414-4151, 204-227-6894 into.tin@gmail.com Meechelle Best, 204-322-5678, 204-856-3291 meebest62@gmail.com
CLUB THEME: Aimed towards any auto enthusiast in the Beausejour/Brokenhead and surrounding area (vehicle ownership not required). We raise funds from our annual car show to support area children, childrens groups, and our local foodbank. MEETING INFO: Held at the Beausejour Legion or Beauhead Seniors Complex. Dates and times to be determined. Jon Delannoy, 204-268-4467 jontracy@mymts.net Jack Komadowski, 204-268-2216 jkomadow@mymts.net www.facebook.com/Shades of the Past Car Club SHILO AUTO CLUB CLUB THEME: Military Base Auto club. MEETING INFO: Meetings are as required.
MEETING INFO: Meeting second Thursday of the month, October to April, at Springfield Public Library in Dugald Manitoba.
John Holland, 204-853-7452
iamjohn@mts.net Claude Roeland, 204-981-4098 rgfarm@mymts.net TAILGATE ASSOCIATION OF MANITOBA
Brian Dempsey, 204-765-3000 brian.dempsey@forces.gc.ca Brette Olsen brette.olsen@forces.gc.ca
CLUB THEME: The Tailgate Association of Manitoba is open to all truck owners or truck enthusiasts. Ours is a “Family” club and wives, kids, and pets are welcome at gatherings. MEETING INFO: Barbecues through the year. For those who can make it, a weekly coffee gathering at San Vito Cafe (corner of Portage Avenue and Mount Royal) each Thursday at 2:30 PM. Bill Ewing, 204-885-1869 westwing@mymts.net
www.cafconnection.ca/shilo/in-my- community/clubs/Auto-club.aspx SOUTHWEST CLASSIC CRUIZERS CLUB THEME: Socialize with like minded individuals, relating to cars, trucks, motorcycles, etc. MEETING INFO: Meetings held as required. Contact for details. Scott Murray, 204-483-3238, 204-741-1960 thh@mymts.net Carman Tufts, 204-483 2274, 204-761-8984 tuftsmac@mts.net www.esouris.com/scc
Richard Makar, 204-888-4939 rmaker1@shaw.ca www.tailgateclub.ca
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CLUB THEME: Weekend Warriors Off-Road Expedition Unit was formed on the basis of family oriented, fun, exciting, adventurous club runs. We, as a club, practice Tread Lightly on every run we host. As an organization, we endeavor to provide socialization, knowledge, and family activities for club members. To gain recognition in the community and promote a positive attitude; we will comply with the philosophy and principals of Tread Lightly at all events. The Weekend Warriors stand by the Tread Lightly philosophy in an effort to preserve and work with areas so we may return again. We promote safe four-wheeling for both the participants and environment and believe that when using a trail, you should leave nothing behind and take only memories with you. Club members believe strongly in the sport and are determined to keep promoting its safe and responsible aspects. When on the trail, if a rig was to break down for reasons unknown, stuck, lost or whatever it shall be - NOBODY IS EVER LEFT BEHIND! MEETING INFO: Monthly meetings are held at Silver Heights Restaurant, 2169 Portage Avenue, every 3rd week of the month (we usually swap between Tuesday’s and Thursday’s). We will post on Facebook (www.facebook.com/groups/weekendwarriorsmb/) what day the meeting will be. Meetings start at 7:00 PM (members wanting to eat before meeting are encouraged to come for 6:00 PM). Meeting usually lasts approx. 30 - 45 minutes. Mike Scott, 204-250-4626, tjroughrider2006@gmail.com www.weekendwarriors-mb.ca www.facebook.com/groups/weekendwarriorsmb/” WHEELS CAR CLUB CLUB THEME: To promote restoration and use of special interest and high performance classic cars and trucks. MEETING INFO: Third Thursday of every month at various locations. John Neustaedter, 204-745-7387, johnneu@mymts.net WILDERNESS & OFF-ROAD ENTHUSIASTS CLUB THEME: 4x4s, Trail driving, Rock crawling, Building trucks, Protecting our sport, and web wheeling! MEETING INFO: Check our website for details. Keith Tarr, 204-223-8211, worepr@hotmail.com www.wore.ca WINNIPEG RIVER CAR CLUB CLUB THEME: All Antique, Classic, and General Interest vehicles. MEETING INFO:7:00 PM on the 1st Tuesday of each month (excluding January and February) at Brookfield Auto Body,
Hawk Auto & Truck Accessories TRUCK • VAN • CAR • SUV
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McArthur Avenue, Lac du Bonnet. Armand Juenke, 204-345-9176 ajuenke@mymts.net
Mission St.
