First Nations Voice

July 2014

Building bridges between all communities

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PAGE 10 • JULY 2014 TheManitobaAssociationforResource RecoveryCorp.(MARRC)managesthe UsedOil&AntifreezeRecyclingPrograms. Weareverymuchinterestedin assistingcommunitiesinthenorth withrecyclingtheirusedoil,filters,containers aswellasantifreezeanditscontainers. Pleasecontactusat1-888-410-1440formoreinformation Recycling: UsedOil&Antifreeze NORTHERNOPPORTUNITIES! rs information When the RCMP recently released the National Operational Overview on Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women, it was understood that the re- port is but a first step in our collective response to this tragic reality. This much-needed research has provided the most accurate account to date of missing and murdered Ab- original women in Canada, confirming that Aboriginal women are significantly over-represented as victims of homi- cide and in missing persons' cases. While close to 90% of all female ho- micides are solved, regardless of their ethnicity, the rate at which Aboriginal women are victimized is surprisingly high: three times more than non-Ab- original women. As of November 2013, across all police jurisdictions in Manito- ba, there were 20 unsolved homicides of Aboriginal females, and 12 missing Aboriginal females. The RCMP's national review has al- lowed police across the country to get a clearer picture of the number of Ab- original women who have been taken from their families. It has also given us some valuable information not only about the perpetrators of these crimes, but also about certain factors that make an individual more susceptible to being a victim of violence. These socio-economic circumstanc- es indicate that violence against Ab- original women in Canada is a broader societal concern that reaches beyond the law enforcement community. This information is particularly important as it will significantly assist police and our partners in developing prevention, inter- vention and enforcement approaches. Manitoba RCMP actively engage in and promote prevention and investi- gative initiatives, including those that are aimed at preventing and resolving investigations through community en- gagement, victim support, and effec- tive multi-agency coordination. Project Devote is an example of this effort. We aim to further engage and mobi- lize partners of all levels of government, non-governmental organizations, po- lice agencies and partners at the com- munity and local levels. I encourage our community partners to work with their local RCMP at pre- venting violence in their communities. The first step is to break the silence on violence and start talking about how we can work together to better focus pre- vention initiatives. Police officers see these tragedies firsthand in the communities they serve. They consider each missing and murdered Aboriginal woman as a person- someone's daughter, sister or mother - who not only matters but who also deserves respect and compas- sion. We remain committed to resolv- ing the outstanding cases, and seeking justice and a measure of comfort for families. We must take action together. PREVENTINg VIOLENCE AgAINST AbORIgINAL wOmEN Assistant Commissioner Kevin Brosseau, Commanding Officer RCMP "D" Division On August 6, 1984, at approximately 1:00 pm, the body of Constance Cameron was discovered by a passer- by near Parker and Rockman in a wooded area in the Fort Garry area of Winnipeg. Connie, as she was known to her family, was last seen on August 3, 1984, when a friend reportedly dropped her off at the corner of Higgins and Austin at approximately 1:00 am. Connie was 20 years old at the time of her death. She was described as an Aborigi- nal woman, 142 lbs, short in stature at only 5'2", and her dark brown/reddish hair was shoulder length. Originally from the Swan Lake, Manitoba area, Connie moved to Winnipeg with her family in 1971. Struggling financially, to make ends meet Connie worked part-time as a sur- vival sex worker and was also involved in the drug trade. In the three years prior to her death, Connie lived on Ju- bilee Avenue, Toronto Street and also Morley Avenue off Osborne Street in Winnipeg. Project Devote, the inte- grated Task Force between the Winnipeg Police Service and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police whose man- date is to focus on missing and murdered exploited per- sons investigations, took over the Constance Cameron in- vestigation in January 2012. Project Devote is ask- ing for the public's assis- tance. If anyone has any information about the mur- der of Constance Cameron, please contact the Devote tipline at 1-888-673-3316 or Manitoba Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477. Project Devote Help projeCt devote find jUstiCe for Connie ����������������������� ��������������� ������������������ �������������� �������������������������� �� ����������� ������ ������������ ���������� ��������� ����� ����������������� WehaveBATTERIES forallYOUR NEEDS! Auto,truck,RV,Marine,Motorcycle\ATV Alkaline,UPS,AlarmSystem,Recycling G10KeenleysideSt Winnipeg,Mb.R2L2B9 204-694-2999 800-665-2999 CallusfordealernearyouInterstateBatteriesofManitoba FPDI'sSub-AgreementHolders'(SAH)programs&servicesinclude:Skills FPDI'sSub-AgreementHolders'(SAH)programs&servicesinclude:Skills development,trainingforhigh-demandjobs;jobfinding,programsfor development,trainingforhigh-demandjobs;jobfinding,programsfor youth,programsforurbanandAboriginalpeoplewithdisabilities;and youth,programsforurbanandAboriginalpeoplewithdisabilities;and accesstochildcare. accesstochildcare. PleasevisitourwebsitetoconnecttoyourSAHCoordinator. PleasevisitourwebsitetoconnecttoyourSAHCoordinator. 101-1355MountainAvenue WinnipegMBR2X3B6 Tel:(204)987-9570 FPDIisfundedbyASETS—theAboriginalSkillsand EmploymentTrainingStrategy,HumanResourceand SocialDevelopmentCanada(HRSDC) TrainingtoEmployment in34FirstNationsCommunities FirstPeoples DevelopmentInc. GOODCREDITBADCREDIT NOCREDIT WECANHELP! DON'TLETCREDITGETINTHEWAY OFYOURNEWTRUCKORSUV JackEshelman Ph:(204)334-0979•Fax:(204)334-1813 TOLLFREE 1-866-999-2499 CanadianAboriginalAutoSales ITGET ET ETINTH YOU OU OU OURNE NE NE NEWTR TR TR TRUC UC UC UCKOR OR OR ORSUV UV UV CanadianAb

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