JUNE 11 - SUNDAY SUNDAY CRUISE NIGHT @ THE PONY Pony Corral & Rondex presents Sunday Night Cruise Night @ the Pony Corral Grant Park. Sponsored by Piston Ring. Hosted by the Fabulous 50’s Ford Club of Manitoba & Willy’s Garage. 4:00 PM to 10:00 PM. All Antique, Classic, Special Interest Vehicles & Motorcycles are welcome. Great music, great cars, & great friends. Hourly Prizes & Cruiser of the Week Awards. Feature Club:
JUNE 16 - FRIDAY TRACTORS AT RED RIVER EX Static tractor display at Red Rive Ex June 12th to June 21st, 4:00 PM to closing during the Ex. Antique tractors and implements. John Holland, 204-853-7452 iamjohn@mts.net rgfarm@mymts.net SPRINGFIELD TRACTOR CLUB JUNE 17 - SATURDAY 8TH ANNUAL SUMMER IN THE CITY In Steinbach on Saturday afternoon at 4:00PM. Come and join the Country Classics Car Club as they host the 8th Annual Summer in the City Car Show on Main St. in Steinbach, ‘The Automobile City’. Free admission to the car show. Show starts at 4:00 PM. Join in the festival with live music, food, and fun. Bruce Martin, 204-346-3486 bruce@martindiesel.net summerinthecity.ca COUNTRY CLASSICS CAR CLUB JUNE 17 - SATURDAY 9TH ANNUAL SPRINGS CARFEST 9th Annual Charity Car Show, Saturday, June 17th, Springs Church, 725 Lagimodiere Blvd., Winnipeg, MB. Registration starts at 9:30 AM. Show runs from 11:00 AM-3:00 PM. Hundreds of paved spots to park your treasure. Great music, great food and great people. You won’t want to miss this one. Truly an exhilarating event for the entire family. In addition to your amazing cars, we have reptile gardens, bouncers, carnival games, face painting, and much more! Proceeds go to kids/youth programs in our inner city.
JUNE 18 - SUNDAY 6TH ANNUAL MANITOBA OLDSMOBILE CLUB CAR SHOW The Manitoba Oldsmobile Car Club invites all Classic and Special Interest Cruisers to our 6th Annual Car Show. On June 18th from 12:00 Noon to 4:00 PM at the Headingly Museum. The Museum is located on Hwy #1, 5353 Portage Ave. Jim’s Vintage Garage Museum is on site (free admission to Museum - donations are accepted). Car Show Entrance Fee is MINIMUM $5.00 donation per car. All profits go to the Childrens Rehab Foundation. There will be a Silent Auction and a 50/50 Draw. Best of Show Awards for Oldsmobile, Mopar, Ford, and GM, Plus Dads Choice! Gift bags and dash plaques for the first 50 cars. Rain date June 25th same location and time. Food, Drinks, and Music. Come out and enjoy a good time for all! (Fathers Day June 18th). Colin Gow, 204-981-5019 ccig14@hotmail.com David Lenton, 204-795-5050 dlenton@mymts.net MANITOBA OLDSMOBILE CAR CLUB JUNE 18 - SUNDAY CRUISE TO THE BEACH HUT IN KILLARNEY Cruise to Killarney Manitoba for the annual Fathers Day Show N Shine. 12:00 Noon - 4:00 PM at the Beach Hut Park in Killarney. Keith Kemp, 204-523-4211, 204-534-7656 joankemp@mts.net Scott Murray, 204-483-3238, 204-741-1960 thh@mymts.net www.esouris.com/scc SOUTHWEST CLASSIC CRUIZERS JUNE 18 - SUNDAY FATHER’S DAY SHOW & SHINE Father’s Day Show & Shine - this is the perfect opportunity to show off your pride and joy. Bring out your beauty on Sunday, June 18th to 595 Lagimodiere, and join in with many types of rides. A very casual setting. Please arrive before 10:00 AM, no entry fee required.
Manitoba Oldsmobile Car Club. Peter Ginakes, 204-942-8300 pony.office@ponycorral.ca Betty Lannoo, 204-453-4871 blannoo@shaw.ca ponycorral.ca FABULOUS 50’S FORD CLUB OF MANITOBA INC. JUNE 11 - SUNDAY CRUISIN’ THE PEG
Cruisin’ the Peg - Your Sunday night cruise destination! Tavern United, 826 Regent Ave. W. 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM. Featuring classics, vintage, classic muscle, sports, motorcycles, and special interest vehicles. Good Music - Good Friends - Great Times! Nightly Prizes & Giveaways. Dale Hickey, 204-795-1931 hickey1@mymts.net CRUISIN’ THE PEG JUNE 11 - SUNDAY UE SUNDAY NIGHT MEET Unrestricted Empire Sunday Night Meet at 550 Sterling Lyon Parkway from 8:30 PM to 10:00 PM. Meets are open to ALL enthusiasts. Kristina Skarpias, 204-996-5494 kristinaskarpias@hotmail.com www.facebook.com/unrestrictedempire/ UNRESTRICTED EMPIRE JUNE 15 - THURSDAY CRUISIN’ THE CRESCENT Cruise to Souris Manitoba for the Southwest Classic Cruizers ‘Crusin the Crescent’. Crescent Ave closed off from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM for show n shine. Scott Murray, 204-483-3238, 204-741-1960 thh@mymts.net Carman Tufts, 204-483-2274, 204-761-8984 tuftsmac@mts.net www.esouris.com/scc SOUTHWEST CLASSIC CRUIZERS
Dennis Green, 204-233-7003 dgreen@springschurch.com www.springschurch.com SPRINGS CHURCH
Dennis Green, 204-233-7003 dgreen@springschurch.com www.springschurch.com SPRINGS CHURCH
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