YELLOWHEAD ROADRUNNERS AUTO CLUB CLUB THEME: A regional organization of auto enthusiasts of all kinds from Neepawa, Carberry, Minnedosa, and McCreary. MEETING INFO: Meet the second Monday of each month. Contact for locations. Bert DeKoning, 204-966-3846, 204-841-3121 bert@tridekon.ca www.roadrunnersautoclub.com Gord Boles, 204-667-1427, shaun_gord@hotmail.com
Dugald Rd.
PH: (204) 237-4295 Email: hawktrucks@mts.net Fax: (204) 231-8565 • www.hawktrucks.com
APRIL 23 - SUNDAY WESTMAN PREMIER HOMES - PASCAR PRESEASON STOCK CAR RACE PASCAR hosts 4 cylinder Stock Car racing at the Souris Glenwood Airport dirt stock car track, east of Souris, MB at 1:00 PM. Our preseason races result from our attempts to run our minimum number of insured races. Although these are not ”points” races... the races are sanctioned and insured and are open to all past, current and new PASCAR teams. We encourage volunteers, spectators and stakeholders to also take advantage of these “warm up” races and to come out and cheer on your favourite racers. Chad Bicklmeier, 204-648-5554 bicklmeierc@assiniboine.net Matt Bootsman, 204-573-3344 mattbootsman@gmail.com www.pascar.ca PRAIRIE ASSOCIATION OF STOCK CAR AUTO RACING (PASCAR) APRIL 28 - FRIDAY 18TH ANNUAL RODARAMA Rondex Ltd. presents the Manitoba Street Rod Association’s 18th Annual Rodarama Car Show, East End Arena, 517 Pandora Ave. E. Visit www.msra.mb.ca or email rodarama@msra.mb.ca for information and applications. Pre-registration is required and vehicle entry restrictions may apply. Show dates are April 28th, 29th, and 30th, 2017. Show times: Friday 6:00 PM-10:00 PM, Saurday 10:00 AM-10:00 PM, Sunday 10:00 AM-5:00 PM. Exhibitor entry $40 per vehicle ($30 before April 1st). Spectator entry $10. Kids 12 and under - admitted free with an adult. See website for “Take a Kid to a Car Show” - promotion. Lots of hot rods, cool customs and many auto related vendors. MSRA supports childrens’ charities. Got a classic car for sale? Bring it to the Classic Car Corral on Saturday. See www.msra.mb.ca for more details. George Knight, 204-222-2688 rodarama@msra.mb.ca Allison Clark, 204-481-4018 www.msra.mb.ca MANITOBA STREET ROD ASSOCIATION
APRIL 29 - SATURDAY 18TH ANNUAL RODARAMA Rondex Ltd. presents the Manitoba Street Rod Association’s 18th Annual Rodarama Car Show, East End Arena, 517 Pandora Ave. E. Visit www.msra.mb.ca or email rodarama@msra.mb.ca for information and applications. Pre-registration is required and vehicle entry restrictions may apply. Show dates are April 28th, 29th, and 30th, 2017. Show times: Friday 6:00 PM-10:00 PM, Saurday 10:00 AM-10:00 PM, Sunday 10:00 AM-5:00 PM. Exhibitor entry $40 per vehicle ($30 before April 1st). Spectator entry $10. Kids 12 and under - admitted free with an adult. See website for “Take a Kid to a Car Show” - promotion. Lots of hot rods, cool customs and many auto related vendors. MSRA supports childrens’ charities. Got a classic car for