RIVER CITY CRUISERS CLUB THEME: It all began in 2001. River City Cruisers car club is having so much fun with our retro/modern car, truck, van. It’s been said that the styling could be like a 1939 Chrysler, or a light truck, or sort of a mini van (when the seats are out) or you might say it’s a car or a sports utility vehicle. Who cares! If it wasn’t for this stubby little station wagon ... we wouldn’t have met such nice friends. MEETING INFO: In the winter we meet every 3rd Sunday of the month for dinner meetings. In the summer we join car shows every week in Winnipeg and surrounding area.
CLUB THEME: Preservation and restoration of antique car, truck and farm machinery (tractors, etc.). Annual thrashing event weather permitting. MEETING INFO: Meetings are the first Thursday of the month at various members locations from November through April. Other meetings at the call of the chair. Location - various members homes. Norm Swenson, 204-353-2357 swens90@outlook.com Bill Fleury,
CLUB THEME: The Prairie Association of Stock Car Auto Racing (PASCAR) is an incorporated non-profit organization championing automotive education, skill building, safety, and fun by providing low cost, safe, family oriented opportunities - on and off the track - to build skills, learn about automobile safety, and event organization through “grass roots” 4 cylinder stock car racing. Our motto is “Addicted to Adrenaline, Dedicated to Safety”. Spectators, participants, and volunteers have numerous opportunities to get as involved in various aspects of racing, event and organizational planning, and management. MEETING INFO: Second Sunday of the Month, 1:00 PM at Westman Premier Homes Shop, 1514 Rideau Street, Brandon, MB (winter months) OR Souris Glenwood Dirt Stock Car Track (summer months= race season). Check website and Facebook for updates. Matt Boatsman mattbootsman@gmail.com James Sewell jsewell@wcgwave.ca www.pascar.ca PRAIRIE COMMAND MILITARY VEHICLE ASSOCIATION CLUB THEME: The purpose of the PCMVA is to provide an organization for individuals who are dedicated to the history, restoration, operation and preservation of historic military vehicles. MEETING INFO: No regular meetings or location, determined by executive. Gord Falk, 204-326-1933 gordfalk@mymts.net www.prairiecommand.homestead.com RED RIVER JEEP CLUB CLUB THEME: JEEPS! A family oriented club that loves to play in our Jeeps. MEETING INFO: First Wednesday of every month (unless otherwise posted) at Jeffrey’s Restaurant, 1420 Henderson Hwy, Winnipeg at 7:30 PM. Raymond Millis, 204-981-7714 scarletfever71@hotmail.com Gary Roberts payments@redriverjeepclub.com www.redriverjeepclub.com
204-375-6540, 204-461-2042 bill@mrfleury.com RED TRAIL CRUIZERS CAR CLUB
Gloria Hiebert, 204-336-0903 redcruisergirl@yahoo.ca www.rivercityptcruisers.com ROAD REBELS
CLUB THEME: Bringing together people in fellowship who have a genuine love for special interest vehicles and automobiles. The owning of this type of vehicle is not a condition of membership, only the interest of classic and special interest vehicles is necessary. Membership is open to any interested persons in towns and rural areas including the Tiger Hills Area and beyond. Everyone is welcome. Club information is sent out to members by email or mail throughout the year. Because of our small town environment some club information is posted on the RM of Victoria website. Meetings are held as needed and to plan the local car show. Members are also contacted by phone upon request. We do focus on family and fun. MEETING INFO: Held in different towns as voted by membership at each meeting. Wayne Preston,
CLUB THEME: A club for anyone who enjoys cars, trucks, motorcycles and special interest vehicles. Family oriented with a focus on having a good time while preserving and promoting the automotive hobby. We raise money and volunteer for Elspeth Reid Family Resource Centre in Brandon. Open to anyone who has an interest in motorized vehicles, vehicle
ownership is not a requirement. MEETING INFO: We meet the 2nd
Wednesday of each month at 7:30 PM at Huggy’s Restaurant/Thunderbird Bowl Blue Room, 2140 Currie Blvd., Brandon, MB. Dave Burba, 204-729-5808 roadrebels@mts.net www.facebook.com/roadrebelscarclub ROCKLANDS ANTIQUE CLUB CLUB THEME: Farm related equipment and vehicle restoration. Presently relocating to new location. Updated info to follow. MEETING INFO: Contact directly for latest meeting info. Roy Adams, 204-389-6606 rna@mymts.net Lloyd Harris, 204-467-8481 ROUTE 34 CLASSICS CLUB THEME: Attending local car shows in and around Austin, Manitoba. MEETING INFO: Various locations - contact for more info. Marvin Jedel, 204-466-2780 mljedel@yahoo.ca
204-526-2127, 204-648-4425
presto@mymts.net Tamara Greenlay, 204-526-2710 tamarag@mts.net www.redtrailcruizers.ca
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