AUGUST 27 - SUNDAY SUNDAY CRUISE NIGHT @ THE PONY Pony Corral & Rondex presents Sunday Night Cruise Night @ the Pony Corral Grant Park. Sponsored by Piston Ring. Hosted by the Fabulous 50’s Ford Club of Manitoba & Willy’s Garage. 4:00 PM to 10:00 PM. All Antique, Classic, Special Interest Vehicles & Motorcycles are welcome. Great music, great cars, & great friends. Hourly Prizes & Cruiser of the Week Awards. Feature Club: Fabulous 50’s Ford Club of Manitoba.
SEPTEMBER 1 - FRIDAY CRUISIN THE PLAP Cruisin The PLAP starts at 6:00 PM and runs till 9:00 PM, with a cruise through town as a group to end the night. So come out enjoy a night with friends, family and meet some new friends. All rides are welcome - customs, hot rods, vintage, tuners, lowriders, 4X4s, motorcylces...everything! If you’re proud of your ride, bring it out. See you soon. IT’S NOT WHAT YOU DRIVE, IT’S THE PASSION THAT DRIVES YOU! CFRY Radio parking lot, 2390 Sissons Drive, Portage la Prairie, MB. Albert Payette, 204-870-3086 cruisintheplap@outlook.com Fernanda Zavala, 204-794-1204 www.facebook.com/ CruisinThePlapProject NO LIMITS CAR CLUB SEPTEMBER 3 - SUNDAY SUNDAY CRUISE NIGHT @ THE PONY Pony Corral & Rondex presents Sunday Night Cruise Night @ the Pony Corral Grant Park. Sponsored by Piston Ring. Hosted by the Fabulous 50’s Ford Club of Manitoba & Willy’s Garage. 3:00 PM to 9:00 PM. All Antique, Classic, Special Interest Vehicles & Motorcycles are welcome. Great music, great cars, & great friends. Hourly Prizes & Cruiser of the Week Awards.
Join Unrestricted Empire on Sunday August 27th at Springs Church, 725 Lagimodiere Boulevard, as we present Gonzo Drift Demo, featuring Chris Gonzalez. Details on this event to follow, check our Facebook page for updates! Kristina Skarpias, 204-996-5494 kristinaskarpias@hotmail.com www.facebook.com/unrestrictedempire/ UNRESTRICTED EMPIRE AUGUST 27 - SUNDAY COOKS CREEK HERITAGE DAY Cooks Creek Museum. Visit pioneer buildings, blacksmith shop, and Static Tractor and Antique vehicles. Home cooking available. John Holland, 204-853-7452 iamjohn@mts.net rgfarm@mymts.net SPRINGFIELD TRACTOR CLUB AUGUST 27 - SUNDAY TEST & TUNE OR RAIN OUT RACE DAY - PASCAR STOCK CAR RACING PASCAR hosts 4 cylinder Stock Car racing or a “Test & Tune” at the Souris Glenwood Airport dirt stock car track, east of Souris, MB at 1:00 PM. The test and tune is an opportunity to get behind the scenes and see if you would like to race or volunteer with the PASCAR family! Or... just stop out to satisfy your curiosity! Chad Bicklmeier, 204-648-5554 bicklmeierc@assiniboine.net Matt Bootsman, 204-573-3344 mattbootsman@gmail.com www.pascar.ca PRAIRIE ASSOCIATION OF STOCK CAR AUTO RACING (PASCAR)
Peter Ginakes, 204-942-8300 pony.office@ponycorral.ca
Betty Lannoo, 204-453-4871 blannoo@shaw.ca ponycorral.ca FABULOUS 50’S FORD CLUB OF MANITOBA INC.
Cruisin’ the Peg - Your Sunday night cruise destination! Tavern United, 826 Regent Ave. W. 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM. Featuring classics, vintage, classic muscle, sports, motorcycles, and special interest vehicles. Good Music - Good Friends - Great Times! Nightly Prizes
& Giveaways. Dale Hickey, 204-795-1931
hickey1@mymts.net CRUISIN’ THE PEG AUGUST 27 - SUNDAY UE CHARITY EVENING FOR THE QUOTA CHARITY Join us Sunday evening August 27th at 550 Sterling Lyon Parkway as we present the UE Charity Evening for the Quota Charity of Winnipeg. The Quota Charity is locally administered by the Quota Club of Winnipeg, part of Quota International. Quota Clubs around the world help communities provide provides basic needs for women, children, the deaf, and the hard of hearing. Show runs from 7:30 PM to 10:30 PM. Free entry, prizes, award for the biggest donation. Details on this event to follow, check our Facebook page for updates! Event goes rain or shine. Kristina Skarpias, 204-996-5494 kristinaskarpias@hotmail.com www.facebook.com/unrestrictedempire/ UNRESTRICTED EMPIRE
Peter Ginakes, 204-942-8300 pony.office@ponycorral.ca
Betty Lannoo, 204-453-4871 blannoo@shaw.ca ponycorral.ca FABULOUS 50’S FORD CLUB OF MANITOBA INC. SEPTEMBER 3 - SUNDAY CRUISIN’ THE PEG
Cruisin’ the Peg - Your Sunday night cruise destination! Tavern United, 826 Regent Ave. W. 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM. Featuring classics, vintage, classic muscle, sports, motorcycles, and special interest vehicles. Good Music - Good Friends - Great Times! Nightly Prizes
& Giveaways. Dale Hickey, 204-795-1931
hickey1@mymts.net CRUISIN’ THE PEG
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