sale? Bring it to the Classic Car Corral on Saturday. See www.msra.mb.ca for more details. George Knight, 204-222-2688 rodarama@msra.mb.ca Allison Clark, 204-481-4018 www.msra.mb.ca MANITOBA STREET ROD ASSOCIATION APRIL 30 - SUNDAY PASCAR hosts 4 cylinder Stock Car racing at the Souris Glenwood Airport dirt stock car track, east of Souris, MB at 1:00 PM. Our preseason races result from our attempts to run our minimum number of insured races. Although these are not ”points” races... the races are sanctioned and insured and are open to all past, current and new PASCAR teams. We encourage volunteers, spectators and stakeholders to also take advantage of these ”warm up” races and to come out TRENCH WORKS LTD. - PASCAR PRESEASON STOCK CAR RACE and cheer on your favourite racers. Chad Bicklmeier, 204-648-5554 bicklmeierc@assiniboine.net Matt Bootsman, 204-573-3344 mattbootsman@gmail.com www.pascar.ca PRAIRIE ASSOCIATION OF STOCK CAR AUTO RACING (PASCAR)
APRIL 30 - SUNDAY 18TH ANNUAL RODARAMA Rondex Ltd. presents the Manitoba Street Rod Association’s 18th Annual Rodarama Car Show, East End Arena, 517 Pandora Ave. E. Visit www.msra.mb.ca or email rodarama@msra.mb.ca for information and applications. Pre-registration is required and vehicle entry restrictions may apply. Show dates are April 28th, 29th, and 30th, 2017. Show times: Friday 6:00 PM-10:00 PM, Saurday 10:00 AM-10:00 PM, Sunday 10:00 AM-5:00 PM. Exhibitor entry $40 per vehicle ($30 before April 1st). Spectator entry $10. Kids 12 and under - admitted free with an adult. See website for “Take a Kid to a Car Show” - promotion. Lots of hot rods, cool customs and many auto related vendors. MSRA supports childrens’ charities. Got a classic car for sale? Bring it to the Classic Car Corral on Saturday. See www.msra.mb.ca for more details. George Knight, 204-222-2688 rodarama@msra.mb.ca
Allison Clark, 204-481-4018 www.msra.mb.ca
MANITOBA STREET ROD ASSOCIATION MAY 7 - SUNDAY MMFA SPRING BREAK-OUT SHOW & SHINE MMFA presents their All-Ford Spring Break-Out Show and Shine, 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM at Birchwood Ford, 1300 Regent Avenue West. Open to all Ford powered vehicles. Free to enter! For more info visit manitobamustang.org. Jim Parsons, 204-771-0772 jelparsons@shaw.ca
Gerry Moquin, 204-256-0772 gmoquin@shaw.ca manitobamustang.org MANITOBA MUSTANG AND FORD ASSOCIATION
Taking A Road Trip? Increase your vehicle’s fuel efficiency Reduce harmful emissions Save money Make your vehicle safer
Before You Go:
Check vehicle’s owner manual to locate correct tire pressure.
Measure your tire pressure monthly or before any trip using a good quality tire gauge. Conduct a visual check for embedded objects that could work their way into the tire and cause a leak.
Have your tires aligned annually.
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Rotate your tires regularly.
Monitor tread wear and replace tires when your tire tread is worn out.
