First Nations Voice

July 2012

Building bridges between all communities

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"Excellence is the result of caring more than others think is wise; risking more than others think is safe; dreaming more than others think is practical; and expecting more than others think is possible." of nearly 400 family, friends and dignitaries gathered to recognize and honour the sixty nine (69) students that graduated from the Adult Grade 12 Diploma Program. A day that is traditionally recognized as a time to gather to reflect on the joys, experiences and discoveries of the past year, this year's graduation ceremony was truly special as the anticipation and excitement could be felt by all those in attendance. The Spirit Sands Singers opened the ceremony with a song that set the tone of the day, followed by a prayer from elder Flora Zaharia. Master of Ceremonies, Bill Shead, Chairperson of the Aboriginal Centre of Winnipeg Inc., held the stage and introduced Jeff Betker, who on behalf of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development gave the opening address to the graduates. Presented this year were eight (8) bursaries and 16 Awards that recognized the outstanding achievements in areas of academics and community excellence. Craig Beaulieu and Jamine Langlois delivered the Valedictorian speech which brought the class together one last time and allowed them to reflect deeply O 2012 GRADUATES ANDERSON, Zena BARKMAN, Shirley BEAULIEU, Craig BEAULIEU, Walter BIRD, Courtney BLUEBIRD, Sharla BRADBURN, Kenneth CHARTRAND, Marsha CHARTRAND, Michelle CHINCHILLA, Kyle COLOMB, Robert COMEGAN, James COURCHENE, Deandra COUTURE, Jamie DANIELS, Arlynn DANIS, Tristyn DUCHARME, Franklin DUECK, Kelly FLAMAND, Anthony FRAZEE, Damian GAYWISH, Lana GENAILLE-BLACK, Mary GOODWIN, Phyllis GREEN, Rose GRENIER, Jessie HANSLIP, Brandi HEAD, Stephanie HENDERSON, Randi HOOD, Jade HOTOMANI, Icsis KINISTINO, Jessie LANGLOIS, Jasmine MARTINEZ, Tara MAUD, Betty MAYTWAYASHING, Brittany MCKAY, Joshua MERASTY, Eileen MERASTY, Gabriel MICHAUD, Jackie MINK, Ozzy MISSYABIT, Chris MOAR, Nikita MONEYAS, Brendon MONIAS, Vinessa MONKMAN, Kristen MOORE, Christina MORIN, Amber MOUSSEAU, Chantelle MUNROE, Christopher OUSKUN, Deborah PHILLIPS, Brittany PLOURDE, Denice PRINCE, Norma PRINCE, Terrance ROSS, Effie SANDERSON, Erica SHAPPEE, Cheryl STEWART, James SUMNER, Lanette SWAIN-COOK, Clarita SYAKOMA, Risha THOMAS, Alexis TOBACCO, Mildred TRAVERSE, Vera TUESDAY, Christopher WABASSONS, Leonard WALKER, Jessie WATT, Edna YOUNG, Tara n Thursday, June 21, 2012, the Aboriginal Community Campus, a division of CAHRD, held its 13th annual Graduation Ceremony. In sync with the summer solstice, and National Aboriginal Day, a crowd about what everyone achieved, the memories from the past year together, and how everyone dealt with maturing as students and individuals as well as the challenges of school. Once the moment came for each graduate to cross the stage and receive their diploma, there wasn't a dry eye in the house, nor could one hear anything amidst the cheers and whistles booming from the audience as the sense of pride and achievement in the hard work invested during the academic year filled the auditorium! As with graduating classes of the past, most were people from the community – some wanting to obtain their Grade 12, while others had plans of continuing on to post-secondary education or their careers. Developed for and by the Aboriginal community of Winnipeg, the Aboriginal Community Campus has evolved over the years from a literacy program to a full-fledged Adult Learning Centre. In that time, many former Campus students have gone on to study medicine, politics, education, vocational trades and a variety of other pursuits. By providing quality education, success will be continued in the only stand- alone Adult Learning Centre serving the urban Aboriginal Community in Winnipeg. This is the vision of the Aboriginal Community Campus which shares the responsibility of self-determination for all Aboriginal people in Winnipeg.

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