Have A Safe Trip! tirestewardshipmb.ca
MAY 12 - FRIDAY CRUISIN THE PLAP Cruisin The PLAP starts at 6:00 PM and runs till 9:00 PM, with a cruise through town as a group to end the night. So come out enjoy a night with friends, family and meet some new friends. All rides are welcome - customs, hot rods, vintage, tuners, lowriders, 4X4s, motorcylces...everything! If you’re proud of your ride, bring it out. See you soon. IT’S NOT WHAT YOU DRIVE, IT’S THE PASSION THAT DRIVES YOU! CFRY Radio parking lot, 2390 Sissons Drive, Portage la Prairie, MB. Albert Payette, 204-870-3086 cruisintheplap@outlook.com Fernanda Zavala, 204-794-1204 www.facebook.com/ CruisinThePlapProject NO LIMITS CAR CLUB MAY 13 - SATURDAY KILDONAN EAST COLLEGIATE SHOW & SHINE 2017 Kildonan East Collegiate, 845 Concordia Avenue. Time: 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM. Registration: 9:30 AM. Pancake Breakfast: 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM (free for registered drivers only). Entry Fee: $10.00 per entry. Free admission for spectators. Food & Refreshments will be available on site. Door prizes for competitors: “Peoples Choice”, “Best Student Vehicle, Antique, Modified or Unmodified Vehicle”, “Best in Progress”, Grant Smart “Wild Thing” Award for most outrageous vehicle, KEC Alumni Award for a vehicle owned by a past graduate of KEC. Best Paint sponsored by Kolors Autobody Supplies. Best Ford sponsored by MMFA Dan Labossiere, 204-667-2960 dlabossiere@retsd.mb.ca www.kec.retsd.mb.ca KILDONAN EAST COLLEGIATE CAR CLUB
MAY 14 - SUNDAY 20TH ANNUAL RED RIVER SWAP MEET The Manitoba Classic and Antique Auto Club’s 20th Annual Swap Meet, (rain or shine) takes place at Red River Exhibition Park, 3977 Portage Ave, Winnipeg. Admission $5.00 per person, children 12 and under free when accompanied by an adult. Vendor set up starting at 6:30 AM. with gates open at 8:00 AM. Vendor and Car Corral space rentals $15.00. Show and shine open to all vehicles 25 years and older - street rods, modified and special interest vehicles. Vehicles and driver admitted free. Registration at the gate. This event supports Winnipeg Harvest, please bring a donation. Gord Brunette, 204-222-2298 brunette@mymts.net Mort McKechnie, 204-889-9970 www.mcaac.mb.ca MANITOBA CLASSIC AND
MAY 14 - SUNDAY SUNDAY CRUISE NIGHT @ THE PONY Pony Corral & Rondex presents Sunday Night Cruise Night @ the Pony Corral Grant Park. Sponsored by Piston Ring. Hosted by the Fabulous 50’s Ford Club of Manitoba & Willy’s Garage. 4:00 PM to 10:00 PM. All Antique, Classic, Special Interest Vehicles & Motorcycles are welcome. Great music, great cars, & great friends. Hourly Prizes & Cruiser of the Week Awards. Feature Club: Fabulous 50’s Ford Club of Manitoba.
Peter Ginakes, 204-942-8300 pony.office@ponycorral.ca Betty Lannoo, 204-453-4871 blannoo@shaw.ca ponycorral.ca FABULOUS 50’S FORD CLUB OF MANITOBA INC. MAY 14 - SUNDAY CRUISIN’ THE PEG
Cruisin’ the Peg - Your Sunday night cruise destination! Tavern United, 826 Regent Ave. W. 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM. Featuring classics, vintage, classic muscle, sports, motorcycles, and special interest vehicles. Good Music - Good Friends - Great Times! Nightly Prizes
A show and shine will be held at the Canad Inns, 1125 18th Street, Brandon. The show will be held on the southwest parking lot from 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM. All vehicles are welcome. No admission charge. There will be a swap meet. Trunk or tailgate. No tables supplied. Grant Gillis, 204-726-4382, 204-761-1753 ggillis@mts.net
& Giveaways. Dale Hickey, 204-795-1931
Unrestricted Empire Sunday Night Meet at 550 Sterling Lyon Parkway from 8:30 PM to 10:00 PM. Meets are open to ALL enthusiasts. Kristina Skarpias, 204-996-5494 kristinaskarpias@hotmail.com www.facebook.com/unrestrictedempire/ UNRESTRICTED EMPIRE
PASCAR hosts a closed course test and tune for current and potential stock car racers, their sponsors, and other stakeholders at the Souris Glenwood Airport dirt stock car track, east of Souris, MB at 1:00 PM. Chad Bicklmeier, 204-648-5554 bicklmeierc@assiniboine.net Matt Bootsman, 204-573-3344 mattbootsman@gmail.com www.pascar.ca PRAIRIE ASSOCIATION OF STOCK CAR AUTO RACING (PASCAR)
MAY 21 - SUNDAY SUNDAY CRUISE NIGHT @ THE PONY Pony Corral & Rondex presents Sunday Night Cruise Night @ the Pony Corral Grant Park. Sponsored by Piston Ring. Hosted by the Fabulous 50’s Ford Club of Manitoba & Willy’s Garage. 4:00 PM to 10:00 PM. All Antique, Classic, Special Interest Vehicles & Motorcycles are welcome. Great music, great cars, & great friends. Hourly Prizes & Cruiser of the Week Awards.
MAY 27 - SATURDAY LEGENDS DRIVE FOR CANCER For our run this year we will cruise to a number of different towns in a poker derby format. Each stop is a mini car show as well, all participants canvas for pledges for a tax deductible receipt. All funds raised go to the South Central Cancer Resource. We are their largest source of funds to service their clients. The funds raised through the poker derby hands are split between the three best hands. Everyone is welcome. Entry fee is only $10 which includes a meal in Altona at the end. For pledge forms see our website at www.legendscarclub.ca. Irv Loewen, 204-324-7145 legendscarclub@mymts.net www.legendscarclub.ca LEGENDS CAR CLUB INC. MAY 27 - SATURDAY 4TH ANNUAL SPRING SWAP MEET Road Rebels would like to invite you to an indoor spring automotive & antique swap meet. Have some stuff that has to go? Why not bring it to our Swap Meet on Saturday May 27th, from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM at The Accessory Shop (Former Murray Chev/Olds building), 1550 Richmond Avenue, Brandon, MB. Reserve your spot for only $15.00, tables not supplied. Dave Burba, 204-729-5808 roadrebels@mts.net www.facebook.com/roadrebelscarclub ROAD REBELS MAY 28 - SUNDAY EUROPEAN CAR SHOW AND SHINE Jim’s Vintage Garages European Car Show and Shine 5353 Portage Ave in Headingley, 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Rain Date: Sunday August 27th. Door prize, 50/50 Raffle, BBQ , $5.00 Vehicle Registration Fee, free admission to the museum. All monies raised going towards the operating costs of the museum. Open to European, British, American Classic, and special interest vehicles. Robert Nowosad, 204-895-1600, 204-296-8008 robnowosad@shaw.ca
DOWNTOWN BRANDON Held on Rosser Avenue between 6th Street and 13th Street from 6:00 PM-9:00 PM. People wishing to show their vehicles are encouraged to enter the event at the intersection of Rosser Avenue and 13th Street. All vehicles welcome. Free to participants and spectators. Presented by Brandon & Area Car Enthusiasts (B.A.C.E.), Kelleher Ford, and Precision Dental Clinic. For more information, see our Facebook page www.facebook.com/Bace.ca. Dave Burba, 204-729-5808 bace.ca@gmail.com www.bace.ca BRANDON & AREA CAR ENTHUSIASTS (B.A.C.E.) MAY 19 - FRIDAY 13TH ANNUAL “TIME FOR SUMMER” CHARITY BBQ & CAR SHOW 13th Annual “Time For Summer” Charity BBQ and Car Show fund raiser. 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM at the Carman Co-Op parking lot. Carman, MB. (Rain Date, Friday, May 26). Come join us for a BBQ, Car Show, Live Music, Silent Auction. Great Grand Prizes donated by Elkhorn Resort, Clear Lake MB., Swen’s Small Engine, Elie MB., Vintage Bods and Rods, Roland MB. Special draws for registered cars at the event. Must be in attendance to win. Proceeds to Carman Palliative Care and the Patrick Mowbray Memorial Fund. All proceeds used locally. All special interest vehicles are welcome. Doug Mowbray, 204-343-2006, 204-745-0483 dmowbray15@gmail.com
Peter Ginakes, 204-942-8300 pony.office@ponycorral.ca Betty Lannoo, 204-453-4871 blannoo@shaw.ca ponycorral.ca FABULOUS 50’S FORD CLUB OF MANITOBA INC. MAY 21 - SUNDAY UE SUNDAY NIGHT MEET
Unrestricted Empire Sunday Night Meet at 550 Sterling Lyon Parkway from 8:30 PM to 10:00 PM. Meets are open to ALL enthusiasts. Kristina Skarpias, 204-996-5494 kristinaskarpias@hotmail.com www.facebook.com/unrestrictedempire/ UNRESTRICTED EMPIRE MAY 26 - FRIDAY CRUISIN THE PLAP Cruisin The PLAP starts at 6:00 PM and runs till 9:00 PM, with a cruise through town as a group to end the night. So come out enjoy a night with friends, family and meet some new friends. All rides are welcome - customs, hot rods, vintage, tuners, lowriders, 4X4s, motorcylces...everything! If you’re proud of your ride, bring it out. See you soon. IT’S NOT WHAT YOU DRIVE, IT’S THE PASSION THAT DRIVES YOU! CFRY Radio parking lot, 2390 Sissons Drive, Portage la Prairie, MB. Albert Payette, 204-870-3086 cruisintheplap@outlook.com Fernanda Zavala, 204-794-1204
Cruisin’ the Peg - Your Sunday night cruise destination! Tavern United, 826 Regent Ave. W. 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM. Featuring classics, vintage, classic muscle, sports, motorcycles, and special interest vehicles. Good Music - Good Friends - Great Times! Nightly Prizes
& Giveaways. Dale Hickey, 204-795-1931
www.facebook.com/ CruisinThePlapProject NO LIMITS CAR CLUB
www.jimsvintagegarages.ca JIM’S VINTAGE GARAGES
hickey1@mymts.net CRUISIN’ THE PEG
MAY 28 - SUNDAY MINNEDOSA LAKE CAR SHOW Car show at Minnedosa Beach from 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM. Bring the family for a great day of fun, all special interest vehicles welcome. Don Morrison,
JUNE 4 - SUNDAY SUNDAY CRUISE NIGHT @ THE PONY Pony Corral & Rondex presents Sunday Night Cruise Night @ the Pony Corral Grant Park. Sponsored by Piston Ring. Hosted by the Fabulous 50’s Ford Club of Manitoba & Willy’s Garage. 4:00 PM to 10:00 PM. All Antique, Classic, Special Interest Vehicles & Motorcycles are welcome. Great music, great cars, & great friends. Hourly Prizes & Cruiser of the Week Awards.
Cruisin’ the Peg - Your Sunday night cruise destination! Tavern United, 826 Regent Ave. W. 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM. Featuring classics, vintage, classic muscle, sports, motorcycles, and special interest vehicles. Good Music - Good Friends - Great Times! Nightly Prizes
204-826-2062, 204-412-7006 don.holly.morrrison@gmail.com Ray Woodcock, 204-867-7572 MINNEDOSA VALLEY CRUIZERS MAY 28 - SUNDAY KINSMEN & KINNETTE ARTHUR VERHAEGHE
& Giveaways. Dale Hickey, 204-795-1931
Peter Ginakes, 204-942-8300 pony.office@ponycorral.ca Betty Lannoo, 204-453-4871 blannoo@shaw.ca ponycorral.ca FABULOUS 50’S FORD CLUB OF MANITOBA INC. JUNE 4 - SUNDAY CRUISIN’ THE PEG
MEMORIAL PASCAR RACE DAY Arthur Verhaeghe bravely fought cancer for many years before passing on to the great race in 2014. In memory of “Artie”, PASCAR and the Kinsmen and Kinnette Clubs of Souris/Brandon host a race day in his honour. In the last few years, AI Verhaeghe has championed a car with his father’s number on it at the Souris track where his dad had raced decades before. In honour of passed racers and their families we continue the racing tradition and highlight that tradition with this memorial race day at the Souris Glenwood Airport dirt stock car track,
Unrestricted Empire Sunday Night Meet at 550 Sterling Lyon Parkway from 8:30 PM to 10:00 PM. Meets are open to ALL enthusiasts. Kristina Skarpias, 204-996-5494 kristinaskarpias@hotmail.com www.facebook.com/unrestrictedempire/ DOWNTOWN BRANDON Held on Rosser Avenue between 6th Street and 13th Street from 6:00 PM-9:00 PM. People wishing to show their vehicles are encouraged to enter the event at the intersection of Rosser Avenue and 13th Street. All vehicles welcome. Free to participants and spectators. Presented by Brandon & Area Car Enthusiasts (B.A.C.E.), Kelleher Ford, and Precision Dental Clinic. For more information, see our Facebook page www.facebook.com/Bace.ca. Dave Burba, 204-729-5808 bace.ca@gmail.com www.bace.ca BRANDON & AREA CAR ENTHUSIASTS (B.A.C.E.) UNRESTRICTED EMPIRE JUNE 1 - THURSDAY CRUISE NIGHT IN
Cruisin’ the Peg - Your Sunday night cruise destination! Tavern United, 826 Regent Ave. W. 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM. Featuring classics, vintage, classic muscle, sports, motorcycles, and special interest vehicles. Good Music - Good Friends - Great Times! Nightly Prizes
east of Souris, MB at 1:00 PM. Chad Bicklmeier, 204-648-5554
& Giveaways. Dale Hickey, 204-795-1931
bicklmeierc@assiniboine.net Matt Bootsman, 204-573-3344 mattbootsman@gmail.com www.pascar.ca PRAIRIE ASSOCIATION OF STOCK CAR AUTO RACING (PASCAR) MAY 28 - SUNDAY SUNDAY CRUISE NIGHT @ THE PONY Pony Corral & Rondex presents Sunday Night Cruise Night @ the Pony Corral Grant Park. Sponsored by Piston Ring. Hosted by the Fabulous 50’s Ford Club of Manitoba & Willy’s Garage. 4:00 PM to 10:00 PM. All Antique, Classic, Special Interest Vehicles & Motorcycles are welcome. Great music, great cars, & great friends. Hourly Prizes & Cruiser of the Week Awards.
Join us Sunday June 4th as we kick off the car season with our UE Summer Kick Off! We will be teaming up with UMCC (University of Manitoba Car Club) and holding the show at the U of M, Parking Lot “U”. Show runs from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM. DJ, vendors (to be announced), and food trucks will be on-site. There will be goodie bags for the first 100 entrants. Reservations will be taken for large groups that want to park together. All vehicles are welcome! Check our Facebook page for updates! Kristina Skarpias, 204-996-5494 kristinaskarpias@hotmail.com www.facebook.com/unrestrictedempire/ UNRESTRICTED EMPIRE
Peter Ginakes, 204-942-8300 pony.office@ponycorral.ca
Betty Lannoo, 204-453-4871 blannoo@shaw.ca ponycorral.ca FABULOUS 50’S FORD CLUB OF MANITOBA INC.
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